#!/bin/bash #export PANDORA_SERVER_IP='newdemos.artica.es' && curl -sSL http://firefly.artica.es/projects/pandora_deploy_agent.sh | bash # define variables PANDORA_AGENT_CONF=/etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf S_VERSION='2021100601' LOGFILE="/tmp/pandora-agent-deploy-$(date +%F).log" # Ansi color code variables red="\e[0;91m" green="\e[0;92m" bold="\e[1m" cyan="\e[0;36m" yellow="\e[0;33m" reset="\e[0m" # Functions execute_cmd () { local cmd="$1" local msg="$2" echo -e "${cyan}$msg...${reset}" $cmd &>> $LOGFILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}Fail${reset}" [[ $3 ]] && echo "$3 " echo "Error installing Pandora FMS Agent for detailed error please check log: $LOGFILE" rm -rf $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp &>> $LOGFILE exit 1 else echo -e "\e[1A\e ${cyan}$msg...${reset} ${green}OK${reset}" return 0 fi } check_cmd_status () { if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "${red}Fail${reset}" [ "$1" ] && echo "$1" echo "Error installing Pandora FMS Agent for detailed error please check log: $LOGFILE" rm -rf $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp/*.rpm* &>> $LOGFILE exit 1 else echo -e "${green}OK${reset}" return 0 fi } check_repo_connection () { execute_cmd "ping -c 2" "Checking internet connection" execute_cmd "ping -c 2 firefly.artica.es" "Checking Community repo" } check_root_permissions () { echo -en "${cyan}Checking root account... ${reset}" if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then echo -e "${red}Fail${reset}" echo "Please use a root account or sudo for installing PandoraFMS" echo "Error installing Pandora FMS for detailed error please check log: $LOGFILE" exit 1 else echo -e "${green}OK${reset}" fi } install_autodiscover () { local arch=$1 wget http://firefly.artica.es/projects/autodiscover-linux.zip unzip autodiscover-linux.zip chmod +x $arch/autodiscover mv -f $arch/autodiscover /etc/pandora/plugins/autodiscover } ## Main echo "Starting PandoraFMS Agent deployment ver. $S_VERSION" execute_cmd "[ $PANDORA_SERVER_IP ]" 'Check Server IP Address' 'Please define env variable PANDORA_SERVER_IP' # Check OS. OS=$([[ $(grep '^ID_LIKE=' /etc/os-release) ]] && grep ^ID_LIKE= /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f2 | tr -d '"' || grep ^ID= /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f2 | tr -d '"') [[ $OS =~ 'rhel' ]] && OS_RELEASE=$OS [[ $OS =~ 'debian' ]] && OS_RELEASE=$OS #[[ $OS == 'rhel fedora' ]] && OS_RELEASE=$OS #[[ $OS == 'centos rhel fedora' ]] && OS_RELEASE=$OS # initialice logfile execute_cmd "echo 'Starting community deployment' > $LOGFILE" "All installer activity is logged on $LOGFILE" echo "Community installer version: $S_VERSION" >> $LOGFILE # Pre checks echo -en "${cyan}Checking compatible OS... ${reset}" [[ $OS_RELEASE ]] check_cmd_status "Error not compatible OS, $OS" # Root permisions check_root_permissions # Connectivity check_repo_connection # Execute tools check execute_cmd "grep --version" 'Checking needed tools: grep' execute_cmd "sed --version" 'Checking needed tools: sed' # Creating working directory rm -rf $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp/ &>> $LOGFILE mkdir $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp &>> $LOGFILE execute_cmd "cd $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp" "Moving to workspace: $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp" # Downloading and installing packages if [[ $OS_RELEASE =~ 'rhel' ]]; then yum install -y perl wget curl perl-Sys-Syslog unzip &>> $LOGFILE echo -e "${cyan}Instaling agent dependencies...${reset}" ${green}OK${reset} yum install -y http://firefly.artica.es/pandorafms/latest/RHEL_CentOS/pandorafms_agent_unix-7.0NG.noarch.rpm &>> $LOGFILE echo -e "${cyan}Instaling Pandora FMS agent...${reset}" ${green}OK${reset} fi if [[ $OS_RELEASE == 'debian' ]]; then execute_cmd "apt update" 'Updating repos' execute_cmd "apt install -y perl wget curl unzip procps python3 python3-pip" 'Instaling agent dependencies' execute_cmd 'wget http://firefly.artica.es/pandorafms/latest/Debian_Ubuntu/pandorafms.agent_unix_7.0NG.deb' 'Downloading Pandora FMS agent dependencies' execute_cmd 'apt install -y ./pandorafms.agent_unix_7.0NG.deb' 'Installing Pandora FMS agent' fi # Configuring Agente [[ $PANDORA_SERVER_IP ]] && sed -i "s/^server_ip.*$/server_ip $PANDORA_SERVER_IP/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $PANDORA_REMOTE_CONFIG ]] && sed -i "s/^remote_config.*$/remote_config $PANDORA_REMOTE_CONFIG/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $PANDORA_GROUP ]] && sed -i "s/^group.*$/group $PANDORA_GROUP/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $PANDORA_DEBUG ]] && sed -i "s/^debug.*$/debug $PANDORA_DEBUG/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $PANDORA_AGENT_NAME ]] && sed -i "s/^#agent_name.*$/agent_name $PANDORA_AGENT_NAME/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $PANDORA_AGENT_ALIAS ]] && sed -i "s/^#agent_alias.*$/agent_alias $PANDORA_AGENT_ALIAS/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $PANDORA_SECONDARY_GROUPS ]] && sed -i "s/^# secondary_groups.*$/secondary_groups $PANDORA_SECONDARY_GROUPS/g" $PANDORA_AGENT_CONF [[ $TIMEZONE ]] && ln -sfn /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE /etc/localtime #installing autodiscover arch=$(uname -m) case $arch in x86_64) execute_cmd 'install_autodiscover x86_64' "installing service autodiscover on $arch" 'Error unable to install autodiscovery' ;; x86) execute_cmd 'install_autodiscover x84' "installing service autodiscover on $arch" 'Error unable to install autodiscovery' ;; armv7l) echo -e "${cyan}Skiping autodiscover installation arch $arch not suported${reset}" ;; *) echo -e "${yellow}Skiping autodiscover installation arch $arch not suported${reset}" ;; esac #Starting pandora agent daemon. execute_cmd '/etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon restart' 'Starting Pandora Agent' cd execute_cmd 'rm -rf $HOME/pandora_deploy_tmp' 'Cleaning up temporay files' echo -e "${green}PandoraFMS Agent installed and running, sending data to: $PANDORA_SERVER_IP${reset}"