".$lang_label["agent_error"].""; echo ""; echo ""; exit; } } echo "

".$lang_label["ag_title"]." > ".$lang_label["view_agent_general_data"]."

"; // Blank space below title echo "
"; echo ''; echo "
"; echo ''; echo ''; echo "'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; // Parent echo ''; // Agent Interval echo ''; echo ''; // Comments echo ''; echo ''; // Group echo ''; // Agent version echo ''; // Total packets echo ''; echo ''; // Last contact echo '
'.$lang_label["agent_name"].' '.strtoupper(salida_limpia($nombre_agente)).' ".$lang_label["refresh_data"]."  "; // Data base access graph echo '
'.$lang_label["ip_address"].' '; // Show all address for this agent, show first the main IP (taken from tagente table) echo ""; //if ($agent_type == 0) { echo '
'.$lang_label["os"].' - '.dame_so_name($id_os); if ($os_version != "") echo ' '.salida_limpia($os_version); /* } elseif ($agent_type == 1) { echo '
'.$lang_label["agent_type"].' '; }*/ echo '
'.lang_string("Parent").' '; echo ""; echo dame_nombre_agente($id_parent).'
'.$lang_label["interval"].' '. human_time_description_raw($intervalo).'
'.$lang_label["description"].' '.$comentarios.'
'.$lang_label["group"].'    '.dame_grupo($id_grupo).'
'.lang_string ("agentversion"). ''; echo ''.salida_limpia($agent_version). '
'. lang_string ("total_packets"). ''; $total_paketes= 0; $sql_3='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = '.$id_agente; $result_3=mysql_query($sql_3); $row3=mysql_fetch_array($result_3); $total_paketes = $row3[0]; echo $total_paketes; echo '
'.$lang_label["last_contact"]." / ".$lang_label["remote"].' '; if ($ultima_act == "0000-00-00 00:00:00"){ echo $lang_label["never"]; } else { echo $ultima_act; } echo " / "; if ($ultima_act_remota == "0000-00-00 00:00:00"){ echo $lang_label["never"]; } else { echo $ultima_act_remota; } // Next contact $ultima = strtotime($ultima_act); $ahora = strtotime("now"); $diferencia = $ahora - $ultima; // Get higher interval set for the set of modules from this agent $sql_maxi ="SELECT MAX(module_interval) FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ".$id_agente; $result_maxi=mysql_query($sql_maxi); if ($row_maxi=mysql_fetch_array($result_maxi)) if ($row_maxi[0] > 0 ) $intervalo = $row_maxi[0]; if ($intervalo > 0){ $percentil = round($diferencia/(($intervalo*2) / 100)); } else { $percentil = -1; } echo "

".lang_string("Events generated -by module-")."

"; } ?>