(function($) {
// We only support a single instance per call, so these variables are available
// for all subsequent calls.
var methods = {};
var opts = {};
var selectedTimezone = null;
var imgElement = null;
var mapElement = null;
var $pin = null;
// Gets called upon timezone change.
// The expected method signature is changeHandler(timezoneName, countryName, offset).
var changeHandler = null;
methods.init = function(initOpts) {
var $origCall = this;
// Set the instance options.
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.timezonePicker.defaults, initOpts);
selectedTimezone = opts.timezone;
changeHandler = opts.changeHandler;
return $origCall.each(function(index, item) {
imgElement = item;
mapElement = document.getElementsByName(
imgElement.useMap.replace(/^#/, "")
// Wrap the img tag in a relatively positioned DIV for the pin.
position: "relative",
width: $(imgElement).width() + "px"
// Add the pin.
if (opts.pinUrl) {
$pin = $('
.css("display", "none");
} else if (opts.pin) {
$pin = $(imgElement)
.css("display", "none");
// Main event handler when a timezone is clicked.
.click(function() {
var areaElement = this;
// Enable the pin adjustment.
if ($pin) {
$pin.css("display", "block");
var pinCoords = $(areaElement)
var pinWidth = parseInt($pin.width() / 2);
var pinHeight = $pin.height();
position: "absolute",
left: pinCoords[0] - pinWidth + "px",
top: pinCoords[1] - pinHeight + "px"
var timezoneName = $(areaElement).attr("data-timezone");
var countryName = $(areaElement).attr("data-country");
var offset = $(areaElement).attr("data-offset");
// Call the change handler
if (typeof changeHandler === "function") {
changeHandler(timezoneName, countryName, offset);
// Update the target select list.
if (opts.target) {
if (timezoneName) $(opts.target).val(timezoneName);
if (opts.countryTarget) {
if (countryName) $(opts.countryTarget).val(countryName);
return false;
// Adjust the timezone if the target changes.
if (opts.target) {
$(opts.target).bind("change", function() {
$origCall.timezonePicker("updateTimezone", $(this).val());
// Adjust the timezone if the countryTarget changes.
if (opts.countryTarget && opts.countryGuess) {
$(opts.countryTarget).bind("change", function() {
var countryCode = $(this).val();
if (opts.countryGuesses[countryCode]) {
'area[data-timezone="' + opts.countryGuesses[countryCode] + '"]'
} else {
.find("area[data-country=" + countryCode + "]:first")
// This is very expensive, so only run if enabled.
if (opts.responsive) {
var resizeTimeout = null;
$(window).resize(function() {
if (resizeTimeout) {
resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
// Give the page a slight time to load before selecting the default
// timezone on the map.
setTimeout(function() {
if (
opts.responsive &&
parseInt(imgElement.width) !==
) {
} else if (opts.maphilight && $.fn.maphilight) {
if (opts.target) {
}, 500);
* Update the currently selected timezone and update the pin location.
methods.updateTimezone = function(newTimezone) {
selectedTimezone = newTimezone;
$pin.css("display", "none");
.each(function(m, areaElement) {
if (areaElement.getAttribute("data-timezone") === selectedTimezone) {
return false;
return this;
* Use browser geolocation to update the currently selected timezone and update the pin location.
methods.detectLocation = function(detectOpts) {
var detectDefaults = {
success: undefined,
error: undefined,
complete: undefined
detectOpts = $.extend(detectDefaults, detectOpts);
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition, handleErrors);
function showPosition(position) {
var $imgElement = $(imgElement);
var imageXY = convertXY(
.each(function(m, areaElement) {
var coords = areaElement.getAttribute("coords").split(",");
var shape = areaElement.getAttribute("shape");
var poly = [];
for (var n = 0; n < coords.length / 2; n++) {
poly[n] = [coords[n * 2], coords[n * 2 + 1]];
if (
(shape === "poly" && isPointInPoly(poly, imageXY[0], imageXY[1])) ||
(shape === "rect" && isPointInRect(coords, imageXY[0], imageXY[1]))
) {
$(areaElement).triggerHandler("click", detectOpts["success"]);
return false;
if (detectOpts["complete"]) {
function handleErrors(error) {
if (detectOpts["error"]) {
if (detectOpts["complete"]) {
// Converts lat and long into X,Y coodinates on a Equirectangular map.
function convertXY(latitude, longitude, map_width, map_height) {
var x = Math.round((longitude + 180) * (map_width / 360));
var y = Math.round((latitude * -1 + 90) * (map_height / 180));
return [x, y];
// Do a dual-check here to ensure accuracy. Ray-tracing algorithm gives us the
// basic idea of if we're in a polygon, but may be inaccurate if the ray goes
// through a single point exactly at its vertex. We double check positives
// against a bounding box, ensuring the item is actually in that area.
function isPointInPoly(poly, x, y) {
var inside = false;
var bbox = [1000000, 1000000, -1000000, -1000000];
for (var i = 0, j = poly.length - 1; i < poly.length; j = i++) {
var xi = poly[i][0],
yi = poly[i][1];
var xj = poly[j][0],
yj = poly[j][1];
bbox[0] = Math.min(bbox[0], xi);
bbox[1] = Math.min(bbox[1], yi);
bbox[2] = Math.max(bbox[2], xi);
bbox[3] = Math.max(bbox[3], yi);
var intersect =
yi > y != yj > y && x < ((xj - xi) * (y - yi)) / (yj - yi) + xi;
if (intersect) inside = !inside;
return inside && isPointInRect(bbox, x, y);
// Simple check if a point is in between two X/Y coordinates. Input may be
// any two points, with a box made between them.
function isPointInRect(rect, x, y) {
// Adjust so we're always going top-left to lower-right.
rect = [
Math.min(rect[0], rect[2]),
Math.min(rect[1], rect[3]),
Math.max(rect[0], rect[2]),
Math.max(rect[1], rect[3])
return x >= rect[0] && x <= rect[2] && y >= rect[1] && y <= rect[2];
return this;
* Experimental method to rewrite the imagemap based on new image dimensions.
* This does not resize the image itself, it recalculates the imagemap to match
* the current dimensions of the image.
methods.resize = function() {
.each(function(m, areaElement) {
// Save the original coordinates for further resizing.
if (!areaElement.originalCoords) {
areaElement.originalCoords = {
timezone: areaElement.getAttribute("data-timezone"),
country: areaElement.getAttribute("data-country"),
coords: areaElement.getAttribute("coords"),
pin: areaElement.getAttribute("data-pin")
var rescale = imgElement.width / imgElement.getAttribute("width");
// Adjust the image size.
width: $(imgElement).width() + "px"
// Adjust the coords attribute.
var originalCoords = areaElement.originalCoords.coords.split(",");
var newCoords = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < originalCoords.length; j++) {
newCoords[j] = Math.round(parseInt(originalCoords[j]) * rescale);
areaElement.setAttribute("coords", newCoords.join(","));
// Adjust the pin coordinates.
var pinCoords = areaElement.originalCoords.pin.split(",");
pinCoords[0] = Math.round(parseInt(pinCoords[0]) * rescale);
pinCoords[1] = Math.round(parseInt(pinCoords[1]) * rescale);
areaElement.setAttribute("data-pin", pinCoords.join(","));
// Fire the change handler on the target.
if (opts.target) {
return this;
$.fn.timezonePicker = function(method) {
// Method calling logic.
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)
} else if (typeof method === "object" || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.timezonePicker");
$.fn.timezonePicker.defaults = {
// Selector for the pin that should be used. This selector only works in the
// immediate parent of the image map img tag.
pin: ".timezone-pin",
// Specify a URL for the pin image instead of using a DOM element.
pinUrl: null,
// Preselect a particular timezone.
timezone: null,
// Pass through options to the jQuery maphilight plugin.
maphilight: true,
// Selector for the select list, textfield, or hidden to update upon click.
target: null,
// Selector for the select list, textfield, or hidden to update upon click
// with the specified country.
countryTarget: null,
// If changing the country should use the first timezone within that country.
countryGuess: true,
// A list of country guess exceptions. These should only be needed if a
// country spans multiple timezones.
countryGuesses: {
AU: "Australia/Sydney",
BR: "America/Sao_Paulo",
CA: "America/Toronto",
CN: "Asia/Shanghai",
ES: "Europe/Madrid",
MX: "America/Mexico_City",
RU: "Europe/Moscow",
US: "America/New_York"
// If this map should automatically adjust its size if scaled. Note that
// this can be very expensive computationally and will likely have a delay
// on resize. The maphilight library also is incompatible with this setting
// and will be disabled.
responsive: false,
// Default options passed along to the maphilight plugin.
fade: false,
stroke: true,
strokeColor: "FFFFFF",
strokeOpacity: 0.4,
fillColor: "FFFFFF",
fillOpacity: 0.4,
groupBy: "data-offset"