// ______ __ _______ _______ _______ //| __ \.---.-.-----.--| |.-----.----.---.-. | ___| | | __| //| __/| _ | | _ || _ | _| _ | | ___| |__ | //|___| |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___| |__|_|__|_______| // // ============================================================================ // Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas, http://www.artica.es // This code is NOT free software. This code is NOT licenced under GPL2 licence // You cannnot redistribute it without written permission of copyright holder. // ============================================================================ import java.util.*; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import javax.xml.datatype.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import Intel_Dcm.*; public class IntelDcmPlugin { private static QName qName = new QName("http://wsdl.intf.dcm.intel.com/", "Dcm"); private static String result = ""; private static URL url = null; private static boolean retry = true; private static int retries = 0; private static final int MAX_RETRIES = 10; private static Dcm dcm; private static String getParam(String key, String[] params) { key = "--"+key; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (key.equals(params[i])) { return params[i+1]; } } return ""; } private static QueryType strToQueryType(String str) { if (str.equals("max_pwr")) { return QueryType.MAX_PWR; } else if (str.equals("avg_pwr")) { return QueryType.AVG_PWR; } else if (str.equals("min_pwr")) { return QueryType.MIN_PWR; } else if (str.equals("max_avg_pwr")) { return QueryType.MAX_AVG_PWR; } else if (str.equals("total_max_pwr")) { return QueryType.TOTAL_MAX_PWR; } else if (str.equals("total_avg_pwr")) { return QueryType.TOTAL_AVG_PWR; } else if (str.equals("max_avg_pwr_cap")) { return QueryType.MAX_AVG_PWR_CAP; } else if (str.equals("total_max_pwr_cap")) { return QueryType.TOTAL_MAX_PWR_CAP; } else if (str.equals("total_avg_pwr_cap")) { return QueryType.TOTAL_AVG_PWR_CAP; } else if (str.equals("total_min_pwr")) { return QueryType.TOTAL_MIN_PWR; } else if (str.equals("min_avg_pwr")) { return QueryType.MIN_AVG_PWR; } else if (str.equals("max_inlet_temp")) { return QueryType.MAX_INLET_TEMP; } else if (str.equals("avg_inlet_temp")) { return QueryType.AVG_INLET_TEMP; } else if (str.equals("min_inlet_temp")) { return QueryType.MIN_INLET_TEMP; } else if (str.equals("ins_pwr")) { return QueryType.INS_PWR; } return null; } private static MetricType strToMetricType(String str) { if (str.equals("mnged_nodes_energy")) { return MetricType.MNGED_NODES_ENERGY; } else if (str.equals("mnged_nodes_energy_bill")) { return MetricType.MNGED_NODES_ENERGY_BILL; } else if (str.equals("it_eqpmnt_energy")) { return MetricType.IT_EQPMNT_ENERGY; } else if (str.equals("it_eqpmnt_energy_bill")) { return MetricType.IT_EQPMNT_ENERGY_BILL; } else if (str.equals("calc_cooling_energy")) { return MetricType.CALC_COOLING_ENERGY; } else if (str.equals("calc_cooling_energy_bill")) { return MetricType.CALC_COOLING_ENERGY_BILL; } else if (str.equals("mnged_nodes_pwr")) { return MetricType.MNGED_NODES_PWR; } else if (str.equals("it_eqpmnt_pwr")) { return MetricType.IT_EQPMNT_PWR; } else if (str.equals("calc_cooling_pwr")) { return MetricType.CALC_COOLING_PWR; } else if (str.equals("avg_pwr_per_dimension")) { return MetricType.AVG_PWR_PER_DIMENSION; } else if (str.equals("derated_pwr")) { return MetricType.DERATED_PWR; } else if (str.equals("inlet_temperature_span")) { return MetricType.INLET_TEMPERATURE_SPAN; } return null; } public static void printUsage () { System.out.print("\n\n Usage: DcmPlugin --server <server> --port <port> --action <action> [--value <value> and other values or option depending on action]\n\n"); } public static XMLGregorianCalendar getEndDate() { try { GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(); return DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(gcal); } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { return null; } } public static XMLGregorianCalendar getStartDate(int interval) { try { GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(); //Ge time in milliseconds long time = gcal.getTimeInMillis(); //Convert time to seconds time = time / 1000; //Substract interval time = time - interval; //Convert to milliseconds time = time * 1000; //Set calendar to real time gcal.setTimeInMillis(time); XMLGregorianCalendar auxDate = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(gcal); return auxDate; } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { return null; } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { while (retry) { retry = false; retries++; try{ //Check arguments if (args.length < 6) { printUsage(); System.exit(-1); } String server = getParam("server", args); String port = getParam("port", args); String action = getParam("action", args); String value = getParam("value", args); url = new URL("http://"+server+":"+port+"/DCMWsdl/dcm.wsdl"); Dcm_Service dcmService = new Dcm_Service(url, qName); dcm = dcmService.getDcmPort(); //Execute actions if (action.equals("resume_monitoring")) { dcm.setCollectionState(true); } else if (action.equals("suspend_monitoring")) { dcm.setCollectionState(false); } else if (action.equals("status_monitoring")) { if (dcm.getCollectionState()) { result = "1"; } else { result = "0"; } } else if (action.equals("set_power_sampling")) { dcm.setGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_POWER_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY, value); } else if (action.equals("get_power_sampling")) { result = dcm.getGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_POWER_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY); } else if (action.equals("set_power_granularity")) { dcm.setGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_POWER_MEASUREMENT_GRANULARITY, value); } else if (action.equals("get_power_granularity")) { result = dcm.getGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_POWER_MEASUREMENT_GRANULARITY); } else if (action.equals("set_thermal_sampling")) { dcm.setGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_THERMAL_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY, value); } else if (action.equals("get_thermal_sampling")) { result = dcm.getGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_THERMAL_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY); } else if (action.equals("set_thermal_granularity")) { dcm.setGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_THERMAL_MEASUREMENT_GRANULARITY, value); } else if (action.equals("get_thermal_granularity")) { result = dcm.getGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.NODE_THERMAL_MEASUREMENT_GRANULARITY); } else if (action.equals("set_cooling_multiplier")) { dcm.setGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.COOLING_MULT, value); } else if (action.equals("get_cooling_multiplier")) { result = dcm.getGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.COOLING_MULT); } else if (action.equals("set_power_cost")) { dcm.setGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.COST_PER_KW_HR, value); } else if (action.equals("get_power_cost")) { result = dcm.getGlobalProperty(GlobalProperty.COST_PER_KW_HR); } else if(action.equals("add_entity")) { Property entityType = new Property(); entityType.setName(EntityProperty.ENTITY_TYPE); entityType.setValue(getParam("type", args)); Property address = new Property(); address.setName(EntityProperty.BMC_ADDRESS); address.setValue(getParam("address", args)); Property name = new Property(); name.setName(EntityProperty.NAME); name.setValue(getParam("value", args)); Property deratedPower = new Property(); deratedPower.setName(EntityProperty.DERATED_PWR); deratedPower.setValue(getParam("derated_power", args)); Property connectorName = new Property(); connectorName.setName(EntityProperty.CONNECTOR_NAME); connectorName.setValue(getParam("connector", args)); Property bmcUser = new Property(); bmcUser.setName(EntityProperty.BMC_USER); bmcUser.setValue(getParam("bmc_user", args)); Property bmcPass = new Property(); bmcPass.setName(EntityProperty.BMC_PASSWORD); bmcPass.setValue(getParam("bmc_pass", args)); List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>(); properties.add(entityType); properties.add(address); properties.add(name); properties.add(deratedPower); properties.add(connectorName); properties.add(bmcUser); properties.add(bmcPass); int res = dcm.addEntity(EntityType.NODE, properties, true); System.out.print(res); } else if (action.equals("connector_list")) { List<ConnectorInfo> connectorList = dcm.getConnectorList(); Iterator iter = connectorList.iterator(); result = ""; while (iter.hasNext()) { ConnectorInfo connector = (ConnectorInfo) iter.next(); String name = connector.getDisplayName(); String uname = connector.getUname(); result = result+name+":"+uname+"|"; } //Delete last "|" int lastIdx = result.length() - 1; result = result.substring(0, lastIdx); } else if (action.equals("entity_properties")) { String entId = getParam("entity_id",args); List<Property> properties = dcm.getEntityProperties(Integer.parseInt(entId)); Iterator iter = properties.iterator(); result = ""; while (iter.hasNext()) { Property property = (Property) iter.next(); EntityProperty name = property.getName(); String val = property.getValue(); result = result+name+":"+val+"|"; } //Delete last "|" int lastIdx = result.length() - 1; result = result.substring(0, lastIdx); } else if (action.equals("delete_entity")) { String entId = getParam("entity_id",args); dcm.removeEntity(Integer.parseInt(entId), true); System.out.println(1); } else if (action.equals("update_entity")) { Property address = new Property(); address.setName(EntityProperty.BMC_ADDRESS); address.setValue(getParam("address", args)); Property name = new Property(); name.setName(EntityProperty.NAME); name.setValue(getParam("value", args)); Property deratedPower = new Property(); deratedPower.setName(EntityProperty.DERATED_PWR); deratedPower.setValue(getParam("derated_power", args)); List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>(); properties.add(address); properties.add(name); properties.add(deratedPower); String entId = getParam("entity_id",args); dcm.setEntityProperties(Integer.parseInt(entId), properties, false); System.out.print(1); } else if (action.equals("query_data")) { String entId = getParam("entity_id", args); QueryType queryType = strToQueryType(getParam("value", args)); XMLGregorianCalendar startDate = getStartDate(300); XMLGregorianCalendar endDate = getEndDate(); EnumerationRawData query = dcm.dumpMeasurementData(Integer.parseInt(entId), queryType, startDate, endDate); List<RawPtData> queryData = query.getQueryData(); Iterator iter = queryData.iterator(); //Calculate an average int numberItems = 0; int accValue = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { RawPtData data = (RawPtData) iter.next(); accValue = accValue + data.getValue(); numberItems++; } int avg = accValue / numberItems; result = String.valueOf(avg); } else if (action.equals("metric_data")) { String entId = getParam("entity_id", args); MetricType metricType = strToMetricType(getParam("value", args)); XMLGregorianCalendar startDate = getStartDate(360); XMLGregorianCalendar endDate = getEndDate(); List<AggregationPeriod> aggList = dcm.getMetricAggregationPeriodList(startDate, endDate, metricType); Iterator aggIter = aggList.iterator(); int max = 0; while (aggIter.hasNext()) { AggregationPeriod aggData = (AggregationPeriod) aggIter.next(); if (aggData.getValue() > max) { max = aggData.getValue(); startDate = aggData.getStart(); endDate = aggData.getEnd(); } } EnumerationData metrics = dcm.getMetricData (Integer.parseInt(entId), metricType, AggregationLevel.SELF, startDate, endDate, -1); List<PtData> metricsData = metrics.getQueryData(); Iterator iter = metricsData.iterator(); //Calculate an average int numberItems = 0; int accValue = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { PtData data = (PtData) iter.next(); accValue = accValue + data.getValue(); numberItems++; } int avg = accValue / numberItems; result = String.valueOf(avg); } } catch (Exception_Exception e) { System.out.println("Web Service Exception:"); System.out.println(e); } catch (java.lang.Exception e2) { //Only retry if exception is different of MalformedURLException if (!(e2 instanceof MalformedURLException)) { //Only do MAX_RETRIES if (retries < MAX_RETRIES) { retry = true; try { //Sleep 1 seconds Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { //TODO InterruptedException handler } } else { System.out.println("Max number of retries reached: Timeout error"); } } } finally{ if (!result.equals("")) { System.out.print(result); } } } } }