title = __('Events'); $this->ajaxMethods = [ 'getEventsGraph', 'getEventsCriticalityGraph', 'getEventsStatusValidateGraph', 'getEventsStatusGraph', ]; } /** * Return the html graph of events in last 24h. * * @return string */ public function getEventsGraph():string { global $config; $id_groups = array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false)); $id_groups = implode(',', $id_groups); $event_view_h = (int) ($config['event_view_hr'] > 24) ? 24 : $config['event_view_hr']; $time_events = ($event_view_h * 3600); $intervalh = (time() - $time_events); $sql = 'SELECT utimestamp FROM tevento WHERE utimestamp >= '.$intervalh.' AND id_grupo IN ('.$id_groups.') ORDER BY utimestamp DESC;'; $rows = db_process_sql($sql); $cut_seconds = ($time_events / 24); $now = (time() - 300); $cuts_intervals = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $cuts_intervals[$now] = 0; $now -= $cut_seconds; } foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { foreach ($cuts_intervals as $time => $count) { if ($row['utimestamp'] > $time) { $cuts_intervals[$time]++; break; } } } $cuts_intervals = array_reverse($cuts_intervals, true); $graph_values = []; $colors = []; $max_value = 0; foreach ($cuts_intervals as $utimestamp => $count) { if ($max_value < $count) { $max_value = $count; } $graph_values[] = [ 'y' => $count, 'x' => date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $utimestamp), ]; } $danger = $max_value; $ok = ($max_value / 3); foreach ($graph_values as $key => $value) { if ($value['y'] >= $danger) { $colors[] = '#EC7176'; } if ($value['y'] >= $ok && $value['y'] < $danger) { $colors[] = '#FCAB10'; } if ($value['y'] < $ok) { $colors[] = '#82B92E'; } } $options = [ 'height' => 237, 'legend' => ['display' => false], 'scales' => [ 'x' => [ 'bounds' => 'data', 'grid' => ['display' => false], 'display' => false, ], 'y' => [ 'grid' => ['display' => false], ], ], 'colors' => $colors, 'borderColors' => ['#ffffff'], ]; $bar = vbar_graph($graph_values, $options); $output = html_print_div( [ 'content' => $bar, 'class' => 'margin-top-5 w100p relative', 'style' => 'max-height: 250px;', ], true ); return $output; } /** * Return the html graph of events in last 8h grouped by criticity. * * @return string */ public function getEventsCriticalityGraph():string { global $config; $id_groups = array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false)); if (in_array(0, $id_groups) === false) { foreach ($id_groups as $key => $id_group) { if ((bool) check_acl_restricted_all($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'AR') === false) { unset($id_groups[$key]); } } } if (users_can_manage_group_all() === true) { $id_groups[] = 0; } $id_groups = implode(',', $id_groups); $event_view_h = (int) ($config['event_view_hr'] > 24) ? 24 : $config['event_view_hr']; $time_events = ($event_view_h * 3600); $intervalh = (time() - $time_events); $sql = 'SELECT criticity, count(*) AS total FROM tevento WHERE utimestamp >= '.$intervalh.' AND id_grupo IN ('.$id_groups.') group by criticity'; $rows = db_process_sql($sql); $labels = []; $data = []; $colors = []; foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { switch ($row['criticity']) { case EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL: $label = __('CRITICAL'); $colors[] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE: $label = __('MAINTENANCE'); $colors[] = COL_MAINTENANCE; break; case EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL: $label = __('INFORMATIONAL'); $colors[] = COL_INFORMATIONAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_MAJOR: $label = __('MAJOR'); $colors[] = COL_MAJOR; break; case EVENT_CRIT_MINOR: $label = __('MINOR'); $colors[] = COL_MINOR; break; case EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL: $label = __('NORMAL'); $colors[] = COL_NORMAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING: $label = __('WARNING'); $colors[] = COL_WARNING; break; default: $colors[] = COL_UNKNOWN; $label = __('UNKNOWN'); break; } $labels[] = $this->controlSizeText($label); $data[] = $row['total']; } $options = [ 'waterMark' => false, 'labels' => $labels, 'legend' => ['display' => false], 'cutout' => 80, 'nodata_image' => ['width' => '100%'], 'colors' => $colors, ]; $pie = ring_graph($data, $options); $output = html_print_div( [ 'content' => $pie, 'style' => 'margin: 0 auto; max-width: 80%; max-height: 220px;', ], true ); return $output; } /** * Return the html graph of events in last 8h grouped by status validate. * * @return string */ public function getEventsStatusValidateGraph():string { global $config; $id_groups = array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false)); if (in_array(0, $id_groups) === false) { foreach ($id_groups as $key => $id_group) { if ((bool) check_acl_restricted_all($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'AR') === false) { unset($id_groups[$key]); } } } if (users_can_manage_group_all() === true) { $id_groups[] = 0; } $id_groups = implode(',', $id_groups); $event_view_h = (int) ($config['event_view_hr'] > 24) ? 24 : $config['event_view_hr']; $time_events = ($event_view_h * 3600); $intervalh = (time() - $time_events); $sql = 'SELECT estado, count(*) AS total FROM tevento WHERE utimestamp >= '.$intervalh.' AND id_grupo IN ('.$id_groups.') group by estado'; $rows = db_process_sql($sql); $labels = []; $data = []; foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { switch ($row['estado']) { case '2': $label = _('In process'); break; case '0': $label = _('New events'); break; case '3': $label = _('Not validated'); break; case '1': $label = _('Validated events'); break; default: $label = __('Unknow'); break; } $labels[] = $label; $data[] = $row['total']; } $options = [ 'waterMark' => false, 'labels' => $labels, 'legend' => ['display' => false], 'cutout' => 80, 'nodata_image' => ['width' => '100%'], ]; $pie = ring_graph($data, $options); $output = html_print_div( [ 'content' => $pie, 'style' => 'margin: 0 auto; max-width: 80%; max-height: 220px;', ], true ); return $output; } /** * Return the html graph of events in last 8h grouped by status. * * @return string */ public function getEventsStatusGraph():string { global $config; $id_groups = array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false)); if (in_array(0, $id_groups) === false) { foreach ($id_groups as $key => $id_group) { if ((bool) check_acl_restricted_all($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'AR') === false) { unset($id_groups[$key]); } } } if (users_can_manage_group_all() === true) { $id_groups[] = 0; } $id_groups = implode(',', $id_groups); $event_view_h = (int) ($config['event_view_hr'] > 24) ? 24 : $config['event_view_hr']; $time_events = ($event_view_h * 3600); $intervalh = (time() - $time_events); $sql = 'SELECT criticity, count(*) AS total FROM tevento WHERE utimestamp >= '.$intervalh.' AND id_grupo IN ('.$id_groups.') group by criticity'; $rows = db_process_sql($sql); $labels = []; $data = []; $colors = []; foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { if ($row['criticity'] != EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL && $row['criticity'] != EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL && $row['criticity'] != EVENT_CRIT_WARNING ) { continue; } switch ($row['criticity']) { case EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL: $label = __('CRITICAL'); $colors[] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL: $label = __('NORMAL'); $colors[] = COL_NORMAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING: $label = __('WARNING'); $colors[] = COL_WARNING; break; default: // Nothing. break; } $labels[] = $this->controlSizeText($label); $data[] = $row['total']; } $options = [ 'labels' => $labels, 'legend' => ['display' => false], 'cutout' => 80, 'nodata_image' => ['width' => '100%'], 'colors' => $colors, ]; // To avoid that if a value is too small it is not seen. $percentages = []; $total = array_sum($data); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $percentage = (($value / $total) * 100); if ($percentage < 1 && $percentage > 0) { $percentage = 1; } $percentages[$key] = format_numeric($percentage, 0); } $data = $percentages; $pie = ring_graph($data, $options); $output = html_print_div( [ 'content' => $pie, 'style' => 'margin: 0 auto; max-width: 80%; max-height: 220px;', ], true ); return $output; } /** * Return the datatable events in last 8 hours. * * @return string */ public function getDataTableEvents() { $column_names = [ __('S'), __('Event'), __('Date'), ]; $fields = [ 'mini_severity', 'evento', 'timestamp', ]; return ui_print_datatable( [ 'id' => 'datatable_events', 'class' => 'info_table events', 'style' => 'width: 90%;', 'ajax_url' => 'operation/events/events', 'ajax_data' => [ 'get_events' => 1, 'compact_date' => 1, 'external_url' => 1, 'compact_name_event' => 1, ], 'order' => [ 'field' => 'timestamp', 'direction' => 'desc', ], 'column_names' => $column_names, 'columns' => $fields, 'ajax_return_operation' => 'buffers', 'ajax_return_operation_function' => 'process_buffers', 'return' => true, 'csv' => 0, 'dom_elements' => 'tfp', 'default_pagination' => 8, ] ); } /** * Check permission user for view events section. * * @return boolean */ public function checkAcl():bool { global $config; $event_a = (bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'ER'); return $event_a; } }