$id_agent, 'id_tipo_modulo' => $module_type),'nombre');
if ($module_name == false) {
$module_name = array();
foreach ($module_name as $mod_name) {
$result = process_manage_edit ($mod_name['nombre'], $id_agent['id_agente']);
$count ++;
$success += (int)$result;
else if ($force == 'group') {
$agents_ = array_keys (agents_get_group_agents ($group_select, false, "none"));
foreach ($agents_ as $id_agent) {
$module_name = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagente_modulo', array('id_agente' => $id_agent),'nombre');
if ($module_name == false) {
$module_name = array();
foreach($module_name as $mod_name) {
$result = process_manage_edit ($mod_name['nombre'], $id_agent);
$count ++;
$success += (int)$result;
// We empty the agents array to skip the standard procedure
$agents_ = array();
foreach($agents_ as $agent_) {
if($modules_ == false) {
$modules_ = array();
foreach($modules_ as $module_) {
$result = process_manage_edit ($module_, $agents_);
$count ++;
$success += (int)$result;
ui_print_result_message ($success > 0,
__('Successfully updated')."(".$success."/".$count.")",
__('Could not be updated'));
$info = 'Modules: ' . json_encode($modules_) . ' Agents: ' . json_encode($agents_);
if ($success > 0) {
db_pandora_audit("Masive management", "Edit module", false, false, $info);
else {
db_pandora_audit("Masive management", "Fail try to edit module", false, false, $info);
$table->id = 'delete_table';
$table->width = '98%';
$table->data = array ();
$table->style = array ();
$table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold; vertical-align:top';
$table->style[2] = 'font-weight: bold';
$table->rowstyle = array ();
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[0] = '15%';
$table->size[1] = '35%';
$table->size[2] = '15%';
$table->size[3] = '35%';
if (! $module_type) {
$table->rowstyle['edit1'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit2'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit3'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit35'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit4'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit5'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit6'] = 'display: none';
$table->rowstyle['edit7'] = 'display: none';
$agents = agents_get_group_agents (array_keys (users_get_groups ()), false, "none");
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "oracle":
$module_types = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo',
array ('tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo',
'id_agente' => array_keys ($agents),
'disabled' => 0,
'order' => 'ttipo_modulo.nombre'),
array ('DISTINCT(id_tipo)',
'CONCAT(ttipo_modulo.descripcion," (",ttipo_modulo.nombre,")") AS description'));
case "postgresql":
$module_types = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo',
array ('tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo',
'id_agente' => array_keys ($agents),
'disabled' => 0,
'order' => 'description'),
array ('DISTINCT(id_tipo)',
'ttipo_modulo.descripcion || \' (\' || ttipo_modulo.nombre || \')\' AS description'));
if ($module_types === false)
$module_types = array ();
$types = '';
foreach ($module_types as $type) {
$types[$type['id_tipo']] = $type['description'];
$snmp_versions['1'] = 'v. 1';
$snmp_versions['2'] = 'v. 2';
$snmp_versions['2c'] = 'v. 2c';
$snmp_versions['3'] = 'v. 3';
$table->width = '99%';
$table->data = array ();
$table->data[0][0] = __('Selection mode');
$table->data[0][1] = __('Select modules first').' '.html_print_radio_button_extended ("selection_mode", 'modules', '', $selection_mode, false, '', 'style="margin-right: 40px;"', true);
$table->data[0][2] = '';
$table->data[0][3] = __('Select agents first').' '.html_print_radio_button_extended ("selection_mode", 'agents', '', $selection_mode, false, '', 'style="margin-right: 40px;"', true);
$table->rowclass[1] = 'select_modules_row';
$table->data[1][0] = __('Module type');
$table->data[1][0] .= '';
$table->data[1][0] .= html_print_image('images/spinner.png', true);
$table->data[1][0] .= '';
$types[0] = __('All');
$table->colspan[1][1] = 2;
$table->data[1][1] = html_print_select ($types,
'module_type', '', false, __('Select'), -1, true, false, true);
$table->data[1][3] = __('Select all modules of this type').' '.html_print_checkbox_extended ("force_type", 'type', '', '', false, '', 'style="margin-right: 40px;"', true);
$modules = array ();
if ($module_type != '') {
$filter = array ('id_tipo_modulo' => $module_type);
else {
$filter = false;
$names = agents_get_modules (array_keys ($agents),
'DISTINCT(nombre)', $filter, false);
foreach ($names as $name) {
$modules[$name['nombre']] = $name['nombre'];
$table->rowclass[2] = 'select_agents_row';
$table->data[2][0] = __('Agent group');
$groups = groups_get_all(true);
$groups[0] = __('All');
$table->colspan[2][1] = 2;
$table->data[2][1] = html_print_select ($groups, 'groups_select',
'', true, __('Select'), -1, true, false, true).
' '.__('Group recursion').' '.html_print_checkbox ("recursion", 1, false, true, false);
$table->data[2][3] = __('Select all modules of this group').' '.html_print_checkbox_extended ("force_group", 'group', '', '', false, '', 'style="margin-right: 40px;"', true);
$table->rowstyle[3] = 'vertical-align: top;';
$table->rowclass[3] = 'select_modules_row select_modules_row_2';
$table->data[3][0] = __('Modules');
$table->data[3][1] = html_print_select ($modules, 'module_name[]',
$module_name, false, __('Select'), -1, true, true, true);
$table->data[3][2] = __('When select modules');
$table->data[3][2] .= '
$table->data[3][2] .= html_print_select (array('common' => __('Show common agents'), 'all' => __('Show all agents')), 'agents_selection_mode',
'common', false, '', '', true);
$table->data[3][3] = html_print_select (array(), 'agents[]',
$agents_select, false, __('None'), 0, true, true, false);
$table->rowstyle[4] = 'vertical-align: top;';
$table->rowclass[4] = 'select_agents_row select_agents_row_2';
$table->data[4][0] = __('Agents');
$table->data[4][1] = html_print_select ($agents, 'id_agents[]',
$agents_id, false, '', '', true, true, false);
$table->data[4][2] = __('When select agents');
$table->data[4][2] .= '
$table->data[4][2] .= html_print_select (array('common' => __('Show common modules'), 'all' => __('Show all modules')), 'modules_selection_mode',
'common', false, '', '', true);
$table->data[4][3] = html_print_select (array(), 'module[]',
$modules_select, false, '', '', true, true, false);
$table->data['edit1'][0] = __('Warning status');
$table->data['edit1'][1] = ''.__('Min.').'';
$table->data['edit1'][1] .= html_print_input_text ('min_warning', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit1'][1] .= '
$table->data['edit1'][1] .= html_print_input_text ('max_warning', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit1'][1] .= '
$table->data['edit1'][1] .= html_print_input_text ('str_warning', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit1'][2] = __('Critical status');
$table->data['edit1'][3] = ''.__('Min.').'';
$table->data['edit1'][3] .= html_print_input_text ('min_critical', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit1'][3] .= '
$table->data['edit1'][3] .= html_print_input_text ('max_critical', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit1'][3] .= '
$table->data['edit1'][3] .= html_print_input_text ('str_critical', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit2'][0] = __('Interval');
$table->data['edit2'][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_time ('module_interval', 0, '', __('No change'), '0', 10, true, 'width: 150px');
$table->data['edit2'][2] = __('Disabled');
$table->data['edit2'][3] = html_print_select(array('' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No')),'disabled','','','', '', true);
$table->data['edit3'][0] = __('Post process').ui_print_help_icon ('postprocess', true);
$table->data['edit3'][1] = html_print_input_text ('post_process', '', '', 10, 15, true);
$table->data['edit3'][2] = __('SMNP community');
$table->data['edit3'][3] = html_print_input_text ('snmp_community', '', '', 10, 15, true);
$table->data['edit35'][0] = '';
$table->data['edit35'][1] = '';
$table->data['edit35'][2] = __('SNMP version');
$table->data['edit35'][3] = html_print_select ($snmp_versions, 'tcp_send', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, '');
$table->data['edit36'][0] = __('Auth user');
$table->data['edit36'][1] = html_print_input_text ('plugin_user_snmp', '', '', 15, 60, true);
$table->data['edit36'][2] = __('Auth password') . ui_print_help_tip(__("The pass length must be eight character minimum."), true);
$table->data['edit36'][3] = html_print_input_text ('plugin_pass_snmp', '', '', 15, 60, true);
$table->data['edit37'][0] = __('Privacy method');
$table->data['edit37'][1] = html_print_select(array('DES' => __('DES'), 'AES' => __('AES')), 'custom_string_1', '', '', __('No change'), '', true);
$table->data['edit37'][2] = __('Privacy pass') . ui_print_help_tip(__("The pass length must be eight character minimum."), true);
$table->data['edit37'][3] = html_print_input_text ('custom_string_2', '', '', 15, 60, true);
$table->data['edit38'][0] = __('Auth method');
$table->data['edit38'][1] = html_print_select(array('MD5' => __('MD5'), 'SHA' => __('SHA')), 'plugin_parameter', '', '', __('No change'), '', true);
$table->data['edit38'][2] = __('Security level');
$table->data['edit38'][3] = html_print_select(array('noAuthNoPriv' => __('Not auth and not privacy method'),
'authNoPriv' => __('Auth and not privacy method'), 'authPriv' => __('Auth and privacy method')), 'custom_string_3', '', '', __('No change'), '', true);
$table->data['edit4'][0] = __('Value');
$table->data['edit4'][1] = ''.__('Min.').'';
$table->data['edit4'][1] .= html_print_input_text ('min', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit4'][1] .= '
$table->data['edit4'][1] .= html_print_input_text ('max', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit4'][2] = __('Module group');
$module_groups = array_merge(array(0 => 'Not assigned'), modules_get_modulegroups());
$table->data['edit4'][3] = html_print_select ($module_groups,
'id_module_group', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false);
$table->data['edit5'][0] = __('Username');
$table->data['edit5'][1] = html_print_input_text ('plugin_user', '', '', 15, 60, true);
$table->data['edit5'][2] = __('Password');
$table->data['edit5'][3] = html_print_input_password ('plugin_pass', '', '', 15, 60, true);
// Export target
$table->data['edit6'][0] = __('Export target');
$targets2 = db_get_all_rows_sql ("SELECT id, name FROM tserver_export ORDER by name");
if ($targets2 === false)
$targets2 = array();
$targets = array_merge(array(0 => __('None')), $targets2 );
$table->data['edit6'][1] = html_print_select ($targets, 'id_export', '','', __('No change'), '', true, false, false);
$table->data['edit6'][2] = __('Unit');
$table->data['edit6'][3] = html_print_input_text ('unit', '', '', 15, 60, true);
/* FF stands for Flip-flop */
$table->data['edit7'][0] = __('FF threshold') . ' ' . ui_print_help_icon ('ff_threshold', true);
$table->data['edit7'][1] = html_print_input_text ('min_ff_event', '', '', 5, 15, true);
$table->data['edit7'][2] = __('Historical data');
$table->data['edit7'][3] = html_print_select(array('' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No')),'history_data','','','', '', true);
/* Tags avalaible */
$id_tag = array();
$table->data['edit8'][2] = __('Tags');
$table->data['edit8'][3] = html_print_select_from_sql ('SELECT id_tag, name FROM ttag ORDER BY name',
'id_tag[]', $id_tag, '',__('None'),'0', true, true, false, false);
$table->data['edit9'][0] = __('Quiet');
$table->data['edit9'][0] .= ui_print_help_tip(__('The module still store data but the alerts and events will be stop'), true);
$table->data['edit9'][1] = html_print_select(array(-1 => __('No change'),
1 => __('Yes'), 0 => __('No')),
"quiet_select", -1, "", '', 0, true);
echo '