".$lang_label["ag_title"].""; echo "

".$lang_label["monitor_listing"]." ".$lang_label["help"]."

"; $iduser_temp=$_SESSION['id_usuario']; if (isset($_POST["ag_group"])) $ag_group = $_POST["ag_group"]; elseif (isset($_GET["group_id"])) $ag_group = $_GET["group_id"]; else $ag_group = -1; if (isset($_GET["ag_group_refresh"])){ $ag_group = $_GET["ag_group_refresh"]; } if (isset($_POST["ag_group"])){ $ag_group = $_POST["ag_group"]; echo "
"; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
".$lang_label["group"].""; echo ""; // Module name selector // This code thanks for an idea from Nikum, nikun_h@hotmail.com if (isset($_POST["ag_modulename"])){ $ag_modulename = $_POST["ag_modulename"]; echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo " "; echo " - ".$lang_label["green_light"]." "; echo " - ".$lang_label["red_light"]."
".$lang_label["module_name"].""; echo ""; // Show only selected names & groups if ($ag_group > 1) $sql='SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo='.$ag_group.' ORDER BY nombre'; else $sql='SELECT * FROM tagente ORDER BY id_grupo, nombre'; echo "
"; echo "
"; $color =1; $result=mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result)){ while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ //while there are agents if ($row["disabled"] == 0) { if ((isset($ag_modulename)) && ($ag_modulename != "ALL")) $query_gen='SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = '.$row["id_agente"].' AND nombre = "'.entrada_limpia($_POST["ag_modulename"]).'" AND ( (id_tipo_modulo = 2) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 9) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 12) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 18) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 6))'; else $query_gen='SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = '.$row["id_agente"].' AND ( (id_tipo_modulo = 2) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 9) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 12) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 18) OR (id_tipo_modulo = 6))'; $result_gen=mysql_query($query_gen); if (mysql_num_rows ($result_gen)) { while ($data=mysql_fetch_array($result_gen)){ if ($color == 1){ $tdcolor="datos"; $color =0; } else { $tdcolor="datos2"; $color =1; } if (!isset($string)) {$string='';} $string=$string.""; $string=$string."".dame_nombre_agente($data["id_agente"]).""; $string=$string.""; $string=$string.""; $string=$string."".$data["nombre"]; $string=$string."".substr($data["descripcion"],0,30); $string=$string."".$data["max"]."/".$data["min"]; $string=$string.""; if ($data["module_interval"] == 0){ $string=$string.give_agentinterval($data["id_agente"]); } else { $string=$string.$data["module_interval"]; } $query_gen2='SELECT * FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$data["id_agente_modulo"]; $result_gen2=mysql_query($query_gen2); $data2=mysql_fetch_array($result_gen2); $string=$string.""; if ($data2["datos"] > 0){ $string=$string.""; } else { $string=$string.""; } $string=$string."".$data2["timestamp"].""; } } else if($ag_group>1) {unset($string);} } } if (isset($string)) { echo ""; echo $string; //the built table of monitors echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; } } else { echo "
"; } } //end acl } //end login ?>