$alert['id_agent_module'])); if ($module_group == $module['id_module_group']) { if ($alert["times_fired"] > 0) { $data = true; echo '' . __('Number fired of alerts').': ' . $alert["times_fired"] . '
'; $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $module['id_agente']); echo '' . __('Agent').': '; echo io_safe_output($agent['nombre']) . '
'; echo '' . __('Module') . ': '; echo io_safe_output($module['nombre']) . '
'; $template = db_get_row('talert_templates', 'id' , $alert['id_alert_template']); echo '' . __('Alert template') . ': '; echo io_safe_output($template['name']) . '
'; // This prevent from templates without predefined actions if (empty($template['id_alert_action'])) $template_id_alert_action = "''"; else $template_id_alert_action = $template['id_alert_action']; // True if the alert only has the default template action $default_action = false; // Try to get actions for the current alert $sql = 'SELECT t2.name FROM talert_template_module_actions AS t1 INNER JOIN talert_actions AS t2 INNER JOIN talert_template_modules AS t3 ON t3.id = t1.id_alert_template_module AND t1.id_alert_action = t2.id WHERE (t3.id_alert_template = ' . $template['id'] . ' AND t3.id_agent_module = ' . $module['id_agente_modulo'] . ');'; $actions = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); // If this alert doesn't have actions try to get default action from template if ($actions === false) { $sql = 'SELECT name FROM talert_actions WHERE (id = ' . $template_id_alert_action . ');'; $default_action = true; $actions = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); } if ($actions === false) { $actions = array(); } echo '' . __('Actions') . ': ' . '
'; echo ''; if ($alert != end($alerts)) { echo '
'; } } } } if (!$data) { echo 'These module/s have no alerts or alert/s are not fired'; } } else { echo 'No available data'; } } else { echo 'No available data'; } } /** * Translate the array texts using gettext */ function translate(&$item, $key) { $item = __($item); } /** * The main function of module groups and the enter point to * execute the code. */ function mainModuleGroups() { global $config; //the useful global var of Pandora Console, it has many data can you use require_once ('include/functions_reporting.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_agents.php"); require_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_users.php"); //The big query switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count, case utimestamp when 0 then 5 else estado end as estado FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente IN (SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d AND disabled IS FALSE) AND id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_module_group = %d AND disabled IS FALSE AND delete_pending IS FALSE) GROUP BY estado"; break; case "postgresql": $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count, case utimestamp when 0 then 5 else estado end as estado FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente IN (SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d AND disabled = 0) AND id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_module_group = %d AND disabled = 0 AND delete_pending = 0) GROUP BY estado, utimestamp"; break; case "oracle": $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente) AS count, case when utimestamp = 0 then 5 else estado end estado FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente IN (SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = %d AND (disabled IS NOT NULL AND disabled <> 0)) AND id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_module_group = %d AND (disabled IS NOT NULL AND disabled <> 0) AND (delete_pending IS NOT NULL AND delete_pending <> 0)) GROUP BY estado"; break; } ui_print_page_header (__("Combined table of agent group and module group"), "images/module_group.png", false, "", false, ''); ui_print_info_message ( array('no_close'=>true, 'message'=> __("This table shows in columns the modules group and in rows agents group. The cell shows all modules") ) ); $agentGroups = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], "AR", false); $modelGroups = users_get_all_model_groups(); if (!empty($agentGroups) && !empty($modelGroups)) { array_walk($modelGroups, 'translate'); //Translate all head titles to language is set $table = null; $table->headstyle[] = "width: 20%"; foreach ($modelGroups as $i => $n) { $table->headstyle[] = "width: 7%"; $modelGroups[$i] = ui_print_truncate_text($n, GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, true, true, true, '…', 'color:#FFF'); } $head = $modelGroups; array_unshift($head, ' '); //Metaobject use in html_print_table $table->align[0] = 'left'; //Align to left the first column. $table->style[0] = 'color: #ffffff; '. 'background-color: #373737; font-weight: bolder; padding-right: 10px; width:20%; '; $table->head = $head; $table->width = '100%'; //The content of table $tableData = array(); //Create rows and cells foreach ($agentGroups as $idAgentGroup => $name) { $fired = false; $row = array(); array_push($row, ui_print_truncate_text($name, GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, true, true, true, '…', 'color:#FFF')); foreach ($modelGroups as $idModelGroup => $modelGroup) { $fired = false; $query = sprintf($sql, $idAgentGroup, $idModelGroup); $rowsDB = db_get_all_rows_sql ($query); $agents = agents_get_group_agents($idAgentGroup); if (!empty($agents)) { $alerts = agents_get_alerts_simple(array_keys($agents)); foreach ($alerts as $alert) { $module = db_get_row_filter('tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $alert['id_agent_module'])); if ($idModelGroup == $module['id_module_group']) { if ($alert["times_fired"] > 0) { $fired = true; } } } } $states = array(); if ($rowsDB !== false) { foreach ($rowsDB as $rowDB) { $states[$rowDB['estado']] = $rowDB['count']; } } $count = 0; foreach ($states as $idState => $state) { $count += $state; } $color = 'transparent'; //Defaut color for cell $font_color = '#000000'; //Default font color for cell if ($count == 0) { $color = '#eeeeee'; //Soft grey when the cell for this model group and agent group hasn't modules. $alinkStart = ''; $alinkEnd = ''; } else { if ($fired) { $color = '#FFA631'; //Orange when the cell for this model group and agent has at least one alert fired. } else if (array_key_exists(1, $states)) { $color = '#FC4444'; //Red when the cell for this model group and agent has at least one module in critical state and the rest in any state. $font_color = '#ffffff'; } elseif (array_key_exists(2, $states)) { $color = '#FAD403'; //Yellow when the cell for this model group and agent has at least one in warning state and the rest in green state. } elseif (array_key_exists(3, $states)) { $color = '#B2B2B2 '; //Grey when the cell for this model group and agent has at least one module in unknown state and the rest in any state. } elseif (array_key_exists(0, $states)) { $color = '#80BA27'; //Green when the cell for this model group and agent has OK state all modules. } elseif (array_key_exists(5, $states)) { $color = '#5BB6E5'; // Blue when the cell for this module group and all modules have not init value. } $alinkStart = ''; $alinkEnd = ''; } array_push($row, '
' . $alinkStart . $count . $alinkEnd . '
'); } array_push($tableData,$row); } $table->data = $tableData; echo "
"; html_print_table($table); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
" . __('Legend') . "
" . __("Orange cell when the module group and agent have at least one alarm fired.") . "
" . __("Red cell when the module group and agent have at least one module in critical status and the others in any status") . "
" . __("Yellow cell when the module group and agent have at least one in warning status and the others in grey or green status") . "
" . __("Green cell when the module group and agent have all modules in OK status") . "
" . __("Grey cell when the module group and agent have at least one in unknown status and the others in green status") . "
" .__("Blue cell when the module group and agent have all modules in not init status.") . "
"; echo "
"; } else { echo "
".__('There are no defined groups or module groups')."
"; } ui_require_css_file('cluetip'); ui_require_jquery_file('cluetip'); ?>