 * Pandora FMS- http://pandorafms.com
 * ==================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

// Load global vars
require_once ("include/config.php");

check_login ();

if (! give_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "PM") && ! is_user_admin ($config['id_user'])) {
	audit_db ($config['id_user'], $REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation", "Trying to access Visual Setup Management");
	require ("general/noaccess.php");

require_once ('include/functions_gis.php');

$action = get_parameter('action', 'create_connection_map');

if (is_ajax ()) {

echo '<form action="index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/gis_step_2" method="post">';

switch ($action) {
	case 'create_connection_map':
		echo "<h2>".__('Pandora Setup')." &raquo; ";
		echo __('Create new map connection')."</h2>";
		$mapConnection_name = '';
		$mapConnection_group = '';
		$mapConnection_numLevelsZoom = '16';
		$mapConnection_defaultZoom = '19';
		$mapConnection_type = 0;
		$mapConnection_defaultLatitude = '40.42056';
		$mapConnection_defaultLongitude = '-3.708187';
		$mapConnection_defaultAltitude = '0';
		$mapConnection_centerLatitude = '40.42056';
		$mapConnection_centerLongitude = '-3.708187';
		$mapConnection_centerAltitude = '0';
		$mapConnectionData = null;
		print_input_hidden('action', 'save_map_connection');
	case 'edit_connection_map':
		echo "<h2>".__('Pandora Setup')." &raquo; ";
		echo __('Edit map connection')."</h2>";
		$idConnectionMap = get_parameter('id_connection_map');
		$mapConnection = get_db_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_map_connection WHERE id_tmap_connection = ' . $idConnectionMap);
		$mapConnection_name = $mapConnection['conection_name'];
		$mapConnection_group = $mapConnection['group_id'];
		$mapConnection_numLevelsZoom = $mapConnection['num_zoom_levels'];
		$mapConnection_defaultZoom = $mapConnection['default_zoom_level'];
		$mapConnection_type = $mapConnection['connection_type'];
		$mapConnection_defaultLatitude = $mapConnection['default_latitude'];
		$mapConnection_defaultLongitude = $mapConnection['default_longitude'];
		$mapConnection_defaultAltitude = $mapConnection['default_altitude'];
		$mapConnection_centerLatitude = $mapConnection['initial_latitude'];
		$mapConnection_centerLongitude = $mapConnection['initial_longitude'];
		$mapConnection_centerAltitude = $mapConnection['initial_altitude'];
		$mapConnectionData = json_decode($mapConnection['conection_data'], true);
		print_input_hidden('id_connection_map', $idConnectionMap);
		print_input_hidden('action', 'save_edit_map_connection');
	case 'save_map_connection':
	case 'save_edit_map_connection':
		$mapConnection_name = get_parameter('name');
		$mapConnection_group = get_parameter('group');
		$mapConnection_numLevelsZoom = get_parameter('num_levels_zoom');
		$mapConnection_defaultZoom = get_parameter('initial_zoom');
		$mapConnection_type = get_parameter('type');
		$mapConnection_defaultLatitude = get_parameter('default_latitude');
		$mapConnection_defaultLongitude = get_parameter('default_longitude');
		$mapConnection_defaultAltitude = get_parameter('default_altitude');
		$mapConnection_centerLatitude = get_parameter('center_latitude');
		$mapConnection_centerLongitude = get_parameter('center_longitude');
		$mapConnection_centerAltitude = get_parameter('center_altitude');
		$idConnectionMap = get_parameter('id_connection_map', null);
		switch ($mapConnection_type) {
			case 'OSM':
				$mapConnection_OSM_url = get_parameter('url');
				$mapConnectionData = array('type' => 'OSM',
					'url' => $mapConnection_OSM_url);
			case 'Gmap':
				$mapConnection_Gmap_url= get_parameter('url');
				$gmap_type= get_parameter('gmap_type');
				$mapConnectionData = array('type' => 'Gmap', 'gmap_type' => $gmap_type);
			case 'Static_Image':
				$mapConnection_Image_url= get_parameter('url');
				$bb_left= get_parameter('bb_left');
				$bb_right= get_parameter('bb_right');
				$bb_bottom= get_parameter('bb_bottom');
				$bb_top= get_parameter('bb_top');
				$image_height= get_parameter('image_height');
				$image_width= get_parameter('image_width');
				$mapConnectionData = array('type' => 'Static_Image',
					'url' => $mapConnection_Image_url,
					'bb_left' => $bb_left,
					'bb_right' => $bb_right,
					'bb_top' => $bb_top,
					'bb_bottom' => $bb_bottom,
					'image_width' => $image_width,
					'image_height' => $image_height
		saveMapConnection($mapConnection_name, $mapConnection_group,
			$mapConnection_numLevelsZoom, $mapConnection_defaultZoom,
			$mapConnection_defaultLatitude, $mapConnection_defaultLongitude,
			$mapConnection_defaultAltitude, $mapConnection_centerLatitude,
			$mapConnection_centerLongitude, $mapConnection_centerAltitude,
			$mapConnectionData, $idConnectionMap);

$table->width = '90%';

$table->data = array();
$table->data[0][0] = __('Connection Name') .print_help_tip (__('Descriptive name for the connection'), true). ":";
$table->data[0][1] = print_input_text ('name', $mapConnection_name, '', 30, 60, true);

$table->data[1][0] = __("Group") .print_help_tip (__('Group that owns the connection'), true) . ":";
$table->data[1][1] = print_select_from_sql('SELECT id_grupo, nombre FROM tgrupo', 'group', $mapConnection_group, '', '', '0', true);

$table->data[2][0] = __('Number of zoom levels') . ":";
$table->data[2][1] = print_input_text ('num_levels_zoom', $mapConnection_numLevelsZoom, '', 4, 10, true);

$table->data[3][0] = __('Default zoom level') .print_help_tip (__('Zoom level used when the map is opened'), true). ":";
$table->data[3][1] = print_input_text ('initial_zoom', $mapConnection_defaultZoom, '', 4, 10, true);

echo "<h3>" . __('Basic configuration') . "</h3>";

$table->width = '60%';
$table->data = array();
$types[0] = __('Please select the connection type');
$types["OSM"] = __('Open Street Maps');
$types["Gmap"] = __('Google Maps');
$types["Static_Image"] = __('Static Image');
$table->data[0][0] = __('Type') . ":";
$table->data[0][1] = print_select($types, 'sel_type', $mapConnection_type, "selMapConnectionType();", '', 0, true);

echo "<h3>" . __('Map connection type') . "</h3>";
print_table ($table);

$optionsConnectionTypeTable = '';
$mapConnectionDataUrl = '';
$gmap_type = '';
$bb_left = '';
$bb_right = '';
$bb_bottom = '';
$bb_top = '';
$image_width = '';
$image_height = '';
if ($mapConnectionData != null) {
	switch ($mapConnection_type) {
		case 'OSM':
			$mapConnectionDataUrl = $mapConnectionData['url'];
		case 'Gmap':
			$gmap_type = $mapConnectionData['gmap_type'];
		case 'Static_Image':
			$mapConnectionDataUrl = $mapConnectionData['url'];
			$bb_left= $mapConnectionData['bb_left'];
			$bb_right= $mapConnectionData['bb_right'];
			$bb_bottom= $mapConnectionData['bb_bottom'];
			$bb_top= $mapConnectionData['bb_top'];
			$image_width= $mapConnectionData['image_width'];
			$image_height= $mapConnectionData['image_height'];
// Open Street Map Connection
$optionsConnectionOSMTable = '<table class="databox" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="50%">' .
		'<tr class="row_0">' .
			'<td>'  . __("Tile Server URL") . ':</td>' .
			'<td><input id="type" type="hidden" name="type" value="OSM" />' . print_input_text ('url', $mapConnectionDataUrl, '', 45, 90, true) . '</td>' .
		'</tr>' . 

// Google Maps Connection
$gmaps_types["G_PHYSICAL_MAP"] = __('Goolge Physical');
$gmaps_types["G_HYBRID_MAP"] = __('Goolge Hybrid');
$gmaps_types["G_SATELITE_MAP"] = __('Goolge Satelite');
// TODO: Add imput field for the key 
$optionsConnectionGmapTable = '<table class="databox" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="50%">' .
		'<tr class="row_0">' .
			'<td>'  . __("Google Map Type") . ':</td>' .
			'<td><input id="type" type="hidden" name="type" value="Gmap" />'.trim(print_select($gmaps_types,'gmap_type', $gmap_type, "", '', 0, true)) . '</td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
// Image Map Connection
$optionsConnectionImageTable = '<table class="databox" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" width="50%">' .
		'<tr class="row_0">' .
			'<td>'  . __("Image URL") . ':</td>' .
			'<td colspan="3"><input id="type" type="hidden" name="type" value="Static_Image" />' . print_input_text ('url', $mapConnectionDataUrl, '', 45, 90, true) . '</td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
		'<tr class="row_1">' .
			'<td colspan="4"><strong>'  . __("Corners of the area of the image") . ':</strong></td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
		'<tr class="row_2">' .
			'<td>'  . __("Left") . ':</td>' .
			'<td>'. print_input_text ('bb_left', $bb_left, '', 25, 25, true) . '</td>' .
			'<td>'  . __("Bottom") . ':</td>' .
			'<td>'. print_input_text ('bb_bottom', $bb_bottom, '',25 , 25, true) . '</td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
		'<tr class="row_3">' .
			'<td>'  . __("Right") . ':</td>' .
			'<td>'. print_input_text ('bb_right', $bb_right, '', 25, 25, true) . '</td>' .
			'<td>'  . __("Top") . ':</td>' .
			'<td>'. print_input_text ('bb_top', $bb_top, '', 25, 25, true) . '</td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
		'<tr class="row_4">' .
			'<td colspan="4"><strong>'  . __("Image Size") . ':</strong></td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
		'<tr class="row_5">' .
			'<td>'  . __("Width") . ':</td>' .
			'<td>'. print_input_text ('image_width', $image_width, '', 25, 25, true) . '</td>' .
			'<td>'  . __("Height") . ':</td>' .
			'<td>'. print_input_text ('image_height', $image_height, '', 25, 25, true) . '</td>' .
		'</tr>' . 
if ($mapConnectionData != null) {
	switch ($mapConnection_type) {
		case 'OSM':
			$optionsConnectionTypeTable = $optionsConnectionOSMTable;
		case 'Gmap':
			$optionsConnectionTypeTable = $optionsConnectionGmapTable;
		case 'Static_Image':
			$optionsConnectionTypeTable = $optionsConnectionImageTable;

echo "<div id='form_map_connection_type'>" . $optionsConnectionTypeTable . "</div>";

echo "<h3>" . __('Preview to select the center of the map and the default position of an agent without gis data') . "</h3>";
print_button(__("Load preview map"),'button_refresh', false, 'refreshMapView();', 'class="sub"');
echo "<br /><br />";
echo "<div id='map' style='width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 1px solid black; float: left'></div>";

$table->width = '60%';
$table->data = array();

//$table->colspan[0][3] = 3;
$table->data[0][0] = '';
$table->data[0][1] = __('Map Center').print_help_tip (__('Position to center the map when the map is opened'), true) ;
$table->data[0][2] = __("Default position for agents without GIS data");

$table->data[1][0] = __('Change in the map'). print_help_tip (__('This selects what to change by clicking on the map'), true);
$table->data[1][1] = print_radio_button_extended('radio_button', 1, '', 1, false, "changeSetManualPosition(true, false)", '', true);
$table->data[1][2] = print_radio_button_extended('radio_button', 2, '', 0, false, "changeSetManualPosition(false, true)", '', true);

$table->data[2][0] = __('Latitude') . ":";
$table->data[2][1] = print_input_text ('center_latitude', $mapConnection_centerLatitude, '', 10, 10, true);
$table->data[2][2] = print_input_text ('default_latitude', $mapConnection_defaultLatitude, '', 10, 10, true);

$table->data[3][0] = __('Longitude') . ":";
$table->data[3][1] = print_input_text ('center_longitude', $mapConnection_centerLongitude, '', 10, 10, true);
$table->data[3][2] = print_input_text ('default_longitude', $mapConnection_defaultLongitude, '', 10, 10, true);

$table->data[4][0] = __('Altitude') . ":";
$table->data[4][1] = print_input_text ('center_altitude', $mapConnection_centerAltitude, '', 10, 10, true);
$table->data[4][2] = print_input_text ('default_altitude', $mapConnection_defaultAltitude, '', 10, 10, true);

echo '<div class="action-buttons" style="clear: left; width: 90%; float: left;">';
print_submit_button (__('Save'), '', false, 'class="sub save"');
echo '</div>';
echo "</form>";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://dev.openlayers.org/nightly/OpenLayers.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var setCenter = true;
var centerPoint = null;
var setGISDefaultPosition = false;
var GISDefaultPositionPoint = null;

 * Set the item to change, the center point or the center default.
 * @param boolean stCenter Set center point for changing.
 * @param boolean stGISDefault Set GISDefault point for changing.
 * @return None
function changeSetManualPosition(stCenter, stGISDefault) {
	setCenter = stCenter;
	setGISDefaultPosition = stGISDefault;

 * The callback function when click the map. And make or move the points.
 * @param object e The object of openlayer, that it has the parammeters of click.
 * @return None
function changePoints(e) {
	var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);
	lonlat.transform(map.getProjectionObject(), map.displayProjection); //transform the lonlat in object proyection to "standar proyection"

	if (setCenter) {
		//Change the fields
		center_latitude = $('input[name=center_latitude]').val(lonlat.lat);
		center_longitude = $('input[name=center_longitude]').val(lonlat.lon);
		if (centerPoint == null) {
			centerPoint = js_addPointExtent('temp_layer', '<?php echo __('Center'); ?>', lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat, 'images/dot_green.png', 11, 11, 'center', '');
		else  {
			//return to no-standar the proyection for to move
			centerPoint.move(lonlat.transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject()));

	if (setGISDefaultPosition) {
		//Change the fields
		center_latitude = $('input[name=default_latitude]').val(lonlat.lat);
		center_longitude = $('input[name=default_longitude]').val(lonlat.lon);
		if (GISDefaultPositionPoint == null) {
			GISDefaultPositionPoint = js_addPointExtent('temp_layer', '<?php echo __('Default'); ?>', lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat, 'images/dot_red.png', 11, 11, 'default', '');
		else  {
			//return to no-standar the proyection for to move
			GISDefaultPositionPoint.move(lonlat.transform(map.displayProjection, map.getProjectionObject()));

 * Function to show and refresh the map. The function give the params for map of
 * fields. And make two points, center and default.
function refreshMapView() {
	//Clear the previous map.
	map = null;
	//Clear the points.
	centerPoint = null;
	GISDefaultPositionPoint = null;

	//Change the text to button.
	$("input[name=button_refresh]").val('<?php echo __("Refresh preview map");?>');

	//Obtain data of map of fields.
	inital_zoom = $('input[name=initial_zoom]').val();
	num_levels_zoom =$('input[name=num_levels_zoom').val();
	center_latitude = $('input[name=center_latitude]').val();
	center_longitude = $('input[name=center_longitude]').val();
	center_altitude = $('input[name=center_altitude]').val();

	var objBaseLayers = Array();
	objBaseLayers[0] = Array();
	objBaseLayers[0]['type'] = $('select[name=sel_type] :selected').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['name'] = $('input[name=name]').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['url'] = $('input[name=url]').val();

	//objBaseLayers[0]['gmap_type = '';
	objBaseLayers[0]['bb_left'] = $('input[name=bb_left]').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['bb_right'] = $('input[name=bb_right]').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['bb_bottom'] = $('input[name=bb_bottom]').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['bb_top'] = $('input[name=bb_top]').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['image_width'] = $('input[name=image_width]').val();
	objBaseLayers[0]['image_height'] = $('input[name=image_height]').val();

	arrayControls = null;
	arrayControls = Array('Navigation', 'PanZoom', 'MousePosition');
	js_printMap('map', inital_zoom, num_levels_zoom, center_latitude, center_longitude, objBaseLayers, arrayControls);
	layer = js_makeLayer('temp_layer', true, null);

	centerPoint = js_addPointExtent('temp_layer', '<?php echo __('Center'); ?>', $('input[name=center_longitude]').val(), $('input[name=center_latitude]').val(), 'images/dot_green.png', 11, 11, 'center', '');
	GISDefaultPositionPoint = js_addPointExtent('temp_layer', '<?php echo __('Default'); ?>', $('input[name=default_longitude]').val(), $('input[name=default_latitude]').val(), 'images/dot_red.png', 11, 11, 'default', '');

 * Dinamic write the fields in form when select a type of connection.
function selMapConnectionType() {
	switch ($('#sel_type :selected').val()) {
		case 'OSM':
			$('#form_map_connection_type').html('<?php echo $optionsConnectionOSMTable; ?>').hide();
		case 'Gmap':
			var script = document.createElement("script");
			script.type = "text/javascript";
			script.src = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAAjpkAC9ePGem0lIq5XcMiuhR_wWLPFku8Ix9i2SXYRVK3e45q1BQUd_beF8dtzKET_EteAjPdGDwqpQ';
			script.src = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAAjpkAC9ePGem0lIq5XcMiuhT2yXp_ZAY8_ufC3CFXhHIE1NvwkxTS6gjckBmeABOGXIUiOiZObZESPg';
			$('#form_map_connection_type').html('<?php echo $optionsConnectionGmapTable; ?>').hide();
		case 'Static_Image':
			$('#form_map_connection_type').html('<?php echo $optionsConnectionImageTable; ?>').hide();