/* globals $, GridStack, load_modal, TreeController, forced_title_callback, createVisualConsole, tinyMCE*/ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function show_option_dialog(settings) { load_modal({ target: $("#modal-update-dashboard"), form: "form-update-dashboard", url: settings.url_ajax, modal: { title: settings.title, cancel: settings.btn_cancel, ok: settings.btn_text }, onshow: { page: settings.url, method: "drawFormDashboard", extradata: { dashboardId: settings.dashboardId } }, onsubmit: { page: settings.url, method: "updateDashboard", dataType: "json" }, ajax_callback: update_dashboard }); } function update_dashboard(data) { if (data.error === 1) { console.error(data.error_mesage); return; } $(".ui-dialog-content").dialog("close"); var url = data.url + "&dashboardId=" + data.dashboardId; location.replace(url); } /** * Onchange input switch private. * @return {void} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function showGroup() { $("#li-group").removeClass("hidden"); var private = $("#private").prop("checked"); if (private) { $("#id_group").removeAttr("required"); $("#li-group").hide(); } else { $("#id_group").attr("required", true); $("#li-group").show(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function initialiceLayout(data) { var grid = GridStack.init({ float: true, column: 12, alwaysShowResizeHandle: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ), resizable: { handles: "e, se, s, sw, w" }, disableDrag: true, disableResize: true, draggable: false }); var positionGrid = grid.el.getBoundingClientRect(); var gridWidth = positionGrid.width; var title = data.title; getCellsLayout(); function getCellsLayout() { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "getCellsLayout", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "json", success: function(d) { loadLayout(d); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); return []; } }); return false; } function loadLayout(items) { // Remove layout. grid.removeAll(); // Update. grid.batchUpdate(); // Add widgets. items.forEach(function(item) { var id = parseInt(item.id); var position = item.position; var widgetId = item.widgetId; // Retrocompatibility old dashboard. position = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 4, height: 4, autoPosition: true, minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 2000, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: 2000 }; if (item.position !== "") { position = JSON.parse(item.position); } addCell( id, position.x, position.y, position.width, position.height, position.autoPosition, position.minWidth, position.maxWidth, position.minHeight, position.maxHeight, widgetId, false ); }); // Commit. grid.commit(); return false; } function addCell( id, x, y, width, height, autoPosition, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, widgetId, needSaveLayout = false ) { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "drawCell", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, cellId: id, widgetId: widgetId, gridWidth: gridWidth, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "html", success: function(cellData) { var elem = grid.addWidget( cellData, x, y, width, height, autoPosition, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight, id ); // Add spinner. var element = $("#widget-" + id); element = element[0].querySelector(".content-widget"); addSpinner(element); // Width and height. var newWidth = $(elem).attr("data-gs-width"); var newHeight = $(elem).attr("data-gs-height"); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "drawWidget", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, cellId: id, widgetId: widgetId, newWidth: newWidth, newHeight: newHeight, gridWidth: gridWidth, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "html", success: function(widgetData) { // Remove spinner. removeSpinner(element); if (widgetData.includes('class="post-widget"')) { widgetData = widgetData.replace("All changes made to this widget will be lost", cancel: "Cancel", ok: "Ok", size: 400, onAccept: function() { // Continue execution. var nodo = event.target.offsetParent; deleteCell(id, nodo.parentNode); } }); }); $("#configure-widget-" + id).click(function() { getSizeModalConfiguration(id, widgetId); }); $("#copy-widget-" + id).click(function() { duplicateWidget(id, widgetId); }); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } function getSizeModalConfiguration(cellId, widgetId) { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "getSizeModalConfiguration", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, cellId: cellId, widgetId: widgetId }, dataType: "json", success: function(size) { configurationWidget(cellId, widgetId, size); }, error: function(error) { console.log(error); return []; } }); return false; } function duplicateWidget(original_cellId, original_widgetId) { let duplicate_cellId = insertCellLayoutForDuplicate(); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "duplicateWidget", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, widgetId: original_widgetId, cellId: original_cellId, duplicateCellId: duplicate_cellId }, dataType: "json", success: function(success) { console.log(success); }, error: function(error) { console.log(error); return []; } }); } function saveLayout() { var items = $(".grid-stack > .grid-stack-item:visible") .map(function(i, el) { el = $(el); var node = el.data("_gridstack_node"); return { id: node.id, x: node.x, y: node.y, width: node.width, height: node.height }; }) .toArray(); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "saveLayout", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, items: items, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { return data; }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); return false; } function deleteCell(cellId, node) { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, dashboardId: data.dashboardId, method: "deleteCell", cellId: cellId, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { // By default x and y = 0 // width and height = 4 // position auto = true. if (data.result !== 0) { grid.removeWidget(node); saveLayout(); } }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } function insertCellLayout() { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "insertCellLayout", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { // By default x and y = 0 // width and height = 4 // position auto = true. if (data.cellId !== 0) { addCell(data.cellId, 0, 0, 4, 4, true, 0, 2000, 0, 2000, 0, true); } }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } function insertCellLayoutForDuplicate() { let duplicateCellId = 0; $.ajax({ async: false, method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "insertCellLayout", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { // By default x and y = 0 // width and height = 4 // position auto = true. if (data.cellId !== 0) { addCell(data.cellId, 0, 0, 4, 4, true, 0, 2000, 0, 2000, 0, true); duplicateCellId = data.cellId; } }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); return duplicateCellId; } function configurationWidget(cellId, widgetId, size) { load_modal({ target: $("#modal-config-widget"), form: "form-config-widget", url: data.url, modal: { title: "Configure widget", cancel: "Cancel", ok: "Ok" }, onshow: { page: data.page, method: "drawConfiguration", extradata: { cellId: cellId, dashboardId: data.dashboardId, widgetId: widgetId }, width: size.width, minHeight: size.height }, onsubmit: { page: data.page, method: "saveWidgetIntoCell", dataType: "json" }, ajax_callback: update_widget_to_cell, onsubmitClose: 1 }); } function update_widget_to_cell(data) { if (data.error === 1) { console.error(data.text); return; } // Add spinner. var element = $("#widget-" + data.cellId); element = element[0].querySelector(".content-widget"); addSpinner(element); // Width and height. var newWidth = $("#widget-" + data.cellId) .parent() .attr("data-gs-width"); var newHeight = $("#widget-" + data.cellId) .parent() .attr("data-gs-height"); redraw(data.cellId, newWidth, newHeight, gridWidth, data.widgetId); } // Operations. // Add Widgets. $("#add-widget").click(function() { insertCellLayout(); }); // Enable Layout. $("#checkbox-edit-mode").click(function() { if ($("#checkbox-edit-mode").is(":checked")) { grid.movable(".grid-stack-item", true); grid.resizable(".grid-stack-item", true); grid.float(false); $(".header-options").show(); $(".add-widget").show(); $(".new-widget-message").hide(); $("#container-layout").addClass("container-layout"); $("#add-widget").removeClass("invisible"); } else { grid.movable(".grid-stack-item", false); grid.resizable(".grid-stack-item", false); grid.float(true); $(".header-options").hide(); $(".add-widget").hide(); $(".new-widget-message").show(); $("#container-layout").removeClass("container-layout"); $("#add-widget").addClass("invisible"); } }); // End drag. $(".grid-stack").on("dragstop", function() { setTimeout(function() { saveLayout(); }, 200); }); // Start Resize. $(".grid-stack").on("resizestart", function(event) { var element = event.target.querySelector(".content-widget"); addSpinner(element); }); // End Resize. $(".grid-stack").on("gsresizestop", function(event, elem) { var grid = this; // Grid Height and Width. var positionGrid = grid.getBoundingClientRect(); // var gridHeight = positionGrid.height; var gridWidth = positionGrid.width; // Width and height. var newWidth = $(elem).attr("data-gs-width"); var newHeight = $(elem).attr("data-gs-height"); var cellId = elem.getAttribute("data-gs-id"); redraw(cellId, newWidth, newHeight, gridWidth); }); // Add Spinner function addSpinner(element) { var divParent = document.createElement("div"); divParent.className = "div-dashboard-spinner"; var divSpinner = document.createElement("div"); divSpinner.className = "dashboard-spinner"; divParent.appendChild(divSpinner); element.innerHTML = ""; element.appendChild(divParent); } // Remove Spinner function removeSpinner(element) { // Div resize. var div = element.querySelector(".div-dashboard-spinner"); if (div !== null) { var parent = div.parentElement; if (parent !== null) { parent.removeChild(div); } } } function addWidgetDialog(id) { $("#modal-add-widget") .dialog({ title: data.title, resizable: false, modal: true, overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, width: 600, height: 600, open: function() { loadWidgetsDialog(id, 0); } }) .show(); } function loadWidgetsDialog(cellId, offset, search) { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { dashboardId: data.dashboardId, page: data.page, method: "drawAddWidget", cellId: cellId, offset: offset, search: search, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { $("#modal-add-widget").empty(); $("#modal-add-widget").append(data); $("a.pandora_pagination").click(function() { var offset = $(this) .attr("href") .split("=") .pop(); loadWidgetsDialog(cellId, offset, search); }); document.getElementById("text-search-widget").focus(); if (typeof search !== "undefined") { document.getElementById("text-search-widget").value = ""; document.getElementById("text-search-widget").value = search; } $("input[name=search-widget]").on( "keyup", debounce(function() { loadWidgetsDialog(cellId, 0, this.value); }, 300) ); $(".img-add-widget").click(function() { // Empty and close modal. $("#modal-add-widget").empty(); $("#modal-add-widget").dialog("close"); // Extract Id widget var widgetId = this.id.replace("img-add-widget-", ""); // Add spinner. var element = $("#widget-" + cellId); element = element[0].querySelector(".content-widget"); addSpinner(element); // Width and height. var newWidth = $("#widget-" + data.cellId) .parent() .attr("data-gs-width"); var newHeight = $("#widget-" + data.cellId) .parent() .attr("data-gs-height"); redraw(cellId, newWidth, newHeight, gridWidth, widgetId); }); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } function redraw(cellId, newWidth, newHeight, gridWidth, widgetId = 0) { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "drawCell", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, cellId: cellId, widgetId: widgetId, gridWidth: gridWidth, redraw: true, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "html", success: function(cellData) { var element = $("#widget-" + cellId); // Widget empty. element.empty(); // Add Resize element. element.append(cellData); // Add spinner. var elementSpinner = element[0].querySelector(".content-widget"); addSpinner(elementSpinner); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "drawWidget", dashboardId: data.dashboardId, cellId: cellId, newWidth: newWidth, newHeight: newHeight, gridWidth: gridWidth, widgetId: widgetId, auth_class: data.auth.class, auth_hash: data.auth.hash, id_user: data.auth.user }, dataType: "html", success: function(dataWidget) { var element = $("#widget-" + cellId); element = element[0].querySelector(".content-widget"); removeSpinner(element); // Widget empty. $("#widget-" + cellId + " .content-widget").empty(); // Add Resize element. $("#widget-" + cellId + " .content-widget").append(dataWidget); $("#button-add-widget-" + cellId).click(function() { addWidgetDialog(cellId); }); if (!$("#checkbox-edit-mode").is(":checked")) { $(".add-widget").hide(); } else { $(".new-widget-message").hide(); } }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); if (!$("#checkbox-edit-mode").is(":checked")) { $(".header-options").hide(); } $("#delete-widget-" + cellId).click(function(event) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef confirmDialog({ title: "Are you sure?", message: "

All changes made to this widget will be lost

", cancel: "Cancel", ok: "Ok", onAccept: function() { // Continue execution. var nodo = event.target.offsetParent; deleteCell(cellId, nodo.parentNode); } }); }); $("#configure-widget-" + cellId).click(function() { getSizeModalConfiguration(cellId, widgetId); }); $("#copy-widget-" + cellId).click(function() { duplicateWidget(cellId, widgetId); }); saveLayout(); } }); } } /** * Onchange input image. * @return {void} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function imageIconChange(data) { data = JSON.parse(atob(data)); var nameImg = document.getElementById("imageSrc").value; if (nameImg == 0) { $("#li-image-item label").empty(); return; } $.ajax({ method: "post", url: data.url, data: { page: data.page, method: "imageIconDashboardAjax", nameImg: nameImg, dashboardId: data.dashboardId }, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { $("#li-image-item label").empty(); $("#li-image-item label").append(data); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } /** * Load network map. * @return {void} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function dashboardLoadNetworkMap(settings) { // Add spinner. var element = document.getElementById("body_cell-" + settings.cellId); var divParent = document.createElement("div"); divParent.id = "div-dashboard-spinner-" + settings.cellId; divParent.className = "div-dashboard-spinner"; var divSpinner = document.createElement("div"); divSpinner.className = "dashboard-spinner"; divParent.appendChild(divSpinner); element.appendChild(divParent); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.url, data: { page: settings.page, networkmap: 1, networkmap_id: settings.networkmap_id, x_offset: settings.x_offset, y_offset: settings.y_offset, zoom_dash: settings.zoom_dash, auth_class: settings.auth_class, auth_hash: settings.auth_hash, id_user: settings.id_user, ignore_acl: 1, node: settings.node, dashboard: 1, size: settings.size }, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { $("#div-dashboard-spinner-" + settings.cellId).remove(); $("#body_cell-" + settings.cellId).append(data); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } /** * Load Wux Stats map. * @return {void} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function dashboardLoadWuxStats(settings) { $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.url, data: { page: settings.page, wux_transaction_stats: 1, id_agent: settings.id_agent, server_id: settings.server_id, transaction: settings.transaction, view_all_stats: settings.view_all_stats, auth_class: settings.auth_class, auth_hash: settings.auth_hash, id_user: settings.id_user }, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { $("#body-cell-" + settings.cellId).append(data); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function processTreeSearch(settings) { var treeController = TreeController.getController(); // Clear the tree if ( typeof treeController.recipient != "undefined" && treeController.recipient.length > 0 ) { treeController.recipient.empty(); } var filters = {}; filters.searchAgent = settings.searchAgent; filters.statusAgent = settings.statusAgent; filters.searchModule = settings.searchModule; filters.statusModule = settings.statusModule; filters.groupID = settings.searchGroup; filters.searchHirearchy = 1; filters.show_not_init_agents = 1; filters.show_not_init_modules = 1; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: settings.ajaxUrl, data: { getChildren: 1, page: settings.page, type: settings.type, auth_class: settings.auth_class, auth_hash: settings.auth_hash, id_user: settings.id_user, filter: filters }, success: function(data) { if (data.success) { treeController.init({ recipient: $("div#tree-controller-recipient_" + settings.cellId), detailRecipient: { render: function(element, data) { return { open: function() { $("#module_details_window") .hide() .empty() .append(data) .dialog({ resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, title: "Info module", overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, width: 450, height: 500 }); } }; } }, page: settings.page, emptyMessage: settings.translate.emptyMessage, foundMessage: settings.translate.foundMessage, tree: data.tree, auth_hash: settings.auth_hash, auth_class: settings.auth_class, id_user: settings.id_user, ajaxURL: settings.ajaxUrl, baseURL: settings.baseUrl, filter: filters, counterTitles: { total: { agents: settings.translate.total.agents, modules: settings.translate.total.modules, none: settings.translate.total.none }, alerts: { agents: settings.translate.alerts.agents, modules: settings.translate.alerts.modules, none: settings.translate.alerts.none }, critical: { agents: settings.translate.critical.agents, modules: settings.translate.critical.modules, none: settings.translate.critical.none }, warning: { agents: settings.translate.warning.agents, modules: settings.translate.warning.modules, none: settings.translate.warning.none }, unknown: { agents: settings.translate.unknown.agents, modules: settings.translate.unknown.modules, none: settings.translate.unknown.none }, not_init: { agents: settings.translate.not_init.agents, modules: settings.translate.not_init.modules, none: settings.translate.not_init.none }, ok: { agents: settings.translate.ok.agents, modules: settings.translate.ok.modules, none: settings.translate.ok.none }, not_normal: { agents: settings.translate.not_normal.agents, modules: settings.translate.not_normal.modules, none: settings.translate.not_normal.none } } }); if (settings.openAllNodes) { $("#widget-" + settings.cellId) .find(".leaf-icon") .click(); } } }, dataType: "json" }); } function processServiceTree(settings) { var treeController = TreeController.getController(); if ( typeof treeController.recipient != "undefined" && treeController.recipient.length > 0 ) treeController.recipient.empty(); $(".loading_tree").show(); var parameters = {}; parameters["page"] = "include/ajax/tree.ajax"; parameters["getChildren"] = 1; parameters["type"] = "services"; parameters["filter"] = {}; parameters["filter"]["searchGroup"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["searchAgent"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["statusAgent"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["searchModule"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["statusModule"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["groupID"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["tagID"] = ""; parameters["filter"]["searchHirearchy"] = 1; parameters["filter"]["show_not_init_agents"] = 1; parameters["filter"]["show_not_init_modules"] = 1; parameters["filter"]["is_favourite"] = 0; parameters["filter"]["width"] = 100; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: settings.ajaxURL, data: parameters, success: function(data) { if (data.success) { $(".loading_tree").hide(); // Get the main values of the tree. var rawTree = Object.values(data.tree); // Sorting tree by description (TreeController.js). rawTree.sort(function(a, b) { var x = a.description.toLowerCase(); var y = b.description.toLowerCase(); if (x < y) { return -1; } if (x > y) { return 1; } return 0; }); treeController.init({ recipient: $("div#container_servicemap_" + settings.cellId), detailRecipient: { render: function(element, data) { return { open: function() { $("#module_details_window") .hide() .empty() .append(data) .dialog({ resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, title: "Info", overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, width: 450, height: 500 }); } }; } }, page: parameters["page"], emptyMessage: "No data found", foundMessage: "Found groups", tree: rawTree, baseURL: settings.baseURL, ajaxURL: settings.ajaxURL, filter: parameters["filter"], counterTitles: { total: { agents: "Total agents", modules: "Total modules", none: "Total" }, alerts: { agents: "Fired alerts", modules: "Fired alerts", none: "Fired alerts" }, critical: { agents: "Critical agents", modules: "Critical modules')", none: "Critical" }, warning: { agents: "Warning agents", modules: "Warning modules", none: "Warning" }, unknown: { agents: "Unknown agents", modules: "Unknown modules", none: "Unknown" }, not_init: { agents: "Not init agents", modules: "Not init modules", none: "Not init" }, ok: { agents: " Normal agents ", modules: " Normal modules ", none: " Normal " } } }); } }, dataType: "json" }); } function show_module_detail_dialog( module_id, id_agent, server_name, offset, period, module_name ) { var params = {}; var f = new Date(); period = $("#period").val(); params.selection_mode = $("input[name=selection_mode]:checked").val(); if (!params.selection_mode) { params.selection_mode = "fromnow"; } params.date_from = $("#text-date_from").val(); if (!params.date_from) { params.date_from = f.getFullYear() + "/" + (f.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + f.getDate(); } params.time_from = $("#text-time_from").val(); if (!params.time_from) { params.time_from = f.getHours() + ":" + f.getMinutes(); } params.date_to = $("#text-date_to").val(); if (!params.date_to) { params.date_to = f.getFullYear() + "/" + (f.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + f.getDate(); } params.time_to = $("#text-time_to").val(); if (!params.time_to) { params.time_to = f.getHours() + ":" + f.getMinutes(); } params.page = "include/ajax/module"; params.get_module_detail = 1; params.server_name = server_name; params.id_agent = id_agent; params.id_module = module_id; params.offset = offset; params.period = period; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax.php", data: params, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { $("#module_details_window") .hide() .empty() .append(data) .dialog({ resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, title: "Module: " + module_name, overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, width: 650, height: 500 }) .show(); refresh_pagination_callback( module_id, id_agent, server_name, module_name ); //datetime_picker_callback(); forced_title_callback(); } }); } /* function datetime_picker_callback() { $("#text-time_from, #text-time_to").timepicker({ showSecond: true, timeFormat: settings.timeFormat, timeOnlyTitle: settings.translate.timeOnlyTitle, timeText: settings.translate.timeText, hourText: settings.translate.hourText, minuteText: settings.translate.minuteText, secondText: settings.translate.secondText, currentText: settings.translate.currentText, closeText: settings.translate.closeText }); $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional[settings.userLanguage]); $("#text-date_from, #text-date_to").datepicker({ dateFormat: settings.dateFormat }); }*/ function refresh_pagination_callback( module_id, id_agent, server_name, module_name ) { $(".binary_dialog").click(function() { var classes = $(this).attr("class"); classes = classes.split(" "); var offset_class = classes[2]; offset_class = offset_class.split("_"); var offset = offset_class[1]; var period = $("#period").val(); show_module_detail_dialog( module_id, id_agent, server_name, offset, period, module_name ); return false; }); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function dashboardLoadVC(settings) { var headerMobileFix = 40; var container = document.getElementById( "visual-console-container-" + settings.cellId ); var interval = 300 * 1000; // Add the datetime when the item was received. var receivedAt = new Date(); var beforeUpdate = function(items, visualConsole, props, size) { var ratio_visualconsole = props.height / props.width; var ratio_w = size.width / props.width; var ratio_h = size.height / props.height; var acum_height = props.height; var acum_width = props.width; props.width = size.width; props.height = size.width * ratio_visualconsole; var ratio = ratio_w; if (settings.mobile != undefined && settings.mobile === true) { if (props.height < props.width) { if (props.height > size.height) { ratio = ratio_h; props.height = size.height; props.width = size.height / ratio_visualconsole; } } else { ratio = ratio_w; var height = (acum_height * size.width) / acum_width; props.height = height; props.width = height / ratio_visualconsole; } } else { if (props.height > size.height) { ratio = ratio_h; props.height = size.height; props.width = size.height / ratio_visualconsole; } } $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.baseUrl + "ajax.php", data: { page: settings.page, load_css_cv: 1, uniq: settings.uniq, ratio: ratio }, dataType: "html", success: function(css) { $("#css_cv_" + settings.uniq) .empty() .append(css); // Add the datetime when the item was received. items.map(function(item) { item["receivedAt"] = receivedAt; return item; }); // Update the data structure. visualConsole.props = props; // Update the items. visualConsole.updateElements(items); //Remove spinner change VC. container.classList.remove("is-updating"); var div = container.querySelector(".div-visual-console-spinner"); if (div !== null) { var parent = div.parentElement; if (parent !== null) { parent.removeChild(div); } } if (settings.mobile != undefined && settings.mobile === true) { // Update Url. var regex = /(id=|id_visual_console=|id_layout=|id_visualmap=)\d+(&?)/gi; var replacement = "$1" + props.id + "$2"; var regex_hash = /(hash=)[^&]+(&?)/gi; var replacement_hash = "$1" + props.hash + "$2"; /* var regex_width = /(width=)[^&]+(&?)/gi; var replacement_width = "$1" + size.width + "$2"; var regex_height = /(height=)[^&]+(&?)/gi; var replacement_height = "$1" + (size.height + headerMobileFix) + "$2"; */ // Change the URL (if the browser has support). if ("history" in window) { var href = window.location.href.replace(regex, replacement); href = href.replace(regex_hash, replacement_hash); //href = href.replace(regex_width, replacement_width); //href = href.replace(regex_height, replacement_height); window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, href); } if (props.height > props.width) { $(".container-center").css("overflow", "auto"); } else { $(".container-center").css("overflow", "inherit"); } container.classList.remove("cv-overflow"); // View title. var title = document.querySelector(".ui-title"); if (title !== null) { title.textContent = visualConsole.props.name; } } }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); }; var handleUpdate = function() { return; }; settings.items.map(function(item) { item["receivedAt"] = receivedAt; return item; }); settings.items.map(function(item) { item["cellId"] = settings.cellId; return item; }); var visualConsoleManager = createVisualConsole( container, settings.props, settings.items, settings.baseUrl, interval, handleUpdate, beforeUpdate, settings.size, settings.id_user, settings.hash, settings.mobile != undefined && settings.mobile === true ? "mobile" : "dashboard" ); if (settings.props.maintenanceMode != null) { visualConsoleManager.visualConsole.enableMaintenanceMode(); } if (settings.mobile_view_orientation_vc === true) { $(window).on("orientationchange", function() { $(container).width($(window).height()); $(container).height($(window).width() - headerMobileFix); //Remove spinner change VC. container.classList.remove("is-updating"); container.classList.remove("cv-overflow"); var div = container.querySelector(".div-visual-console-spinner"); if (div !== null) { var parent = div.parentElement; if (parent !== null) { parent.removeChild(div); } } container.classList.add("is-updating"); container.classList.add("cv-overflow"); const divParent = document.createElement("div"); divParent.className = "div-visual-console-spinner"; const divSpinner = document.createElement("div"); divSpinner.className = "visual-console-spinner"; divParent.appendChild(divSpinner); container.appendChild(divParent); var dimensions = { width: $(window).height(), height: $(window).width() - 40 }; visualConsoleManager.changeDimensionsVc(dimensions, interval); }); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function dashboardInitTinyMce(url) { // Initialice. UndefineTinyMCE("#textarea_text"); } function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function formSlides(settings) { load_modal({ target: $("#modal-update-dashboard"), form: "slides-form", url: settings.url_ajax, modal: { title: settings.title, cancel: settings.btn_cancel, ok: settings.btn_text }, onshow: { page: settings.url, method: "formSlides", extradata: { dashboardId: settings.dashboardId }, width: 250 } }); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function loadSliceWidget(settings) { settings = JSON.parse(settings); var width = $(window).width(); $.ajax({ method: "post", url: settings.url, data: { page: settings.page, method: "drawWidget", dashboardId: settings.dashboardId, cellId: settings.cellId, newWidth: 12, newHeight: 12, gridWidth: width, widgetId: settings.widgetId }, dataType: "html", success: function(dataWidget) { // Widget empty. $("#view-slides-cell-mode").empty(); // Add Resize element. $("#view-slides-cell-mode").append(dataWidget); }, error: function(error) { console.error(error); } }); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function showManualThresholds(element) { $("#min_warning").val(null); $("#max_warning").val(null); $("#min_critical").val(null); $("#max_critical").val(null); if ($(element).is(":checked") === true) { $(".dashboard-input-threshold-warning").removeClass("invisible_important"); $(".dashboard-input-threshold-critical").removeClass("invisible_important"); } else { $(".dashboard-input-threshold-warning").addClass("invisible_important"); $(".dashboard-input-threshold-critical").addClass("invisible_important"); } } /** * @return {void} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function type_change() { var type = document.getElementById("type").value; switch (type) { case "2": $("#li_tags").hide(); $("#li_groups").hide(); $("#li_module_groups").show(); break; case "1": $("#li_tags").show(); $("#li_groups").hide(); $("#li_module_groups").hide(); break; default: case "3": case "0": $("#li_tags").hide(); $("#li_groups").show(); $("#li_module_groups").hide(); break; } } // Show/Hide period for projection on agent module graph. function show_projection_period() { if ($("#projection_switch").is(":checked")) { $("#div_projection_period").show(); } else { $("#div_projection_period").hide(); } }