<?php // Pandora FMS - the Free monitoring system // ======================================== // Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sancho Lerena, slerena@openideas.info // Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Raul Mateos Martin, raulofpandora@gmail.com // Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Jose Navarro jose@jnavarro.net // Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Jonathan Barajas, jonathan.barajas[AT]gmail[DOT]com // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, U6 // Load global vars require("include/config.php"); if (comprueba_login() == 0) $id_user = $_SESSION["id_usuario"]; if ((give_acl($id_user, 0, "DM")==1) or (dame_admin($id_user)==1)) { if ((isset($_GET["operacion"])) AND (! isset($_POST["update_agent"]))){ // DATA COPY if (isset($_POST["eliminar"])) { echo "<h2>".$lang_label["deletedata"]."</h2>"; // First checkings $max = $_POST["max"]; $min = $_POST["min"]; if ($max == $min){ echo "<h3 class='error'>ERROR ".$lang_label["max_eq_min"]."</h3>"; echo "</table>"; include ("general/footer.php"); exit; } $origen_modulo = $_POST["origen_modulo"]; if (count($origen_modulo) <= 0){ echo "<h3 class='error'>ERROR: ".$lang_label["nomodules_selected"]."</h3>"; echo "</table>"; include ("general/footer.php"); exit; } // Source (agent) $id_origen = $_POST["origen"]; // Copy for ($a=0;$a <count($origen_modulo); $a++){ // For every agent selected $id_agentemodulo = $origen_modulo[$a]; echo "<br><br>".$lang_label["filtering_datamodule"]."<b> [".dame_nombre_modulo_agentemodulo($id_agentemodulo)."]</b>"; $sql1='DELETE FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$origen_modulo[$a].' AND ( datos < '.$min.' OR datos > '.$max.' )'; $result1=mysql_query($sql1); //echo "<br>DEBUG DELETE $sql1 <br>"; } } //if copy modules or alerts } else { // Form view ?> <h2><?php echo $lang_label["dbmain_title"]; ?> > <?php echo $lang_label["db_refine"]; ?></h2> <form method="post" action="index.php?sec=gdbman&sec2=godmode/db/db_refine&operacion=1"> <table width='500' border='0' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='4' class='databox'> <tr> <td class="datost"><b><?php echo $lang_label["source_agent"]; ?></b><br><br> <select name="origen" class="w130"> <?php if ( (isset($_POST["update_agent"])) AND (isset($_POST["origen"])) ) { echo "<option value=".$_POST["origen"].">".dame_nombre_agente($_POST["origen"]); } // Show combo with agents $sql1='SELECT * FROM tagente'; $result=mysql_query($sql1); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if ( (isset($_POST["update_agent"])) AND (isset($_POST["origen"])) ){ if ( $_POST["origen"] != $row["id_agente"]) echo "<option value=".$row["id_agente"].">".$row["nombre"]."</option>"; } else echo "<option value=".$row["id_agente"].">".$row["nombre"]."</option>"; } echo '</select> <input type=submit name="update_agent" class="sub upd" value="'.$lang_label["get_info"].'"><br><br>'; echo "<b>".$lang_label["modules"]."</b><br><br>"; echo "<select name='origen_modulo[]' size=5 multiple=yes class='w130'>"; if ( (isset($_POST["update_agent"])) AND (isset($_POST["origen"])) ) { // Populate Module/Agent combo $agente_modulo = $_POST["origen"]; $sql1="SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ".$agente_modulo; $result = mysql_query($sql1); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "<option value=".$row["id_agente_modulo"].">".$row["nombre"]."</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; ?> <td class="datost"><b><?php echo $lang_label["purge_below_limits"]; ?></b><br><br> <table cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3 border=0> <tr class=datos><td><?php echo $lang_label["min"]; ?><td><input type="text" name="min" size=4 value=0> <tr class=datos><td><?php echo $lang_label["max"]; ?><td><input type="text" name="max" size=4 value=0> <tr><td></td></tr> <tr><td class="bot" colspan="2" align="right"> <input type="submit" name="eliminar" class="sub delete" value="<?php echo $lang_label["delete"].'" onClick="if (!confirm("'.$lang_label["are_you_sure"].'")) return false;>'; ?> </table> </td></tr> </table> <?php } } else { audit_db($id_user,$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to access Database Debug Admin section"); require ("general/noaccess.php"); } ?>