$agent['id_agente'], 'name' => io_safe_output($agent['nombre']), 'ip' => io_safe_output($agent['direccion']), ]; } echo io_json_mb_encode($data); return; } $get_modules_json_for_multiple_snmp = (bool) get_parameter('get_modules_json_for_multiple_snmp', 0); $get_common_modules = (bool) get_parameter('get_common_modules', 1); if ($get_modules_json_for_multiple_snmp) { include_once 'include/graphs/functions_utils.php'; $idSNMP = get_parameter('id_snmp'); $id_snmp_serialize = get_parameter('id_snmp_serialize'); $snmp = unserialize_in_temp($id_snmp_serialize, false); $oid_snmp = []; $out = false; foreach ($idSNMP as $id) { foreach ($snmp[$id] as $key => $value) { // Check if it has "ifXXXX" syntax and skip it. if (! preg_match('/if/', $key)) { continue; } $oid_snmp[$value['oid']] = $key; } if ($out === false) { $out = $oid_snmp; } else { $commons = array_intersect($out, $oid_snmp); if ($get_common_modules) { // Common modules is selected (default). $out = $commons; } else { // All modules is selected. $array1 = array_diff($out, $oid_snmp); $array2 = array_diff($oid_snmp, $out); $out = array_merge($commons, $array1, $array2); } } $oid_snmp = []; } echo io_json_mb_encode($out); } // And and remove groups use the same function. $add_secondary_groups = get_parameter('add_secondary_groups'); $remove_secondary_groups = get_parameter('remove_secondary_groups'); if ($add_secondary_groups || $remove_secondary_groups) { $id_agent = get_parameter('id_agent'); $groups_to_add = get_parameter('groups'); if (enterprise_installed()) { if (empty($groups_to_add)) { return 0; } enterprise_include('include/functions_agents.php'); $ret = enterprise_hook( 'agents_update_secondary_groups', [ $id_agent, (($add_secondary_groups) ? $groups_to_add : []), (($remove_secondary_groups) ? $groups_to_add : []), ] ); // Echo 0 in case of error. 0 Otherwise. echo ((bool) $ret === true) ? 1 : 0; } } return; } ui_require_javascript_file('openlayers.pandora'); if (isset($id_agente) === false) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to access agent manager witout an agent' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } $new_agent = (empty($id_agente) === true) ? true : false; if ($new_agent === true) { if (empty($direccion_agente) === false && empty($nombre_agente) === true) { $nombre_agente = $direccion_agente; } $servers = servers_get_names(); if (empty($servers) === false) { $array_keys_servers = array_keys($servers); $server_name = reset($array_keys_servers); } } else { // Agent remote configuration editor. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_config_agents.php'); if (enterprise_installed() === true) { $filename = config_agents_get_agent_config_filenames($id_agente); } } $disk_conf_delete = (bool) get_parameter('disk_conf_delete'); // Agent remote configuration DELETE. if ($disk_conf_delete === true) { // TODO: Get this working on computers where the Pandora server(s) are not on the webserver // TODO: Get a remote_config editor working in the open version. @unlink($filename['md5']); @unlink($filename['conf']); } echo '
'; echo '
'; // Custom ID. $custom_id_div = '
'; $custom_id_div .= '

'.__('Custom ID').':

'; $custom_id_div .= html_print_input_text( 'custom_id', $custom_id, '', 16, 255, true, false, false, '', 'agent_custom_id' ).'
'; // Get groups. $groups = users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false); // Get modules. $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT id_agente_modulo as id_module, nombre as name FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = '.$id_agente ); $modules_values = []; $modules_values[0] = __('Any'); if (is_array($modules) === true) { foreach ($modules as $m) { $modules_values[$m['id_module']] = $m['name']; } } // Remote configuration available. if (isset($filename) === true && file_exists($filename['md5']) === true) { $remote_agent = true; $agent_md5 = md5(io_safe_output(agents_get_name($id_agente)), false); } else { $remote_agent = false; } // Get Servers. $servers = servers_get_names(); // Set the agent have not server. if (array_key_exists($server_name, $servers) === false) { $server_name = 0; } if ($new_agent === true) { // Set first server by default. $servers_get_names = $servers; $array_keys_servers_get_names = array_keys($servers_get_names); $server_name = reset($array_keys_servers_get_names); } // QR Code table. if ($new_agent === false) { $CodeQRContent .= html_print_div(['id' => 'qr_container_image'], true); $CodeQRContent .= html_print_anchor( [ 'id' => 'qr_code_agent_view', 'href' => ui_get_full_url('mobile/index.php?page=agent&id='.$id_agente), ], true ); $CodeQRContent .= '
'.$custom_id_div; // QR code div. $CodeQRTable = html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'agent_qr', 'content' => $CodeQRContent, ], true ); } else { $CodeQRTable = ''; } // Advanced mode. if (enterprise_installed() === true) { // Safe operation mode. if ($new_agent === false) { $sql_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT id_agente_modulo as id_module, nombre as name FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = '.$id_agente ); $safe_mode_modules = []; $safe_mode_modules[0] = __('Any'); if (is_array($sql_modules) === true) { foreach ($sql_modules as $m) { $safe_mode_modules[$m['id_module']] = $m['name']; } } } // Calculate cps value - agents. if ($new_agent === false) { $cps_val = service_agents_cps($id_agente); } else { // No agent defined, use received cps as base value. if ($cps >= 0) { $cps_val = $cps; } } } // Parent agents. $paramsParentAgent = []; $paramsParentAgent['return'] = true; $paramsParentAgent['show_helptip'] = true; $paramsParentAgent['input_name'] = 'id_parent'; $paramsParentAgent['print_hidden_input_idagent'] = true; $paramsParentAgent['hidden_input_idagent_name'] = 'id_agent_parent'; $paramsParentAgent['hidden_input_idagent_value'] = $id_parent; $paramsParentAgent['value'] = db_get_value('alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $id_parent); $paramsParentAgent['selectbox_id'] = 'cascade_protection_module'; $paramsParentAgent['javascript_is_function_select'] = true; $paramsParentAgent['cascade_protection'] = true; $paramsParentAgent['input_style'] = 'width: 100%;'; if ($id_agente !== 0) { // Deletes the agent's offspring. $paramsParentAgent['delete_offspring_agents'] = $id_agente; } $listIcons = gis_get_array_list_icons(); $arraySelectIcon = []; foreach ($listIcons as $index => $value) { $arraySelectIcon[$index] = $index; } // Agent icons. $path = 'images/gis_map/icons/'; // TODO set better method the path. $table_adv_agent_icon = '

'.__('Agent icon').'

'; if ($icon_path == '') { $display_icons = 'none'; // Hack to show no icon. Use any given image to fix not found image errors. $path_without = 'images/spinner.gif'; $path_default = 'images/spinner.gif'; $path_ok = 'images/spinner.gif'; $path_bad = 'images/spinner.gif'; $path_warning = 'images/spinner.gif'; } else { $display_icons = ''; $path_without = $path.$icon_path.'.default.png'; $path_default = $path.$icon_path.'.default.png'; $path_ok = $path.$icon_path.'.ok.png'; $path_bad = $path.$icon_path.'.bad.png'; $path_warning = $path.$icon_path.'.warning.png'; } $tableAgent = new stdClass(); $tableAgent->class = 'floating_form primary_form'; $tableAgent->data = []; $tableAgent->style = []; $tableAgent->cellclass = []; $tableAgent->colspan = []; $tableAgent->rowspan = []; // Agent name. if ($new_agent === false) { $tableAgent->data['caption_name'][0] = __('Agent name'); $tableAgent->rowclass['name'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->cellstyle['name'][0] = 'width: 100%;'; $tableAgent->data['name'][0] = html_print_input_text('agente', $nombre_agente, '', 76, 100, true, false, false, '', 'w100p'); $tableAgent->data['name'][0] .= html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'moduleIdBox', 'content' => __('ID').' '.$id_agente.'', ], true ); // Agent options for QR code. $agent_options_update = 'agent_options_update'; } // Alias. $tableAgent->data['caption_alias'][0] = __('Alias'); $tableAgent->rowclass['alias'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->data['alias'][0] = html_print_input_text('alias', $alias, '', 50, 100, true, false, true, '', 'w540px'); if ($new_agent === true) { $tableAgent->rowclass['additional_alias'] = 'subinput'; $tableAgent->data['additional_alias'][0] = html_print_checkbox_switch('alias_as_name', 1, $config['alias_as_name'], true); $tableAgent->data['additional_alias'][1] = __('Use alias as name'); } else { if ($remote_agent === true) { $tableAgent->data['alias'][0] .= html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=remote_configuration&id_agente='.$id_agente.'&disk_conf='.$agent_md5, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/remote-configuration@svg.svg', true, [ 'border' => 0, 'title' => __('This agent can be remotely configured'), 'class' => 'invert_filter after_input_icon', ] ), ], true ); } } // Ip adress. $tableAgent->data['caption_ip_address'] = __('IP Address'); $tableAgent->rowclass['ip_address'] = 'w400px'; $tableAgent->data['ip_address'][0] = html_print_input_text('direccion', $direccion_agente, '', 16, 100, true, false, false, '', 'w540px'); $tableAgent->data['ip_address'][1] = html_print_button(__('Check unique IP'), 'check_unique_ip', false, '', ['class' => 'secondary w130px'], true); $tableAgent->data['message_check_ip'][0] = html_print_div(['id' => 'message_check_ip'], true); $tableAgent->rowclass['additional_ip_address'] = 'subinput'; $tableAgent->cellclass['additional_ip_address'][1] = 'w120px'; $tableAgent->data['additional_ip_address'][2] = html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'switch', 'id' => 'fixed_ip', 'name' => 'fixed_ip', 'value' => $fixed_ip, ] ); $table_ip .= '
'; if ($id_agente) { $ip_all = agents_get_addresses($id_agente); $table_ip .= '
'; $table_ip .= '
'; $table_ip .= '
'.html_print_select($ip_all, 'address_list', $direccion_agente, '', '', 0, true).'
'; $table_ip .= '
'.html_print_checkbox_switch('delete_ip', 1, false, true).__('Delete selected IPs').'
'; $table_ip .= '
'; } ?> data['additional_ip_address'][3] = __('Fix IP address'); $tableAgent->data['additional_ip_address'][3] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('Avoid automatic IP address update when agent IP changes.'), true); // IP Address List. if ($new_agent === false) { $tableAgent->data['caption_ip_address_list'] = __('IP Address list'); $tableAgent->data['ip_address_list'][0] = html_print_select(agents_get_addresses($id_agente), 'address_list', $direccion_agente, '', '', 0, true, false, true, 'w540px'); $tableAgent->rowclass['additional_ip_address_list'] = 'subinput'; $tableAgent->data['additional_ip_address_list'][0] = html_print_checkbox_switch('delete_ip', 1, false, true); $tableAgent->data['additional_ip_address_list'][1] = __('Delete selected IPs'); } // Select primary group. $tableAgent->data['caption_primary_group'][0] = __('Primary group'); if (isset($groups[$grupo]) === true || $new_agent === true) { $tableAgent->rowclass['primary_group'] = 'w540px'; // Cannot change primary group if user have not permission for that group. $tableAgent->data['primary_group'][0] = html_print_select_groups( false, 'AW', false, 'grupo', $grupo, '', '', 0, true, false, true, '', false, '', '', false, 'id_grupo', false, false, false, '540px', false, true, ); } else { $tableAgent->data['primary_group'][0] .= groups_get_name($grupo); $tableAgent->data['primary_group'][0] .= html_print_input_hidden('grupo', $grupo, true); } $tableAgent->data['primary_group'][0] .= ''; $tableAgent->data['primary_group'][0] .= ui_print_group_icon( $grupo, true, '', ($id_agente === 0) ? 'display: none;' : '', true, false, false, 'after_input_icon' ); $tableAgent->data['primary_group'][0] .= ''; $tableAgent->data['caption_interval'][0] = __('Interval'); // $tableAgent->rowstyle['interval'] = 'width: 260px'; $tableAgent->rowclass['interval'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->data['interval'][0] = html_print_extended_select_for_time( 'intervalo', $intervalo, '', '', '0', 10, true, false, true, 'w33p' ); if ($intervalo < SECONDS_5MINUTES) { $tableAgent->data['interval'][0] .= clippy_context_help('interval_agent_min'); } $tableAgent->data['caption_os'][0] = __('OS'); $tableAgent->rowclass['os'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->data['os'][0] = html_print_select_from_sql( 'SELECT id_os, name FROM tconfig_os', 'id_os', $id_os, '', '', '0', true, false, true, false, 'width: 540px;' ); $tableAgent->data['os'][0] .= html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'after_input_icon', 'id' => 'os_preview', 'content' => ui_print_os_icon( $id_os, false, true ), ], true ); $tableAgent->data['caption_os_version'][0] = __('OS version'); $tableAgent->rowclass['os_version'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->data['os_version'][0] = html_print_input_text( 'os_version', $os_version, '', 16, 100, true, false, false, '', 'w540px' ); $tableAgent->data['caption_server'][0] = __('Server'); $tableAgent->rowclass['server'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->data['server'][0] = html_print_select( $servers, 'server_name', $server_name, '', __('None'), 0, true, false, true, 'w540px', false, 'width: 540px;' ); // Description. $tableAgent->data['caption_description'][0] = __('Description'); $tableAgent->rowclass['description'] = 'w540px'; $tableAgent->data['description'][0] = html_print_textarea( 'comentarios', 3, 80, $comentarios, '', true, 'agent_description w540px' ); html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'box-flat white_table_flex white_box agent_details_col', 'style' => 'display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: flex-start; margin-bottom: 20px', 'content' => html_print_table($tableAgent, true).$CodeQRTable, ] ); // Basic Options. $tableBasicAgent = new stdClass(); $tableBasicAgent->class = 'filter-table-adv'; $tableBasicAgent->data = []; $disabledBasic = false; $tableClassDisabled = ''; if ($new_agent === true || $remote_agent === false || $has_remote_conf === false) { $disabledBasic = true; $tableClassDisabled = ' basic-options-disabled'; } if (enterprise_installed()) { // Get all plugins (BASIC OPTIONS). $agent_plugin = new PandoraFMS\Agent($id_agente); $plugins = $agent_plugin->getPlugins(); // Check if some plugin was enabled/disabled in conf. foreach ($plugins as $key => $row) { if (preg_match('/pandora_hardening/', $row['raw']) === 1) { if ($row['disabled'] === 1) { $security_hardening = 0; } else { $security_hardening = 1; } } if ($id_os === '1' || $id_os === '8') { if (preg_match('/(module_plugin grep_log_module ).*/', $row['raw']) === 1) { if ($row['disabled'] === 1) { $enable_log_collector = 0; } else { $enable_log_collector = 1; } } if (preg_match('/(module_plugin inventory).*/', $row['raw']) === 1) { if ($row['disabled'] === 1) { $enable_inventory = 0; } else { $enable_inventory = 1; } } } else { if (preg_match('/.vbs/', $row['raw']) === 1 && preg_match('/nettraffic.vbs/', $row['raw']) === 0 && preg_match('/software_installed.vbs/', $row['raw']) === 0 && preg_match('/df.vbs/', $row['raw']) === 0 && preg_match('/win_cf.vbs/', $row['raw']) === 0) { if ($row['disabled'] === 1) { $enable_inventory = 0; } else { $enable_inventory = 1; } } } } if ($id_os === '9') { $modules = $agent_plugin->getModules(); foreach ($modules as $key => $row) { if (preg_match('/PandoraAgent_log/', $row['raw']) === 1) { if ($row['disabled'] === 1) { $enable_log_collector = 0; } else { $enable_log_collector = 1; } } } } unset($agent_plugin, $plugins); if (($new_agent === true && $config['current_package'] >= 774) || ($agent_version >= 774 && $new_agent === false)) { if ($disabledBasic === true || $has_remote_conf === false) { $message = __('Remote config disabled, please activate to enable agent basic options'); $tableBasicAgent->data[] = ''.$message.''; } $tableBasicAgent->data[] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Enable security hardening monitoring'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'switch', 'id' => 'security_hardening', 'name' => 'security_hardening', 'value' => $security_hardening, 'disabled' => $disabledBasic, ] ).html_print_input_hidden('options_package', '1', true) ); $tableBasicAgent->data[] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Enable log collection'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'switch', 'id' => 'enable_log_collector', 'name' => 'enable_log_collector', 'value' => $enable_log_collector, 'disabled' => $disabledBasic, ] ) ); } $tableBasicAgent->data[] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Enable inventory'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'switch', 'id' => 'enable_inventory', 'name' => 'enable_inventory', 'value' => $enable_inventory, 'disabled' => $disabledBasic, ] ).html_print_input_hidden('enable_basic_options', '1', true) ); if ($config['ehorus_enabled'] === '1') { $pandoraRC_Id = html_print_image( 'images/alert_recovered@svg.svg', true, [ 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', 'title' => __('Pandora RC connected with id ').$config['ehorus_custom_field'], ] ); } else { $pandoraRC_Id = html_print_image( 'images/alerts.svg', true, [ 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', 'title' => __('This agent do not have a Pandora RC agent installed, install one.'), ] ); } $tableBasicAgent->data[] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Enable remote control'), $pandoraRC_Id ); $WarningPackage = ''; if (($new_agent === true && $config['current_package'] < 774) || ($agent_version < 774 && $new_agent === false)) { $WarningPackage = html_print_image( 'images/alert-yellow@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Only available for agents 774 or higher'), 'alt' => __('Only available for agents 774 or higher'), 'class' => 'main_menu_icon mrgn_lft_5px', ] ); } } else { $tableBasicAgent->data[] = ''.__('Remote config is enabled only in the Enteprise version').''; $tableBasicAgent->data[] .= html_print_input_hidden( 'enable_basic_options', '0', true ); } ui_toggle( html_print_table($tableBasicAgent, true), ''.__('Basic options').$WarningPackage.'', '', 'basic_options', true, false, 'white_box_content', 'no-border white_table_graph'.$tableClassDisabled, 'box-flat white_table_graph invisible' ); // Advanced options. $tableAdvancedAgent = new stdClass(); $tableAdvancedAgent->class = 'filter-table-adv floating_form primary_form'; $tableAdvancedAgent->data = []; $tableAdvancedAgent->style = []; $tableAdvancedAgent->cellclass = []; $tableAdvancedAgent->colspan = []; $tableAdvancedAgent->rowspan = []; if (enterprise_installed() === true) { // Secondary groups. $tableAdvancedAgent->data['secondary_groups'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Secondary groups'), html_print_select_agent_secondary( $agent, $id_agente, ['selected_post' => $secondary_groups] ) ); } // Parent agent. $tableAdvancedAgent->data['parent_agent'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Agent parent'), ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($paramsParentAgent) ); if (enterprise_installed() === true) { $cascadeProtectionContents = []; $cascadeProtectionContents[] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'cascade_protection', 1, $cascade_protection, true ); $cascadeProtectionContents[] = html_print_select( $modules_values, 'cascade_protection_module', $cascade_protection_module, '', '', 0, true, false, true, 'w220p' ); $tableAdvancedAgent->data['caption_cascade_protection'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Cascade protection modules'), html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'flex-row-center', 'content' => implode('', $cascadeProtectionContents), ], true ) ); } // Module Definition (Learn mode). $switchButtons = []; $switchButtons[] = html_print_radio_button_extended( 'modo', 1, __('Learning mode'), $modo, false, 'show_modules_not_learning_mode_context_help();', '', true ); $switchButtons[] = html_print_radio_button_extended( 'modo', 0, __('Normal mode'), $modo, false, 'show_modules_not_learning_mode_context_help();', '', true ); $switchButtons[] = html_print_radio_button_extended( 'modo', 2, __('Autodisable mode'), $modo, false, 'show_modules_not_learning_mode_context_help();', '', true ); $tableAdvancedAgent->data['module_definition'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Module definition'), html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'switch_radio_button', 'content' => implode('', $switchButtons), ], true ) ); // CPS - Cascade Protection Services. $tableAdvancedAgent->data['cps_value'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Cascade protection services'), html_print_checkbox_switch('cps', $cps_val, ($cps >= 0), true) ); // Update GIS data. if ((bool) $config['activate_gis'] === true) { $tableAdvancedAgent->data['gis'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Update new GIS data'), html_print_checkbox_switch('update_gis_data', 1, ($new_agent === true), true) ); } // Agent Icons. $tableAdvancedAgent->data['agent_icon'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Agent icon'), html_print_select( $arraySelectIcon, 'icon_path', $icon_path, 'changeIcons();', __('None'), '', true, false, true, 'w540px' ).'
'.html_print_image( $path_ok, true, [ 'id' => 'icon_ok', 'style' => 'display:'.$display_icons.';', 'width' => '30', 'class' => 'mrgn_right_5px', ] ).html_print_image( $path_bad, true, [ 'id' => 'icon_bad', 'style' => 'display:'.$display_icons.';', 'width' => '30', 'class' => 'mrgn_right_5px', ] ).html_print_image( $path_warning, true, [ 'id' => 'icon_warning', 'style' => 'display:'.$display_icons.';', 'width' => '30', 'class' => 'mrgn_right_5px', ] ).'
' ); // Url address. if (enterprise_installed() === true) { $urlAddressInput = html_print_input_text( 'url_description', $url_description, '', 45, 255, true, false, false, '', 'w540px', '', ); } else { $urlAddressInput = html_print_input_text( 'url_description', $url_description, '', 45, 255, true ); } $tableAdvancedAgent->data['url_description'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('URL Address'), $urlAddressInput ); // Agent status. $tableAdvancedAgent->data['agent_status'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Disabled mode'), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'disabled', 1, $disabled, true ) ); // Quiet mode. $tableAdvancedAgent->data['agent_quiet'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Quiet'), html_print_checkbox_switch('quiet', 1, $quiet, true) ); // Remote configuration. if ($new_agent === false && isset($filename) === true && file_exists($filename['md5']) === true) { $remoteConfigurationElements = []; $remoteConfigurationElements[] = html_print_input_text( 'remote_file_timestamp', date('F d Y H:i:s', fileatime($filename['md5'])), '', 0, 100, true, true, false, '', 'w540px' ); $remoteConfigurationElements[] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&tab=main&disk_conf_delete=1&id_agente='.$id_agente, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/delete.svg', true, [ 'border' => 0, 'title' => __('Delete remote configuration file'), 'class' => 'invert_filter after_input_icon', ] ), ], true ); $tableAdvancedAgent->data['remote_configuration'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Remote configuration'), html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'flex-row-center', 'content' => implode('', $remoteConfigurationElements), ], true ) ); } // Safe operation mode. $safeOperationElements = []; $safeOperationElements[] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'safe_mode', 1, $safe_mode, true ); $safeOperationElements[] = html_print_select( $safe_mode_modules, 'safe_mode_module', $safe_mode_module, '', '', 0, true ); $tableAdvancedAgent->data['safe_operation'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Safe operation mode'), html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'flex-row-center', 'content' => implode('', $safeOperationElements), ], true ) ); if (enterprise_installed() === true) { $tableAdvancedAgent->data['vul_scan_enabled'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Vulnerability scanning'), html_print_select( [ 0 => __('Disabled'), 1 => __('Enabled'), 2 => __('Use global settings'), ], 'vul_scan_enabled', $vul_scan_enabled, '', '', 0, true ) ); } $tableAdvancedAgent->data['ignore_unknown'][] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Ignore unknown').ui_print_help_tip(__('This disables the calculation of the unknown state in the agent and any of its modules, so it will never transition to unknown. The state it reflects is the last known status.'), true), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'ignore_unknown', 1, $ignore_unknown, true, false ) ); ui_toggle( html_print_table($tableAdvancedAgent, true), ''.__('Advanced options').'', '', '', true, false, 'white_box_content', 'no-border white_table_graph' ); // Custom fields. $customOutputData = ''; $fields = db_get_all_fields_in_table('tagent_custom_fields'); if ($fields === false) { $fields = []; } foreach ($fields as $field) { // Filling the data. $combo = []; $combo = $field['combo_values']; $combo = explode(',', (empty($combo) === true) ? '' : $combo); $combo_values = []; foreach ($combo as $value) { $combo_values[$value] = $value; } $custom_value = db_get_value_filter( 'description', 'tagent_custom_data', [ 'id_field' => $field['id_field'], 'id_agent' => $id_agente, ] ); if ($custom_value === false) { $custom_value = ''; } if ((bool) $field['is_password_type'] === true) { $customContent = html_print_input_text_extended( 'customvalue_'.$field['id_field'], $custom_value, 'customvalue_'.$field['id_field'], '', 30, 100, $view_mode, '', '', true, true ); } else if ($field['is_link_enabled']) { list($link_text, $link_url) = json_decode(io_safe_output($custom_value), true); if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { $link_text = ''; $link_url = ''; } $customContent = ''.__('Link text:').''; $customContent .= '
'; $customContent .= html_print_textarea( 'customvalue_'.$field['id_field'].'[]', 2, 1000, $link_text, 'class="min-height-30px w100p"', true ); $customContent .= '
'; $customContent .= ''.__('Link URL:').''; $customContent .= '
'; $customContent .= html_print_textarea( 'customvalue_'.$field['id_field'].'[]', 2, 1000, $link_url, 'class="min-height-30px w100p"', true ); } else { $customContent = html_print_textarea( 'customvalue_'.$field['id_field'], 2, 1000, $custom_value, 'class="min-height-30px w100p"', true ); } if (empty($field['combo_values']) === false) { $customContent = html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'select_search', 'fields' => $combo_values, 'name' => 'customvalue_'.$field['id_field'], 'selected' => $custom_value, 'nothing' => __('None'), 'nothing_value' => '', 'return' => true, 'sort' => false, 'size' => '400px', 'dropdownAutoWidth' => true, ] ); }; $customOutputData .= ui_toggle( html_print_div( [ 'content' => $customContent ], true ), $field['name'], $field['name'], 'custom_field_toggle_'.$field['id_field'], true, true, ); } if (empty($fields) === false) { ui_toggle( $customOutputData, ''.__('Custom fields').'', '', '', true, false, 'white_box white_box_opened white_table_graph_fixed no_border', 'no-border custom_fields_elements' ); } // The context help about the learning mode. if ($modo == 0) { echo ""; } else { echo "'; if ($new_agent === false) { $actionButtons = html_print_submit_button( __('Update'), 'updbutton', false, [ 'icon' => 'update'], true ); $actionButtons .= html_print_input_hidden('update_agent', 1); $actionButtons .= html_print_input_hidden('id_agente', $id_agente); if (is_management_allowed() === true) { $clusters = agents_get_agent_belongs_cluster($id_agente); $cluster_belongs = ''; if (empty($clusters) === false) { $clusters = array_reduce( $clusters, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[] = $item['name']; return $carry; } ); $cluster_belongs = implode(', ', $clusters); } $actionButtons .= html_print_button( __('Delete agent'), 'deleteAgent', false, 'deleteAgentDialog('.$id_agente.', "'.$cluster_belongs.'")', [ 'icon' => 'delete', 'mode' => 'secondary dialog_opener', ], true ); } } else { $actionButtons = html_print_input_hidden('create_agent', 1); $actionButtons .= html_print_submit_button( __('Create'), 'crtbutton', false, [ 'icon' => 'wand'], true ); } $actionButtons .= html_print_go_back_button( 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/modificar_agente', ['button_class' => ''], true ); html_print_action_buttons($actionButtons, ['type' => 'form_action']); echo ''; echo ''; ui_require_jquery_file('pandora.controls'); ui_require_jquery_file('ajaxqueue'); ui_require_jquery_file('bgiframe'); ?>