'string', 'data' => urldecode($other)); break; default: if (strpos($otherType, 'url_encode_separator_') !== false) { $separator = str_replace('url_encode_separator_', '', $otherType); $returnVar = array('type' => 'array', 'data' => explode($separator, $other)); foreach ($returnVar['data'] as $index => $element) $returnVar['data'][$index] = urldecode($element); } else { $returnVar = array('type' => 'string', 'data' => urldecode($other)); } break; } return $returnVar; } /** * * @param $typeError * @param $returnType * @return unknown_type */ function returnError($typeError, $returnType) { switch ($typeError) { case 'no_set_no_get_no_help': returnData($returnType, array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('No set or get or help operation.'))); break; case 'no_exist_operation': returnData($returnType, array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('This operation does not exist.'))); break; case 'id_not_found': returnData($returnType, array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('Id does not exist in BD.'))); break; default: returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __($returnType))); break; } } /** * * @param $returnType * @param $data * @param $separator * * @return */ function returnData($returnType, $data, $separator = ';') { switch ($returnType) { case 'string': if ($data['type'] == 'string') echo $data['data']; else ;//TODO break; case 'csv': case 'csv_head': switch ($data['type']) { case 'array': if (array_key_exists('list_index', $data)) { if ($returnType == 'csv_head') { foreach($data['list_index'] as $index) { echo $index; if (end($data['list_index']) == $index) echo "\n"; else echo $separator; } } foreach($data['data'] as $dataContent) { foreach($data['list_index'] as $index) { if (array_key_exists($index, $dataContent)) echo $dataContent[$index]; if (end($data['list_index']) == $index) echo "\n"; else echo $separator; } } } else { foreach($data['data'] as $dataContent) { $clean = array_map( function($item) {return io_safe_output($item);}, $dataContent); echo implode($separator, $clean) . "\n"; } } break; } break; } } /** * * @param $ip * @return unknown_type */ function isInACL($ip) { global $config; //If set * in the list ACL return true if(in_array('*', $config['list_ACL_IPs_for_API'])) return true; if (in_array($ip, $config['list_ACL_IPs_for_API'])) return true; else return false; } //-------------------------DEFINED OPERATIONS FUNCTIONS------------------------- function get_agent_module_name_last_value($agentName, $moduleName, $other = ';', $returnType) { $idAgent = agents_get_agent_id($agentName); switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = sprintf('SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = %d AND nombre LIKE "%s"', $idAgent, $moduleName); break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $sql = sprintf('SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = %d AND nombre LIKE \'%s\'', $idAgent, $moduleName); break; } $idModuleAgent = db_get_value_sql($sql); if ($idModuleAgent === false) { switch ($other['type']) { case 'string': switch ($other['data']) { case 'error_message': default: returnError('id_not_found', $returnType); break; } break; case 'array': switch ($other['data'][0]) { case 'error_value': returnData($returnType, array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $other['data'][1])); break; } break; } } else { get_module_last_value($idModuleAgent, null, $other, $returnType); } } function get_module_last_value($idAgentModule, $trash1, $other = ';', $returnType) { $sql = sprintf('SELECT datos FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d', $idAgentModule); $value = db_get_value_sql($sql); if ($value === false) { switch ($other['type']) { case 'string': switch ($other['data']) { case 'error_message': default: returnError('id_not_found', $returnType); break; } break; case 'array': switch ($other['data'][0]) { case 'error_value': returnData($returnType, array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $other['data'][1])); break; } break; } } else { $data = array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $value); returnData($returnType, $data); } } /** * * @param $trash1 * @param $trahs2 * @param mixed $other If $other is string is only the separator, * but if it's array, $other as param is ;;(,...) in this order * and separator char (after text ; ) must be diferent that separator (and other) url (pass in param othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * return csv with fields type_row,group_id and agent_name, separate with ";" and the return of the text replace for " " * api.php?op=get&op2=tree_agents&return_type=csv&other=;| |type_row,group_id,agent_name&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * * @param $returnType * @return unknown_type */ function get_tree_agents($trash1, $trahs2, $other, $returnType) { if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $separator = $other['data'][0]; $returnReplace = $other['data'][1]; if (trim($other['data'][2]) == '') $fields = false; else { $fields = explode(',', $other['data'][2]); foreach($fields as $index => $field) $fields[$index] = trim($field); } } else { if (strlen($other['data']) == 0) $separator = ';'; //by default else $separator = $other['data']; $returnReplace = ' '; $fields = false; } $returnVar = array(); $groups = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tgrupo'); if ($groups === false) $groups = array(); $groups = str_replace('\n', $returnReplace, $groups); $agents = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tagente'); if ($agents === false) $agents = array(); $agents = str_replace('\n', $returnReplace, $agents); foreach ($groups as $group) { $returnVar[] = array( 'type_row' => 'group', 'group_id' => $group['id_grupo'], 'group_name' => $group['nombre'], 'group_parent' => $group['parent'], 'disabled' => $group['disabled'], 'custom_id' => $group['custom_id'] ); foreach ($agents as $index => $agent) { if ($agent['id_grupo'] == $group['id_grupo']) { $returnVar[] = array( 'type_row' => 'agent', 'agent_id' => $agent['id_agente'], 'agent_name' => $agent['nombre'], 'agent_direction' => $agent['direccion'], 'agent_comentary' => $agent['comentarios'], 'agent_id_group' => $agent['id_grupo'], 'agent_last_contant' => $agent['ultimo_contacto'], 'agent_mode' => $agent['modo'], 'agent_interval' => $agent['intervalo'], 'agent_id_os' => $agent['id_os'], 'agent_os_version' => $agent['os_version'], 'agent_version' => $agent['agent_version'], 'agent_last_remote_contact' => $agent['ultimo_contacto_remoto'], 'agent_disabled' => $agent['disabled'], 'agent_id_parent' => $agent['id_parent'], 'agent_custom_id' => $agent['custom_id'], 'agent_server_name' => $agent['server_name'], 'agent_cascade_protection' => $agent['cascade_protection'] ); $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = ' . $agent['id_agente'] . ') AS t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente = ' . $agent['id_agente'] . ') AS t2 ON t1.id_agente_modulo = t2.id_agente_modulo'); if ($modules === false) $modules = array(); $modules = str_replace('\n', $returnReplace, $modules); foreach ($modules as $module) { $returnVar[] = array( 'type_row' => 'module', 'module_id_agent_modulo' => $module['id_agente_modulo'], 'module_id_agent' => $module['id_agente'], 'module_id_module_type' => $module['id_tipo_modulo'], 'module_description' => $module['descripcion'], 'module_name' => $module['nombre'], 'module_max' => $module['max'], 'module_min' => $module['min'], 'module_interval' => $module['module_interval'], 'module_tcp_port' => $module['tcp_port'], 'module_tcp_send' => $module['tcp_send'], 'module_tcp_rcv' => $module['tcp_rcv'], 'module_snmp_community' => $module['snmp_community'], 'module_snmp_oid' => $module['snmp_oid'], 'module_ip_target' => $module['ip_target'], 'module_id_module_group' => $module['id_module_group'], 'module_flag' => $module['flag'], 'module_id_module' => $module['id_modulo'], 'module_disabled' => $module['disabled'], 'module_id_export' => $module['id_export'], 'module_plugin_user' => $module['plugin_user'], 'module_plugin_pass' => $module['plugin_pass'], 'module_plugin_parameter' => $module['plugin_parameter'], 'module_id_plugin' => $module['id_plugin'], 'module_post_process' => $module['post_process'], 'module_prediction_module' => $module['prediction_module'], 'module_max_timeout' => $module['max_timeout'], 'module_custom_id' => $module['custom_id'], 'module_history_data' => $module['history_data'], 'module_min_warning' => $module['min_warning'], 'module_max_warning' => $module['max_warning'], 'module_str_warning' => $module['str_warning'], 'module_min_critical' => $module['min_critical'], 'module_max_critical' => $module['max_critical'], 'module_str_critical' => $module['str_critical'], 'module_min_ff_event' => $module['min_ff_event'], 'module_delete_pending' => $module['delete_pending'], 'module_id_agent_state' => $module['id_agente_estado'], 'module_data' => $module['datos'], 'module_timestamp' => $module['timestamp'], 'module_state' => $module['estado'], 'module_last_try' => $module['last_try'], 'module_utimestamp' => $module['utimestamp'], 'module_current_interval' => $module['current_interval'], 'module_running_by' => $module['running_by'], 'module_last_execution_try' => $module['last_execution_try'], 'module_status_changes' => $module['status_changes'], 'module_last_status' => $module['last_status'] ); $alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT *, t1.id AS alert_template_modules_id, t2.id AS alert_templates_id, t3.id AS alert_template_module_actions_id, t4.id AS alert_actions_id, t5.id AS alert_commands_id, t2.name AS alert_templates_name, t4.name AS alert_actions_name, t5.name AS alert_commands_name, t2.description AS alert_templates_description, t5.description AS alert_commands_description, t1.priority AS alert_template_modules_priority, t2.priority AS alert_templates_priority, t2.field1 AS alert_templates_field1, t4.field1 AS alert_actions_field1, t2.field2 AS alert_templates_field2, t4.field2 AS alert_actions_field2, t2.field3 AS alert_templates_field3, t4.field3 AS alert_actions_field3, t2.id_group AS alert_templates_id_group, t4.id_group AS alert_actions_id_group FROM (SELECT * FROM talert_template_modules WHERE id_agent_module = ' . $module['id_agente_modulo'] . ') AS t1 INNER JOIN talert_templates AS t2 ON t1.id_alert_template = t2.id LEFT JOIN talert_template_module_actions AS t3 ON t1.id = t3.id_alert_template_module LEFT JOIN talert_actions AS t4 ON t3.id_alert_action = t4.id LEFT JOIN talert_commands AS t5 ON t4.id_alert_command = t5.id'); if ($alerts === false) $alerts = array(); $alerts = str_replace('\n', $returnReplace, $alerts); foreach ($alerts as $alert) { $returnVar[] = array( 'type_row' => 'alert', 'alert_id_agent_module' => $alert['id_agent_module'], 'alert_id_alert_template' => $alert['id_alert_template'], 'alert_internal_counter' => $alert['internal_counter'], 'alert_last_fired' => $alert['last_fired'], 'alert_last_reference' => $alert['last_reference'], 'alert_times_fired' => $alert['times_fired'], 'alert_disabled' => $alert['disabled'], 'alert_force_execution' => $alert['force_execution'], 'alert_id_alert_action' => $alert['id_alert_action'], 'alert_type' => $alert['type'], 'alert_value' => $alert['value'], 'alert_matches_value' => $alert['matches_value'], 'alert_max_value' => $alert['max_value'], 'alert_min_value' => $alert['min_value'], 'alert_time_threshold' => $alert['time_threshold'], 'alert_max_alerts' => $alert['max_alerts'], 'alert_min_alerts' => $alert['min_alerts'], 'alert_time_from' => $alert['time_from'], 'alert_time_to' => $alert['time_to'], 'alert_monday' => $alert['monday'], 'alert_tuesday' => $alert['tuesday'], 'alert_wednesday' => $alert['wednesday'], 'alert_thursday' => $alert['thursday'], 'alert_friday' => $alert['friday'], 'alert_saturday' => $alert['saturday'], 'alert_sunday' => $alert['sunday'], 'alert_recovery_notify' => $alert['recovery_notify'], 'alert_field2_recovery' => $alert['field2_recovery'], 'alert_field3_recovery' => $alert['field3_recovery'], 'alert_id_alert_template_module' => $alert['id_alert_template_module'], 'alert_fires_min' => $alert['fires_min'], 'alert_fires_max' => $alert['fires_max'], 'alert_id_alert_command' => $alert['id_alert_command'], 'alert_command' => $alert['command'], 'alert_internal' => $alert['internal'], 'alert_template_modules_id' => $alert['alert_template_modules_id'], 'alert_templates_id' => $alert['alert_templates_id'], 'alert_template_module_actions_id' => $alert['alert_template_module_actions_id'], 'alert_actions_id' => $alert['alert_actions_id'], 'alert_commands_id' => $alert['alert_commands_id'], 'alert_templates_name' => $alert['alert_templates_name'], 'alert_actions_name' => $alert['alert_actions_name'], 'alert_commands_name' => $alert['alert_commands_name'], 'alert_templates_description' => $alert['alert_templates_description'], 'alert_commands_description' => $alert['alert_commands_description'], 'alert_template_modules_priority' => $alert['alert_template_modules_priority'], 'alert_templates_priority' => $alert['alert_templates_priority'], 'alert_templates_field1' => $alert['alert_templates_field1'], 'alert_actions_field1' => $alert['alert_actions_field1'], 'alert_templates_field2' => $alert['alert_templates_field2'], 'alert_actions_field2' => $alert['alert_actions_field2'], 'alert_templates_field3' => $alert['alert_templates_field3'], 'alert_actions_field3' => $alert['alert_actions_field3'], 'alert_templates_id_group' => $alert['alert_templates_id_group'], 'alert_actions_id_group' => $alert['alert_actions_id_group'], ); } } unset($agents[$index]); } } } $data = array('type' => 'array', 'data' => $returnVar); if ($fields !== false) $data['list_index'] = $fields; else $data['list_index'] = array( 'type_row', 'group_id', 'group_name', 'group_parent', 'disabled', 'custom_id', 'agent_id', 'agent_name', 'agent_direction', 'agent_comentary', 'agent_id_group', 'agent_last_contant', 'agent_mode', 'agent_interval', 'agent_id_os', 'agent_os_version', 'agent_version', 'agent_last_remote_contact', 'agent_disabled', 'agent_id_parent', 'agent_custom_id', 'agent_server_name', 'agent_cascade_protection', 'module_id_agent_modulo', 'module_id_agent', 'module_id_module_type', 'module_description', 'module_name', 'module_max', 'module_min', 'module_interval', 'module_tcp_port', 'module_tcp_send', 'module_tcp_rcv', 'module_snmp_community', 'module_snmp_oid', 'module_ip_target', 'module_id_module_group', 'module_flag', 'module_id_module', 'module_disabled', 'module_id_export', 'module_plugin_user', 'module_plugin_pass', 'module_plugin_parameter', 'module_id_plugin', 'module_post_process', 'module_prediction_module', 'module_max_timeout', 'module_custom_id', 'module_history_data', 'module_min_warning', 'module_max_warning', 'module_str_warning', 'module_min_critical', 'module_max_critical', 'module_str_critical', 'module_min_ff_event', 'module_delete_pending', 'module_id_agent_state', 'module_data', 'module_timestamp', 'module_state', 'module_last_try', 'module_utimestamp', 'module_current_interval', 'module_running_by', 'module_last_execution_try', 'module_status_changes', 'module_last_status', 'alert_id_agent_module', 'alert_id_alert_template', 'alert_internal_counter', 'alert_last_fired', 'alert_last_reference', 'alert_times_fired', 'alert_disabled', 'alert_force_execution', 'alert_id_alert_action', 'alert_type', 'alert_value', 'alert_matches_value', 'alert_max_value', 'alert_min_value', 'alert_time_threshold', 'alert_max_alerts', 'alert_min_alerts', 'alert_time_from', 'alert_time_to', 'alert_monday', 'alert_tuesday', 'alert_wednesday', 'alert_thursday', 'alert_friday', 'alert_saturday', 'alert_sunday', 'alert_recovery_notify', 'alert_field2_recovery', 'alert_field3_recovery', 'alert_id_alert_template_module', 'alert_fires_min', 'alert_fires_max', 'alert_id_alert_command', 'alert_command', 'alert_internal', 'alert_template_modules_id', 'alert_templates_id', 'alert_template_module_actions_id', 'alert_actions_id', 'alert_commands_id', 'alert_templates_name', 'alert_actions_name', 'alert_commands_name', 'alert_templates_description', 'alert_commands_description', 'alert_template_modules_priority', 'alert_templates_priority', 'alert_templates_field1', 'alert_actions_field1', 'alert_templates_field2', 'alert_actions_field2', 'alert_templates_field3', 'alert_actions_field3', 'alert_templates_id_group', 'alert_actions_id_group' ); returnData($returnType, $data, $separator); } /** * Create a new agent, and print the id for new agent. * * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param $thrash2 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ;;;; * ;;;;;;; in this order * and separator char (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * api.php?op=set&op2=new_agent&other=pepito||0|4|0|30|8|miguel-portatil||0|0|nose%20nose&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $thrash3 Don't use. */ function set_new_agent($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $thrash3) { $name = $other['data'][0]; $ip = $other['data'][1]; $idParent = $other['data'][2]; $idGroup = $other['data'][3]; $cascadeProtection = $other['data'][4]; $intervalSeconds = $other['data'][5]; $idOS = $other['data'][6]; $nameServer = $other['data'][7]; $customId = $other['data'][8]; $learningMode = $other['data'][9]; $disabled = $other['data'][10]; $description = $other['data'][11]; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql1 = 'SELECT name FROM tserver WHERE name LIKE "' . $nameServer . '"'; break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $sql1 = 'SELECT name FROM tserver WHERE name LIKE \'' . $nameServer . '\''; break; } if (agents_get_agent_id ($name)) { returnError('agent_name_exist', 'The name of agent yet exist in DB.'); } else if (($idParent != 0) && (db_get_value_sql('SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = ' . $idParent) === false)) { returnError('parent_agent_not_exist', 'The agent parent don`t exist.'); } else if (db_get_value_sql('SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo WHERE id_grupo = ' . $idGroup) === false) { returnError('id_grupo_not_exist', 'The group don`t exist.'); } else if (db_get_value_sql('SELECT id_os FROM tconfig_os WHERE id_os = ' . $idOS) === false) { returnError('id_os_not_exist', 'The OS don`t exist.'); } else if (db_get_value_sql($sql1) === false) { returnError('server_not_exist', 'The Pandora Server don`t exist.'); } else { $idAgente = db_process_sql_insert ('tagente', array ('nombre' => $name, 'direccion' => $ip, 'id_grupo' => $idGroup, 'intervalo' => $intervalSeconds, 'comentarios' => $description, 'modo' => $learningMode, 'id_os' => $idOS, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'cascade_protection' => $cascadeProtection, 'server_name' => $nameServer, 'id_parent' => $idParent, 'custom_id' => $customId)); returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $idAgente)); } } /** * Delete a agent with the name pass as parameter. * * @param string $id Name of agent to delete. * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param $thrast2 Don't use. * @param $thrash3 Don't use. */ function set_delete_agent($id, $thrash1, $thrast2, $thrash3) { $agentName = $id; $idAgent[0] = agents_get_agent_id($agentName); if (!agents_delete_agent ($idAgent, true)) returnError('error_delete', 'Error in delete operation.'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('Correct Delete'))); } /** * Create a module in agent. And return the id_agent_module of new module. * * @param string $id Name of agent to add the module. * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ;;; * ;;;;;;;; * ;;;;;;; * ;;; in this order * and separator char (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * api.php?op=set&op2=create_network_module&id=pepito&other=prueba|0|7|1|0|0|0|0|0|1||0||0|180|0|0|0||latency%20ping&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $thrash3 Don't use */ function set_create_network_module($id, $thrash1, $other, $thrash3) { $agentName = $id; $idAgent = agents_get_agent_id($agentName); $name = $other['data'][0]; $values = array( 'id_agente' => $idAgent, 'disabled' => $other['data'][1], 'id_tipo_modulo' => $other['data'][2], 'id_module_group' => $other['data'][3], 'min_warning' => $other['data'][4], 'max_warning' => $other['data'][5], 'str_warning' => $other['data'][6], 'min_critical' => $other['data'][7], 'max_critical' => $other['data'][8], 'str_critical' => $other['data'][9], 'min_ff_event' => $other['data'][10], 'history_data' => $other['data'][11], 'ip_target' => $other['data'][12], 'tcp_port' => $other['data'][13], 'snmp_community' => $other['data'][14], 'snmp_oid' => $other['data'][15], 'module_interval' => $other['data'][16], 'post_process' => $other['data'][17], 'min' => $other['data'][18], 'max' => $other['data'][19], 'custom_id' => $other['data'][20], 'descripcion' => $other['data'][21], ); $idModule = modules_create_agent_module($idAgent, $name, $values, true); if ($idModule === false) returnError('error_create_network_module', 'Error in creation network module.'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $idModule)); } /** * Get module data in CSV format. * * @param integer $id The ID of module in DB. * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ; in this order * and separator char (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * api.php?op=get&op2=module_data&id=17&other=;|604800&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $returnType Don't use. */ function get_module_data($id, $thrash1, $other, $returnType) { $separator = $other['data'][0]; $periodSeconds = $other['data'][1]; $sql = sprintf ("SELECT utimestamp, datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC", $id, get_system_time () - $periodSeconds); $data['type'] = 'array'; $data['list_index'] = array('utimestamp', 'datos'); $data['data'] = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($data === false) returnError('error_query_module_data', 'Error in the query of module data.'); else returnData('csv', $data, $separator); } /** * Create new user. * * @param string $id String username for user login in Pandora * @param $thrash2 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ;;;; * ;;; in this order and separator char * (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * api.php?op=set&op2=new_user&id=md&other=miguel|de%20dios|matias|kkk|pandora|md@md.com|666|es|descripcion%20y%20esas%20cosas&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $thrash3 Don't use. */ function set_new_user($id, $thrash2, $other, $thrash3) { $values = array (); $values['fullname'] = $other['data'][0]; $values['firstname'] = $other['data'][1]; $values['lastname'] = $other['data'][2]; $values['middlename'] = $other['data'][3]; $password = $other['data'][4]; $values['email'] = $other['data'][5]; $values['phone'] = $other['data'][6]; $values['language'] = $other['data'][7]; $values['comments'] = $other['data'][8]; if (!create_user ($id, $password, $values)) returnError('error_create_user', 'Error create user'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('Create user.'))); } function otherParameter2Filter($other, $array = false) { $filter = array(); if (($other['data'][1] != null) && ($other['data'][1] != -1) && ($other['data'][1] != '')) { $filter['criticity'] = $other['data'][1]; } $idAgent = null; if ($other['data'][2] != '') { $idAgent = agents_get_agent_id($other['data'][2]); $filter['id_agente'] = $idAgent; } $idAgentModulo = null; if ($other['data'][3] != '') { $filterModule = array('nombre' => $other['data'][3]); if ($idAgent != null) { $filterModule['id_agente'] = $idAgent; } $idAgentModulo = db_get_value_filter('id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', $filterModule); if ($idAgentModulo !== false) { $filter['id_agentmodule'] = $idAgentModulo; } } if ($other['data'][4] != '') { $idTemplate = db_get_value_filter('id', 'talert_templates', array('name' => $other['data'][4])); if ($idTemplate !== false) { if ($idAgentModulo != null) { $idAlert = db_get_value_filter('id', 'talert_template_modules', array('id_agent_module' => $idAgentModulo, 'id_alert_template' => $idTemplate)); if ($idAlert !== false) { $filter['id_alert_am'] = $idAlert; } } } } if ($other['data'][5] != '') { $filter['id_usuario'] = $other['data'][5]; } $filterString = db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($filter); if ($filterString == '') { $filterString = '1 = 1'; } if (($other['data'][6] != null) && ($other['data'][6] != -1)) { if ($array) { $filter['utimestamp']['>'] = $other['data'][6]; } else { $filterString .= ' AND utimestamp >= ' . $other['data'][6]; } } if (($other['data'][7] != null) && ($other['data'][7] != -1)) { if ($array) { $filter['utimestamp']['<'] = $other['data'][7]; } else { $filterString .= ' AND utimestamp <= ' . $other['data'][7]; } } if ($other['data'][8] != null) { if ($array) { $filter['limit'] = $other['data'][8]; } else { $filterString .= ' LIMIT ' . $other['data'][8]; } } if ($other['data'][9] != null) { if ($array) { $filter['offset'] = $other['data'][9]; } else { $filterString .= ' OFFSET ' . $other['data'][9]; } } if ($array) { return $filter; } else { return $filterString; } } /** * * @param $id * @param $id2 * @param $other * @param $trash1 */ function set_new_alert_template($id, $id2, $other, $trash1) { if ($other['type'] == 'string') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $idAgent = agents_get_agent_id($id); $row = db_get_row_filter('talert_templates', array('name' => $id2)); if ($row === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $idTemplate = $row['id']; $idActionTemplate = $row['id_alert_action']; $idAgentModule = db_get_value_filter('id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente' => $idAgent, 'nombre' => $other['data'][0])); if ($idAgentModule === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $values = array( 'id_agent_module' => $idAgentModule, 'id_alert_template' => $idActionTemplate); $return = db_process_sql_insert('talert_template_modules', $values); $data['type'] = 'string'; if ($return === false) { $data['data'] = 0; } else { $data['data'] = $return; } returnData('string', $data); return; } } function set_delete_module($id, $id2, $other, $trash1) { if ($other['type'] == 'string') { $simulate = false; if ($other['data'] == 'simulate') { $simulate = true; } $idAgent = agents_get_agent_id($id); $idAgentModule = db_get_value_filter('id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente' => $idAgent, 'nombre' => $id2)); if ($idAgentModule === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } if (!$simulate) { $return = db_process_sql_delete('tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $idAgentModule)); } else { $return = true; } $data['type'] = 'string'; if ($return === false) { $data['data'] = 0; } else { $data['data'] = $return; } returnData('string', $data); return; } else { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } function set_module_data($id, $thrash2, $other, $trash1) { global $config; if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $idAgentModule = $id; $data = $other['data'][0]; $time = $other['data'][1]; if ($time == 'now') $time = time(); $agentModule = db_get_row_filter('tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $idAgentModule)); if ($agentModule === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Not found module agent.'); } else { $agent = db_get_row_filter('tagente', array('id_agente' => $agentModule['id_agente'])); $xmlTemplate = " "; $xml = sprintf($xmlTemplate, io_safe_output(get_os_name($agent['id_os'])), io_safe_output($agent['os_version']), $agent['intervalo'], io_safe_output($agent['agent_version']), date('Y/m/d h:i:s', $time), io_safe_output($agent['nombre']), $agent['timezone_offset'], io_safe_output($agentModule['nombre']), io_safe_output($agentModule['descripcion']), modules_get_type_name($agentModule['id_tipo_modulo']), $data); if (false === @file_put_contents($config['remote_config'] . '/' . io_safe_output($agent['nombre']) . '.' . $time . '.data', $xml)) { returnError('error_file', 'Can save agent data xml.'); } else { returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $xml)); return; } } } else { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } function set_new_module($id, $id2, $other, $trash1) { if ($other['type'] == 'string') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $values = array(); $values['id_agente'] = agents_get_agent_id($id); $values['nombre'] = $id2; $values['id_tipo_modulo'] = db_get_value_filter('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', array('nombre' => $other['data'][0])); if ($values['id_tipo_modulo'] === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } if ($other['data'][1] == '') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $values['ip_target'] = $other['data'][1]; if (strstr($other['data'][0], 'icmp') === false) { if (($other['data'][2] == '') || ($other['data'][2] <= 0 || $other['data'][2] > 65535)) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $values['tcp_port'] = $other['data'][2]; } $values['descripcion'] = $other['data'][3]; if ($other['data'][4] != '') { $values['min'] = $other['data'][4]; } if ($other['data'][5] != '') { $values['max'] = $other['data'][5]; } if ($other['data'][6] != '') { $values['post_process'] = $other['data'][6]; } if ($other['data'][7] != '') { $values['module_interval'] = $other['data'][7]; } if ($other['data'][8] != '') { $values['min_warning'] = $other['data'][8]; } if ($other['data'][9] != '') { $values['max_warning'] = $other['data'][9]; } if ($other['data'][10] != '') { $values['str_warning'] = $other['data'][10]; } if ($other['data'][11] != '') { $values['min_critical'] = $other['data'][11]; } if ($other['data'][12] != '') { $values['max_critical'] = $other['data'][12]; } if ($other['data'][13] != '') { $values['str_critical'] = $other['data'][13]; } if ($other['data'][14] != '') { $values['history_data'] = $other['data'][14]; } $values['id_modulo'] = 2; $return = db_process_sql_insert('tagente_modulo', $values); $data['type'] = 'string'; if ($return === false) { $data['data'] = 0; } else { $data['data'] = $return; } returnData('string', $data); return; } } /** * * @param unknown_type $id * @param unknown_type $id2 * @param unknown_type $other * @param unknown_type $trash1 */ function set_alert_actions($id, $id2, $other, $trash1) { if ($other['type'] == 'string') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $idAgent = agents_get_agent_id($id); $row = db_get_row_filter('talert_templates', array('name' => $id2)); if ($row === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $idTemplate = $row['id']; $idAgentModule = db_get_value_filter('id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente' => $idAgent, 'nombre' => $other['data'][0])); if ($idAgentModule === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $idAlertTemplateModule = db_get_value_filter('id', 'talert_template_modules', array('id_alert_template' => $idTemplate, 'id_agent_module' => $idAgentModule)); if ($idAlertTemplateModule === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } if ($other['data'][1] != '') { $idAction = db_get_value_filter('id', 'talert_actions', array('name' => $other['data'][1])); if ($idAction === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } else { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } $firesMin = $other['data'][2]; $firesMax = $other['data'][3]; $values = array('id_alert_template_module' => $idAlertTemplateModule, 'id_alert_action' => $idAction, 'fires_min' => $firesMin, 'fires_max' => $firesMax); $return = db_process_sql_insert('talert_template_module_actions', $values); $data['type'] = 'string'; if ($return === false) { $data['data'] = 0; } else { $data['data'] = $return; } returnData('string', $data); return; } } function set_new_event($trash1, $trash2, $other, $trash3) { $simulate = false; $time = get_system_time(); if ($other['type'] == 'string') { if ($other['data'] != '') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $values = array(); if (($other['data'][0] == null) && ($other['data'][0] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $values['evento'] = $other['data'][0]; } if (($other['data'][1] == null) && ($other['data'][1] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $valuesAvaliable = array('unknown', 'alert_fired', 'alert_recovered', 'alert_ceased', 'alert_manual_validation', 'recon_host_detected', 'system','error', 'new_agent', 'going_up_warning', 'going_up_critical', 'going_down_warning', 'going_down_normal', 'going_down_critical', 'going_up_normal','configuration_change'); if (in_array($other['data'][1], $valuesAvaliable)) { $values['event_type'] = $other['data'][1]; } else { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } if (($other['data'][2] == null) && ($other['data'][2] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $values['estado'] = $other['data'][2]; } if (($other['data'][3] == null) && ($other['data'][3] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $values['id_agente'] = agents_get_agent_id($other['data'][3]); } if (($other['data'][4] == null) && ($other['data'][4] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $idAgentModule = db_get_value_filter('id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', array('nombre' => $other['data'][4], 'id_agente' => $values['id_agente'])); } if ($idAgentModule === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $values['id_agentmodule'] = $idAgentModule; } if (($other['data'][5] == null) && ($other['data'][5] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { if ($other['data'][5] != 'all') { $idGroup = db_get_value_filter('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', array('nombre' => $other['data'][5])); } else { $idGroup = 0; } if ($idGroup === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $values['id_grupo'] = $idGroup; } } if (($other['data'][6] == null) && ($other['data'][6] == '')) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { if (($other['data'][6] >= 0) && ($other['data'][6] <= 4)) { $values['criticity'] = $other['data'][6]; } else { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } if (($other['data'][7] == null) && ($other['data'][7] == '')) { //its optional parameter } else { $idAlert = db_get_value_sql("SELECT t1.id FROM talert_template_modules AS t1 INNER JOIN talert_templates AS t2 ON t1.id_alert_template = t2.id WHERE t1.id_agent_module = 1 AND t2.name LIKE '" . $other['data'][7] . "'"); if ($idAlert === false) { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else { $values['id_alert_am'] = $idAlert; } } } $values['timestamp'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time); $values['utimestamp'] = $time; $return = db_process_sql_insert('tevento', $values); $data['type'] = 'string'; if ($return === false) { $data['data'] = 0; } else { $data['data'] = $return; } returnData('string', $data); return; } function set_event_validate_filter_pro($trash1, $trash2, $other, $trash3) { $simulate = false; if ($other['type'] == 'string') { if ($other['data'] != '') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $filter = array(); if (($other['data'][1] != null) && ($other['data'][1] != -1) && ($other['data'][1] != '')) { $filter['criticity'] = $other['data'][1]; } if (($other['data'][2] != null) && ($other['data'][2] != -1) && ($other['data'][2] != '')) { $filter['id_agente'] = $other['data'][2]; } if (($other['data'][3] != null) && ($other['data'][3] != -1) && ($other['data'][3] != '')) { $filter['id_agentmodule'] = $other['data'][3]; } if (($other['data'][4] != null) && ($other['data'][4] != -1) && ($other['data'][4] != '')) { $filter['id_alert_am'] = $other['data'][4]; } if (($other['data'][5] != null) && ($other['data'][5] != '')) { $filter['id_usuario'] = $other['data'][5]; } $filterString = db_format_array_where_clause_sql ($filter); if ($filterString == '') { $filterString = '1 = 1'; } if (($other['data'][6] != null) && ($other['data'][6] != -1)) { $filterString .= ' AND utimestamp > ' . $other['data'][6]; } if (($other['data'][7] != null) && ($other['data'][7] != -1)) { $filterString .= 'AND utimestamp < ' . $other['data'][7]; } } if ($simulate) { $rows = db_get_all_rows_filter('tevento', $filterString); if ($rows !== false) { returnData('string', count($rows)); return; } } else { returnData('string', db_process_sql_update('tevento', array('estado' => 1), $filterString)); return; } } function set_event_validate_filter($trash1, $trash2, $other, $trash3) { $simulate = false; if ($other['type'] == 'string') { if ($other['data'] != '') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $separator = $other['data'][0]; if (($other['data'][8] != null) && ($other['data'][8] != '')) { if ($other['data'][8] == 'simulate') { $simulate = true; } } $filterString = otherParameter2Filter($other); } if ($simulate) { $rows = db_get_all_rows_filter('tevento', $filterString); if ($rows !== false) { returnData('string', count($rows)); return; } } else { returnData('string', db_process_sql_update('tevento', array('estado' => 1), $filterString)); return; } } function get_events__with_user($trash1, $trash2, $other, $returnType, $user_in_db) { global $config; //By default. $status = 3; $search = ''; $event_type = ''; $severity = -1; $id_agent = -1; $id_agentmodule = -1; $id_alert_am = -1; $id_event = -1; $id_user_ack = 0; $event_view_hr = 0; $tag = ''; $group_rep = 0; $offset = 0; $pagination = 40; $utimestamp_upper = 0; $utimestamp_bottom = 0; $filter = otherParameter2Filter($other, true); if (isset($filter['criticity'])) $severity = $filter['criticity']; if (isset($filter['id_agente'])) $id_agent = $filter['id_agente']; if (isset($filter['id_agentmodule'])) $id_agentmodule = $filter['id_agentmodule']; if (isset($filter['id_alert_am'])) $id_alert_am = $filter['id_alert_am']; if (isset($filter['id_usuario'])) $id_user_ack = $filter['id_usuario']; if (isset($filter['limit'])) $pagination = $filter['limit']; if (isset($filter['offset'])) $offset = $filter['offset']; //TODO MOVE THIS CODE AND THE CODE IN pandora_console/operation/events/events_list.php //to a function. $groups = users_get_groups ($user_in_db, "IR"); $sql_post = " AND id_grupo IN (".implode (",", array_keys ($groups)).")"; // Skip system messages if user is not PM if (!check_acl ($user_in_db, 0, "PM")) { $sql_post .= " AND id_grupo != 0"; } switch($status) { case 0: case 1: case 2: $sql_post .= " AND estado = ".$status; break; case 3: $sql_post .= " AND (estado = 0 OR estado = 2)"; break; } if ($search != "") { $sql_post .= " AND evento LIKE '%".io_safe_input($search)."%'"; } if ($event_type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($event_type == "warning" || $event_type == "critical" || $event_type == "normal") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type LIKE '%$event_type%' "; } elseif ($event_type == "not_normal") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%' "; } else { $sql_post .= " AND event_type = '".$event_type."'"; } } if ($severity != -1) $sql_post .= " AND criticity = ".$severity; if ($id_agent != -1) $sql_post .= " AND id_agente = ".$id_agent; if ($id_agentmodule != -1) $sql_post .= " AND id_agentmodule = ".$id_agentmodule; if ($id_alert_am != -1) $sql_post .= " AND id_alert_am = ".$id_alert_am; if ($id_event != -1) $sql_post .= " AND id_evento = ".$id_event; if ($id_user_ack != "0") $sql_post .= " AND id_usuario = '".$id_user_ack."'"; if ($utimestamp_upper != 0) $sql_post .= " AND utimestamp >= ".$utimestamp_upper; if ($utimestamp_bottom != 0) $sql_post .= " AND utimestamp <= ".$utimestamp_bottom; if ($event_view_hr > 0) { $unixtime = get_system_time () - ($event_view_hr * 3600); //Put hours in seconds $sql_post .= " AND (utimestamp > ".$unixtime . " OR estado = 2)"; } //Search by tag if ($tag != "") { $sql_post .= " AND tags LIKE '%".io_safe_input($tag)."%'"; } if ($group_rep == 0) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = "SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post." ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT ".$offset.",".$pagination; break; case "postgresql": $sql = "SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post." ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT ".$pagination." OFFSET ".$offset; break; case "oracle": $set = array(); $set['limit'] = $pagination; $set['offset'] = $offset; $sql = "SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post." ORDER BY utimestamp DESC"; $sql = oracle_recode_query ($sql, $set); break; } } else { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": db_process_sql ('SET group_concat_max_len = 9999999'); $sql = "SELECT *, MAX(id_evento) AS id_evento, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT user_comment SEPARATOR '') AS user_comment, MIN(estado) AS min_estado, MAX(estado) AS max_estado, COUNT(*) AS event_rep, MAX(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post." GROUP BY evento, id_agentmodule ORDER BY timestamp_rep DESC LIMIT ".$offset.",".$pagination; break; case "postgresql": $sql = "SELECT *, MAX(id_evento) AS id_evento, array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT user_comment), '') AS user_comment, MIN(estado) AS min_estado, MAX(estado) AS max_estado, COUNT(*) AS event_rep, MAX(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post." GROUP BY evento, id_agentmodule ORDER BY timestamp_rep DESC LIMIT ".$pagination." OFFSET ".$offset; break; case "oracle": $set = array(); $set['limit'] = $pagination; $set['offset'] = $offset; // TODO: Remove duplicate user comments $sql = "SELECT a.*, b.event_rep, b.timestamp_rep FROM (SELECT * FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post.") a, (SELECT MAX (id_evento) AS id_evento, to_char(evento) AS evento, id_agentmodule, COUNT(*) AS event_rep, MIN(estado) AS min_estado, MAX(estado) AS max_estado, LISTAGG(user_comment, '') AS user_comment, MAX(utimestamp) AS timestamp_rep FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 ".$sql_post." GROUP BY to_char(evento), id_agentmodule) b WHERE a.id_evento=b.id_evento AND to_char(a.evento)=to_char(b.evento) AND a.id_agentmodule=b.id_agentmodule"; $sql = oracle_recode_query ($sql, $set); break; } } if ($other['type'] == 'string') { if ($other['data'] != '') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else {//Default values $separator = ';'; } } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $separator = $other['data'][0]; } $result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); $data['type'] = 'array'; $data['data'] = $result; returnData($returnType, $data, $separator); return; } /** * * @param $trash1 * @param $trah2 * @param $other * @param $returnType * @param $user_in_db */ function get_events($trash1, $trash2, $other, $returnType, $user_in_db = null) { if ($user_in_db !== null) { get_events__with_user($trash1, $trash2, $other, $returnType, $user_in_db); return; } if ($other['type'] == 'string') { if ($other['data'] != '') { returnError('error_parameter', 'Error in the parameters.'); return; } else {//Default values $separator = ';'; } } else if ($other['type'] == 'array') { $separator = $other['data'][0]; $filterString = otherParameter2Filter($other); } $dataRows = db_get_all_rows_filter('tevento', $filterString); $data['type'] = 'array'; $data['data'] = $dataRows; returnData($returnType, $data, $separator); return; } /** * Delete user. * * @param $id string Username to delete. * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param $thrash2 Don't use. * @param $thrash3 Don't use. */ function set_delete_user($id, $thrash1, $thrash2, $thrash3) { if (!delete_user($id)) returnError('error_delete_user', 'Error delete user'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('Delete user.'))); } /** * Add user to profile and group. * * @param $id string Username to delete. * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ; in this * order and separator char (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param * othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * api.php?op=set&op2=add_user_profile&id=md&other=12|4&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $thrash2 Don't use. */ function set_add_user_profile($id, $thrash1, $other, $thrash2) { $group = $other['data'][0]; $profile = $other['data'][1]; if (!profile_create_user_profile ($id, $profile, $group,'API')) returnError('error_add_user_profile', 'Error add user profile.'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('Add user profile.'))); } /** * Deattach user from group and profile. * * @param $id string Username to delete. * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ; in this * order and separator char (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param * othermode as othermode=url_encode_separator_) * example: * * api.php?op=set&op2=delete_user_profile&id=md&other=12|4&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $thrash2 Don't use. */ function set_delete_user_profile($id, $thrash1, $other, $thrash2) { $group = $other['data'][0]; $profile = $other['data'][1]; $where = array( 'id_usuario' => $id, 'id_perfil' => $profile, 'id_grupo' => $group); $result = db_process_sql_delete('tusuario_perfil', $where); if ($return === false) returnError('error_delete_user_profile', 'Error delete user profile.'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => __('Delete user profile.'))); } /** * Create new incident in Pandora. * * @param $thrash1 Don't use. * @param $thrash2 Don't use. * @param array $other it's array, $other as param is ;<description>; * <origin>;<priority>;<state>;<group> in this order and separator char * (after text ; ) and separator (pass in param othermode as * othermode=url_encode_separator_<separator>) * example: * * api.php?op=set&op2=new_incident&other=titulo|descripcion%20texto|Logfiles|2|10|12&other_mode=url_encode_separator_| * * @param $thrash3 Don't use. */ function set_new_incident($thrash1, $thrash2, $other, $thrash3) { $title = $other['data'][0]; $description = $other['data'][1]; $origin = $other['data'][2]; $priority = $other['data'][3]; $id_creator = 'API'; $state = $other['data'][4]; $group = $other['data'][5]; $values = array( 'inicio' => 'NOW()', 'actualizacion' => 'NOW()', 'titulo' => $title, 'descripcion' => $description, 'id_usuario' => 'API', 'origen' => $origin, 'estado' => $state, 'prioridad' => $priority, 'id_grupo' => $group, 'id_creator' => $id_creator); $idIncident = db_process_sql_insert('tincidencia', $values); if ($return === false) returnError('error_new_incident', 'Error create new incident.'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $idIncident)); } /** * Add note into a incident. * * @param $id string Username author of note. * @param $id2 integer ID of incident. * @param $other string Note. * @param $thrash2 Don't use. */ function set_new_note_incident($id, $id2, $other, $thrash2) { $values = array( 'id_usuario' => $id, 'id_incident' => $id2, 'nota' => $other['data']); $idNote = db_process_sql_insert('tnota', $values); if ($idNote === false) returnError('error_new_incident', 'Error create new incident.'); else returnData('string', array('type' => 'string', 'data' => $idNote)); } ?>