[], 'groups' => [], ]; if (empty($id_message)) { return $targets; } $ret = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_user FROM tnotification_user nu WHERE nu.id_mensaje = %d', $id_message ) ); if (is_array($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $row) { array_push( $targets['users'], get_user_fullname($row['id_user']) ); } } $ret = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT COALESCE(tg.nombre,ng.id_group) as "id_group" FROM tnotification_group ng LEFT JOIN tgrupo tg ON tg.id_grupo=ng.id_group WHERE ng.id_mensaje = %d', $id_message ) ); if (is_array($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $row) { if ($row['id_group'] == '0') { $row['id_group'] = ''.__('All').''; } array_push($targets['groups'], $row['id_group']); } } return $targets; } /** * Check if current user has grants to read this notification * * @param integer $id_message Target message. * * @return boolean true, read available. False if not. */ function check_notification_readable(int $id_message) { global $config; if (empty($id_message)) { return false; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT tm.*, utimestamp_read > 0 as "read" FROM tmensajes tm LEFT JOIN tnotification_user nu ON tm.id_mensaje=nu.id_mensaje AND tm.id_mensaje=%d LEFT JOIN (tnotification_group ng INNER JOIN tusuario_perfil up ON ng.id_group=up.id_grupo AND up.id_grupo=ng.id_group ) ON tm.id_mensaje=ng.id_mensaje WHERE utimestamp_erased is null AND (up.id_usuario="%s" OR nu.id_user="%s" OR ng.id_group=0)', $id_message, $config['id_user'], $config['id_user'] ); return (bool) db_get_value_sql($sql); } /** * Returns the target users and groups assigned to be notified on * desired source. * * @param integer $id_source * * @return array [users] and [groups] with the targets. */ function get_notification_source_targets(int $id_source) { $ret = []; $users = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_user, IF(ns.user_editable = 1,nsu.also_mail,ns.also_mail) AS also_mail FROM tnotification_source_user nsu INNER JOIN tnotification_source ns ON ns.id=nsu.id_source WHERE ns.id = %d AND ((ns.enabled is NULL OR ns.enabled != 0) OR (nsu.enabled is NULL OR nsu.enabled != 0))', $id_source ) ); if ($users !== false) { $i = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $ret['users'][$i]['id_user'] = $user['id_user']; $ret['users'][$i++]['also_mail'] = $also_mail; } } $groups = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_group,ns.also_mail FROM tnotification_source_group nsg INNER JOIN tnotification_source ns ON ns.id=nsg.id_source WHERE ns.id = %d AND (ns.enabled is NULL OR ns.enabled != 0)', $id_source ) ); if ($groups !== false) { $i = 0; foreach ($groups as $group) { $ret['groups'][$i]['id_group'] = $group['id_group']; $ret['groups'][$i++]['also_mail'] = $group['also_mail']; } } return $ret; } /** * Return all info from tnotification_source * * @return array with sources info */ function notifications_get_all_sources() { return db_get_all_rows_in_table('tnotification_source'); } /** * Return the user sources to be inserted into a select * * @param integer $source_id Source database identificator * * @return array with the user id in keys and user id in value too */ function notifications_get_user_sources_for_select($source_id) { $users = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tnotification_source_user', ['id_source' => $source_id], 'id_user' ); // If fails or no one is selected, return empty array if ($users === false) { return []; } return index_array($users, 'id_user', 'id_user'); } /** * Return the groups sources to be inserted into a select * * @param integer $source_id Source database identificator * * @return array with the group id in keys and group name in value */ function notifications_get_group_sources_for_select($source_id) { $groups = notifications_get_group_sources( ['id_source' => $source_id], ['id_group'] ); return index_array($groups, 'id_group', 'name'); } /** * Get the group sources * * @param array $filter Filter of sql query. */ function notifications_get_group_sources($filter=[], $fields=[]) { // Get only the tnotifications_source_group fields in addition to group name. if (empty($fields)) { $fields[] = 'tnsg.*'; } $fields = array_map( function ($field) { if (!preg_match('/^tnsg./', $field)) { $field = "tnsg.{$field}"; } return $field; }, $fields ); // Get groups. $groups = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tnotification_source_group tnsg LEFT JOIN tgrupo tg ON tnsg.id_group = tg.id_grupo', $filter, array_merge($fields, ['IFNULL(tg.nombre, "All") AS name']) ); // If fails or no one is selected, return empty array if ($groups === false) { return []; } return $groups; } /** * Delete a set of groups from notification source * * @param int Source id * @param array Id of groups to be deleted * * @return boolean True if success. False otherwise. */ function notifications_remove_group_from_source($source_id, $groups) { // Source id is mandatory if (!isset($source_id)) { return false; } // Delete from database return db_process_sql_delete( 'tnotification_source_group', [ 'id_group' => $groups, 'id_source' => $source_id, ] ) !== false; } /** * Delete a set of users from notification source * * @param int Source id * @param array Id of users to be deleted * * @return boolean True if success. False otherwise. */ function notifications_remove_users_from_source($source_id, $users) { // Source id is mandatory if (!isset($source_id)) { return false; } // Delete from database return db_process_sql_delete( 'tnotification_source_user', [ 'id_user' => $users, 'id_source' => $source_id, ] ) !== false; } /** * Insert a set of groups to notification source * * @param int Source id * @param array Id of groups to be deleted * * @return boolean True if success. False otherwise. */ function notifications_add_group_to_source($source_id, $groups) { // Source id is mandatory if (!isset($source_id)) { return false; } // Insert into database all groups passed $res = true; foreach ($groups as $group) { if (empty($group)) { continue; } $res = $res && db_process_sql_insert( 'tnotification_source_group', [ 'id_group' => $group, 'id_source' => $source_id, ] ) !== false; } return $res; } /** * Insert a set of users to notification source * * @param int Source id * @param array Id of users to be deleted * * @return boolean True if success. False otherwise. */ function notifications_add_users_to_source($source_id, $users) { // Source id is mandatory if (!isset($source_id)) { return false; } // Insert into database all groups passed $res = true; foreach ($users as $user) { if (empty($user)) { continue; } $res = $res && db_process_sql_insert( 'tnotification_source_user', [ 'id_user' => $user, 'id_source' => $source_id, ] ) !== false; } return $res; } /** * Get the groups that not own to a source and, for that reason, they can be * added to the source. * * @param integer $source_id Source id. * @return array Indexed by id group all selectable groups. */ function notifications_get_group_source_not_configured($source_id) { $groups_selected = notifications_get_group_sources_for_select($source_id); $all_groups = users_get_groups_for_select(false, 'AR', false, true, $groups_selected); return array_diff($all_groups, $groups_selected); } /** * Get the users that not own to a source and, for that reason, they can be * added to the source. * * @param integer $source_id * @return array Indexed by id user, all selectable users. */ function notifications_get_user_source_not_configured($source_id) { $users_selected = array_keys(notifications_get_user_sources_for_select($source_id)); $users = get_users( 'id_user', ['!id_user' => $users_selected], ['id_user'] ); return index_array($users, 'id_user', 'id_user'); } /** * Print the notification ball to see unread messages * * @return string with HTML code of notification ball */ function notifications_print_ball() { $num_notifications = messages_get_count(); $class_status = $num_notifications == 0 ? 'notification-ball-no-messages' : 'notification-ball-new-messages'; return "
"; } /** * Print notification configuration global * * @param array notification source data * * @return string with HTML of source configuration */ function notifications_print_global_source_configuration($source) { // Get some values to generate the title $id = notifications_desc_to_id($source['description']); $switch_values = [ 'name' => 'enable-'.$id, 'value' => $source['enabled'], ]; // Search if group all is set and handle that situation $source_groups = notifications_get_group_sources_for_select($source['id']); $is_group_all = isset($source_groups['0']); if ($is_group_all) { unset($source_groups['0']); } // Generate the title $html_title = "
"; $html_title .= html_print_switch($switch_values); $html_title .= "


"; $html_title .= '
'; // Generate the html for title $html_selectors = "
"; $html_selectors .= notifications_print_source_select_box(notifications_get_user_sources_for_select($source['id']), 'users', $id, $is_group_all); $html_selectors .= notifications_print_source_select_box($source_groups, 'groups', $id, $is_group_all); $html_selectors .= '
'; // Generate the checkboxes and time select $html_checkboxes = "
"; $html_checkboxes .= ' '; $html_checkboxes .= html_print_checkbox("all-$id", 1, $is_group_all, true, false, 'notifications_disable_source(event)'); $html_checkboxes .= __('Notify all users'); $html_checkboxes .= '
'; $html_checkboxes .= html_print_checkbox("mail-$id", 1, $source['also_mail'], true); $html_checkboxes .= __('Also email users with notification content'); $html_checkboxes .= '
'; $html_checkboxes .= html_print_checkbox("user-$id", 1, $source['user_editable'], true); $html_checkboxes .= __('Users cannot modify notification preferences'); $html_checkboxes .= ' '; $html_checkboxes .= '
'; // Generate the select with the time $html_select_pospone = __('Users can postpone notifications up to'); $html_select_pospone .= html_print_select( [ SECONDS_5MINUTES => __('5 minutes'), SECONDS_15MINUTES => __('15 minutes'), SECONDS_12HOURS => __('12 hours'), SECONDS_1DAY => __('1 day'), SECONDS_1WEEK => __('1 week'), SECONDS_15DAYS => __('15 days'), SECONDS_1MONTH => __('1 month'), NOTIFICATIONS_POSTPONE_FOREVER => __('forever'), ], "postpone-{$id}", $source['max_postpone_time'], '', '', 0, true ); // Return all html return $html_title.$html_selectors.$html_checkboxes.$html_select_pospone; } /** * Print select boxes of notified users or groups * * @param array $info_selec All info required for build the selector * @param string $id users|groups * @param string $source_id Id of source * @param boolean $disabled Disable the selectors * * @return string HTML with the generated selector */ function notifications_print_source_select_box($info_selec, $id, $source_id, $disabled) { $title = $id == 'users' ? __('Notified users') : __('Notified groups'); $add_title = $id == 'users' ? __('Add users') : __('Add groups'); $delete_title = $id == 'users' ? __('Delete users') : __('Delete groups'); // Generate the HTML $html_select = "
"; $html_select .= '
'; $html_select .= "


"; // Put a true if empty sources to avoid to sow the 'None' value $html_select .= html_print_select(empty($info_selec) ? true : $info_selec, "multi-{$id}-{$source_id}[]", 0, false, '', '', true, true, true, '', $disabled); $html_select .= '
'; $html_select .= "
"; $html_select .= html_print_image('images/input_add.png', true, ['title' => $add_title, 'onclick' => "add_source_dialog('$id', '$source_id')"]); $html_select .= html_print_image('images/input_delete.png', true, ['title' => $delete_title, 'onclick' => "remove_source_elements('$id', '$source_id')"]); $html_select .= '
'; $html_select .= '
'; return $html_select; } /** * Print the select with right and left arrows to select new sources * (groups or users). * * @param array $info_selec Array with source info. * @param string $users users|groups. * @param source $source_id Source id. * @return string HTML with the select code. */ function notifications_print_two_ways_select($info_selec, $users, $source_id) { $html_select = "
"; $html_select .= html_print_select(empty($info_selec) ? true : $info_selec, "all-multi-{$users}-{$source_id}[]", 0, false, '', '', true, true, true, ''); $html_select .= "
"; $html_select .= html_print_image('images/darrowright.png', true, ['title' => $add_title, 'onclick' => "notifications_modify_two_ways_element('$users', '$source_id', 'add')"]); $html_select .= html_print_image('images/darrowleft.png', true, ['title' => $add_title, 'onclick' => "notifications_modify_two_ways_element('$users', '$source_id', 'remove')"]); $html_select .= '
'; $html_select .= html_print_select(true, "selected-multi-{$users}-{$source_id}[]", 0, false, '', '', true, true, true, ''); $html_select .= '
'; $html_select .= html_print_button(__('Add'), 'Add', false, "notifications_add_source_element_to_database('$users', '$source_id')", "class='sub add'", true); return $html_select; }