/* global $ uniqId*/ /* exported load_modal */ /*JS to Show user modals : - Confirm dialogs. - Display dialogs. - Load modal windows. - Logo Previews. - General show messages. */ var ENTERPRISE_DIR = "enterprise"; /** * Display a dialog with an image * * @param {string} icon_name The name of the icon you will display * @param {string} icon_path The path to the icon * @param {Object} incoming_options All options * grayed: {bool} True to display the background black * title {string} 'Logo preview' by default */ function logo_preview(icon_name, icon_path, incoming_options) { // Get the options options = { grayed: false, title: "Logo preview" }; $.extend(options, incoming_options); if (icon_name == "") return; $dialog = $("
"); $image = $(''); $image.css("max-width", "500px").css("max-height", "500px"); try { $dialog .hide() .html($image) .dialog({ title: options.title, resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, dialogClass: options.grayed ? "dialog-grayed" : "", overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, minHeight: 1, width: $image.width, close: function() { $dialog.empty().remove(); } }) .show(); } catch (err) { // console.log(err); } } // Advanced Form control. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function load_modal(settings) { var AJAX_RUNNING = 0; var data = new FormData(); if (settings.extradata) { settings.extradata.forEach(function(item) { if (item.value != undefined) { if (item.value instanceof Object || item.value instanceof Array) { data.append(item.name, JSON.stringify(item.value)); } else { data.append(item.name, item.value); } } }); } data.append("page", settings.onshow.page); data.append("method", settings.onshow.method); if (settings.onshow.extradata != undefined) { data.append("extradata", JSON.stringify(settings.onshow.extradata)); } if (settings.target == undefined) { var uniq = uniqId(); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.id = "div-modal-" + uniq; div.style.display = "none"; if (document.getElementById("main") == null) { // MC env. document.getElementById("page").append(div); } else { document.getElementById("main").append(div); } var id_modal_target = "#div-modal-" + uniq; settings.target = $(id_modal_target); } var width = 630; if (settings.onshow.width) { width = settings.onshow.width; } if (settings.modal.overlay === true) { var extraClass = ""; if (typeof settings.modal.overlayExtraClass !== "undefined") { extraClass = " " + settings.modal.overlayExtraClass; } $("body").append( "" ); } if (settings.beforeClose == undefined) { settings.beforeClose = function() {}; } settings.target.html("Loading modal..."); settings.target .dialog({ title: "Loading", close: false, width: 200, buttons: [] }) .show(); var required_buttons = []; if (settings.modal.cancel != undefined) { //The variable contains a function // that is responsible for executing the method it receives from settings // which confirms the closure of a modal var cancelModal = function() { settings.target.dialog("close"); if (AJAX_RUNNING) return; AJAX_RUNNING = 1; var formdata = new FormData(); formdata.append("page", settings.oncancel.page); formdata.append("method", settings.oncancel.method); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.url, processData: false, contentType: false, data: formdata, success: function(data) { if (typeof settings.oncancel.callback == "function") { settings.oncancel.callback(data); settings.target.dialog("close"); } AJAX_RUNNING = 0; }, error: function(data) { // console.log(data); AJAX_RUNNING = 0; } }); }; required_buttons.push({ class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub upd submit-cancel secondaryButton", id: settings.modal.cancel_button_id, text: settings.modal.cancel, click: function() { if (settings.oncancel != undefined) { if (typeof settings.oncancel.confirm == "function") { //receive function settings.oncancel.confirm(cancelModal); } else if (settings.oncancel.reload == true) { location.reload(); } else if (settings.oncancel != undefined) { cancelModal(); } } else { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); } if (settings.modal.ok != undefined) { var btnClickHandler = function(d) { if (AJAX_RUNNING) return; if (settings.onsubmit != undefined) { if (settings.onsubmit.preaction != undefined) { settings.onsubmit.preaction(); } AJAX_RUNNING = 1; if (settings.onsubmit.dataType == undefined) { settings.onsubmit.dataType = "html"; } var formdata = new FormData(); if (settings.extradata) { settings.extradata.forEach(function(item) { if (item.value != undefined) formdata.append(item.name, item.value); }); } formdata.append("page", settings.onsubmit.page); formdata.append("method", settings.onsubmit.method); var flagError = false; if (Array.isArray(settings.form) === false) { $("#" + settings.form + " :input").each(function() { if (this.checkValidity() === false) { var select2 = $(this).attr("data-select2-id"); if (typeof select2 !== typeof undefined && select2 !== false) { $(this) .next() .attr("title", this.validationMessage); $(this) .next() .tooltip({ tooltipClass: "uitooltip", position: { my: "right bottom", at: "right top", using: function(position, feedback) { $(this).css(position); $("
") .addClass("arrow") .addClass(feedback.vertical) .addClass(feedback.horizontal) .appendTo(this); } } }); $(this) .next() .tooltip("open"); var element = $(this).next(); setTimeout( function(element) { element.tooltip("destroy"); element.removeAttr("title"); }, 3000, element ); } else { $(this).attr("title", this.validationMessage); $(this).tooltip({ tooltipClass: "uitooltip", position: { my: "right bottom", at: "right top", using: function(position, feedback) { $(this).css(position); $("
") .addClass("arrow") .addClass(feedback.vertical) .addClass(feedback.horizontal) .appendTo(this); } } }); $(this).tooltip("open"); var element = $(this); setTimeout( function(element) { element.tooltip("destroy"); element.removeAttr("title"); }, 3000, element ); } flagError = true; } if (this.type == "file") { if ($(this).prop("files")[0]) { formdata.append(this.name, $(this).prop("files")[0]); } } else { if ($(this).attr("type") == "checkbox") { if (this.checked) { formdata.append(this.name, "on"); } } else { formdata.append(this.name, $(this).val()); } } }); } else { settings.form.forEach(function(element) { $("#" + element + " :input, #" + element + " textarea").each( function() { // TODO VALIDATE ALL INPUTS. if (this.type == "file") { if ($(this).prop("files")[0]) { formdata.append(this.name, $(this).prop("files")[0]); } } else { if ($(this).attr("type") == "checkbox") { if (this.checked) { formdata.append(this.name, "on"); } } else { formdata.append(this.name, $(this).val()); } } } ); }); } if (flagError === false) { if ( settings.onsubmitClose != undefined && settings.onsubmitClose == 1 ) { d.dialog("close"); } $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.url, processData: false, contentType: false, data: formdata, dataType: settings.onsubmit.dataType, success: function(data) { if (settings.ajax_callback != undefined) { if (settings.idMsgCallback != undefined) { settings.ajax_callback(data, settings.idMsgCallback); } else { settings.ajax_callback(data); } } else { generalShowMsg(data, null); } AJAX_RUNNING = 0; }, error: function(response) { generalShowMsg( { title: "Failed", text: response.responseText }, null ); AJAX_RUNNING = 0; } }); if ( settings.onsubmitReload != undefined && settings.onsubmitReload == true ) { location.reload(); } } else { AJAX_RUNNING = 0; } } else { if (Array.isArray(settings.form) === false) { $("#" + settings.form + " :input").each(function() { if (this.checkValidity() === false) { var select2 = $(this).attr("data-select2-id"); if (typeof select2 !== typeof undefined && select2 !== false) { $(this) .next() .attr("title", this.validationMessage); $(this) .next() .tooltip({ tooltipClass: "uitooltip", position: { my: "right bottom", at: "right top", using: function(position, feedback) { $(this).css(position); $("
") .addClass("arrow") .addClass(feedback.vertical) .addClass(feedback.horizontal) .appendTo(this); } } }); $(this) .next() .tooltip("open"); var element = $(this).next(); setTimeout( function(element) { element.tooltip("destroy"); element.removeAttr("title"); }, 3000, element ); } else { $(this).attr("title", this.validationMessage); $(this).tooltip({ tooltipClass: "uitooltip", position: { my: "right bottom", at: "right top", using: function(position, feedback) { $(this).css(position); $("
") .addClass("arrow") .addClass(feedback.vertical) .addClass(feedback.horizontal) .appendTo(this); } } }); $(this).tooltip("open"); var element = $(this); setTimeout( function(element) { element.tooltip("destroy"); element.removeAttr("title"); }, 3000, element ); } flagError = true; } }); } if (!flagError) { // No onsumbit configured. Directly close. if (document.getElementById(settings.form) != undefined) { document.getElementById(settings.form).submit(); } d.dialog("close"); } } }; if (settings.closeOnEscape == undefined) { settings.closeOnEscape = true; } required_buttons.push({ class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-next", text: settings.modal.ok, id: settings.modal.ok_button_id, click: function() { if ( settings.onsubmit != undefined && settings.onsubmit.onConfirmSubmit != undefined ) { settings.onsubmit.onConfirmSubmit(btnClickHandler, $(this)); } else { btnClickHandler($(this)); } }, error: function(data) { // console.log(data); AJAX_RUNNING = 0; } }); } $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.url, processData: false, contentType: false, data: data, success: function(data) { if (settings.onshow.parser) { data = settings.onshow.parser(data); } else { data = (function(d) { try { d = JSON.parse(d); } catch (e) { // Not JSON return d; } if (d.error) return d.error; if (d.result) return d.result; })(data); } settings.target.html(data); if (settings.onload != undefined) { settings.onload(data); } settings.target.dialog({ resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, title: settings.modal.title, width: width, minHeight: settings.onshow.minHeight != undefined ? settings.onshow.minHeight : "auto", maxHeight: settings.onshow.maxHeight != undefined ? settings.onshow.maxHeight : "auto", position: { my: "top+20%", at: "top", of: window, collision: "fit" }, buttons: required_buttons, closeOnEscape: settings.closeOnEscape, open: function() { //$(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); }, close: function() { $(this).dialog("destroy"); if (id_modal_target != undefined) { $(id_modal_target).remove(); } if (settings.cleanup != undefined) { settings.cleanup(); } $("#modal_overlay").remove(); }, beforeClose: settings.beforeClose() }); }, error: function(data) { console.error(data); } }); } // Function that shows a dialog box to confirm closures of generic manners. // The modal id is random. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function confirmDialog(settings, idDialog = uniqId()) { var hideOkButton = ""; var hideCancelButton = ""; if (settings.size == undefined) { settings.size = 350; } if (settings.maxHeight == undefined) { settings.maxHeight = 1000; } // You can hide the OK button. if (settings.hideOkButton != undefined) { hideOkButton = "invisible_important "; } // You can hide the Cancel button. if (settings.hideCancelButton != undefined) { hideCancelButton = "invisible_important "; } if (settings.strOKButton == undefined) { settings.strOKButton = "Ok"; } if (settings.strCancelButton == undefined) { settings.strCancelButton = "Cancel"; } if (typeof settings.message == "function") { $("body").append( '
' + settings.message() + "
" ); } else { $("body").append( '
' + settings.message + "
" ); } var buttons = [ { id: "cancel_btn_dialog", text: settings.cancelText ? settings.cancelText : settings.strCancelButton, class: hideCancelButton + "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub upd submit-cancel secondaryButton", click: function() { if (typeof settings.notCloseOnDeny == "undefined") { $(this).dialog("close"); $(this).remove(); } } }, { text: settings.strOKButton, class: hideOkButton + "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-next", click: function() { if (typeof settings.onAccept == "function") settings.onAccept(); $(this).dialog("close"); $(this).remove(); } } ]; if (settings.newButton != undefined) { var newButton = { text: settings.newButton.text, class: settings.newButton.class + "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-warning", click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); if (typeof settings.newButton.onFunction == "function") settings.newButton.onFunction(); $(this).remove(); } }; buttons.unshift(newButton); } $("#confirm_" + idDialog); $("#confirm_" + idDialog) .dialog({ open: settings.open, title: settings.title, close: function() { if (typeof settings.notCloseOnDeny == "undefined") { $(this).dialog("close"); $(this).remove(); } if (typeof settings.onDeny == "function") settings.onDeny(); }, width: settings.size, maxHeight: settings.maxHeight, modal: true, buttons: buttons }) .show(); } /** * Function to show modal with message Validation. * * @param {json} data Json example: * $return = [ * 'error' => 0 or 1, * 'title' => [ * Failed, * Success, * ], * 'text' => [ * Failed, * Success, * ], *]; * @param {string} idMsg ID div charge modal. * * @return {void} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function generalShowMsg(data, idMsg) { var title = data.title[data.error]; var text = data.text[data.error]; var failed = !data.error; if (typeof data.error != "number") { title = "Response"; text = data; failed = false; if (typeof data == "object") { title = data.title || "Response"; text = data.text || data.error || data.result; failed = data.failed || data.error; } if (failed) { title = "Error"; text = data.error; } if (idMsg == null) { idMsg = uniqId(); } if ($("#" + idMsg).length === 0) { $("body").append('
'); $("#" + idMsg).empty(); } } $("#" + idMsg).empty(); $("#" + idMsg).html(text); $("#" + idMsg).dialog({ width: 450, position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: window, collision: "fit" }, title: title, buttons: [ { class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-next", text: "OK", id: "general_message_ok", click: function(e) { if (!failed) { $(".ui-dialog-content").dialog("close"); } else { $(this).dialog("close"); } } } ] }); } function infoMessage(data, idMsg) { var title = data.title; var err_messge = data.text; // False or null: Show all buttons and classic behaviour, // if true, show an OK button and message from data.text. var simple = data.simple; if (idMsg == null) { idMsg = uniqId(); } if ($("#" + idMsg).length === 0) { $("body").append('
'); $("#" + idMsg).empty(); } $("#err_msg").empty(); $("#err_msg").html("\n\n" + err_messge); var buttons = []; if (simple == null || simple == false) { buttons = [ { class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-next", text: "Retry", click: function(e) { handleConnection(); } }, { class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-cancel", text: "Close", click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } ]; } else { $("#" + idMsg).append($("#err_msg")); buttons = [ { class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok submit-next", text: "Ok", click: function(e) { $("#" + idMsg).dialog("close"); } } ]; } $("#" + idMsg) .dialog({ height: 250, width: 528, opacity: 1, modal: true, position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: window, collision: "fit" }, title: data.title, buttons: buttons, open: function(event, ui) { $(".ui-widget-overlay").addClass("error-modal-opened"); }, close: function(event, ui) { $(".ui-widget-overlay").removeClass("error-modal-opened"); } }) .show(); } function reveal_password(name) { var passwordElement = $("#password-" + name); var revealElement = $("#reveal_password_" + name); var imagesPath = ""; if ($("#hidden-metaconsole_activated").val() == 1) { imagesPath = "../../images/"; } else { imagesPath = "images/"; } if (passwordElement.attr("type") == "password") { passwordElement.attr("type", "text"); revealElement.attr("src", imagesPath + "eye_hide.png"); } else { passwordElement.attr("type", "password"); revealElement.attr("src", imagesPath + "eye_show.png"); } } /** * Returns html img group icon. * @param {int} $id_group */ function getGroupIcon(id_group, img_container) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax.php", dataType: "json", data: { page: "godmode/groups/group_list", get_group_json: 1, id_group: id_group }, success: function(data) { img_container.attr("src", "images/" + data["icon"]); }, error: function() { img_container.attr("src", ""); } }); } /* Prepare download control */ function getCookie(name) { var parts = document.cookie.split(name + "="); if (parts.length == 2) return parts .pop() .split(";") .shift(); } function expireCookie(cName) { document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(cName) + "=deleted; expires=" + new Date(0).toUTCString(); } function setCursor(buttonStyle, button) { button.css("cursor", buttonStyle); } function setToken(tokenName, token) { token = typeof token !== "undefined" ? token : new Date().getTime(); document.cookie = tokenName + "=" + token + ";" + "-1" + ";path=/"; return token; } var downloadTimer; var attempts = 30; // Prevents double-submits by waiting for a cookie from the server. function blockResubmit(button) { var downloadToken = setToken("downloadToken"); setCursor("wait", button); // Disable butoon to prevent clicking until download is ready. button.disable(); button.click(false); //Show dialog. confirmDialog( { title: get_php_value("prepareDownloadTitle"), message: get_php_value("prepareDownloadMsg"), hideCancelButton: true }, "downloadDialog" ); downloadTimer = setInterval(function() { var downloadReady = getCookie("downloadReady"); if (downloadToken == downloadReady || attempts == 0) { unblockSubmit(button); } attempts--; }, 1000); } function unblockSubmit(button) { setCursor("pointer", button); button.enable(); button.on("click"); clearInterval(downloadTimer); $("#confirm_downloadDialog").dialog("close"); expireCookie("downloadToken"); expireCookie("downloadReady"); attempts = 30; } function favMenuAction(e) { var data = JSON.parse(atob(e.value)); if (data.label === "" && $(e).hasClass("active") === false) { $("#dialog-fav-menu").dialog({ title: "Please choose a title", width: 330, buttons: [ { class: "ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub upd submit-next", text: "Confirm", click: function() { data.label = $("#text-label_fav_menu").val(); if (data.label.length > 18) { data.label = data.label.slice(0, 18) + "..."; } $(e).val(btoa(JSON.stringify(data))); favMenuAction(e); $(this).dialog("close"); $("input[name='label_fav_menu']").val(""); } } ] }); return; } $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "ajax.php", dataType: "json", data: { page: "include/ajax/fav_menu.ajax", id_element: data["id_element"], url: data["url"], label: data["label"], section: data["section"] }, success: function(res) { if (res.success) { if (res.action === "create") { $("#image-fav-menu-action1").attr("src", "images/star_fav_menu.png"); $("#image-fav-menu-action1").addClass("active"); } else { $("#image-fav-menu-action1").attr("src", "images/star_dark.png"); $("#image-fav-menu-action1").removeClass("active"); } } } }); }