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var scale = arrow_body_t.scale[0]; var x = 0 + arrow_body_b['width'] * scale; var y = 0 + (arrow_body_b['height'] / 2 - arrow_head_b['height'] / 2); transform.translate[0] = x; transform.translate[1] = y; arrow_head.attr("transform", transform.toString()); /*---------------------------------------------*/ /*------- Show the result in one time ---------*/ /*---------------------------------------------*/ arrow.attr("style", "opacity: 1"); break; } } function wait_for_preload_symbols(symbols, callback) { var count_symbols = symbols.length; function wait(symbol, callback) { switch (is_preload_symbol(symbol)) { case -1: preload_symbol(symbol); setTimeout(function() { wait(symbol, callback); }, 100); break; case 0: // Wait setTimeout(function() { wait(symbol, callback); }, 100); break; case 1: count_symbols--; break; } if (count_symbols == 0) { //~ setTimeout(function() { //~ callback(); //~ }, 1000); callback(); } } for (var i in symbols) { wait(symbols[i], callback); } } function preload_symbol(symbol, param_step) { var step; 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