list_status = array( -1 => __('All'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD => __('Critical'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL => __('Normal'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING => __('Warning'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN => __('Unknown')); if ($system->checkACL($this->acl)) { $this->correct_acl = true; } else { $this->correct_acl = false; } } public function ajax($parameter2 = false) { $system = System::getInstance(); if (!$this->correct_acl) { return; } else { switch ($parameter2) { case 'get_agents': $this->getFilters(); $page = $system->getRequest('page', 0); $agents = array(); $end = 1; $listAgents = $this->getListAgents($page, true); if (!empty($listAgents['agents'])) { $end = 0; $agents = array(); foreach ($listAgents['agents'] as $key => $agent) { $agent[0] = '' . __('Agent') . '' . $agent[0]; //~ $agent[1] = '' . //~ __('Description') . '' . $agent[1]; $agent[2] = '' . __('OS') . '' . $agent[2]; $agent[3] = '' . __('Group') . '' . $agent[3]; //~ $agent[4] = '' . //~ __('Interval') . '' . $agent[4]; $agent[5] = '' . __('Modules') . '' . $agent[5]; $agent[6] = '' . __('Status') . '' . $agent[6]; $agent[7] = '' . __('Alerts') . '' . $agent[7]; $agent[8] = '' . __('Last contact') . '' . $agent[8]; $agents[$key] = $agent; } } echo json_encode(array('end' => $end, 'agents' => $agents)); break; } } } private function getFilters() { $system = System::getInstance(); $user = User::getInstance(); // Default $filters = array( 'free_search' => '', 'status' => -1, 'group' => 0 ); $serialized_filters = (string) $system->getRequest('agents_filter'); if (!empty($serialized_filters)) { $filters_unsafe = json_decode(base64_decode($serialized_filters, true), true); if ($filters_unsafe) $filters = $system->safeInput($filters_unsafe); } $this->default_filters['group'] = true; $this->default_filters['status'] = true; $this->default_filters['free_search'] = true; $this->free_search = $system->getRequest('free_search', $filters['free_search']); if ($this->free_search != '') { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['free_search'] = false; $filters['free_search'] = $this->free_search; } $this->status = $system->getRequest('status', $filters['status']); if (($this->status === __("Status")) || ($this->status == -1)) { $this->status = -1; } else { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['status'] = false; $filters['status'] = (int) $this->status; } $this->group = (int)$system->getRequest('group', $filters['group']); if (!$user->isInGroup($this->acl, $this->group)) { $this->group = 0; } if (($this->group === __("Group")) || ($this->group == 0)) { $this->group = 0; } else { $this->default = false; $this->default_filters['group'] = false; $filters['group'] = $this->group; } if (!empty($filters)) { // Store the filter $this->serializedFilters = base64_encode(json_encode($system->safeOutput($filters))); } } public function show() { if (!$this->correct_acl) { $this->show_fail_acl(); } else { $this->getFilters(); $this->show_agents(); } } private function show_fail_acl() { $error['type'] = 'onStart'; $error['title_text'] = __('You don\'t have access to this page'); $error['content_text'] = __('Access to this page is restricted to authorized users only, please contact system administrator if you need assistance.

Please know that all attempts to access this page are recorded in security logs of Pandora System Database'); if (class_exists("HomeEnterprise")) $home = new HomeEnterprise(); else $home = new Home(); $home->show($error); } private function show_agents() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->createPage(); $ui->createDefaultHeader(__("Agents"), $ui->createHeaderButton( array('icon' => 'back', 'pos' => 'left', 'text' => __('Back'), 'href' => 'index.php?page=home'))); $ui->showFooter(false); $ui->beginContent(); $filter_title = sprintf(__('Filter Agents by %s'), $this->filterEventsGetString()); $ui->contentBeginCollapsible($filter_title); $ui->beginForm("index.php?page=agents"); $system = System::getInstance(); $groups = users_get_groups_for_select( $system->getConfig('id_user'), "AR", true, true, false, 'id_grupo'); $options = array( 'name' => 'group', 'title' => __('Group'), 'label' => __('Group'), 'items' => $groups, 'selected' => $this->group ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = array( 'name' => 'status', 'title' => __('Status'), 'label' => __('Status'), 'items' => $this->list_status, 'selected' => $this->status ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = array( 'name' => 'free_search', 'value' => $this->free_search, 'placeholder' => __('Free search') ); $ui->formAddInputSearch($options); $options = array( 'icon' => 'refresh', 'icon_pos' => 'right', 'text' => __('Apply Filter') ); $ui->formAddSubmitButton($options); $html = $ui->getEndForm(); $ui->contentCollapsibleAddItem($html); $ui->contentEndCollapsible(); $this->listAgentsHtml(); $ui->endContent(); $ui->showPage(); } private function getListAgents($page = 0, $ajax = false) { $system = System::getInstance(); $total = 0; $agents = array(); $search_sql = ''; if (!empty($this->free_search)) { $search_sql = " AND ( alias COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE '%" . $this->free_search . "%' OR nombre COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE '%" . $this->free_search . "%' OR direccion LIKE '%" . $this->free_search . "%' OR comentarios LIKE '%" . $this->free_search . "%') "; } if (!$system->getConfig('metaconsole')) { $total = agents_get_agents(array( 'disabled' => 0, 'id_grupo' => $this->group, 'search' => $search_sql, 'status' => $this->status), array ('COUNT(*) AS total'), 'AR', false); } else { $total = agents_get_meta_agents(array( 'disabled' => 0, 'id_grupo' => $this->group, 'search' => $search_sql, 'status' => $this->status), array ('COUNT(*) AS total'), 'AR', false); } $total = isset($total[0]['total']) ? $total[0]['total'] : 0; $order = array('field' => 'alias COLLATE utf8_general_ci', 'field2' => 'nombre COLLATE utf8_general_ci', 'order' => 'ASC'); if (!$system->getConfig('metaconsole')) { $agents_db = agents_get_agents(array( 'disabled' => 0, 'id_grupo' => $this->group, 'search' => $search_sql, 'status' => $this->status, 'offset' => (int) $page * $system->getPageSize(), 'limit' => (int) $system->getPageSize()), array ('id_agente', 'id_grupo', 'id_os', 'alias', 'ultimo_contacto', 'intervalo', 'comentarios description', 'quiet', 'normal_count', 'warning_count', 'critical_count', 'unknown_count', 'notinit_count', 'total_count', 'fired_count'), 'AR', $order); } else { $agents_db = agents_get_meta_agents(array( 'disabled' => 0, 'id_grupo' => $this->group, 'search' => $search_sql, 'status' => $this->status, 'offset' => (int) $page * $system->getPageSize(), 'limit' => (int) $system->getPageSize()), array ('id_agente', 'id_grupo', 'id_os', 'alias', 'ultimo_contacto', 'intervalo', 'comentarios description', 'quiet', 'normal_count', 'warning_count', 'critical_count', 'unknown_count', 'notinit_count', 'total_count', 'fired_count'), 'AR', $order); } if (empty($agents_db)) $agents_db = array(); foreach ($agents_db as $agent) { $row = array(); $img_status = agents_tree_view_status_img ($agent["critical_count"], $agent["warning_count"], $agent["unknown_count"], $agent['total_count'], $agent['notinit_count']); $img_alert = agents_tree_view_alert_img ($agent["fired_count"]); $serialized_filters_q_param = empty($this->serializedFilters) ? '' : '&agents_filter=' . $this->serializedFilters; $row[0] = $row[__('Agent')] = '' . $img_status . '' . '' . ui_print_truncate_text($agent['alias'], 30, false) . ''; //~ $row[1] = $row[__('Description')] = '' . //~ ui_print_truncate_text($agent["description"], 'description', false, true) . //~ ''; $row[2] = $row[__('OS')] = ui_print_os_icon ($agent["id_os"], false, true); $row[3] = $row[__('Group')] = ui_print_group_icon ($agent["id_grupo"], true, "groups_small", '', false); //~ $row[4] = $row[__('Interval')] = '' . //~ '' . human_time_description_raw($agent["intervalo"]) . ''; $row[5] = $row[__('Status')] = '' . $img_status; $row[6] = $row[__('Alerts')] = '' . $img_alert; $row[7] = $row[__('Modules')] = '' . '' . reporting_tiny_stats($agent, true, 'agent', ' ') . ' '; $last_time = strtotime ($agent["ultimo_contacto"]); $now = time (); $diferencia = $now - $last_time; $time = ui_print_timestamp ($last_time, true, array('style' => 'font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px;', 'units' => 'tiny')); $style = ''; if ($diferencia > ($agent["intervalo"] * 2)) $row[8] = $row[__('Last contact')] = ''.$time.''; else $row[8] = $row[__('Last contact')] = $time; $row[8] = $row[__('Last contact')] = '' . '' . $row[__('Last contact')] . ''; if (!$ajax) { unset($row[0]); unset($row[1]); unset($row[2]); unset($row[3]); unset($row[4]); unset($row[5]); unset($row[6]); unset($row[7]); unset($row[8]); } $agents[$agent['id_agente']] = $row; } return array('agents' => $agents, 'total' => $total); } private function listAgentsHtml($page = 0) { $system = System::getInstance(); $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $listAgents = $this->getListAgents($page); if ($listAgents['total'] == 0) { $ui->contentAddHtml('

' . __('No agents') . '

'); } else { $table = new Table(); $table->id = 'list_agents'; $table->importFromHash($listAgents['agents']); $ui->contentAddHtml($table->getHTML()); if ($system->getPageSize() < $listAgents['total']) { $ui->contentAddHtml('
' . html_print_image('images/spinner.gif', true, false, false, false, false, true) . ' ' . __('Loading...') . '
'); $this->addJavascriptAddBottom(); } } $ui->contentAddLinkListener('list_agents'); } private function addJavascriptAddBottom() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->contentAddHtml(""); } private function filterEventsGetString() { if ($this->default) { return __("(Default)"); } else { $filters_to_serialize = array(); if (!$this->default_filters['group']) { $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf(__("Group: %s"), groups_get_name($this->group, true)); } if (!$this->default_filters['status']) { $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf(__("Status: %s"), $this->list_status[$this->status]); } if (!$this->default_filters['free_search']) { $filters_to_serialize[] = sprintf(__("Free Search: %s"), $this->free_search); } $string = '(' . implode(' - ', $filters_to_serialize) . ')'; //~ $status = $this->list_status[$this->status]; //~ $group = groups_get_name($this->group, true); //~ //~ //~ $string = sprintf( //~ __("(Status: %s - Group: %s - Free Search: %s)"), //~ $status, $group, $this->free_search); return $string; } } } ?>