echo ''.__('User ID').' | ';
echo '';
print_input_text_extended ("id_user", $id, '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"');
echo ' |
'.__('Full (display) name').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("fullname", $user_info["fullname"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"');
echo ' |
'.__('First name').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("firstname", $user_info["firstname"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"');
echo ' |
'.__('Last name').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("lastname", $user_info["lastname"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"');
echo ' |
'.__('Password').' | ';
if ($config["user_can_update_password"]) {
if (!isset ($_GET["create"])) {
print_input_text_extended ("password_old", "-", '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"', false, true);
echo ' |
'.__('New Password').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("password_new", "-", '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"', false, true);
echo ' |
'.__('Password confirmation').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("password_confirm", "-", '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"', false, true);
} else {
echo ''.__('You can not change passwords from Pandora FMS under the current authentication scheme').'';
echo ' |
'.__('Global Profile').' | ';
if ($config["admin_can_make_admin"]) {
echo __('Administrator');
print_radio_button ('is_admin', '1', '', $user_info["is_admin"]);
print_help_tip (__("This user has permissions to manage all. This is admin user and overwrites all permissions given in profiles/groups"));
print __('Standard user');
print_radio_button ('is_admin', '0', '', $user_info["is_admin"]);
print_help_tip (__("This user has separated permissions to view data in his group agents, create incidents belong to his groups, add notes in another incidents, create personal assignments or reviews and other tasks, on different profiles"));
} else {
echo ''.__('You can not change admin status from Pandora FMS under the current authentication scheme').'';
echo ' |
'.__('E-mail').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("email", $user_info["email"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"');
echo ' |
'.__('Phone number').' | ';
print_input_text_extended ("phone", $user_info["phone"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"');
echo ' |
'.__('Comments').' | ';
print_textarea ("comments", 4, 55, $user_info["comments"], ($view_mode ? 'readonly' : ''));
echo ' |
'.__('Group(s) available').' | ';
$groups = get_user_groups ($config["id_user"], "UM");
print_select ($groups, "assign_group", 0, '', __('None'), 0, false, false, false, 'w155');
echo ' |
'.__('Profiles').' | ';
$profiles = get_profiles ();
print_select ($profiles, "assign_profile", 0, '', __('None'), 0, false, false, false, 'w155');
echo ' |
echo '';
print_submit_button (__('Update'), 'uptbutton', false, 'class="sub upd"');
echo '