%s on line %d',
htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), $sql, $backtrace[0]['file'], $backtrace[0]['line']);
db_add_database_debug_trace ($sql, htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES));
set_error_handler ('db_sql_error_handler');
trigger_error ($error);
restore_error_handler ();
return false;
else {
$status = oci_statement_type($query);
$rows = oci_num_rows($query);
if ($status !== 'SELECT') { //The query NOT IS a select
if ($rettype == "insert_id") {
$result = $id;
elseif ($rettype == "info") {
//TODO: return debug information of the query $result = pg_result_status($result, PGSQL_STATUS_STRING);
$result = '';
else {
$result = $rows;
db_add_database_debug_trace ($sql, $result, $rows,
array ('time' => $time));
return $result;
else { //The query IS a select.
db_add_database_debug_trace ($sql, 0, $rows, array ('time' => $time));
while ($row = oci_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$i = 1;
$result_temp = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
$column_type = oci_field_type($query, $key);
// Support for Clob fields larger than 4000bytes
//if ($sql == 'SELECT * FROM tgrupo ORDER BY dbms_lob.substr(nombre,4000,1) ASC') echo $i .' '.$column_type.' '.$key.'
if ($column_type == 'CLOB') {
$column_name = oci_field_name($query, $i);
// Protect against a NULL CLOB
if (is_object($row[$column_name])) {
$clob_data = $row[$column_name]->load();
$value = $clob_data;
else {
$value = '';
$result_temp[strtolower($key)] = $value;
array_push($retval, $result_temp);
//array_push($retval, $row);
if ($cache === true)
$sql_cache[$sql] = $retval;
oci_free_statement ($query);
if (! empty ($retval)) {
return $retval;
//Return false, check with === or !==
return false;
* Get all the rows in a table of the database.
* @param string Database table name.
* @param string Field to order by.
* @param string $order The type of order, by default 'ASC'.
* @return mixed A matrix with all the values in the table
function oracle_db_get_all_rows_in_table($table, $order_field = "", $order = 'ASC') {
if ($order_field != "") {
// Clob fields are not allowed in ORDER BY statements, they need cast to varchar2 datatype
$type = db_get_value_filter ('data_type', 'user_tab_columns',
array ('table_name' => strtoupper($table), 'column_name' => strtoupper($order_field)), 'AND');
if ($type == 'CLOB') {
return db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT *
FROM ' . $table . '
ORDER BY dbms_lob.substr(' . $order_field . ',4000,1) ' . $order);
else {
return db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT *
FROM ' . $table . '
ORDER BY ' . $order_field . ' ' . $order);
else {
return db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
* Inserts strings into database
* The number of values should be the same or a positive integer multiple as the number of rows
* If you have an associate array (eg. array ("row1" => "value1")) you can use this function with ($table, array_keys ($array), $array) in it's options
* All arrays and values should have been cleaned before passing. It's not neccessary to add quotes.
* @param string Table to insert into
* @param mixed A single value or array of values to insert (can be a multiple amount of rows)
* @param bool Whether to do autocommit or not
* @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise
function oracle_db_process_sql_insert($table, $values, $autocommit = true) {
//Empty rows or values not processed
if (empty ($values))
return false;
$values = (array) $values;
$query = sprintf ('INSERT INTO %s ', $table);
$fields = array ();
$values_str = '';
$i = 1;
$max = count ($values);
foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
array_push ($fields, $field);
if (is_null ($value)) {
$values_str .= "NULL";
elseif (is_int ($value) || is_bool ($value)) {
$values_str .= sprintf("%d", $value);
else if (is_float ($value) || is_double ($value)) {
$values_str .= sprintf("%f", $value);
else if (substr($value,0,1) == '#') {
$values_str .= sprintf("%s", substr($value,1));
else {
$values_str .= sprintf("'%s'", $value);
if ($i < $max) {
$values_str .= ",";
$query .= '(' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
$query .= ' VALUES (' . $values_str . ')';
$status = '';
return db_process_sql($query, 'insert_id', '', true, $status, $autocommit);
* Escape string to set it properly to use in sql queries
* @param string String to be cleaned.
* @return string String cleaned.
function oracle_escape_string_sql($string) {
return str_replace(array('"', "'", '\\'), array('\\"', '\\\'', '\\\\'), $string);
function oracle_encapsule_fields_with_same_name_to_instructions($field) {
$return = $field;
if (is_string($return)) {
if ($return[0] !== '"') {
// The columns declared without quotes are converted to uppercase in oracle.
// A column named asd is equal to asd, ASD or "ASD", but no to "asd".
$return = '"' . $return . '"';
return $return;
* Get the first value of the first row of a table in the database from an
* array with filter conditions.
* Example:
db_get_value_filter ('name', 'talert_templates',
array ('value' => 2, 'type' => 'equal'));
// Equivalent to:
// SELECT name FROM talert_templates WHERE value = 2 AND type = 'equal' LIMIT 1
// In oracle sintax:
// SELECT name FROM talert_templates WHERE value = 2 AND type = 'equal' AND rownum < 2
db_get_value_filter ('description', 'talert_templates',
array ('name' => 'My alert', 'type' => 'regex'), 'OR');
// Equivalent to:
// SELECT description FROM talert_templates WHERE name = 'My alert' OR type = 'equal' LIMIT 1
// In oracle sintax:
// SELECT description FROM talert_templates WHERE name = 'My alert' OR type = 'equal' AND rownum < 2
* @param string Field name to get
* @param string Table to retrieve the data
* @param array Conditions to filter the element. See db_format_array_where_clause_sql()
* for the format
* @param string Join operator for the elements in the filter.
* @return mixed Value of first column of the first row. False if there were no row.
function oracle_db_get_value_filter ($field, $table, $filter, $where_join = 'AND', $search_history_db = false) {
if (! is_array ($filter) || empty ($filter))
return false;
/* Avoid limit and offset if given */
unset ($filter['limit']);
unset ($filter['offset']);
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM (SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s) WHERE rownum < 2",
$field, $table,
db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($filter, $where_join));
$result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_history_db);
if ($result === false)
return false;
$row = array_shift($result);
$value = array_shift($row);
if ($value === null)
return false;
return $value;
* Formats an array of values into a SQL where clause string.
* This function is useful to generate a WHERE clause for a SQL sentence from
* a list of values. Example code:
$values = array ();
$values['name'] = "Name";
$values['description'] = "Long description";
$values['limit'] = $config['block_size']; // Assume it's 20
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values);
echo $sql;
* Will return:
* SELECT * FROM table WHERE `name` = "Name" AND `description` = "Long description" LIMIT 20
* This in Oracle Sql sintaxis is translate to:
* SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = "Name" AND description = "Long description" AND rownum <= 20
* @param array Values to be formatted in an array indexed by the field name.
* There are special parameters such as 'order' and 'limit' that will be used
* as ORDER and LIMIT clauses respectively. Since LIMIT is
* numeric, ORDER can receive a field name or a SQL function and a the ASC or
* DESC clause. Examples:
$values = array ();
$values['value'] = 10;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values);
$values = array ();
$values['value'] = 10;
$values['order'] = 'name DESC';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values);
IMPORTANT!!! OFFSET is not allowed in this function because Oracle needs to recode the complete query.
use oracle_recode_query() function instead
* @return string Values joined into an SQL string that can fits into the WHERE
* clause of an SQL sentence.
function oracle_db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values, $join = 'AND', $prefix = false) {
$fields = array ();
if (! is_array ($values)) {
return '';
$query = '';
$limit = '';
$order = '';
$group = '';
if (isset($values['offset'])) {
return '';
if (isset ($values['limit'])) {
$limit = sprintf (' AND rownum <= %d', $values['limit']);
unset ($values['limit']);
if (isset ($values['order'])) {
if (is_array($values['order'])) {
if (!isset($values['order']['order'])) {
$orderTexts = array();
foreach ($values['order'] as $orderItem) {
$orderTexts[] = $orderItem['field'] . ' ' . $orderItem['order'];
$order = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orderTexts);
else {
$order = sprintf (' ORDER BY %s %s', $values['order']['field'], $values['order']['order']);
else {
$order = sprintf (' ORDER BY %s', $values['order']);
unset ($values['order']);
if (isset ($values['group'])) {
$group = sprintf (' GROUP BY %s', $values['group']);
unset ($values['group']);
$i = 1;
$max = count ($values);
foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
if ($i == 1) {
$query .= ' ( ';
if ($field == '1' AND $value == '1') {
$query .= sprintf("'%s' = '%s'", $field, $value);
if ($i < $max) {
$query .= ' '.$join.' ';
if ($i == $max) {
$query .= ' ) ';
else if (is_numeric ($field)) {
/* User provide the exact operation to do */
$query .= $value;
if ($i < $max) {
$query .= ' '.$join.' ';
if ($i == $max) {
$query .= ' ) ';
if (is_null ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s IS NULL", $field);
elseif (is_int ($value) || is_bool ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s = %d", $field, $value);
else if (is_float ($value) || is_double ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s = %f", $field, $value);
elseif (is_array ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s IN ('%s')", $field, implode ("', '", $value));
else {
if ($value[0] == ">") {
$value = substr($value,1,strlen($value)-1);
if (is_nan($value))
$query .= sprintf ("%s > '%s'", $field, $value);
$query .= sprintf ("%s > %s", $field, $value);
else if ($value[0] == "<") {
if ($value[1] == ">") {
$value = substr($value,2,strlen($value)-2);
if (is_nan($value))
$query .= sprintf ("%s <> '%s'", $field, $value);
$query .= sprintf ("%s <> %s", $field, $value);
else {
$value = substr($value,1,strlen($value)-1);
if (is_nan($value))
$query .= sprintf ("%s < '%s'", $field, $value);
$query .= sprintf ("%s < %s", $field, $value);
else if ($value[0] == '%') {
$query .= sprintf ("%s LIKE '%s'", $field, $value);
else {
$query .= sprintf ("%s = '%s'", $field, $value);
if ($i < $max) {
$query .= ' '.$join.' ';
if ($i == $max) {
$query .= ' ) ';
return (! empty ($query) ? $prefix: '').$query.$limit.$group.$order;
* Formats an SQL query to use LIMIT and OFFSET Mysql like statements in Oracle.
* This function is useful to generate an SQL sentence from
* a list of values. Example code:
* @param string Join operator. AND by default.
* @param string A prefix to be added to the string. It's useful when
* offset could be given to avoid this cases:
$values = array ();
$values['limit'] = 10;
$values['offset'] = 20;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values);
$values = array ();
$values['limit'] = 10;
$values['offset'] = 20;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values, 'AND', 'WHERE');
// Good SQL: SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
// This in Oracle Sql sintaxis is translate to:
// SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROWNUM AS rnum, a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table) a) WHERE rnum > 20 AND rnum <= 30
$values = array ();
$values['value'] = 5;
$values['limit'] = 10;
$values['offset'] = 20;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE '.db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($values, 'AND', 'WHERE');
// Good SQL: SELECT * FROM table WHERE value = 5 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
// This in Oracle Sql sintaxis is translate to:
// SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROWNUM AS rnum, a.* FROM (SELECT * FROM table WHERE value = 5) a) WHERE rnum > 20 AND rnum <= 30;
* @param string Sql from SELECT to WHERE reserved words: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE
* @param array Conditions to filter the element. See db_format_array_where_clause_sql()
* for the format. LIMIT + OFFSET are allowed in this function:
$values = array();
$values['limit'] = x;
$values['offset'] = y;
* @param string Join operator for the elements in the filter.
* @param bool Whether to return Sql or execute. Note that if you return data in a string format then after execute the query you have
* to discard RNUM column.
* @return string Values joined into an SQL string that fits Oracle SQL sintax
* clause of an SQL sentence.
function oracle_recode_query ($sql, $values, $join = 'AND', $return = true) {
$fields = array ();
if (! is_array ($values) || empty($sql)) {
return '';
$query = '';
$limit = '';
$offset = '';
$order = '';
$group = '';
$pre_query = '';
$post_query = '';
// LIMIT + OFFSET options have to be recoded into a subquery
if (isset ($values['limit']) && isset($values['offset'])) {
$down = $values['offset'];
$top = $values['offset'] + $values['limit'];
$pre_query = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROWNUM AS rnum, a.* FROM (';
$post_query = sprintf(") a) WHERE rnum > %d AND rnum <= %d", $down, $top);
unset ($values['limit']);
unset ($values['offset']);
else if (isset ($values['limit'])) {
$limit = sprintf (' AND rownum <= %d', $values['limit']);
unset ($values['limit']);
// OFFSET without LIMIT option is not supported
else if (isset ($values['offset'])) {
unset ($values['offset']);
if (isset ($values['order'])) {
if (is_array($values['order'])) {
if (!isset($values['order']['order'])) {
$orderTexts = array();
foreach ($values['order'] as $orderItem) {
$orderTexts[] = $orderItem['field'] . ' ' . $orderItem['order'];
$order = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orderTexts);
else {
$order = sprintf (' ORDER BY %s %s', $values['order']['field'], $values['order']['order']);
else {
$order = sprintf (' ORDER BY %s', $values['order']);
unset ($values['order']);
if (isset ($values['group'])) {
$group = sprintf (' GROUP BY %s', $values['group']);
unset ($values['group']);
$i = 1;
$max = count ($values);
foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
if ($i == 1) {
$query .= ' ( ';
if (is_numeric ($field)) {
/* User provide the exact operation to do */
$query .= $value;
if ($i < $max) {
$query .= ' '.$join.' ';
if (is_null ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s IS NULL", $field);
elseif (is_int ($value) || is_bool ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s = %d", $field, $value);
else if (is_float ($value) || is_double ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s = %f", $field, $value);
elseif (is_array ($value)) {
$query .= sprintf ("%s IN ('%s')", $field, implode ("', '", $value));
else {
if ($value[0] == ">") {
$value = substr($value,1,strlen($value) - 1);
$query .= sprintf ("%s > '%s'", $field, $value);
else if ($value[0] == "<") {
if ($value[1] == ">") {
$value = substr($value,2,strlen($value) - 2);
$query .= sprintf ("%s <> '%s'", $field, $value);
else {
$value = substr($value,1,strlen($value) - 1);
$query .= sprintf ("%s < '%s'", $field, $value);
else if ($value[0] == '%') {
$query .= sprintf ("%s LIKE '%s'", $field, $value);
else {
$query .= sprintf ("%s = '%s'", $field, $value);
if ($i < $max) {
$query .= ' '.$join.' ';
if ($i == $max) {
$query .= ' ) ';
$result = $pre_query.$sql.$query.$limit.$group.$order.$post_query;
if ($return) {
return $result;
else {
$result = oracle_db_process_sql($result);
if ($result !== false) {
for ($i=0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
return $result;
* Get the first value of the first row of a table result from query.
* @param string SQL select statement to execute.
* @return the first value of the first row of a table result from query.
function oracle_db_get_value_sql($sql, $dbconnection = false) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM (" . $sql . ") WHERE rownum < 2";
$result = oracle_db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, false, true, $dbconnection);
if ($result === false)
return false;
$row = array_shift($result);
$value = array_shift($row);
if ($value === null)
return false;
return $value;
* Get the first row of an SQL database query.
* @param string SQL select statement to execute.
* @return mixed The first row of the result or false
function oracle_db_get_row_sql ($sql, $search_history_db = false) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM (" . $sql . ") WHERE rownum < 2";
$result = oracle_db_get_all_rows_sql($sql, $search_history_db);
if ($result === false)
return false;
return $result[0];
* Get the row of a table in the database using a complex filter.
* @param string Table to retrieve the data (warning: not cleaned)
* @param mixed Filters elements. It can be an indexed array
* (keys would be the field name and value the expected value, and would be
* joined with an AND operator) or a string, including any SQL clause (without
* the WHERE keyword). Example:
Both are similars:
db_get_row_filter ('table', array ('disabled', 0));
db_get_row_filter ('table', 'disabled = 0');
Both are similars:
db_get_row_filter ('table', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 0), 'name, description', 'OR');
db_get_row_filter ('table', 'disabled = 0 OR history_data = 0', 'name, description');
db_get_row_filter ('table', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 0), array ('name', 'description'), 'OR');
* @param mixed Fields of the table to retrieve. Can be an array or a coma
* separated string. All fields are retrieved by default
* @param string Condition to join the filters (AND, OR).
* @return mixed Array of the row or false in case of error.
function oracle_db_get_row_filter ($table, $filter, $fields = false, $where_join = 'AND') {
if (empty ($fields)) {
$fields = '*';
else {
if (is_array ($fields))
$fields = implode (',', $fields);
else if (! is_string ($fields))
return false;
if (is_array ($filter))
$filter = db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($filter, $where_join, ' WHERE ');
else if (is_string ($filter))
$filter = 'WHERE '.$filter;
$filter = '';
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT %s FROM %s %s', $fields, $table, $filter);
return db_get_row_sql ($sql);
* Get all the rows of a table in the database that matches a filter.
* @param string Table to retrieve the data (warning: not cleaned)
* @param mixed Filters elements. It can be an indexed array
* (keys would be the field name and value the expected value, and would be
* joined with an AND operator) or a string, including any SQL clause (without
* the WHERE keyword). Example:
* Both are similars:
* db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', array ('disabled', 0));
* db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', 'disabled = 0');
* Both are similars:
* db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 0), 'name', 'OR');
* db_get_all_rows_filter ('table', 'disabled = 0 OR history_data = 0', 'name');
* @param mixed Fields of the table to retrieve. Can be an array or a coma
* separated string. All fields are retrieved by default
* @param string Condition of the filter (AND, OR).
* @param bool $returnSQL Return a string with SQL instead the data, by default false.
* @return mixed Array of the row or false in case of error.
function oracle_db_get_all_rows_filter ($table, $filter = array(), $fields = false, $where_join = 'AND', $search_history_db = false, $returnSQL = false) {
//TODO: Validate and clean fields
if (empty($fields)) {
$fields = '*';
elseif (is_array($fields)) {
$fields = implode(' , ', $fields);
elseif (!is_string($fields)) {
return false;
//TODO: Validate and clean filter options
if (is_array ($filter)) {
$filter = db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($filter, $where_join, ' WHERE ');
elseif (is_string ($filter)) {
$filter = 'WHERE '.$filter;
else {
$filter = '';
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT %s FROM %s %s', $fields, $table, $filter);
if ($returnSQL)
return $sql;
return db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_history_db);
* Return the count of rows of query.
* @param $sql
* @return integer The count of rows of query.
function oracle_db_get_num_rows ($sql) {
global $config;
$type = explode(' ',strtoupper(trim($sql)));
if ($type[0] == 'SELECT') {
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as NUM FROM (" . $sql . ")";
$query = oci_parse($config['dbconnection'], $sql);
if ($type[0] == 'SELECT') {
$row = oci_fetch_assoc($query);
$rows = $row['NUM'];
else {
$rows = oci_num_rows($query);
return $rows;
* Get all the rows in a table of the database filtering from a field.
* @param string Database table name.
* @param string Field of the table.
* @param string Condition the field must have to be selected.
* @param string Field to order by.
* @return mixed A matrix with all the values in the table that matches the condition in the field or false
function oracle_db_get_all_rows_field_filter ($table, $field, $condition, $order_field = "") {
if (is_int ($condition) || is_bool ($condition)) {
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT *
WHERE %s = %d", $table, $field, $condition);
else if (is_float ($condition) || is_double ($condition)) {
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT *
WHERE %s = %f", $table, $field, $condition);
else {
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT *
WHERE %s = '%s'", $table, $field, $condition);
if ($order_field != "")
$sql .= sprintf (" ORDER BY %s", $order_field);
return db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
* Get all the rows in a table of the database filtering from a field.
* @param string Database table name.
* @param string Field of the table.
* @return mixed A matrix with all the values in the table that matches the condition in the field
function oracle_db_get_all_fields_in_table ($table, $field = '', $condition = '', $order_field = '') {
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT * FROM %s", $table);
if ($condition != '') {
$sql .= sprintf (" WHERE %s = '%s'", $field, $condition);
if ($order_field != "")
$sql .= sprintf (" ORDER BY %s", $order_field);
return db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
* Formats an array of values into a SQL string.
* This function is useful to generate an UPDATE SQL sentence from a list of
* values. Example code:
* $values = array ();
* $values['name'] = "Name";
* $values['description'] = "Long description";
* $sql = 'UPDATE table SET '.db_format_array_to_update_sql ($values).' WHERE id=1';
* echo $sql;
* Will return:
* UPDATE table SET name = "Name", description = "Long description" WHERE id=1
* @param array Values to be formatted in an array indexed by the field name.
* @return string Values joined into an SQL string that can fits into an UPDATE
* sentence.
function oracle_db_format_array_to_update_sql ($values) {
$fields = array ();
foreach ($values as $field => $value) {
if (is_numeric($field)) {
array_push ($fields, $value);
else if ($field[0] == "`") {
$field = str_replace('`', '', $field);
if ($value === NULL) {
$sql = sprintf ("%s = NULL", $field);
elseif (is_int ($value) || is_bool ($value)) {
$sql = sprintf ("%s = %d", $field, $value);
elseif (is_float ($value) || is_double ($value)) {
$sql = sprintf ("%s = %f", $field, $value);
else {
/* String */
if (isset ($value[0]) && $value[0] == '`')
/* Don't round with quotes if it references a field */
$sql = sprintf ("%s = %s", $field, str_replace('`', '', $value));
else if (substr($value, 0,1) == '#') {
$sql = sprintf ("%s = %s", $field, substr($value,1));
else {
$sql = sprintf ("%s = '%s'", $field, $value);
array_push ($fields, $sql);
return implode (", ", $fields);
* Updates a database record.
* All values should be cleaned before passing. Quoting isn't necessary.
* Examples:
* db_process_sql_update ('table', array ('field' => 1), array ('id' => $id));
* db_process_sql_update ('table', array ('field' => 1), array ('id' => $id, 'name' => $name));
* db_process_sql_update ('table', array ('field' => 1), array ('id' => $id, 'name' => $name), 'OR');
* db_process_sql_update ('table', array ('field' => 2), 'id in (1, 2, 3) OR id > 10');
* @param string Table to insert into
* @param array An associative array of values to update
* @param mixed An associative array of field and value matches. Will be joined
* with operator specified by $where_join. A custom string can also be provided.
* If nothing is provided, the update will affect all rows.
* @param string When a $where parameter is given, this will work as the glue
* between the fields. "AND" operator will be use by default. Other values might
* be "OR", "AND NOT", "XOR"
* @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise
function oracle_db_process_sql_update($table, $values, $where = false, $where_join = 'AND', $autocommit = true) {
$query = sprintf ("UPDATE %s SET %s",
db_format_array_to_update_sql ($values));
if ($where) {
if (is_string ($where)) {
// No clean, the caller should make sure all input is clean, this is a raw function
$query .= " WHERE " . $where;
else if (is_array ($where)) {
$query .= db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($where, $where_join, ' WHERE ');
$status = '';
return db_process_sql ($query, "affected_rows", '', true, $status, $autocommit);
* Delete database records.
* All values should be cleaned before passing. Quoting isn't necessary.
* Examples:
* db_process_sql_delete ('table', array ('id' => 1));
* // DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1
* db_process_sql_delete ('table', array ('id' => 1, 'name' => 'example'));
* // DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1 AND name = 'example'
* db_process_sql_delete ('table', array ('id' => 1, 'name' => 'example'), 'OR');
* // DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1 OR name = 'example'
* db_process_sql_delete ('table', 'id in (1, 2, 3) OR id > 10');
* // DELETE FROM table WHERE id in (1, 2, 3) OR id > 10
* @param string Table to insert into
* @param array An associative array of values to update
* @param mixed An associative array of field and value matches. Will be joined
* with operator specified by $where_join. A custom string can also be provided.
* If nothing is provided, the update will affect all rows.
* @param string When a $where parameter is given, this will work as the glue
* between the fields. "AND" operator will be use by default. Other values might
* be "OR", "AND NOT", "XOR"
* @return mixed False in case of error or invalid values passed. Affected rows otherwise
function oracle_db_process_sql_delete($table, $where, $where_join = 'AND') {
if (empty ($where))
/* Should avoid any mistake that lead to deleting all data */
return false;
$query = sprintf ("DELETE FROM %s WHERE ", $table);
if ($where) {
if (is_string ($where)) {
/* FIXME: Should we clean the string for sanity?
Who cares if this is deleting data... */
$query .= $where;
else if (is_array ($where)) {
$query .= db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($where, $where_join);
return db_process_sql ($query);
function oracle_db_process_sql_delete_temp ($table, $where, $where_join = 'AND') {
if (empty ($where))
/* Should avoid any mistake that lead to deleting all data */
return false;
$query = sprintf ("DELETE FROM %s WHERE ", $table);
if ($where) {
if (is_string ($where)) {
/* FIXME: Should we clean the string for sanity?
Who cares if this is deleting data... */
$query .= $where;
else if (is_array ($where)) {
$query .= db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($where, $where_join);
$result = '';
return db_process_sql ($query, "affected_rows", '', true, $result, false);
* Get row by row the DB by SQL query. The first time pass the SQL query and
* rest of times pass none for iterate in table and extract row by row, and
* the end return false.
* @param bool $new Default true, if true start to query.
* @param resource $result The resource of oracle for access to query.
* @param string $sql
* @return mixed The row or false in error.
function oracle_db_get_all_row_by_steps_sql($new = true, &$result, $sql = null) {
global $config;
if ($new == true) {
$result = oci_parse($config['dbconnection'], $sql);
$row = oci_fetch_assoc($result);
$result_temp = array();
if ($row) {
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
$column_type = oci_field_type($result, $key);
// Support for Clob field larger than 4000bytes
if ($column_type == 'CLOB') {
$column_name = oci_field_name($result, $key);
$column_name = oci_field_name($result, $key);
// protect against a NULL CLOB
if (is_object($row[$column_name])) {
$clob_data = $row[$column_name]->load();
$value = $clob_data;
else {
$value = '';
$result_temp[strtolower($key)] = $value;
if (!$row) {
// return $row;
return $result_temp;
* Starts a database transaction.
function oracle_db_process_sql_begin() {
global $config;
$query = oci_parse($config['dbconnection'], 'SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE');
* Commits a database transaction.
function oracle_db_process_sql_commit() {
global $config;
* Rollbacks a database transaction.
function oracle_db_process_sql_rollback() {
global $config;
* Put quotes if magic_quotes protection
* @param string Text string to be protected with quotes if magic_quotes protection is disabled
function oracle_safe_sql_string($string) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 0)
return $string;
return oracle_escape_string_sql($string);
* Get last error.
* @return string Return the string error.
function oracle_db_get_last_error() {
global $config;
if (empty($config['oracle_error_query'])) {
return null;
$ora_erno = oci_error($config['oracle_error_query']);
return $ora_erno['message'];
* This function gets the time from either system or sql based on preference and returns it
* @return int Unix timestamp
function oracle_get_system_time() {
global $config;
static $time = 0;
if ($time != 0)
return $time;
if ($config["timesource"] == "sql") {
$time = db_get_sql ("SELECT ceil((sysdate - to_date('19700101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) * (" . SECONDS_1DAY . ")) as dt FROM dual");
if (empty ($time)) {
return time ();
return $time;
else {
return time ();
* Get the type of field.
* @param string $table The table to examine the type of field.
* @param integer $field The field order in table.
* @return mixed Return the type name or False in error case.
function oracle_db_get_type_field_table($table, $field) {
global $config;
$query = oci_parse($config['dbconnection'],
"SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE rownum < 2");
$type = oci_field_type($query, $field+1);
return $type;
* Get all field names of a table and recode fields
* for clob datatype as "dbms_lob.substr(, 4000 ,1) as ".
* @param string $table The table to retrieve all column names.
* @param integer $return_mode Whether to return as array (by default) or as comma separated string.
* @return mixed Return an array/string of table fields or false if something goes wrong.
function oracle_list_all_field_table($table_name, $return_mode = 'array') {
if (empty($table_name)) {
return false;
$fields_info = db_get_all_rows_field_filter('user_tab_columns', 'table_name', strtoupper($table_name));
if (empty($fields_info)) {
return false;
$field_list = array();
foreach ($fields_info as $field) {
if ($field['data_type'] == 'CLOB') {
$new_field = 'dbms_lob.substr(' . $field['table_name'] . '.' . $field['column_name'] . ', 4000, 1) as ' . strtolower($field['column_name']);
$field_list[] = $new_field;
else {
$field_list[] = strtolower($field['table_name'] . '.' . $field['column_name']);
// Return as comma separated string
if ($return_mode == 'string') {
return implode(',', $field_list);
// Return as array
else {
return $field_list;
* Get the element count of a table.
* @param string $sql SQL query to get the element count.
* @return int Return the number of elements in the table.
function oracle_db_get_table_count($sql, $search_history_db = false) {
global $config;
$history_count = 0;
$count = oracle_db_get_value_sql ($sql);
if ($count === false) {
$count = 0;
// Search the history DB for matches
if ($search_history_db && $config['history_db_enabled'] == 1) {
// Connect to the history DB
if (! isset ($config['history_db_connection']) || $config['history_db_connection'] === false) {
$config['history_db_connection'] = oracle_connect_db ($config['history_db_host'], $config['history_db_name'], $config['history_db_user'], io_output_password($config['history_db_pass']), $config['history_db_port'], false);
if ($config['history_db_connection'] !== false) {
$history_count = oracle_db_get_value_sql ($sql, $config['history_db_connection']);
if ($history_count === false) {
$history_count = 0;
$count += $history_count;
return $count;
* Process a file with an oracle schema sentences.
* Based on the function which installs the pandoradb.sql schema.
* @param string $path File path.
* @param bool $handle_error Whether to handle the oci_execute errors or throw an exception.
* @return bool Return the final status of the operation.
function oracle_db_process_file ($path, $handle_error = true) {
global $config;
if (file_exists($path)) {
$file_content = file($path);
$query = "";
$plsql_block = false;
// Begin the transaction
$datetime_tz_format = oci_parse($connection, 'alter session set NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT =\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\'');
$datetime_format = oci_parse($connection, 'alter session set NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT =\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\'');
$date_format = oci_parse($connection, 'alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT =\'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\'');
$decimal_separator = oci_parse($connection, 'alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS =\',.\'');
foreach ($file_content as $sql_line) {
$clean_line = trim($sql_line);
$comment = preg_match("/^(\s|\t)*--.*$/", $clean_line);
if ($comment) {
if (empty($clean_line)) {
//Support for PL/SQL blocks
if (preg_match("/^BEGIN$/", $clean_line)) {
$query .= $clean_line . ' ';
$plsql_block = true;
$query .= $clean_line;
//Check query's end with a back slash and any returns in the end of line or if it's a PL/SQL block 'END;;' string
if ((preg_match("/;[\040]*\$/", $clean_line) && !$plsql_block) ||
(preg_match("/^END;;[\040]*\$/", $clean_line) && $plsql_block)) {
$plsql_block = false;
//Execute and clean buffer
//Delete the last semicolon from current query
$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 1);
$sql = oci_parse($config['dbconnection'], $query);
$result = oci_execute($sql, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT);
if (!$result) {
// Error. Rollback the transaction
$e = oci_error($sql);
// Handle the error
if ($handle_error) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$error = sprintf('%s (\'%s\') in %s on line %d',
htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES), $query, $backtrace[0]['file'], $backtrace[0]['line']);
db_add_database_debug_trace ($query, htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES));
return false;
// Throw an exception with the error message
else {
throw new Exception($e['message']);
$query = "";
// No errors. Commit the transaction
return true;
else {
return false;
function oracle_format_float_to_php($val) {
return floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $val));