class = 'databox filters'; $table->id = 'setup_general'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = []; $table->size = []; $table->size[0] = '30%'; $table->style[0] = 'font-weight:bold'; $table->size[1] = '70%'; $table_mail_conf = new stdClass(); $table_mail_conf->width = '100%'; $table_mail_conf->class = 'databox filters'; $table_mail_conf->data = []; $table_mail_conf->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; // Current config["language"] could be set by user, not taken from global setup ! $current_system_lang = db_get_sql( 'SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = "language"' ); if ($current_system_lang == '') { $current_system_lang = 'en'; } $i = 0; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Language code'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_select_from_sql( 'SELECT id_language, name FROM tlanguage', 'language', $current_system_lang, '', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Remote config directory'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'remote_config', io_safe_output($config['remote_config']), '', 30, 100, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Phantomjs bin directory'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'phantomjs_bin', io_safe_output( $config['phantomjs_bin'] ), '', 30, 100, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Auto login (hash) password'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_input_password( 'loginhash_pwd', io_output_password($config['loginhash_pwd']), '', 15, 15, true ); $table->data[$i++][1] .= ui_print_reveal_password( 'loginhash_pwd', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Time source'); $sources['system'] = __('System'); $sources['sql'] = __('Database'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_select( $sources, 'timesource', $config['timesource'], '', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Automatic check for updates'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'autoupdate', 1, $config['autoupdate'], true ); echo "'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Enforce https'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch_extended( 'https', 1, $config['https'], false, '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Use cert of SSL'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch_extended( 'use_cert', 1, $config['use_cert'], false, '', '', true ); $table->rowstyle[$i] = 'display: none;'; $table->rowid[$i] = 'ssl-path-tr'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Path of SSL Cert.'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'cert_path', io_safe_output($config['cert_path']), '', 50, 255, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Attachment store'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'attachment_store', io_safe_output($config['attachment_store']), '', 50, 255, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('IP list with API access'); if (isset($_POST['list_ACL_IPs_for_API'])) { $list_ACL_IPs_for_API = get_parameter_post('list_ACL_IPs_for_API'); } else { $list_ACL_IPs_for_API = get_parameter_get( 'list_ACL_IPs_for_API', implode("\n", $config['list_ACL_IPs_for_API']) ); } $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_textarea( 'list_ACL_IPs_for_API', 2, 25, $list_ACL_IPs_for_API, 'class="height_50px w300px"', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('API password'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_input_password( 'api_password', io_output_password($config['api_password']), '', 25, 255, true ); $table->data[$i++][1] .= ui_print_reveal_password('api_password', true); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Enable GIS features'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'activate_gis', 1, $config['activate_gis'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Enable Netflow'); $rbt_disabled = false; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $rbt_disabled = true; } $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch_extended( 'activate_netflow', 1, $config['activate_netflow'], $rbt_disabled, '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Enable Network Traffic Analyzer'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_switch( [ 'name' => 'activate_nta', 'value' => $config['activate_nta'], ] ); $zone_name = [ 'Africa' => __('Africa'), 'America' => __('America'), 'Antarctica' => __('Antarctica'), 'Arctic' => __('Arctic'), 'Asia' => __('Asia'), 'Atlantic' => __('Atlantic'), 'Australia' => __('Australia'), 'Europe' => __('Europe'), 'Indian' => __('Indian'), 'Pacific' => __('Pacific'), 'UTC' => __('UTC'), ]; $zone_selected = get_parameter('zone'); if ($zone_selected == '') { if ($config['timezone'] != '') { $zone_array = explode('/', $config['timezone']); $zone_selected = $zone_array[0]; } else { $zone_selected = 'Europe'; } } $timezones = timezone_identifiers_list(); foreach ($timezones as $timezone) { if (strpos($timezone, $zone_selected) !== false) { $timezone_n[$timezone] = $timezone; } } $table->data[$i][0] = __('Timezone setup'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_input_text_extended( 'timezone_text', $config['timezone'], 'text-timezone_text', '', 25, 25, false, '', 'readonly', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= ''.html_print_image( 'images/pencil.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Change timezone'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ).''; $table->data[$i][1] .= '  '.html_print_select( $zone_name, 'zone', $zone_selected, 'show_timezone();', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i++][1] .= '  '.html_print_select( $timezone_n, 'timezone', $config['timezone'], '', '', '', true ); $sounds = get_sounds(); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Sound for Alert fired'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_select( $sounds, 'sound_alert', $config['sound_alert'], 'replaySound(\'alert\');', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= ' '.html_print_image( 'images/control_play_col.png', true, [ 'id' => 'button_sound_alert', 'style' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'width' => '16', 'title' => __('Play sound'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ).''; $table->data[$i++][1] .= '
'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Sound for Monitor critical'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_select( $sounds, 'sound_critical', $config['sound_critical'], 'replaySound(\'critical\');', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= ' '.html_print_image( 'images/control_play_col.png', true, [ 'id' => 'button_sound_critical', 'style' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'width' => '16', 'title' => __('Play sound'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ).''; $table->data[$i++][1] .= '
'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Sound for Monitor warning'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_select( $sounds, 'sound_warning', $config['sound_warning'], 'replaySound(\'warning\');', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= ' '.html_print_image( 'images/control_play_col.png', true, [ 'id' => 'button_sound_warning', 'style' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'width' => '16', 'title' => __('Play sound'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ).''; $table->data[$i++][1] .= '
'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Public URL'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'public_url', $config['public_url'], '', 40, 255, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Force use Public URL'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_switch( [ 'name' => 'force_public_url', 'value' => $config['force_public_url'], ] ); echo "'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Public URL host exclusions'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_textarea( 'public_url_exclusions', 2, 25, $config['public_url_exclusions'], 'class="height_50px w300px"', true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Referer security'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'referer_security', 1, $config['referer_security'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Event storm protection'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'event_storm_protection', 1, $config['event_storm_protection'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Command Snapshot'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'command_snapshot', 1, $config['command_snapshot'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Change remote config encoding'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'use_custom_encoding', 1, $config['use_custom_encoding'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Server logs directory'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'server_log_dir', $config['server_log_dir'], '', 50, 255, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Log size limit in system logs viewer extension'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'max_log_size', $config['max_log_size'], '', 10, 255, true ).html_print_label(' x1000', 'max_log_size', true); $modes_tutorial = [ 'full' => __('Full mode'), 'on_demand' => __('On demand'), 'expert' => __('Expert'), ]; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Tutorial mode'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_select( $modes_tutorial, 'tutorial_mode', $config['tutorial_mode'], '', '', 0, true ); $config['past_planned_downtimes'] = isset( $config['past_planned_downtimes'] ) ? $config['past_planned_downtimes'] : 1; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Allow create planned downtimes in the past'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'past_planned_downtimes', 1, $config['past_planned_downtimes'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Limit for bulk operations'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'limit_parameters_massive', $config['limit_parameters_massive'], '', 10, 10, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Include agents manually disabled'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'include_agents', 1, $config['include_agents'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Set alias as name by default in agent creation'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'alias_as_name', 1, $config['alias_as_name'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Unique IP'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'unique_ip', 1, $config['unique_ip'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Enable console log').ui_print_help_tip( __('Log location').': pandora_console/log/console.log', true ); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'console_log_enabled', 1, $config['console_log_enabled'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Enable audit log').ui_print_help_tip( __('Log location').': pandora_console/log/audit.log', true ); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'audit_log_enabled', 1, $config['audit_log_enabled'], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Module custom ID readonly').ui_print_help_tip( __('Useful for integrations'), true ); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_checkbox_switch( 'module_custom_id_ro', 1, $config['module_custom_id_ro'], true ); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.__('General options').''; html_print_input_hidden('update_config', 1); html_print_table($table); $encryption = [ 'ssl' => 'SSL', 'sslv2' => 'SSLv2', 'sslv3' => 'SSLv3', 'tls' => 'STARTTLS', ]; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.__('Mail configuration').''; $table_mail_conf->data[0][0] = ui_print_warning_message( __( 'Please notice that some providers like Gmail or Office365 need to setup/enable manually external connections using SMTP and you need to use STARTTLS on port 587. If you have manual settings in your pandora_server.conf, please note these settings will ignore this console setup.' ) ); $table_mail_conf->data[1][0] = __('From address'); $table_mail_conf->data[1][1] = html_print_input_text( 'email_from_dir', $config['email_from_dir'], '', 30, 100, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[2][0] = __('From name'); $table_mail_conf->data[2][1] = html_print_input_text( 'email_from_name', $config['email_from_name'], '', 30, 100, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[3][0] = __('SMTP Server'); $table_mail_conf->data[3][1] = html_print_input_text( 'email_smtpServer', $config['email_smtpServer'], '', 30, 100, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[4][0] = __('SMTP Port'); $table_mail_conf->data[4][1] = html_print_input_text( 'email_smtpPort', $config['email_smtpPort'], '', 30, 100, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[5][0] = __('Encryption'); $table_mail_conf->data[5][1] = html_print_select( $encryption, 'email_encryption', $config['email_encryption'], '', __('none'), 0, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[6][0] = __('Email user'); $table_mail_conf->data[6][1] = html_print_input_text( 'email_username', $config['email_username'], '', 30, 100, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[7][0] = __('Email password'); $table_mail_conf->data[7][1] = html_print_input_password( 'email_password', io_output_password( $config['email_password'] ), '', 30, 100, true ); $table_mail_conf->data[7][1] .= ui_print_reveal_password( 'email_password', true ); $uniqid = uniqid(); $table_mail_conf->data[8][0] = html_print_button( __('Email test'), 'email_test_dialog', false, "show_email_test('".$uniqid."');", 'class="sub next"', true ); print_email_test_modal_window($uniqid); html_print_input_hidden('update_config', 1); html_print_table($table_mail_conf); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; html_print_submit_button(__('Update'), 'update_button', false, 'class="sub upd"'); echo '
'; echo ''; /** * Print the modal window for the summary of each alerts group * * @param string $id Id. * * @return void */ function print_email_test_modal_window($id) { // Email config table. $table_mail_test = new stdClass(); $table_mail_test->width = '100%'; $table_mail_test->class = 'databox filters'; $table_mail_test->data = []; $table_mail_test->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; $table_mail_test->colspan[1][0] = 2; $table_mail_test->data[0][0] = __('Address'); $table_mail_test->data[0][1] = html_print_input_text( 'email_test_address', '', '', 40, 100, true ); $table_mail_test->data[1][0] = html_print_button( __('Send'), 'email_test', false, '', 'class="sub next"', true ).'  Email could not be sent'; echo ''; } ?>