L1fieldName = "id_group"; $this->L1extraFields = array( "tg.nombre AS `name`", "tg.icon", "tg.id_grupo AS gid" ); $this->L2conditionInside = "AND ( ta.id_grupo = " . $this->id . " OR tasg.id_group = " . $this->id . " )"; } public function setPropagateCounters($value) { $this->propagateCounters = (bool)$value; } protected function getData() { if ($this->id == -1) { $this->getFirstLevel(); } elseif ($this->type == 'group') { $this->getSecondLevel(); } elseif ($this->type == 'agent') { $this->getThirdLevel(); } } protected function getGroupSearchFilter() { return ""; } protected function getFirstLevel() { $processed_items = $this->getProcessedGroups(); if (!empty($processed_items)) { // Filter by group name. This should be done after rerieving the items cause we need the possible items descendants if (!empty($this->filter['searchGroup'])) { // Save the groups which intersect with the user groups $groups = db_get_all_rows_filter('tgrupo', array('nombre' => '%' . $this->filter['searchGroup'] . '%')); if ($groups == false) $groups = array(); $userGroupsACL = $this->userGroupsACL; $ids_hash = array_reduce($groups, function ($userGroups, $group) use ($userGroupsACL) { $group_id = $group['id_grupo']; if (isset($userGroupsACL[$group_id])) { $userGroups[$group_id] = $userGroupsACL[$group_id]; } return $userGroups; }, array()); $result = self::extractGroupsWithIDs($processed_items, $ids_hash); $processed_items = ($result === false) ? array() : $result; } // groupID filter. To access the view from tactical views f.e. if (!empty($this->filter['groupID'])) { $result = self::extractItemWithID($processed_items, $this->filter['groupID'], "group", $this->strictACL); $processed_items = ($result === false) ? array() : array($result); } } $this->tree = $processed_items; } protected function getProcessedGroups () { $processed_groups = array(); // Index and process the groups $groups = $this->getGroupCounters(); // If user have not permissions in parent, set parent node to 0 (all) // Avoid to do foreach for admins if (!users_can_manage_group_all("AR")) { foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { if (!isset($this->userGroups[$groups[$id]['parent']])) { $groups[$id]['parent'] = 0; } } } // Build the group hierarchy foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { if (isset($groups[$id]['parent']) && ($groups[$id]['parent'] != 0)) { $parent = $groups[$id]['parent']; // Parent exists if (!isset($groups[$parent]['children'])) { $groups[$parent]['children'] = array(); } // Store a reference to the group into the parent $groups[$parent]['children'][] = &$groups[$id]; // This group was introduced into a parent $groups[$id]['have_parent'] = true; } } // Sort the children groups foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { if (isset($groups[$id]['children'])) { usort($groups[$id]['children'], array("Tree", "cmpSortNames")); } } //Filter groups and eliminates the reference to children groups out of her parent $groups = array_filter($groups, function ($group) { return !$group['have_parent']; }); // Propagate child counters to her parents if ($this->propagateCounters) { TreeGroup::processCounters($groups); // Filter groups and eliminates the reference to empty groups $groups = TreeGroup::deleteEmptyGroups($groups); } else { $groups = TreeGroup::deleteEmptyGroupsNotPropagate($groups); } usort($groups, array("Tree", "cmpSortNames")); return $groups; } protected function getGroupCounters() { $fields = $this->getFirstLevelFields(); $inside_fields = $this->getFirstLevelFieldsInside(); $group_acl = ""; $secondary_group_acl = ""; if (!users_can_manage_group_all("AR")) { $user_groups_str = implode(",", $this->userGroupsArray); $group_acl = " AND ta.id_grupo IN ($user_groups_str)"; $secondary_group_acl = " AND tasg.id_group IN ($user_groups_str)"; } $agent_search_filter = $this->getAgentSearchFilter(); $agent_search_filter = preg_replace("/%/", "%%", $agent_search_filter); $agent_status_filter = $this->getAgentStatusFilter(); $module_status_filter = $this->getModuleStatusFilter(); $module_search_inner = ""; $module_search_filter = ""; if (!empty($this->filter['searchModule'])) { $module_search_inner = " INNER JOIN tagente_modulo tam ON ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente INNER JOIN tagente_estado tae ON tae.id_agente_modulo = tam.id_agente_modulo"; $module_search_filter = "AND tam.disabled = 0 AND tam.nombre LIKE '%%" . $this->filter['searchModule'] . "%%' " . $this->getModuleStatusFilterFromTestado() ; } $table = is_metaconsole() ? "tmetaconsole_agent" : "tagente"; $table_sec = is_metaconsole() ? "tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group" : "tagent_secondary_group"; $sql_model = "SELECT %s FROM ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ta.id_agente)) AS total, id_grupo AS g FROM $table ta $module_search_inner WHERE ta.disabled = 0 %s $agent_search_filter $agent_status_filter $module_status_filter $module_search_filter $group_acl GROUP BY id_grupo UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ta.id_agente)) AS total, id_group AS g FROM $table ta INNER JOIN $table_sec tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent $module_search_inner WHERE ta.disabled = 0 %s $agent_search_filter $agent_status_filter $module_status_filter $module_search_filter $secondary_group_acl GROUP BY id_group ) x GROUP BY g"; $sql_array = array(); foreach ($inside_fields as $inside_field) { $sql_array[] = sprintf( $sql_model, $inside_field['header'], $inside_field['condition'], $inside_field['condition'] ); } $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM (" . implode(" UNION ALL ", $sql_array) . ") x2 RIGHT JOIN tgrupo tg ON x2.g = tg.id_grupo GROUP BY tg.id_grupo"; $stats = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $group_stats = array(); foreach ($stats as $group) { $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_count'] = (int)$group['total_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_critical_count'] = (int)$group['total_critical_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_unknown_count'] = (int)$group['total_unknown_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_warning_count'] = (int)$group['total_warning_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_not_init_count'] = (int)$group['total_not_init_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_normal_count'] = (int)$group['total_normal_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['total_fired_count'] = (int)$group['total_alerts_count']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['name'] = $group['name']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['parent'] = $group['parent']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['icon'] = $group['icon']; $group_stats[$group['gid']]['id'] = $group['gid']; $group_stats[$group['gid']] = $this->getProcessedItem($group_stats[$group['gid']]); } return $group_stats; } protected function getFirstLevelFields() { $fields = parent::getFirstLevelFields(); $parent = $this->getDisplayHierarchy() ? 'tg.parent' : '0 as parent'; return "$fields, $parent"; } protected function getProcessedModules($modules_tree) { $groups = array(); foreach ($modules_tree as $group) { $groups[$group["id"]] = $group; } // Build the module hierarchy foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { if (isset($groups[$id]['parent']) && ($groups[$id]['parent'] != 0)) { $parent = $groups[$id]['parent']; // Parent exists if (!isset($groups[$parent]['children'])) { $groups[$parent]['children'] = array(); } // Store a reference to the group into the parent $groups[$parent]['children'][] = &$groups[$id]; // This group was introduced into a parent $groups[$id]['have_parent'] = true; } } // Sort the children groups foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { if (isset($groups[$id]['children'])) { usort($groups[$id]['children'], array("Tree", "cmpSortNames")); } } //Filter groups and eliminates the reference to children groups out of her parent $groups = array_filter($groups, function ($group) { return !$group['have_parent']; }); return array_values($groups); } // FIXME: Hierarchy lops is broken protected function getProcessedModules_old($modules_tree) { $tree_modules = array(); $new_modules_root = array_filter($modules_tree, function ($module) { return (isset($module['parent']) && ($module['parent'] == 0)); }); $new_modules_child = array_filter($modules_tree, function ($module) { return (isset($module['parent']) && ($module['parent'] != 0)); }); $i = 0; while (!empty($new_modules_child)) { foreach ($new_modules_child as $i => $child) { TreeGroup::recursive_modules_tree_view($new_modules_root, $new_modules_child, $i, $child); } } foreach ($new_modules_root as $m) { $tree_modules[] = $m; } return $tree_modules; } // FIXME with getProcessedModules_old static function recursive_modules_tree_view (&$new_modules, &$new_modules_child, $i, $child) { foreach ($new_modules as $index => $module) { if ($module['id'] == $child['parent']) { $new_modules[$index]['children'][] = $child; unset($new_modules_child[$i]); break; } else if (isset($new_modules[$index]['children'])) { TreeGroup::recursive_modules_tree_view ($new_modules[$index]['children'], $new_modules_child, $i, $child); } } } static function processCounters(&$groups) { $all_counters = array(); foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { $child_counters = array(); if (!empty($groups[$id]['children'])) { $child_counters = TreeGroup::processCounters($groups[$id]['children']); } if (!empty($child_counters)) { foreach($child_counters as $type => $value) { $groups[$id]['counters'][$type] += $value; } } foreach($groups[$id]['counters'] as $type => $value) { $all_counters[$type] += $value; } } return $all_counters; } /** * @brief Recursive function to remove the empty groups * * @param groups All groups structure * * @return new_groups A new groups structure without empty groups */ protected static function deleteEmptyGroups ($groups) { $new_groups = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { // If a group is empty, do not add to new_groups. if (!isset($group['counters']['total']) || $group['counters']['total'] == 0) { continue; } // Tray to remove the children groups if (!empty($group['children'])) { $children = TreeGroup::deleteEmptyGroups ($group['children']); if (empty($children)) unset($group['children']); else $group['children'] = $children; } $new_groups[] = $group; } return $new_groups; } protected static function deleteEmptyGroupsNotPropagate ($groups) { $new_groups = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { // Tray to remove the children groups if (!empty($group['children'])) { $children = TreeGroup::deleteEmptyGroupsNotPropagate ($group['children']); if (empty($children)) { unset($group['children']); // If a group is empty, do not add to new_groups. if (isset($group['counters']['total']) && $group['counters']['total'] != 0) { $new_groups[] = $group; } } else { $group['children'] = $children; $new_groups[] = $group; } } else { // If a group is empty, do not add to new_groups. if (isset($group['counters']['total']) && $group['counters']['total'] != 0) { $new_groups[] = $group; } } } return $new_groups; } private static function extractGroupsWithIDs ($groups, $ids_hash) { $result_groups = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { if (isset($ids_hash[$group['id']])) { $result_groups[] = $group; } else if (!empty($group['children'])) { $result = self::extractGroupsWithIDs($group['children'], $ids_hash); // Item found on children if (!empty($result)) { $result_groups = array_merge($result_groups, $result); } } } return $result_groups; } private static function extractItemWithID ($items, $item_id, $item_type = "group", $strictACL = false) { foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item["type"] != $item_type) continue; // Item found if ($strictACL && is_metaconsole()) { foreach ($item["id"] as $server_id => $id) { if ($id == $item_id) return $item; } } else { if ($item["id"] == $item_id) return $item; } if ($item["type"] == "group" && !empty($item["children"])) { $result = self::extractItemWithID($item["children"], $item_id, $item_type, $strictACL); // Item found on children if ($result !== false) return $result; } } // Item not found return false; } protected function getDisplayHierarchy() { return $this->filter['searchHirearchy'] || (empty($this->filter['searchAgent']) && empty($this->filter['searchModule'])); } } ?>