$file_name (" . __("File is too large than PHP memory allocated in the system.") . ")"; echo "
" . __('Use this tool to view your %s logfiles directly on the console', get_product_name()) . "
"; echo "" . __('You can choose the amount of information shown in general setup (Log size limit in system logs viewer extension), ' . $config['max_log_size'] * 1000 . 'B at the moment') . "
"; $logs_directory = (!empty($config["server_log_dir"])) ? io_safe_output($config["server_log_dir"]) : "/var/log/pandora"; view_logfile ($config["homedir"]."/pandora_console.log"); view_logfile ($logs_directory."/pandora_server.log"); view_logfile ($logs_directory."/pandora_server.error"); } extensions_add_godmode_menu_option (__('System logfiles'), 'PM','', null, "v1r1"); extensions_add_godmode_function('pandoralogs_extension_main'); ?>