'Pandora FMS Opensource', "border" => '0')); } else { echo html_print_image('images/pandora_header_logo_enterprise.png', true, array("alt" => 'Pandora FMS Enterprise', "border" => '0')); } ?> class = "none"; $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->head = array (); $table->data = array (); $table->style[0] = $table->style[1] = $table->style[3] = $table->style[4] = $table->style[5] = $table->style[6] = $table->style[9] = 'width: 22px; text-align:center; height: 22px; padding-right: 9px;'; $table->style[7] = 'width: 20px; padding-right: 9px;'; $table->style['searchbar'] = 'width: 180px; min-width: 180px;'; $table->style[11] = 'padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 5px;width: 16px;'; $table->width = "100%"; $table->styleTable = 'margin: auto; margin-top: 0px;'; $table->rowclass[0] = ''; // Servers check $servers = array(); $servers["all"] = (int) db_get_value ('COUNT(id_server)','tserver'); $servers["up"] = (int) servers_check_status (); $servers["down"] = $servers["all"] - $servers["up"]; if ($servers["up"] == 0) { //All Servers down or no servers at all $servers_check_img = html_print_image("images/header_down.png", true, array("alt" => 'cross', "class" => 'bot', 'title' => __('All systems').': '.__('Down'))); } elseif ($servers["down"] != 0) { //Some servers down $servers_check_img = html_print_image("images/header_warning.png", true, array("alt" => 'error', "class" => 'bot', 'title' => $servers["down"].' '.__('servers down'))); } else { //All servers up $servers_check_img = html_print_image("images/header_ready.png", true, array("alt" => 'ok', "class" => 'bot', 'title' => __('All systems').': '.__('Ready'))); } unset ($servers); // Since this is the header, we don't like to trickle down variables. $servers_link_open = ''; $servers_link_close = ''; $table->data[0][0] = $servers_link_open . $servers_check_img . $servers_link_close; // Autorefresh $autorefresh_img = html_print_image("images/header_refresh.png", true, array("class" => 'bot', "alt" => 'lightning', 'title' => __('Configure autorefresh'))); $autorefresh_txt = ''; $autorefresh_additional = ''; $ignored_params = array ('agent_config' => false, 'code' => false); if ($config['enable_refr']) { $ignored_params['refr'] = 0; $autorefresh_txt .= ' ('.date ("i:s", $config["refr"]).')'; } else { if (!isset($_GET['sec2'])) $_GET['sec2'] = ''; if (($config['refr']) && (($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/tactical') || ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/estado_agente') || ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/group_view') || ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/events/events') || ($_GET['sec2'] == 'enterprise/dashboard/main_dashboard'))) { $autorefresh_txt .= ' ('.date ("i:s", $config["refr"]).')'; } else { $ignored_params['refr'] = ''; $values = array ( '5' => __('5 seconds'), '10' => __('10 seconds'), '15' => __('15 seconds'), '30' => __('30 seconds'), (string)SECONDS_1MINUTE => __('1 minute'), (string)SECONDS_2MINUTES => __('2 minutes'), (string)SECONDS_5MINUTES => __('5 minutes'), (string)SECONDS_15MINUTES => __('15 minutes'), (string)SECONDS_30MINUTES => __('30 minutes'), (string)SECONDS_1HOUR => __('1 hour')); $autorefresh_additional = ''; unset ($values); } } $autorefresh_link_open_img = ''; $autorefresh_link_open_txt = ''; $autorefresh_link_close = ''; $table->data[0][1] = $autorefresh_link_open_img . $autorefresh_img . $autorefresh_link_close; $table->data[0][2] .= $autorefresh_link_open_txt . $autorefresh_txt . $autorefresh_link_close . $autorefresh_additional; if ($config["alert_cnt"] > 0) { echo ''; ui_require_css_file ('dialog'); $maintenance_link = 'javascript:'; $maintenance_title = __("System alerts detected - Please fix as soon as possible"); $maintenance_class = $maintenance_id = 'show_systemalert_dialog white'; $maintenance_link_open_txt = ''; $maintenance_link_open_img = ''; $maintenance_link_close = ''; $maintenance_img = $maintenance_link_open_img . html_print_image ("images/header_warning.png", true, array ("title" => __('You have %d warning(s)', $config["alert_cnt"]), "id" => "yougotalert", "class" => "bot")) . $maintenance_link_close; $maintenance_txt = $maintenance_link_open_txt . $maintenance_txt . $maintenance_link_close; } else { $maintenance_img = html_print_image ("images/header_ready.png", true, array ("title" => __('There are not warnings'), "id" => "yougotalert", "class" => "bot")); } $table->data[0][3] = $maintenance_img; // Main help icon $table->data[0][4] = ui_print_help_icon ("main_help", true, '', 'images/header_help.png'); // Logout $table->data[0][5] = ''; $table->data[0][5] .= html_print_image("images/header_logout.png", true, array("alt" => __('Logout'), "class" => 'bot', "title" => __('Logout'))); $table->data[0][5] .= ''; // User if (is_user_admin ($config["id_user"]) == 1) $table->data[0][6] = html_print_image("images/header_user_admin.png" , true, array("title" => __('Edit my user'), "class" => 'bot', "alt" => 'user')); else $table->data[0][6] = html_print_image("images/header_user.png" , true, array("title" => __('Edit my user'), "class" => 'bot', "alt" => 'user')); $table->data[0][6] = '' . $table->data[0][6] . ''; $table->data[0][7] = ' (' . $config["id_user"] . ')'; // Chat messages $table->data[0][8] = ""; // Messages $msg_cnt = messages_get_count ($config["id_user"]); if ($msg_cnt > 0) { echo ''; ui_require_css_file ('dialog'); $table->data[0][9] = ''; $table->data[0][9] .= html_print_image ("images/header_email.png", true, array ("title" => __('You have %d unread message(s)', $msg_cnt), "id" => "yougotmail", "class" => "bot", 'style' => 'width:24px;')); $table->data[0][9] .= ''; } // Search bar $search_bar = '
'; $search_bar .= ''; $search_bar .= ''; //$search_bar .= 'onClick="javascript: document.quicksearch.submit()"'; $search_bar .= ""; $search_bar .= '
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