an[$aMark]; if( is_string($aIdx) ) { if( !in_array($aIdx,$this->colors) ) { JpGraphError::Raise('This marker "'.($this->name).'" does not exist in color: '.$aIdx); die(); } $idx = $this->index[$aIdx]; } elseif( !is_integer($aIdx) || (is_integer($aIdx) && $aIdx > $this->maxidx ) ) { JpGraphError::Raise('Mark color index too large for marker "'.($this->name).'"'); } else $idx = $aIdx ; return Image::CreateFromString(base64_decode($this->{$n}[$idx][1])); } function GetAnchor() { return array($this->anchor_x,$this->anchor_y); } } // Keep a global flag cache to reduce memory usage $_gFlagCache=array( 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, 4 => null, ); // Only supposed to b called as statics class FlagCache { function GetFlagImgByName($aSize,$aName) { global $_gFlagCache; require_once('jpgraph_flags.php'); if( $_gFlagCache[$aSize] === null ) { $_gFlagCache[$aSize] =& new FlagImages($aSize); } $f =& $_gFlagCache[$aSize]; $idx = $f->GetIdxByName($aName,$aFullName); return $f->GetImgByIdx($idx); } } //=================================================== // CLASS PlotMark // Description: Handles the plot marks in graphs //=================================================== class PlotMark { var $title, $show=true; var $type,$weight=1; var $color="black", $width=4, $fill_color="blue"; var $yvalue,$xvalue='',$csimtarget,$csimalt,$csimareas; var $iFormatCallback=""; var $iFormatCallback2=""; var $markimg='',$iScale=1.0; var $oldfilename='',$iFileName=''; var $imgdata_balls = null; var $imgdata_diamonds = null; var $imgdata_squares = null; var $imgdata_bevels = null; var $imgdata_stars = null; var $imgdata_pushpins = null; //-------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function PlotMark() { $this->title = new Text(); $this->title->Hide(); $this->csimareas = ''; $this->csimalt = ''; $this->type=-1; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function SetType($aType,$aFileName='',$aScale=1.0) { $this->type = $aType; if( $aType == MARK_IMG && $aFileName=='' ) { JpGraphError::Raise('A filename must be specified if you set the mark type to MARK_IMG.'); } $this->iFileName = $aFileName; $this->iScale = $aScale; } function SetCallback($aFunc) { $this->iFormatCallback = $aFunc; } function SetCallbackYX($aFunc) { $this->iFormatCallback2 = $aFunc; } function GetType() { return $this->type; } function SetColor($aColor) { $this->color=$aColor; } function SetFillColor($aFillColor) { $this->fill_color = $aFillColor; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight = $aWeight; } // Synonym for SetWidth() function SetSize($aWidth) { $this->width=$aWidth; } function SetWidth($aWidth) { $this->width=$aWidth; } function SetDefaultWidth() { switch( $this->type ) { case MARK_CIRCLE: case MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE: $this->width=4; break; default: $this->width=7; } } function GetWidth() { return $this->width; } function Hide($aHide=true) { $this->show = !$aHide; } function Show($aShow=true) { $this->show = $aShow; } function SetCSIMAltVal($aY,$aX='') { $this->yvalue=$aY; $this->xvalue=$aX; } function SetCSIMTarget($aTarget) { $this->csimtarget=$aTarget; } function SetCSIMAlt($aAlt) { $this->csimalt=$aAlt; } function GetCSIMAreas(){ return $this->csimareas; } function AddCSIMPoly($aPts) { $coords = round($aPts[0]).", ".round($aPts[1]); $n = count($aPts)/2; for( $i=1; $i < $n; ++$i){ $coords .= ", ".round($aPts[2*$i]).", ".round($aPts[2*$i+1]); } $this->csimareas=""; if( !empty($this->csimtarget) ) { $this->csimareas .= "csimtarget."\""; if( !empty($this->csimalt) ) { $tmp=sprintf($this->csimalt,$this->yvalue,$this->xvalue); $this->csimareas .= " title=\"$tmp\""; } $this->csimareas .= " alt=\"$tmp\" />\n"; } } function AddCSIMCircle($x,$y,$r) { $x = round($x); $y=round($y); $r=round($r); $this->csimareas=""; if( !empty($this->csimtarget) ) { $this->csimareas .= "csimtarget."\""; if( !empty($this->csimalt) ) { $tmp=sprintf($this->csimalt,$this->yvalue,$this->xvalue); $this->csimareas .= " title=\"$tmp\""; } $this->csimareas .= " alt=\"$tmp\" />\n"; } } function Stroke($img,$x,$y) { if( !$this->show ) return; if( $this->iFormatCallback != '' || $this->iFormatCallback2 != '' ) { if( $this->iFormatCallback != '' ) { $f = $this->iFormatCallback; list($width,$color,$fcolor) = call_user_func($f,$this->yvalue); $filename = $this->iFileName; $imgscale = $this->iScale; } else { $f = $this->iFormatCallback2; list($width,$color,$fcolor,$filename,$imgscale) = call_user_func($f,$this->yvalue,$this->xvalue); if( $filename=="" ) $filename = $this->iFileName; if( $imgscale=="" ) $imgscale = $this->iScale; } if( $width=="" ) $width = $this->width; if( $color=="" ) $color = $this->color; if( $fcolor=="" ) $fcolor = $this->fill_color; } else { $fcolor = $this->fill_color; $color = $this->color; $width = $this->width; $filename = $this->iFileName; $imgscale = $this->iScale; } if( $this->type == MARK_IMG || ($this->type >= MARK_FLAG1 && $this->type <= MARK_FLAG4 ) || $this->type >= MARK_IMG_PUSHPIN ) { // Note: For the builtin images we use the "filename" parameter // to denote the color $anchor_x = 0.5; $anchor_y = 0.5; switch( $this->type ) { case MARK_FLAG1: case MARK_FLAG2: case MARK_FLAG3: case MARK_FLAG4: $this->markimg = FlagCache::GetFlagImgByName($this->type-MARK_FLAG1+1,$filename); break; case MARK_IMG : // Load an image and use that as a marker // Small optimization, if we have already read an image don't // waste time reading it again. if( $this->markimg == '' || !($this->oldfilename === $filename) ) { $this->markimg = Graph::LoadBkgImage('',$filename); $this->oldfilename = $filename ; } break; case MARK_IMG_PUSHPIN: case MARK_IMG_SPUSHPIN: case MARK_IMG_LPUSHPIN: if( $this->imgdata_pushpins == null ) { require_once ''; $this->imgdata_pushpins = new ImgData_PushPins(); } $this->markimg = $this->imgdata_pushpins->GetImg($this->type,$filename); list($anchor_x,$anchor_y) = $this->imgdata_pushpins->GetAnchor(); break; case MARK_IMG_SQUARE: if( $this->imgdata_squares == null ) { require_once ''; $this->imgdata_squares = new ImgData_Squares(); } $this->markimg = $this->imgdata_squares->GetImg($this->type,$filename); list($anchor_x,$anchor_y) = $this->imgdata_squares->GetAnchor(); break; case MARK_IMG_STAR: if( $this->imgdata_stars == null ) { require_once ''; $this->imgdata_stars = new ImgData_Stars(); } $this->markimg = $this->imgdata_stars->GetImg($this->type,$filename); list($anchor_x,$anchor_y) = $this->imgdata_stars->GetAnchor(); break; case MARK_IMG_BEVEL: if( $this->imgdata_bevels == null ) { require_once ''; $this->imgdata_bevels = new ImgData_Bevels(); } $this->markimg = $this->imgdata_bevels->GetImg($this->type,$filename); list($anchor_x,$anchor_y) = $this->imgdata_bevels->GetAnchor(); break; case MARK_IMG_DIAMOND: if( $this->imgdata_diamonds == null ) { require_once ''; $this->imgdata_diamonds = new ImgData_Diamonds(); } $this->markimg = $this->imgdata_diamonds->GetImg($this->type,$filename); list($anchor_x,$anchor_y) = $this->imgdata_diamonds->GetAnchor(); break; case MARK_IMG_BALL: case MARK_IMG_SBALL: case MARK_IMG_MBALL: case MARK_IMG_LBALL: if( $this->imgdata_balls == null ) { require_once ''; $this->imgdata_balls = new ImgData_Balls(); } $this->markimg = $this->imgdata_balls->GetImg($this->type,$filename); list($anchor_x,$anchor_y) = $this->imgdata_balls->GetAnchor(); break; } $w = $img->GetWidth($this->markimg); $h = $img->GetHeight($this->markimg); $dw = round($imgscale * $w ); $dh = round($imgscale * $h ); // Do potential rotation list($x,$y) = $img->Rotate($x,$y); $dx = round($x-$dw*$anchor_x); $dy = round($y-$dh*$anchor_y); $this->width = max($dx,$dy); $img->Copy($this->markimg,$dx,$dy,0,0,$dw,$dh,$w,$h); if( !empty($this->csimtarget) ) { $this->csimareas = "csimtarget."\""; if( !empty($this->csimalt) ) { $tmp=sprintf($this->csimalt,$this->yvalue,$this->xvalue); $this->csimareas .= " title=\"$tmp\""; } $this->csimareas .= " alt=\"$tmp\" />\n"; } // Stroke title $this->title->Align("center","top"); $this->title->Stroke($img,$x,$y+round($dh/2)); return; } $weight = $this->weight; $dx=round($width/2,0); $dy=round($width/2,0); $pts=0; switch( $this->type ) { case MARK_SQUARE: $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y-$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx;$c[]=$y-$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx;$c[]=$y+$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y+$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y-$dy; $pts=5; break; case MARK_UTRIANGLE: ++$dx;++$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y+0.87*$dy; // tan(60)/2*$dx $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y-0.87*$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx;$c[]=$y+0.87*$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y+0.87*$dy; // tan(60)/2*$dx $pts=4; break; case MARK_DTRIANGLE: ++$dx;++$dy; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y+0.87*$dy; // tan(60)/2*$dx $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y-0.87*$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx;$c[]=$y-0.87*$dy; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y+0.87*$dy; // tan(60)/2*$dx $pts=4; break; case MARK_DIAMOND: $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y+$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx;$c[]=$y; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y-$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx;$c[]=$y; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y+$dy; $pts=5; break; case MARK_LEFTTRIANGLE: $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y+2*$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx*2;$c[]=$y; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y; $pts=4; break; case MARK_RIGHTTRIANGLE: $c[]=$x-$dx*2;$c[]=$y; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y+2*$dy; $c[]=$x;$c[]=$y; $c[]=$x-$dx*2;$c[]=$y; $pts=4; break; case MARK_FLASH: $dy *= 2; $c[]=$x+$dx/2; $c[]=$y-$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx+$dx/2; $c[]=$y+$dy*0.7-$dy; $c[]=$x+$dx/2; $c[]=$y+$dy*1.3-$dy; $c[]=$x-$dx+$dx/2; $c[]=$y+2*$dy-$dy; $img->SetLineWeight($weight); $img->SetColor($color); $img->Polygon($c); $img->SetLineWeight(1); $this->AddCSIMPoly($c); break; } if( $pts>0 ) { $this->AddCSIMPoly($c); $img->SetLineWeight($weight); $img->SetColor($fcolor); $img->FilledPolygon($c); $img->SetColor($color); $img->Polygon($c); $img->SetLineWeight(1); } elseif( $this->type==MARK_CIRCLE ) { $img->SetColor($color); $img->Circle($x,$y,$width); $this->AddCSIMCircle($x,$y,$width); } elseif( $this->type==MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE ) { $img->SetColor($fcolor); $img->FilledCircle($x,$y,$width); $img->SetColor($color); $img->Circle($x,$y,$width); $this->AddCSIMCircle($x,$y,$width); } elseif( $this->type==MARK_CROSS ) { // Oversize by a pixel to match the X $img->SetColor($color); $img->SetLineWeight($weight); $img->Line($x,$y+$dy+1,$x,$y-$dy-1); $img->Line($x-$dx-1,$y,$x+$dx+1,$y); $this->AddCSIMCircle($x,$y,$dx); } elseif( $this->type==MARK_X ) { $img->SetColor($color); $img->SetLineWeight($weight); $img->Line($x+$dx,$y+$dy,$x-$dx,$y-$dy); $img->Line($x-$dx,$y+$dy,$x+$dx,$y-$dy); $this->AddCSIMCircle($x,$y,$dx+$dy); } elseif( $this->type==MARK_STAR ) { $img->SetColor($color); $img->SetLineWeight($weight); $img->Line($x+$dx,$y+$dy,$x-$dx,$y-$dy); $img->Line($x-$dx,$y+$dy,$x+$dx,$y-$dy); // Oversize by a pixel to match the X $img->Line($x,$y+$dy+1,$x,$y-$dy-1); $img->Line($x-$dx-1,$y,$x+$dx+1,$y); $this->AddCSIMCircle($x,$y,$dx+$dy); } // Stroke title $this->title->Align("center","center"); $this->title->Stroke($img,$x,$y); } } // Class ?>