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' - '.$module_name.' - '.$period); $image = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$config["homeurl"]. '/reporting/fgraph.php?PHPSESSID='.$session_id. '&tipo=sparse&id='.$content["id_agent_module"]. '&height=180&width=780&period='.$content['period']. '&avg_only=1&pure=1'; //ezImage(image,[padding],[width],[resize],[justification],[array border] $pdf->ezImage ($image,0,470,'none','left'); break; case 2: case 'custom_graph': $graph = get_db_row ("tgraph", "id_graph", $content["id_gs"]); $modules = array (); $weights = array (); $sql = sprintf ('SELECT * FROM tgraph_source WHERE id_graph = %d', $content["id_gs"]); $result = mysql_query ($sql); while ($content2 = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push ($modules, $content2['id_agent_module']); array_push ($weights, $content2["weight"]); } doTitle ($pdf, __('Custom graph').': '.$graph["name"]. ' - '.$period); $image = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$config["homeurl"]. '/reporting/fgraph.php?PHPSESSID='.$session_id.'&tipo=combined&id='. implode (',', $modules).'&weight_l='.implode (',', $weights). '&height=230&width=720&period='.$content['period'].'&stacked='. $graph["stacked"].'&pure=1'; $pdf->ezImage ($image, 0, 470, 'none', 'left'); break; case 3: case 'SLA': doTitle ($pdf, __('S.L.A').': '.$period); $slas = get_db_all_rows_field_filter ('treport_content_sla_combined', 'id_report_content', $content['id_rc']); if (sizeof ($slas) == 0) { $pdf->ezText ("".__('There are no SLAs defined') . " %", 18); } $table->data = array (); $table->head = array (__('Info'), __('SLA result')); $sla_failed = false; foreach ($slas as $sla) { $data = array (); $data[0] = __('Agent')." : ".dame_nombre_agente_agentemodulo ($sla['id_agent_module'])."\n"; $data[0] .= __('Module')." : ".dame_nombre_modulo_agentemodulo ($sla['id_agent_module'])."\n"; $data[0] .= __('SLA Max. (value)')." : ".$sla['sla_max']."\n"; $data[0] .= __('SLA Min. (value)')." : ".$sla['sla_min']; $sla_value = get_agent_module_sla ($sla['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max']); if ($sla_value === false) { $data[1] = __('Unknown'); } else { if ($sla_value < $sla['sla_limit']) { $pdf->setColor (0, 1, 0, 0); // Red $sla_failed = true; } $data[1] = format_numeric ($sla_value). 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'&tipo=alerts_fired_pipe&height=150&width=280&fired='. $fired_percentage.'¬_fired='.$not_fired_percentage; $pdf->ezImage ($image, 0, 150, 'none', 'left'); $pdf->ezText (''.__('Alerts fired').': '.sizeof ($alerts_fired).'', 8); $pdf->ezText (''.__('Total alerts monitored').': '.sizeof ($alerts).'', 8); $pdf->ezText ("\n", 8); $table_alerts = get_fired_alerts_reporting_table ($alerts_fired); $pdf->ezTable ($table_alerts->data, $table_alerts->head, "", $table_options); unset ($alerts); unset ($alerts_fired); break; case 6: case 'monitor_report': $value = get_agent_module_sla ($content["id_agent_module"], $content['period'], 1, 1); doTitle ($pdf, __('Monitor report').': '.$agent_name.' - '.$module_name. ' - '.$period); $pdf->setColor (0, 0.9, 0, 0); // Red $pdf->ezText (''.__('Up').': '.format_for_graph ($value, 2) . " %", 18); $pdf->setColor (0.9, 0, 0, 1); // Grey $pdf->ezText (''.__('Down').': '.format_numeric (100 - $value, 2) . " %", 18); $pdf->setColor (0, 0, 0, 1); // Black break; case 7: case 'avg_value': $value = get_agent_module_value_average ($content["id_agent_module"], $content['period']); doTitle ($pdf, __('Avg. Value').': '.$agent_name.' - '. $module_name.' - '.$period); $pdf->ezText ("".format_for_graph ($value, 2)."", 18); break; case 8: case 'max_value': $value = get_agent_module_value_max ($content["id_agent_module"], $content['period']); doTitle ($pdf, __('Max. Value').': '.$agent_name. ' - '.$module_name.' - '.$period); $pdf->ezText ("".format_for_graph ($value, 2)."", 18); break; case 9: case 'min_value': $value = get_agent_module_value_min ($content["id_agent_module"], $content['period']); doTitle ($pdf, __('Min. Value').': '.$agent_name. ' - '.$module_name.' - '.$period); $pdf->ezText ("".format_for_graph ($value, 2)."", 18); break; case 10: case 'sumatory': $value = get_agent_module_value_sumatory ($content["id_agent_module"], $content['period']); doTitle ($pdf, __('Sumatory').': '.$agent_name. ' - '.$module_name.' - '.$period); $pdf->ezText ("".format_for_graph ($value, 2)."", 18); break; case 11: case 'general_group_report': doTitle ($pdf, __('Group').': '.$group_name); $pdf->ezText ("".__('Agents in group').': '.sizeof ($agents)."", 12); break; case 12: case 'monitor_health': $monitors = get_monitors_in_group ($report['id_group']); $monitors_down = get_monitors_down ($monitors, $content['period']); doTitle ($pdf, __('Monitor health').': '. $group_name. ' - '.$period); $down_percentage = round (sizeof ($monitors_down) / sizeof ($monitors) * 100, 2); $not_down_percentage = 100 - $down_percentage; $image = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$config["homeurl"]. '/reporting/fgraph.php?PHPSESSID='.$session_id. '&tipo=monitors_health_pipe&height=150&width=280&down='. $down_percentage.'¬_down='.$not_down_percentage; $pdf->ezImage ($image, 0, 150, 'none', 'left'); $pdf->ezText ("\n", 4); $pdf->ezText (''.__('Total monitors').': '.sizeof ($monitors).'', 8); $pdf->ezText (''.__('Monitors down on period').': '.sizeof ($monitors_down).'', 8); $pdf->ezText ("\n", 8); $table_monitors = get_monitors_down_reporting_table ($monitors_down); $pdf->ezTable ($table_monitors->data, $table_monitors->head, "", $table_options); unset ($monitors); unset ($monitors_down); break; case 13: case 'agents_detailed': doTitle ($pdf, __('Agents detailed view').': '. $group_name.' '.__('Group')); foreach ($agents as $agent) { $pdf->ezText ("".$agent['nombre']."", 18); $table = get_agent_modules_reporting_table ($agent['id_agente'], $content['period']); $pdf->ezText ("".__('Modules')."", 12); $pdf->ezText ("\n", 3); $pdf->ezTable ($table->data, array (__('Name')), "", $table_options); $table = get_agent_alerts_reporting_table ($agent['id_agente'], $content['period']); if (sizeof ($table->data)) { $pdf->ezText ("".__('Alerts')."", 12); $pdf->ezText ("\n", 3); $pdf->ezTable ($table->data, $table->head, "", $table_options); } $table = get_agent_monitors_reporting_table ($agent['id_agente'], $content['period']); if (sizeof ($table->data)) { $pdf->ezText ("".__('Monitors')."", 12); $pdf->ezText ("\n", 3); $pdf->ezTable ($table->data, $table->head, "", $table_options); } } break; } $pdf->ezText ("\n", 8); } // End report doPageNumbering ($pdf); $pdf->ezStream (); } ?>