#!/bin/bash # Calculate the rate of SNMP traps received by snmptrapd. TEMP_FILE="/tmp/trap_rate.tmp" COUNT="100" # Parse command line arguments if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <path to pandora_server.conf> [trap count]" exit 1 fi if [ "$2" != "" ]; then COUNT="$2" fi # Read the SNMP log file and generate the temporary file SNMP_LOG=`grep snmp_logfile $1 | cut -d' ' -f2` if [ ! -f "$SNMP_LOG" ]; then echo "SNMP log file $SNMP_LOG does not exists or is not readable." exit 1 fi grep "SNMPv" "$SNMP_LOG" | tail -$COUNT | cut -d']' -f 3 | cut -d'[' -f 1 > "$TEMP_FILE" # Get the newest trap START=`head -1 "$TEMP_FILE"` if [ "$START" == "" ]; then echo "START: 0 END: 0 TRAPS RECEIVED: 0 RATE: 0 traps/s" exit 0 fi # Get the oldest trap END=`tail -1 "$TEMP_FILE"` if [ "$END" == "" ]; then echo "START: 0 END: 0 TRAPS RECEIVED: 0 RATE: 0 traps/s" exit 0 fi # Get the trap count COUNT=`cat "$SNMP_LOG" | wc -l` # Calculate the trap rate START_UTIME=`date +"%s" -d"$START"` END_UTIME=`date +"%s" -d"$END"` ELAPSED=$(($END_UTIME - $START_UTIME)) RATE=`bc -l <<< "$COUNT / $ELAPSED"` echo "START: $START END: $END TRAPS RECEIVED: $COUNT RATE: $RATE traps/s" rm -f "$TEMP_FILE"