0 AND t0.disabled = 0'; break; case "disabled": $status_query = ' AND t0.disabled = 1'; break; case "all_enabled": $status_query = ' AND t0.disabled = 0'; break; default: $status_query = ''; break; } //----------- Standby ---------------------------------------------- $standby_query = ''; if ($standby != -1) { $status_query .= ' AND t0.standby = ' . $standby . ' '; } //----------- Free search ------------------------------------------ $free_search = io_safe_input($free_search); //----------- Make the query --------------------------------------- if ($total) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT *, t2.nombre AS module_name, t3.nombre AS agent_name, t1.name AS template_name, t0.disabled AS alert_disabled '; } $sql .= ' FROM talert_template_modules AS t0 INNER JOIN talert_templates t1 ON t0.id_alert_template = t1.id INNER JOIN tagente_modulo t2 ON t0.id_agent_module = t2.id_agente_modulo INNER JOIN tagente t3 ON t2.id_agente = t3.id_agente WHERE 1=1 ' . $status_query . ' ' . $standby_query . ' ' . $group_query . ' AND (t1.name LIKE "%' . $free_search . '%" OR t2.nombre LIKE "%' . $free_search . '%" OR t3.nombre LIKE "%' . $free_search . '%")'; if ($id_agent != 0) { $sql .= ' AND t3.id_agente = ' . $id_agent; } $row_alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($total) { return reset($row_alerts[0]); } else { return $row_alerts; } } /** * Get fired status from any alert of agent in group. * * @param integer $idGroup The ID of group. * @param mixed $type The list of types to search or type. By default "alert_fired". * * @return mixed Return id if the group have any alert is fired or false is not. */ function alerts_get_event_status_group($idGroup, $type = "alert_fired", $query = 'AND 1=1', $agents = null) { global $config; $return = false; $typeWhere = ''; if (!is_array($type)) { $typeWhere = ' AND event_type = "' . $type . '" '; } else { $temp = array(); foreach ($type as $item) { array_push ( $temp , $item ); } $typeWhere = ' AND event_type IN ('; foreach ($temp as $ele) { $typeWhere .= "'".$ele."'"; if($ele != end($temp)){ $typeWhere .= ","; } } $typeWhere .= ')'; } if ($agents == null) { $agents = agents_get_group_agents($idGroup, false, "lower", false); $idAgents = array_keys($agents); } else { $idAgents = array_values($agents); } $result = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_evento FROM tevento WHERE estado = 0 AND id_agente IN (0,' . implode(',', $idAgents) . ') ' . $typeWhere . $query . ' ORDER BY id_evento DESC LIMIT 1'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result[0]['id_evento']; } /** * Insert in talert_commands a new command. * * @param string name command name to save in DB. * @param string command String of command. * @param mixed A single value or array of values to insert (can be a multiple amount of rows). * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise. */ function alerts_create_alert_command ($name, $command, $values = false) { if (empty ($name)) return false; if (empty ($command)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) $values = array (); $values['name'] = $name; $values['command'] = $command; return @db_process_sql_insert ('talert_commands', $values); } /** * Update a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * @param mixed Array of values to update. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise */ function alerts_update_alert_command ($id_alert_command, $values) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_commands', $values, array ('id' => $id_alert_command))) !== false; } /** * Delete a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise */ function alerts_delete_alert_command ($id_alert_command) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_delete ('talert_commands', array ('id' => $id_alert_command))) !== false; } /** * Get a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. All row of the selected command otherwise */ function alerts_get_alert_command ($id_alert_command) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; return db_get_row ('talert_commands', 'id', $id_alert_command); } /** * Get name of a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Command name otherwise */ function alert_get_alert_command_name ($id_alert_command) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; return db_get_value ('name', 'talert_commands', 'id', $id_alert_command); } /** * Get command field of a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Command field otherwise */ function alerts_get_alert_command_command ($id_alert_command) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; return db_get_value ('command', 'talert_commands', 'id', $id_alert_command); } /** * Get internal field of a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Internal field otherwise */ function alerts_get_alert_command_internal ($id_alert_command) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; return (bool) db_get_value ('internal', 'talert_commands', 'id', $id_alert_command); } /** * Get description field of a command in talert_commands. * * @param int Alert command Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Description field otherwise */ function alerts_get_alert_command_description ($id_alert_command) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; return db_get_value ('description', 'talert_commands', 'id', $id_alert_command); } /** * Creates a new alert action. * * @param string Name of the alert action * @param int Id of the alert command associated * @param mixed Other fields of the new alert or false. * * @return mixed Returns the id if success or false in case of fail. */ function alerts_create_alert_action ($name, $id_alert_command, $values = false) { $id_alert_command = safe_int ($id_alert_command, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_command)) return false; if (empty ($name)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) $values = array (); $values['name'] = $name; $values['id_alert_command'] = (int) $id_alert_command; return @db_process_sql_insert ('talert_actions', $values); } /** * Updates an alert action. * * @param int Id of the alert action * @param array Values to update. * * @return mixed Returns affected rows or false in case of fail. */ function alerts_update_alert_action ($id_alert_action, $values) { $id_alert_action = safe_int ($id_alert_action, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_action)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_actions', $values, array ('id' => $id_alert_action))) !== false; } /** * Delete an alert action. * * @param int Id of the alert action * * @return mixed Returns affected rows or false in case of fail. */ function alerts_delete_alert_action ($id_alert_action) { $id_alert_action = safe_int ($id_alert_action, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_action)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_delete ('talert_actions', array ('id' => $id_alert_action))) !== false; } /** * Clone an alert action. * * @param int Id of the original alert action * * @return mixed Id of the cloned action or false in case of fail. */ function alerts_clone_alert_action ($id_alert_action) { $id_alert_action = safe_int ($id_alert_action, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_action)) return false; $action = alerts_get_alert_action($id_alert_action); if (empty ($action)) return false; unset($action['id']); return alerts_create_alert_action ($action['name']." ".__('copy'), $action['id_alert_command'], $action); } /** * Get all alert actions in Pandora DB. * * @param bool $only_names Return only names, by default is true. * @param bool $acl Check the ACL, by default is false * * @return array The list of actions. */ function alerts_get_alert_actions ($only_names = true, $acl = false) { $groups = users_get_groups(false, "AR", true); if ($groups === false) { $groups = array(); } $id_groups = array_keys($groups); $all_actions = db_get_all_rows_filter('talert_actions', array('id_group' => $id_groups)); if ($all_actions === false) return array (); if (! $only_names) return $all_actions; $actions = array (); foreach ($all_actions as $action) { $actions[$action['id']] = $action['name']; } return $actions; } /** * Get actions alerts filtered. * * @param bool Return all fields or not. * @param variant String with SQL filter or false in case you don't want to filter. * * @return mixed A matrix with all the values returned from the SQL statement or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_actions_filter ($only_names = true, $filter = false) { if (!$filter) $all_actions = db_get_all_rows_in_table ('talert_actions'); elseif (is_string($filter)) $all_actions = db_get_all_rows_filter ('talert_actions', $filter); else $all_actions = false; if ($all_actions === false) return array (); if (! $only_names) return $all_actions; $actions = array (); foreach ($all_actions as $action) { $actions[$action['id']] = $action['name']; } return $actions; } /** * Get action alert. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed An array with the result set of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action ($id_alert_action) { $id_alert_action = safe_int ($id_alert_action, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_action)) return false; return db_get_row ('talert_actions', 'id', $id_alert_action); } /** * Get Id of the alert command associated with an alert action. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed Id of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action_alert_command_id ($id_alert_action) { return db_get_value ('id_alert_command', 'talert_actions', 'id', $id_alert_action); } /** * Get alert command associated with an alert action. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed Result set of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action_alert_command ($id_alert_action) { $id_command = alerts_get_alert_action_alert_command_id ($id_alert_action); return alerts_get_alert_command ($id_command); } /** * Get field1 of an alert action. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed Field1 of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action_field1 ($id_alert_action) { return db_get_value ('field1', 'talert_actions', 'id', $id_alert_action); } /** * Get field2 of an alert action. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed Field2 of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action_field2 ($id_alert_action) { return db_get_value ('field2', 'talert_actions', 'id', $id_alert_action); } /** * Get field3 of an alert action. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed Field3 of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action_field3 ($id_alert_action) { return db_get_value ('field3', 'talert_actions', 'id', $id_alert_action); } /** * Get name of an alert action. * * @param int Id of the action alert. * * @return mixed Name of the action alert or * false in case of empty result */ function alerts_get_alert_action_name ($id_alert_action) { return db_get_value ('name', 'talert_actions', 'id', $id_alert_action); } /** * Get types of alert templates. * * @return array Types of alert templates. */ function alerts_get_alert_templates_types () { $types = array (); $types['regex'] = __('Regular expression'); $types['max_min'] = __('Max and min'); $types['max'] = __('Max.'); $types['min'] = __('Min.'); $types['equal'] = __('Equal to'); $types['not_equal'] = __('Not equal to'); $types['warning'] = __('Warning status'); $types['critical'] = __('Critical status'); $types['unknown'] = __('Unknown status'); $types['onchange'] = __('On Change'); $types['always'] = __('Always'); return $types; } /** * Get type name of an alert template. * * @param string alert template type. * * @return string name of the alert template. */ function alerts_get_alert_templates_type_name ($type) { $types = alerts_get_alert_templates_types (); if (! isset ($type[$type])) return __('Unknown'); return $types[$type]; } /** * Creates an alert template. * * @param string Name of the alert template. * @param string Type of the alert template. * @param mixed Array of alert template values or false. * * @return string name of the alert template. */ function alerts_create_alert_template ($name, $type, $values = false) { if (empty ($name)) return false; if (empty ($type)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) $values = array (); $values['name'] = $name; $values['type'] = $type; switch ($type) { /* TODO: Check values based on type, return false if failure */ } return @db_process_sql_insert ('talert_templates', $values); } /** * Updates an alert template. * * @param int Id of the alert template. * @param array Array of alert template values. * * @return mixed Number of rows affected or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_update_alert_template ($id_alert_template, $values) { $id_alert_template = safe_int ($id_alert_template, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_template)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_templates', $values, array ('id' => $id_alert_template))) !== false; } /** * Deletes an alert template. * * @param int Id of the alert template. * * @return mixed Number of rows affected or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_delete_alert_template ($id_alert_template) { $id_alert_template = safe_int ($id_alert_template, 1); if (empty ($id_alert_template)) return false; return @db_process_sql_delete ('talert_templates', array ('id' => $id_alert_template)); } /** * Get a set of alert templates. * * @param mixed Array with filter conditions or false. * @param mixed Array with a set of fields to retrieve or false. * * @return mixed Array with selected alert templates or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_templates ($filter = false, $fields = false) { global $config; if (isset($filter['offset'])) { $offset = $filter['offset']; unset($filter['offset']); } if (isset($filter['limit'])) { $limit = $filter['limit']; unset($filter['limit']); } $templates_sql = @db_get_all_rows_filter ('talert_templates', $filter, $fields, 'AND', false, true); switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $limit_sql = ''; if (isset($offset) && isset($limit)) { $limit_sql = " LIMIT $offset, $limit "; } else { $limit_sql = ""; } $sql = sprintf("%s %s", $templates_sql, $limit_sql); $alert_templates = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); break; case "oracle": $set = array(); if (isset($offset) && isset($limit)) { $set['limit'] = $limit; $set['offset'] = $offset; } $alert_templates = oracle_recode_query ($templates_sql, $set, 'AND', false); break; } return $alert_templates; } /** * Get one alert template. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Selected alert template or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template ($id_alert_template) { global $config; $alert_templates = false; $id_alert_template = safe_int ($id_alert_template, 1); if (!empty ($id_alert_template)) { switch ($config['dbtype']) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $alert_templates = db_get_row ('talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); break; case "oracle": $sql = "SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'TALERT_TEMPLATES' AND column_name NOT IN ('TIME_FROM','TIME_TO')"; $fields_select = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $column_names = array_map(function($item) { return $item['column_name']; }, $fields_select); $column_names_str = implode(',', $column_names); $sql = "SELECT $column_names_str, to_char(time_from, 'hh24:mi:ss') AS time_from, to_char(time_to, 'hh24:mi:ss') AS time_to FROM talert_templates WHERE id = $id_alert_template"; $alert_templates = db_get_row_sql($sql); break; } } return $alert_templates; } /** * Get field1 of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Field1 field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_field1 ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('field1', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get field2 of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Field2 field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_field2 ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('field2', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get field3 of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Field3 field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_field3 ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('field3', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get name of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Name field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_name ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('name', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get description of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Description field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_description ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('description', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get type of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Type field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_type ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('type', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get type's name of alert template. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Type's name of an alert template or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_type_name ($id_alert_template) { $type = alerts_get_alert_template_type ($id_alert_template); return alerts_get_alert_templates_type_name ($type); } /** * Get value of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Value field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_value ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('value', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get max_value of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Max_value field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_max_value ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('max_value', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get min_value of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Min_value field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_min_value ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('min_value', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get alert_text of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Alert_text field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_alert_text ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('alert_text', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get time_from of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Time_from field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_time_from ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('time_from', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get time_to of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Time_to field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_time_to ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('time_to', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get alert template in weekday format. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Alert template in weekday format or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_weekdays ($id_alert_template) { $alert = alerts_get_alert_template ($id_alert_template); if ($alert === false) return false; $retval = array (); $days = array ('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday'); foreach ($days as $day) $retval[$day] = (bool) $alert[$day]; return $retval; } /** * Get recovery_notify of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Recovery_notify field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_recovery_notify ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('recovery_notify', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get field2_recovery of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Field2_recovery field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_field2_recovery ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('field2_recovery', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Get field3_recovery of talert_templates table. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Field3_recovery field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_template_field3_recovery ($id_alert_template) { return db_get_value ('field3_recovery', 'talert_templates', 'id', $id_alert_template); } /** * Duplicates an alert template. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Duplicates an alert template or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_duplicate_alert_template ($id_alert_template) { $template = alerts_get_alert_template ($id_alert_template); if ($template === false) return false; $name = io_safe_input(__('Copy of') . ' ') . $template['name']; $type = $template['type']; $size = count ($template) / 2; for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { unset ($template[$i]); } unset ($template['name']); unset ($template['id']); unset ($template['type']); $template['value'] = safe_sql_string ($template['value']); return alerts_create_alert_template ($name, $type, $template); } /** * Creates an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * * @return mixed Alert associated to a module or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_create_alert_agent_module ($id_agent_module, $id_alert_template, $values = false) { if (empty ($id_agent_module)) return false; if (empty ($id_alert_template)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) $values = array (); $values['id_agent_module'] = (int) $id_agent_module; $values['id_alert_template'] = (int) $id_alert_template; $values['last_reference'] = time(); return @db_process_sql_insert ('talert_template_modules', $values); } /** * Updates an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * @param array Values of the update. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_update_alert_agent_module ($id_alert_agent_module, $values) { if (empty ($id_agent_module)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_template_modules', $values, array ('id' => $id_alert_template))) !== false; } /** * Deletes an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * @param mixed Array with filter conditions to delete. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_delete_alert_agent_module ($id_alert_agent_module, $filter = false) { if (empty ($id_alert_agent_module) && ! is_array ($filter)) return false; if (! is_array ($filter)) $filter = array (); if ($id_alert_agent_module) $filter['id'] = $id_alert_agent_module; // Get the modules of the fired alerts that will be deleted to update counts $filter_get = $filter; $filter_get['group'] = 'id_agent_module'; $filter_get['times_fired'] = '>0'; $fired_alert_modules = db_get_all_rows_filter('talert_template_modules', $filter_get, array('id_agent_module', 'COUNT(*) alerts')); /* The deletion of actions from talert_template_module_actions, it is automatily because the data base this table have a foreing key and delete on cascade. */ if (@db_process_sql_delete ('talert_template_modules', $filter) !== false) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * @param mixed Array with filter conditions to delete. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_agent_module ($id_alert_agent_module) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 0); if (empty ($id_alert_agent_module)) return false; return db_get_row ('talert_template_modules', 'id', $id_alert_agent_module); } /** * Get alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert template. * @param bool Disabled or not. * @param mixed Filter conditions or false. * @param mixed Array with fields to retrieve or false. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alerts_agent_module ($id_agent_module, $disabled = false, $filter = false, $fields = false) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_agent_module, 0); if (! is_array ($filter)) $filter = array (); if (! $disabled) $filter['disabled'] = 0; $filter['id_agent_module'] = (int) $id_agent_module; return db_get_all_rows_filter ('talert_template_modules', $filter, $fields); } /** * Get alert associated to a module (only id and name fields). * * @param int Id of an alert template. * @param bool Disabled or not. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alerts_module_name ($id_agent_module, $disabled = false) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_agent_module, 0); $sql = sprintf ('SELECT a.id, b.name FROM talert_template_modules AS a, talert_templates AS b WHERE a.id=b.id AND a.id_agent_module = %d AND a.disabled = %d', $id_agent_module, (int)$disabled); return db_process_sql($sql); } /** * Get disabled field of talert_template_modules table. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * * @return mixed Disabled field or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_agent_module_disabled ($id_alert_agent_module) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 0); return db_get_value ('disabled', 'talert_template_modules', 'id', $id_alert_agent_module); } /** * Force execution of an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_agent_module_force_execution ($id_alert_agent_module) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 0); return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_template_modules', array ('force_execution' => 1), array ('id' => $id_alert_agent_module))) !== false; } /** * Disable/Enable an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * @param bool Whether to enable or disable an alert. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_agent_module_disable ($id_alert_agent_module, $disabled) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 0); return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_template_modules', array ('disabled' => (bool) $disabled), array ('id' => $id_alert_agent_module))) !== false; } /** * Disable/Enable stanby of an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * @param bool Whether to enable or disable stanby of an alert. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_agent_module_standby ($id_alert_agent_module, $standby) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 0); return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_template_modules', array ('standby' => (bool) $standby), array ('id' => $id_alert_agent_module))) !== false; } /** * Get last fired of an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alerts_agent_module_last_fired ($id_alert_agent_module) { $id_alert_agent_module = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 1); return db_get_value ('last_fired', 'talert_template_modules', 'id', $id_alert_agent_module); } /** * Add an action to an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * @param int Id of an alert. * @param mixed Options of the action. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_add_alert_agent_module_action ($id_alert_template_module, $id_alert_action, $options = false) { global $config; if (empty ($id_alert_template_module)) return false; if (empty ($id_alert_action)) return false; $values = array (); $values['id_alert_template_module'] = (int) $id_alert_template_module; $values['id_alert_action'] = (int) $id_alert_action; $values['fires_max'] = 0; $values['fires_min'] = 0; $values['module_action_threshold'] = 0; if ($options) { $max = 0; $min = 0; if (isset ($options['fires_max'])) $values['fires_max'] = $options['fires_max']; if (isset ($options['fires_min'])) $values['fires_min'] = $options['fires_min']; if (isset ($options['module_action_threshold'])) $values['module_action_threshold'] = (int) $options['module_action_threshold']; } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": return (@db_process_sql_insert( 'talert_template_module_actions', $values)) !== false; break; case "oracle": return (@db_process_sql_insert( 'talert_template_module_actions', $values, false)) !== false; break; } } /** * Delete an action to an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_delete_alert_agent_module_action ($id_alert_agent_module_action) { if (empty ($id_alert_agent_module_action)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_delete ('talert_template_module_actions', array ('id' => $id_alert_agent_module_action))) !== false; } /** * Get actions of an alert associated to a module. * * @param int Id of an alert associated to a module. * @param mixed Array with fields to retrieve or false. * * @return mixed Actions associated or false if something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_alert_agent_module_actions ($id_alert_agent_module, $fields = false) { if (empty ($id_alert_agent_module)) return false; $actions = db_get_all_rows_filter ('talert_template_module_actions', array ('id_alert_template_module' => $id_alert_agent_module), $fields); if ($actions === false) return array (); if ($fields !== false) return $actions; $retval = array (); foreach ($actions as $element) { $action = alerts_get_alert_action ($element['id_alert_action']); $action['fires_min'] = $element['fires_min']; $action['fires_max'] = $element['fires_max']; $action['module_action_threshold'] = $element['module_action_threshold']; if (isset($element['id'])) $retval[$element['id']] = $action; } return $retval; } /** * Returns the actions applied to an alert assigned to a module in a hash. * @param unsigned int id_agent_module * * @return hash with the actions * * hash[template1][action1] <- fired * hash[template1][action2] <- fired * hash[template1][action3] <- fired * hash[template2][action1] <- fired */ function alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($id_agent_module) { if (empty ($id_agent_module)) return false; $default_sql = 'select tm.id, t.name as template, a.name as action, tm.last_fired as last_execution from talert_templates t, talert_actions a, talert_template_modules tm where tm.id_alert_template=t.id and t.id_alert_action=a.id and tm.id_agent_module=' . $id_agent_module; $actions = db_get_all_rows_sql ($default_sql); $custom_sql = 'select tm.id, t.name as template, a.name as action, tma.last_execution from talert_actions a, talert_template_module_actions tma, talert_template_modules tm, talert_templates t where tma.id_alert_template_module=tm.id and tma.id_alert_action=a.id and tm.id_alert_template = t.id and tm.id_agent_module=' . $id_agent_module; $custom_actions = db_get_all_rows_sql($custom_sql); $no_actions_sql = 'select tm.id, t.name as template from talert_templates t, talert_template_modules tm where tm.id_alert_template=t.id and tm.id_agent_module=' . $id_agent_module; $no_actions = db_get_all_rows_sql ($no_actions_sql); $nactions = 0; $return = array(); if ($actions !== false) { foreach ($actions as $a) { if (!isset($return[$a["template"]]["id"])){ $return[$a["template"]]["id"] = $a["id"]; } if (!isset($return[$a["template"]]["default"])){ $return[$a["template"]]["default"] = array(); } $return[$a["template"]]["default"][$nactions]["fired"] = $a["last_execution"]; $return[$a["template"]]["default"][$nactions]["name"] = $a["action"]; $nactions++; } } if ($custom_actions !== false) { foreach ($custom_actions as $a) { if (!isset($return[$a["template"]]["id"])){ $return[$a["template"]]["id"] = $a["id"]; } if (!isset($return[$a["template"]]["custom"])){ $return[$a["template"]]["custom"] = array(); } $return[$a["template"]]["custom"][$nactions]["fired"] = $a["last_execution"]; $return[$a["template"]]["custom"][$nactions]["name"] = $a["action"]; $nactions++; } } if ($no_actions !== false){ foreach ($no_actions as $a) { if (!isset($return[$a["template"]]["id"])){ $return[$a["template"]]["id"] = $a["id"]; } if (!isset($return[$a["template"]]["unavailable"])){ $return[$a["template"]]["unavailable"] = array(); } $return[$a["template"]]["unavailable"][$nactions]["fired"] = 0; $return[$a["template"]]["unavailable"][$nactions]["name"] = __("No actions defined"); $nactions++; } } if ($nactions == 0) { return false; } return $return; } /** * Validates an alert id or an array of alert id's. * * @param mixed Array of alerts ids or single id. * @param bool Whether to check ACLs * * @return bool True if it was successful, false otherwise. */ function alerts_validate_alert_agent_module ($id_alert_agent_module, $noACLs = false) { global $config; include_once ("include/functions_events.php"); $alerts = safe_int ($id_alert_agent_module, 1); if (empty ($alerts)) { return false; } $alerts = (array) $alerts; foreach ($alerts as $id) { $alert = alerts_get_alert_agent_module ($id); $agent_id = modules_get_agentmodule_agent ($alert["id_agent_module"]); $group_id = agents_get_agent_group ($agent_id); $critical_instructions = db_get_value('critical_instructions', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $agent_id); $warning_instructions = db_get_value('warning_instructions', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $agent_id); $unknown_instructions = db_get_value('unknown_instructions', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $agent_id); if (!$noACLs) { if (! check_acl ($config['id_user'], $group_id, "AW")) { continue; } } $result = db_process_sql_update ('talert_template_modules', array ('times_fired' => 0, 'internal_counter' => 0), array ('id' => $id)); if ($result > 0) { // Update fired alert count on the agent db_process_sql(sprintf('UPDATE tagente SET update_alert_count=1 WHERE id_agente = %d', $agent_id)); events_create_event ("Manual validation of alert for ". alerts_get_alert_template_description ($alert["id_alert_template"]), $group_id, $agent_id, 1, $config["id_user"], "alert_manual_validation", 1, $alert["id_agent_module"], $id, $critical_instructions, $warning_instructions, $unknown_instructions); } elseif ($result === false) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Copy an alert defined in a module agent to other module agent. * * This function avoid duplicated insertion. * * @param int Source agent module id. * @param int Detiny agent module id. * * @return New alert id on success. Existing alert id if it already exists. * False on error. */ function alerts_copy_alert_module_to_module ($id_agent_alert, $id_destiny_module) { global $config; $alert = alerts_get_alert_agent_module ($id_agent_alert); if ($alert === false) return false; $alerts = alerts_get_alerts_agent_module ($id_destiny_module, false, array ('id_alert_template' => $alert['id_alert_template'])); if (! empty ($alerts)) { return $alerts[0]['id']; } /* PHP copy arrays on assignment */ $new_alert = array (); $new_alert['id_agent_module'] = (int) $id_destiny_module; $new_alert['id_alert_template'] = $alert['id_alert_template']; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $id_new_alert = @db_process_sql_insert ( 'talert_template_modules', $new_alert); break; case "oracle": $id_new_alert = @db_process_sql_insert ( 'talert_template_modules', $new_alert, false); break; } if ($id_new_alert === false) { return false; } $actions = alerts_get_alert_agent_module_actions ($id_agent_alert); if (empty ($actions)) return $id_new_alert; foreach ($actions as $action) { $result = alerts_add_alert_agent_module_action ($id_new_alert, $action['id'], array ('fires_min' => $action['fires_min'], 'fires_max' => $action['fires_max'])); if ($result === false) return false; } return $id_new_alert; } /** * Get agents with an specific alert template. * * @param int Id of the alert template. * @param int Id of the group of agents. * @param mixed Array with filter conditions or false. * @param mixed Array with fields to retrieve or false. * * @return mixed Affected rows or false is something goes wrong. */ function alerts_get_agents_with_alert_template ($id_alert_template, $id_group, $filter = false, $fields = false, $id_agents = false) { global $config; if (empty ($id_alert_template)) return false; if (! is_array ($filter)) $filter = array (); $filter[] = 'tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = talert_template_modules.id_agent_module'; $filter[] = 'tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente'; $filter['id_alert_template'] = $id_alert_template; $filter['tagente_modulo.disabled'] = '<> 1'; $filter['delete_pending'] = '<> 1'; if (empty ($id_agents)) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $filter['`tagente`.id_agente'] = array_keys (agents_get_group_agents ($id_group, false, "none")); break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $filter['tagente.id_agente'] = array_keys (agents_get_group_agents ($id_group, false, "none")); break; } } else { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $filter['`tagente`.id_agente'] = $id_agents; break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $filter['tagente.id_agente'] = $id_agents; break; } } return db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente, tagente_modulo, talert_template_modules', $filter, $fields); } /** * Get type name for alerts (e-mail, text, internal, ...) based on type number * * @param int id_alert Alert type id. * * @return string Type name of the alert. */ function get_alert_type ($id_type) { return (string) db_get_value ('name', 'talert_templates', 'id', (int) $id_type); } /** * Get all the fired of alerts happened in an Agent during a period of time. * * The returned alerts will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param int $id_agent Agent id to get events. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function get_agent_alert_fired ($id_agent, $id_alert, $period, $date = 0) { if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT timestamp FROM tevento WHERE id_agente = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d AND id_alert_am = %d ORDER BY timestamp DESC', $id_agent, $datelimit, $date, $id_alert); return db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); } /** * Get all the fired of alerts happened in an Agent module during a period of time. * * The returned alerts will be in the time interval ($date - $period, $date] * * @param int $id_agent_module Agent module id to get events. * @param int $period Period of time in seconds to get events. * @param int $date Beginning date to get events. * * @return array An array with all the events happened. */ function get_module_alert_fired ($id_agent_module, $id_alert, $period, $date = 0) { if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $datelimit = $date - $period; $sql = sprintf ('SELECT timestamp FROM tevento WHERE id_agentmodule = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d AND id_alert_am = %d ORDER BY timestamp DESC', $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date, $id_alert); return db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); } /** * Get all the times an alerts fired during a period. * * @param int Alert module id. * @param int Period timed to check from date * @param int Date to check (current time by default) * * @return int The number of times an alert fired. */ function get_alert_fires_in_period ($id_alert_module, $period, $date = 0) { global $config; if (!$date) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(`id_agentmodule`) FROM `tevento` WHERE `event_type` = 'alert_fired' AND `id_alert_am` = %d AND `utimestamp` > %d AND `utimestamp` <= %d", $id_alert_module, $datelimit, $date); break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $sql = sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(id_agentmodule) FROM tevento WHERE event_type = 'alert_fired' AND id_alert_am = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d", $id_alert_module, $datelimit, $date); break; } return (int) db_get_sql ($sql); } /** * Get all the alerts defined in a group. * * It gets all the alerts of all the agents on a given group. * * @param int $id_group Group id to check. * * @return array An array with alerts dictionaries defined in a group. */ function get_group_alerts($id_group, $filter = '', $options = false, $where = '', $allModules = false, $orderby = false, $idGroup = false, $count = false, $strict_user = false, $tag = false, $action_filter = false) { global $config; $group_query = ''; if (!empty($idGroup)) { $group_query = ' AND id_grupo = ' . $idGroup; } if (is_array($filter)) { $disabled = $filter['disabled']; if (isset($filter['standby'])) { $filter = $group_query . ' AND talert_template_modules.standby = "'.$filter['standby'].'"'; } else { $filter = $group_query; } } else { $filter = $group_query; $disabled = $filter; } switch ($disabled) { case "notfired": $filter .= ' AND times_fired = 0 AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0'; break; case "fired": $filter .= ' AND times_fired > 0 AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0'; break; case "disabled": $filter .= ' AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 1'; break; case "all_enabled": $filter .= ' AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0'; break; default: $filter .= ''; break; } if ($tag) { $filter .= ' AND (id_agent_module IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE id_tag IN ('.$tag.')))'; } if($action_filter){ $filter .= ' AND (talert_template_modules.id IN (SELECT id_alert_template_module FROM talert_template_module_actions where id_alert_action = '.$action_filter.'))'; } if (is_array ($options)) { $filter .= db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($options); } if ($id_group !== false) { $groups = users_get_groups($config["id_user"], "AR"); if ($id_group != 0) { if (is_array($id_group)) { if (in_array(0, $id_group)) { $id_group = 0; } } if (is_array($id_group)) { if (empty($id_group)) { $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE 1 = 0'; } else { $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE delete_pending = 0 AND id_agente IN (SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo IN (' . implode(',', $id_group) . '))'; } } else { $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE delete_pending = 0 AND id_agente IN (SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = ' . $idGroup . ')'; } } else { //ALL GROUP $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE delete_pending = 0'; } if ($strict_user) { $groups = users_get_groups($config["id_user"]); if ($idGroup !== 0) { $where_tags = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], $idGroup, 'AR', 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo', true, array(), true); } else { $where_tags = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], array_keys($groups), 'AR', 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo', true, array(), true); } // If there are any errors add imposible condition if (in_array($where_tags, array(ERR_WRONG_PARAMETERS, ERR_ACL))) { $subQuery .= ' AND 1 = 0'; } else { $subQuery .= $where_tags; } } } else { if ($allModules) $disabled = ''; else $disabled = 'WHERE disabled = 0'; $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo ' . $disabled; } $orderbyText = ''; if ($orderby !== false) { if (is_array($orderby)) { $orderbyText = sprintf("ORDER BY %s", $orderby['field'], $orderby['order']); } else { $orderbyText = sprintf("ORDER BY %s", $orderby); } } $selectText = 'talert_template_modules.*, t2.nombre AS agent_module_name, t3.nombre AS agent_name, t4.name AS template_name'; if ($count !== false) { $selectText = 'COUNT(talert_template_modules.id) AS count'; } $sql = sprintf ("SELECT %s FROM talert_template_modules INNER JOIN tagente_modulo t2 ON talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = t2.id_agente_modulo INNER JOIN tagente t3 ON t2.id_agente = t3.id_agente INNER JOIN talert_templates t4 ON talert_template_modules.id_alert_template = t4.id WHERE id_agent_module in (%s) %s %s %s", $selectText, $subQuery, $where, $filter, $orderbyText); $alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if ($alerts === false) return array (); if ($count !== false) { return $alerts[0]['count']; } else { return $alerts; } } /** * Get all the alerts fired during a period, given a list of alerts. * * @param array A list of alert modules to check. See get_alerts_in_group() * @param int Period of time to check fired alerts. * @param int Beginning date to check fired alerts in UNIX format (current date by default) * * @return array An array with the alert id as key and the number of times * the alert was fired (only included if it was fired). */ function get_alerts_fired ($alerts, $period = 0, $date = 0) { if (! $date) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; $alerts_fired = array (); $agents = array (); foreach ($alerts as $alert) { if (isset($alert['id'])) { $fires = get_alert_fires_in_period($alert['id'], $period, $date); if (! $fires) { continue; } $alerts_fired[$alert['id']] = $fires; } } return $alerts_fired; } /** * Get the last time an alert fired during a period. * * @param int Alert agent module id. * @param int Period timed to check from date * @param int Date to check (current date by default) * * @return int The last time an alert fired. It's an UNIX timestamp. */ function get_alert_last_fire_timestamp_in_period ($id_alert_module, $period, $date = 0) { global $config; if ($date == 0) { $date = get_system_time (); } $datelimit = $date - $period; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = sprintf ("SELECT MAX(`utimestamp`) FROM `tevento` WHERE `event_type` = 'alert_fired' AND `id_alert_am` = %d AND `utimestamp` > %d AND `utimestamp` <= %d", $id_alert_module, $datelimit, $date); break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $sql = sprintf ("SELECT MAX(utimestamp) FROM tevento WHERE event_type = 'alert_fired' AND id_alert_am = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d", $id_alert_module, $datelimit, $date); break; } return db_get_sql ($sql); } /** * Insert in talert_special_days a new special day. * * @param date of special day. * @param same day of the week. * @param mixed A single value or array of values to insert (can be a multiple a mount of rows). * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise. */ function alerts_create_alert_special_day ($date, $same_day, $values = false) { if (empty ($date)) return false; if (empty ($same_day)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) $values = array (); global $config; $date_db = ''; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case "mysql": $date_db = 'date'; break; case "oracle": $date_db = '"date"'; break; } $values[$date_db] = $date; $values['same_day'] = $same_day; return @db_process_sql_insert ('talert_special_days', $values); } /** * Update a special day in talert_special_days. * * @param int special day Id. * @param mixed Array of values to update. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise */ function alerts_update_alert_special_day ($id_special_day, $values) { $id_special_day = safe_int ($id_special_day, 1); if (empty ($id_special_day)) return false; if (! is_array ($values)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_update ('talert_special_days', $values, array ('id' => $id_special_day))) !== false; } /** * Delete a special day in talert_special_days. * * @param int special day Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise */ function alerts_delete_alert_special_day ($id_special_day) { $id_special_day = safe_int ($id_special_day, 1); if (empty ($id_special_day)) return false; return (@db_process_sql_delete ('talert_special_days', array ('id' => $id_special_day))) !== false; } /** * Get a special day in talert_special_days. * * @param int special day Id. * * @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. All row of the selected command otherwise */ function alerts_get_alert_special_day ($id_special_day) { $id_special_day = safe_int ($id_special_day, 1); if (empty ($id_special_day)) return false; return db_get_row ('talert_special_days', 'id', $id_special_day); } /** * Get number of alert fired that an action is executed. Only fot non default alerts * * @param mixed action * * @return mixed array with numeric indexes and 0|1 values for not executing or executing. * Returned 'everytime' for always situations * Returned $escalation['greater_than'] = VALUE for 'min - infinite' situations */ function alerts_get_action_escalation($action) { $escalation = array(); if ($action['fires_min'] == 0 && $action['fires_max'] == 0) { $escalation = 'everytime'; } else if($action['fires_min'] == $action['fires_max']) { for($i=1;$i<$action['fires_min'];$i++) { $escalation[$i] = 0; } $escalation[$action['fires_max']] = 1; } else if($action['fires_min'] < $action['fires_max']) { for($i=1;$i<=$action['fires_max'];$i++) { if ($i <= $action['fires_min']) { $escalation[$i] = 0; } else { $escalation[$i] = 1; } } } else if($action['fires_min'] > $action['fires_max']) { $escalation['greater_than'] = $action['fires_min']; } return $escalation; } /** * Get escalation of all the actions * * @param mixed Actions of an alert * @param mixed Default action of an alert * * @return mixed Actions array including the default action and the escalation of each action */ function alerts_get_actions_escalation($actions, $default_action = 0) { $escalation = array(); foreach($actions as $kaction => $action) { $escalation[$kaction] = alerts_get_action_escalation($action); } $default_escalation = alerts_get_default_action_escalation($default_action, $escalation); $escalation = array(0 => $default_escalation) + $escalation; $escalation = alerts_normalize_actions_escalation($escalation); // Join the actions with the default action $actions = array(0 => $default_action) + $actions; // Add the escalation values to the actions array foreach(array_keys($actions) as $kaction) { $actions[$kaction]['escalation'] = $escalation[$kaction]; } return $actions; } /** * Get escalation of default action. A default action will be executed when the alert is fired and * no other action is executed * * @param mixed Default action of the alert * @param mixed Escalation of all the other actions * * @return mixed Array with the escalation of the default alert */ function alerts_get_default_action_escalation($default_action, $escalation) { if ($default_action === 0) { return array(); } $busy_times = array(); $busy_greater_than = -1; foreach($escalation as $action_escalation) { if ($action_escalation == 'everytime') { return 'never'; } else if (isset($action_escalation['greater_than'])) { if ($busy_greater_than == -1 || $action_escalation['greater_than'] < $busy_greater_than) { $busy_greater_than = $action_escalation['greater_than']; } } else { foreach($action_escalation as $k => $v) { if (!isset($busy_times[$k])) { $busy_times[$k] = 0; } $busy_times[$k] += $v; } } } // Set to 1 the busy executions // Set to 2 the min - infinite situations foreach($busy_times as $k => $v) { if ($busy_greater_than != -1) { if ($k == ($busy_greater_than + 1)) { $busy_times[$k] = 2; } else if ($k > ($busy_greater_than + 1)) { unset($busy_times[$k]); } } else if ($v > 1) { $busy_times[$k] = 1; } } // Fill gaps from last busy to greater than if ($busy_greater_than != -1) { for($i=(count($busy_times)+1);$i<=$busy_greater_than;$i++) { $busy_times[$i] = 0; } $busy_times[$i] = 2; } // Set as default execution the not busy times $default_escalation = array(); foreach($busy_times as $k => $v) { switch($v) { case 0: $default_escalation[$k] = 1; break; default: $default_escalation[$k] = 0; break; } // Last element if ($k == count($busy_times)) { switch($v) { case 2: if ($default_escalation[$k] == 0) { unset($default_escalation[$k]); } break; default: $default_escalation[$k+1] = 1; break; } } } if (empty($busy_times)) { if ($busy_greater_than == -1) { $default_escalation = 'everytime'; } else { for($i=1;$i<=$busy_greater_than;$i++) { $default_escalation[$i] = 1; } } } return $default_escalation; } /** * Normalize escalation to have same number of elements setting all * of them the same number of elements * * @param mixed Escalation of the alerts * * @return mixed Escalation of the alerts with same number of elements * */ function alerts_normalize_actions_escalation($escalation) { $max_elements = 0; $any_greater_than = false; foreach($escalation as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v) && isset($v['greater_than'])) { $escalation[$k] = array(); for($i=1;$i<$v['greater_than'];$i++) { $escalation[$k][$i] = 0; } $escalation[$k][$v['greater_than']] = 2; $any_greater_than = true; } $n = count($escalation[$k]); if ($n > $max_elements) { $max_elements = $n; } } if ($max_elements == 1 || !$any_greater_than) { $nelements = $max_elements; } else { $nelements = $max_elements+1; } foreach($escalation as $k => $v) { if ($v == 'everytime') { $escalation[$k] = array_fill(1, $nelements, 1); $escalation[$k][$max_elements] = 2; } else if ($v == 'never') { $escalation[$k] = array_fill(1, $nelements, 0); } else { $fill_value = 0; for($i=1;$i<=$nelements;$i++) { if (!isset($escalation[$k][$i])) { $escalation[$k][$i] = $fill_value; } else if ($escalation[$k][$i] == 2) { $fill_value = 1; $escalation[$k][$i] = 0; } } } } return $escalation; } ?>