2006-11-27 Raul Mateos * pandora_server/data_in: Removed old directory. * pandora_server/config/pandora_server.conf: Changed data_in directory to /var/spool/pandora/data_in. 2006-11-27 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_server/specs/fedoracore5/perl-Pandora-1.2-beta3.spec: Missing Changelog section, added. * pandora_server/specs/rhel/perl-Pandora-1.2-beta3.speci: Missing Changelog section, added. 2006-11-23 Raul Mateos * pandora_server/bin/pandora_config.pm: Updated some text from Linux to GNU/Linux. Update build date and final version. * pandora_server/config/pandora_server.conf: Changed servername from "daeva" to localhost. 2006-11-22 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_server/specs/fedoracore5/*, pandora_server/specs/rhel/*: Added to repository. Added specs files for Fedora Core 5 and RHEL. 2006-11-13 Sancho Lerena * /bin/pandora_config.pm: Added $VERSION variable to be used for packagers. 2006-09-29 Raul Mateos * pandora_server/bin/*.pl and *.pm: Updated some comments from Spanish to English. Update build date. 2006-09-13 Sancho Lerena * pandora_network.pl: Fixed problems with OID index. Perl needs to referente a .0 index, like SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 as SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr. Also, other numerical indexes are referenced different from system SNMP or PHP. IF-MIB::ifDescr.3 is IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 for PERL's SNMP.