<?php /** * Plugin registration. * * @category Plugins * @package Pandora FMS * @subpackage Community * @version 1.0.0 * @license See below * * ______ ___ _______ _______ ________ * | __ \.-----.--.--.--| |.-----.----.-----. | ___| | | __| * | __/| _ | | _ || _ | _| _ | | ___| |__ | * |___| |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___| |__|_|__|_______| * * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * ============================================================================ */ use PandoraFMS\Enterprise\Metaconsole\Synchronizer; use PandoraFMS\Tools\Files; // Load global vars. global $config; // Check ACL and Login. check_login(); if ((bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM') === false || (bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'AW') === false ) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to access Plugin Management' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } ui_require_css_file('first_task'); if (is_metaconsole() === true) { enterprise_include_once('meta/include/functions_components_meta.php'); enterprise_hook('open_meta_frame'); components_meta_print_header(); $sec = 'advanced'; $management_allowed = is_management_allowed(); if ($management_allowed === false) { ui_print_warning_message( __('To manage plugin you must activate centralized management') ); return; } } else { ui_print_page_header( __('PLUGIN REGISTRATION'), 'images/gm_servers.png', false, '', true ); $management_allowed = is_management_allowed(); if ($management_allowed === false) { ui_print_warning_message( __( 'This console is not manager of this environment, please manage this feature from feature from %s.', '<a target="_blank" href="'.ui_get_meta_url( 'index.php?sec=advanced&sec2=godmode/servers/plugin_registration&tab=plugin_registration&pure=0' ).'">'.__('metaconsole').'</a>' ) ); return; } } $str = 'This extension makes registering server plugins an easier task.'; $str .= ' Here you can upload a server plugin in .pspz zipped format.'; $str .= ' Please refer to the official documentation on how to obtain and use Server Plugins.'; $output = '<div class="new_task">'; $output .= '<div class="image_task">'; $output .= html_print_image( 'images/first_task/icono_grande_import.png', true, ['title' => __('Plugin Registration') ] ); $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="text_task">'; $output .= '<h3>'.__('Plugin registration').'</h3>'; $output .= '<p id="description_task">'; $output .= __($str); $output .= '<br><br>'; $output .= __('You can get more plugins in our'); $output .= '<a href="https://pandorafms.com/Library/Library/">'; $output .= ' '.__('Public Resource Library'); $output .= '</a>'; $output .= '</p>'; // Upload form. $output .= "<form name='submit_plugin' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; $output .= '<table class="" id="table1" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">'; $output .= "<tr><td class='datos'><input type='file' name='plugin_upload' />"; $output .= "<td class='datos'><input type='submit' class='sub next' value='".__('Upload')."' />"; $output .= '</form></table>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; echo $output; $zip = null; $upload = false; if (isset($_FILES['plugin_upload']) === true) { $basepath = $config['attachment_store'].'/plugin'; $filename = $_FILES['plugin_upload']['name']; $uploaded_filename = $_FILES['plugin_upload']['tmp_name']; $tmp_path = Files::tempdirnam( $config['attachment_store'].'/downloads/', 'plugin_uploaded_' ); if ($tmp_path === false) { $error = __('Failed to create temporary directory'); } } else { $error = ''; } if ($error === null) { if (Files::unzip($uploaded_filename, $tmp_path) === true) { // Successfully extracted to tmp directory. // Grant execution over all files found. Files::chmod($tmp_path, 0755); // Operate. $ini_array = parse_ini_file($tmp_path.'/plugin_definition.ini', true); // Clean plugin_definition.ini file. unlink($tmp_path.'/plugin_definition.ini'); // Parse with sections. if ($ini_array === false) { $error = __('Cannot load INI file'); } else { // Relocate files to target destination. Files::move($tmp_path.'/', $basepath.'/', true); // Extract information. $version = preg_replace('/.*[.]/', '', $filename); $exec_path = $basepath.'/'.$ini_array['plugin_definition']['filename']; $file_exec_path = $exec_path; if (isset($ini_array['plugin_definition']['execution_command']) === true && empty($ini_array['plugin_definition']['execution_command']) === false ) { $exec_path = $ini_array['plugin_definition']['execution_command']; $exec_path .= ' '.$basepath.'/'; $exec_path .= $ini_array['plugin_definition']['filename']; } if (isset($ini_array['plugin_definition']['execution_postcommand']) === true && empty($ini_array['plugin_definition']['execution_postcommand']) === false ) { $exec_path .= ' '.$ini_array['plugin_definition']['execution_postcommand']; } if (file_exists($file_exec_path) === false) { $error = __('Plugin exec not found. Aborting!'); unlink($config['attachment_store'].'/plugin_definition.ini'); } else { // Verify if a plugin with the same name is already registered. $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tplugin WHERE name = "%s"', io_safe_input($ini_array['plugin_definition']['name']) ); $result = db_get_sql($sql); if ($result > 0) { $error = __('Plugin already registered. Aborting!'); unlink($config['attachment_store'].'/plugin_definition.ini'); } else { $values = [ 'name' => io_safe_input($ini_array['plugin_definition']['name']), 'description' => io_safe_input($ini_array['plugin_definition']['description']), 'max_timeout' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['timeout'], 'execute' => io_safe_input($exec_path), 'net_dst_opt' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['ip_opt'], 'net_port_opt' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['port_opt'], 'user_opt' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['user_opt'], 'pass_opt' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['pass_opt'], 'parameters' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['parameters'], 'plugin_type' => $ini_array['plugin_definition']['plugin_type'], ]; switch ($version) { case 'pspz': // Fixed the static parameters // for // the dinamic parameters of pandoras 5. $total_macros = 0; $macros = []; if (isset($values['parameters']) === false) { $values['parameters'] = ''; } if (empty($values['net_dst_opt']) === false) { $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Target IP from net'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= $values['net_dst_opt'].' _field'.$total_macros.'_ '; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; } if (empty($values['ip_opt']) === false) { $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Target IP'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= $values['ip_opt'].' _field'.$total_macros.'_ '; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; } if (empty($values['net_port_opt']) === false) { $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Port from net'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= $values['net_port_opt'].' _field'.$total_macros.'_ '; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; } if (empty($values['port_opt']) === false) { $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Port'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= $values['port_opt'].' _field'.$total_macros.'_ '; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; } if (empty($values['user_opt']) === false) { $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Username'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= $values['user_opt'].' _field'.$total_macros.'_ '; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; } if (empty($values['pass_opt']) === false) { $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Password'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= $values['pass_opt'].' _field'.$total_macros.'_ '; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; } // A last parameter is defined always to // add the old "Plug-in parameters" in the // side of the module. $total_macros++; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macro['desc'] = 'Plug-in Parameters'; $macro['help'] = ''; $macro['value'] = ''; $values['parameters'] .= ' _field'.$total_macros.'_'; $macros[(string) $total_macros] = $macro; break; case 'pspz2': // Fill the macros field. $total_macros = $ini_array['plugin_definition']['total_macros_provided']; $macros = []; for ($it_macros = 1; $it_macros <= $total_macros; $it_macros++) { $label = 'macro_'.$it_macros; $macro = []; $macro['macro'] = '_field'.$it_macros.'_'; $macro['hide'] = $ini_array[$label]['hide']; $macro['desc'] = io_safe_input( $ini_array[$label]['description'] ); $macro['help'] = io_safe_input( $ini_array[$label]['help'] ); $macro['value'] = io_safe_input( $ini_array[$label]['value'] ); $macros[(string) $it_macros] = $macro; } break; default: // Not possible. break; } if (empty($macros) === false) { $values['macros'] = json_encode($macros); } $create_id = db_process_sql_insert('tplugin', $values); if (empty($create_id) === true) { ui_print_error_message( __('Plug-in Remote Registered unsuccessfull') ); ui_print_info_message( __('Please check the syntax of file "plugin_definition.ini"') ); } else { for ($ax = 1; $ax <= $ini_array['plugin_definition']['total_modules_provided']; $ax++) { $label = 'module'.$ax; $plugin_user = ''; if (isset($ini_array[$label]['plugin_user']) === true) { $plugin_user = $ini_array[$label]['plugin_user']; } $plugin_pass = ''; if (isset($ini_array[$label]['plugin_pass']) === true) { $plugin_pass = $ini_array[$label]['plugin_pass']; } $plugin_parameter = ''; if (isset($ini_array[$label]['plugin_parameter']) === true) { $plugin_parameter = $ini_array[$label]['plugin_parameter']; } $unit = ''; if (isset($ini_array[$label]['unit']) === true) { $unit = $ini_array[$label]['unit']; } $values = [ 'name' => io_safe_input($ini_array[$label]['name']), 'description' => io_safe_input($ini_array[$label]['description']), 'id_group' => $ini_array[$label]['id_group'], 'type' => $ini_array[$label]['type'], 'max' => ($ini_array[$label]['max'] ?? ''), 'min' => ($ini_array[$label]['min'] ?? ''), 'module_interval' => ($ini_array[$label]['module_interval'] ?? ''), 'id_module_group' => $ini_array[$label]['id_module_group'], 'id_modulo' => $ini_array[$label]['id_modulo'], 'plugin_user' => io_safe_input($plugin_user), 'plugin_pass' => io_safe_input($plugin_pass), 'plugin_parameter' => io_safe_input($plugin_parameter), 'unit' => io_safe_input($unit), 'max_timeout' => ($ini_array[$label]['max_timeout'] ?? ''), 'history_data' => ($ini_array[$label]['history_data'] ?? ''), 'dynamic_interval' => ($ini_array[$label]['dynamic_interval'] ?? ''), 'dynamic_min' => ($ini_array[$label]['dynamic_min'] ?? ''), 'dynamic_max' => ($ini_array[$label]['dynamic_max'] ?? ''), 'dynamic_two_tailed' => ($ini_array[$label]['dynamic_two_tailed'] ?? ''), 'min_warning' => ($ini_array[$label]['min_warning'] ?? ''), 'max_warning' => ($ini_array[$label]['max_warning'] ?? ''), 'str_warning' => ($ini_array[$label]['str_warning'] ?? ''), 'min_critical' => ($ini_array[$label]['min_critical'] ?? ''), 'max_critical' => ($ini_array[$label]['max_critical'] ?? ''), 'str_critical' => ($ini_array[$label]['str_critical'] ?? ''), 'min_ff_event' => ($ini_array[$label]['min_ff_event'] ?? ''), 'tcp_port' => ($ini_array[$label]['tcp_port'] ?? ''), 'id_plugin' => $create_id, ]; $macros_component = $macros; switch ($version) { case 'pspz': // Fixed the static parameters // for // the dinamic parameters of pandoras 5. foreach ($macros_component as $key => $macro) { if ($macro['desc'] === 'Target IP from net') { if (empty($values['ip_target']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['ip_target'] ); } } if ($macro['desc'] === 'Target IP') { if (empty($values['ip_target']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['ip_target'] ); } } else if ($macro['desc'] === 'Port from net') { if (empty($values['tcp_port']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['tcp_port'] ); } } else if ($macro['desc'] === 'Port') { if (empty($values['tcp_port']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['tcp_port'] ); } } else if ($macro['desc'] === 'Username') { if (empty($values['plugin_user']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['plugin_user'] ); } } else if ($macro['desc'] === 'Password') { if (empty($values['plugin_pass']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['plugin_pass'] ); } } else if ($macro['desc'] === 'Plug-in Parameters') { if (empty($values['plugin_parameter']) === false) { $macros_component[$key]['value'] = io_safe_input( $values['plugin_parameter'] ); } } } break; case 'pspz2': if ($total_macros > 0) { for ($it_macros = 1; $it_macros <= $total_macros; $it_macros++) { $macro = 'macro_'.$it_macros.'_value'; // Set the value or use the default. if (isset($ini_array[$label][$macro]) === true) { $macros_component[(string) $it_macros]['value'] = io_safe_input( $ini_array[$label][$macro] ); } } } break; default: // Not possible. break; } if (empty($macros_component) === false) { $values['macros'] = json_encode($macros_component); } db_process_sql_insert('tnetwork_component', $values); ui_print_success_message( __('Module plugin registered').' : '.$ini_array[$label]['name'] ); } ui_print_success_message( __('Plugin').' '.$ini_array['plugin_definition']['name'].' '.__('Registered successfully') ); } unlink($config['attachment_store'].'/plugin_definition.ini'); } } } // Clean. Files::rmrf($tmp_path); } else { $error = __('Unable to uncompress uploaded file'); } } if (file_exists($uploaded_filename) === true) { if (is_metaconsole() === true && is_management_allowed() === true) { // Keep uploaded file to be transferred to nodes. if (is_dir($config['attachment_store'].'/downloads/') === false) { mkdir($config['attachment_store'].'/downloads/'); } $keep = move_uploaded_file( $uploaded_filename, $config['attachment_store'].'/downloads/'.$filename ); if ($keep === false) { $error = __( 'Cannot move uploaded file to %s.', $config['attachment_store'].'/downloads/' ); } } else { // Clean temporary files. unlink($uploaded_filename); } } if ($error !== null && $error !== '') { ui_print_error_message($error); } else if ($error === null && is_management_allowed() === true && is_metaconsole() === true ) { $attachment = '/'.str_replace( $config['homedir'], '', $config['attachment_store'] ); $sc = new Synchronizer(); $sc->queueOperation( Synchronizer::OPERATION_REFRESH_PLUGIN, ui_get_full_url( $attachment.'/downloads/'.$filename, false, false, false ) ); } if (is_metaconsole() === true) { enterprise_hook('close_meta_frame'); }