<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // Remember the hard-coded values /* -- id_modulo now uses tmodule -- --------------------------- -- 1 - Data server modules (agent related modules) -- 2 - Network server modules -- 4 - Plugin server -- 5 - Predictive server -- 6 - WMI server -- 7 - WEB Server (enteprise) In the xml is the tag "module_source" */ require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_agents.php'; enterprise_include_once('include/functions_local_components.php'); function insert_item_report($report_id, $values) { foreach ($report_id as $id => $name) { $values['id_report'] = $id; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('treport_content', $values); ui_print_result_message( $result, sprintf( __("Success add '%s' item in report '%s'."), $values['type'], $name ), sprintf( __("Error create '%s' item in report '%s'."), $values['type'], $name ) ); } } function process_upload_xml_report($xml, $group_filter=0) { foreach ($xml->xpath('/report') as $reportElement) { $values = []; if (isset($reportElement->name)) { $values['name'] = $reportElement->name; $posible_name = $values['name']; $exist = true; $loops = 30; // Loops to exit or tries. while ($exist && $loops > 0) { $exist = (bool) db_get_row_filter( 'treport', ['name' => io_safe_input($posible_name)] ); if ($exist) { $loops--; $posible_name = $values['name'].' ('.(30 - $loops).')'; } } if ($exist) { ui_print_error_message( sprintf( __("Error create '%s' report, the name exist and there aren't free name."), $reportElement->name ) ); break; } else if ($loops != 30) { ui_print_warning_message( sprintf( __("Warning create '%s' report, the name exist, the report have a name %s."), $reportElement->name, $posible_name ) ); } $values['name'] = io_safe_input($posible_name); } else { ui_print_error_message(__("Error the report haven't name.")); break; } if (isset($reportElement->group) === true && empty($reportElement->group) === false ) { $id_group = db_get_value( 'id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', $reportElement->group ); if ($id_group === false) { ui_print_error_message(__("Error the report haven't group.")); break; } } if (isset($reportElement->description) === true) { $values['description'] = $reportElement->description; } $id_report = db_process_sql_insert('treport', $values); ui_print_result_message( $id_report, sprintf(__("Success create '%s' report."), $posible_name), sprintf(__("Error create '%s' report."), $posible_name) ); if ($id_report) { db_pandora_audit( 'Report management', 'Create report '.$id_report, false, false ); } else { db_pandora_audit( 'Report management', 'Fail to create report', false, false ); break; } foreach ($reportElement->item as $item) { $item = (array) $item; $values = []; $values['id_report'] = $id_report; if (isset($item['description']) === true) { $values['description'] = io_safe_input($item['description']); } if (isset($item['period']) === true) { $values['period'] = io_safe_input($item['period']); } if (isset($item['type']) === true) { $values['type'] = io_safe_input($item['type']); } $agents_item = []; if (isset($item['agent']) === true) { $agents = agents_get_agents( ['id_grupo' => $group_filter], [ 'id_agente', 'alias', ] ); $agent_clean = str_replace( [ '[', ']', ], '', io_safe_output($item['agent']) ); $regular_expresion = ($agent_clean != $item['agent']); foreach ($agents as $agent) { if ($regular_expresion) { if ((bool) preg_match('/'.$agent_clean.'/', io_safe_output($agent['alias']))) { $agents_item[$agent['id_agente']]['name'] = $agent['alias']; } } else { if ($agent_clean == io_safe_output($agent['alias'])) { $agents_item[$agent['id_agente']]['name'] = $agent['alias']; } } } } if (isset($item['module']) === true) { $module_clean = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $item['module']); $regular_expresion = ($module_clean != $item['module']); foreach ($agents_item as $id => $agent) { $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente' => $id], [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'nombre', ] ); $agents_item[$id]['modules'] = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($regular_expresion) { if ((bool) preg_match('/'.$module_clean.'/', io_safe_output($module['nombre']))) { $agents_item[$id]['modules'][$module['id_agente_modulo']]['name'] = $module['nombre']; } } else { if ($module_clean == io_safe_output($module['nombre'])) { $agents_item[$id]['modules'][$module['id_agente_modulo']]['name'] = $module['nombre']; } } } } } switch ($item['type']) { case 1: case 'simple_graph': break; case 'simple_baseline_graph': break; case 2: case 'custom_graph': case 'automatic_custom_graph': $group = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', io_safe_input($item['graph'])); $values['id_gs'] = $group; break; case 3: case 'SLA': if (isset($item['only_display_wrong'])) { $values['only_display_wrong'] = (string) $item['only_display_wrong']; } if (isset($item['monday'])) { $values['monday'] = (string) $item['monday']; } if (isset($item['tuesday'])) { $values['tuesday'] = (string) $item['tuesday']; } if (isset($item['wednesday'])) { $values['wednesday'] = (string) $item['wednesday']; } if (isset($item['thursday'])) { $values['thursday'] = (string) $item['thursday']; } if (isset($item['friday'])) { $values['friday'] = (string) $item['friday']; } if (isset($item['saturday'])) { $values['saturday'] = (string) $item['saturday']; } if (isset($item['sunday'])) { $values['sunday'] = (string) $item['sunday']; } if (isset($item['time_from'])) { $values['time_from'] = (string) $item['time_from']; } if (isset($item['time_to'])) { $values['time_to'] = (string) $item['time_to']; } $slas = []; if (!isset($item['sla'])) { $item['sla'] = []; } foreach ($item['sla'] as $sla_xml) { if (isset($sla_xml->agent)) { $agents = agents_get_agents(['id_grupo' => $group_filter], ['id_agente', 'nombre']); $agent_clean = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $sla_xml->agent); $regular_expresion = ($agent_clean != $sla_xml->agent); foreach ($agents as $agent) { $id_agent = false; if ($regular_expresion) { if ((bool) preg_match('/'.$agent_clean.'/', io_safe_output($agent['nombre']))) { $id_agent = $agent['id_agente']; } else { if ($agent_clean == io_safe_output($agent['nombre'])) { $id_agent = $agent['id_agente']; } } } if ($id_agent) { if (isset($sla_xml->module)) { $module_clean = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $sla_xml->module); $regular_expresion = ($module_clean != $sla_xml->module); $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente' => $id_agent], [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'nombre', ] ); foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($regular_expresion) { if ((bool) preg_match('/'.$module_clean.'/', io_safe_output($module['nombre']))) { $slas[] = [ 'id_agent_module' => $module['id_agente_modulo'], 'sla_max' => (string) $sla_xml->sla_max, 'sla_min' => (string) $sla_xml->sla_min, 'sla_limit' => (string) $sla_xml->sla_limit, ]; } } else { if ($module_clean == io_safe_output($module['nombre'])) { $slas[] = [ 'id_agent_module' => $module['id_agente_modulo'], 'sla_max' => (string) $sla_xml->sla_max, 'sla_min' => (string) $sla_xml->sla_min, 'sla_limit' => (string) $sla_xml->sla_limit, ]; } } } } } } } } break; case 6: case 'monitor_report': break; case 7: case 'avg_value': break; case 8: case 'max_value': break; case 9: case 'min_value': break; case 10: case 'sumatory': break; case 'agent_detailed_event': case 'event_report_agent': break; case 'text': $values['text'] = io_safe_input($item['text']); break; case 'sql': $values['header_definition'] = io_safe_input($item['header_definition']); $values['external_source'] = io_safe_input($item['sql']); break; case 'sql_graph_pie': case 'sql_graph_vbar': case 'sql_graph_hbar': $values['header_definition'] = io_safe_input($item['header_definition']); $values['external_source'] = io_safe_input($item['sql']); break; case 'event_report_group': $values['id_agent'] = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', io_safe_input($item->group)); break; case 'event_report_module': break; case 'alert_report_module': break; case 'alert_report_agent': break; case 'alert_report_group': break; case 'url': $values['external_source'] = io_safe_input($item['url']); break; case 'database_serialized': $values['header_definition'] = io_safe_input($item['header_definition']); $values['line_separator'] = io_safe_input($item['line_separator']); $values['column_separator'] = io_safe_input($item['column_separator']); break; } if (empty($agents_item)) { $id_content = db_process_sql_insert('treport_content', $values); ui_print_result_message( $id_content, sprintf(__("Success add '%s' content."), $values['type']), sprintf(__("Error add '%s' action."), $values['type']) ); if ($item['type'] == 'SLA') { foreach ($slas as $sla) { $sla['id_report_content'] = $id_content; $result = db_process_sql_insert('treport_content_sla_combined', $sla); ui_print_result_message( $result, sprintf(__("Success add '%s' SLA."), $sla['id_agent_module']), sprintf(__("Error add '%s' SLA."), $sla['id_agent_module']) ); } } } else { foreach ($agents_item as $id_agent => $agent) { if (empty($agent['modules'])) { $values['id_agent'] = $id_agent; $id_content = db_process_sql_insert('treport_content', $values); ui_print_result_message( $id_content, sprintf(__("Success add '%s' content."), $values['type']), sprintf(__("Error add '%s' action."), $values['type']) ); } else { foreach ($agent['modules'] as $id_module => $module) { $values['id_agent_module'] = $id_module; $values['id_agent'] = $id_agent; $id_content = db_process_sql_insert('treport_content', $values); ui_print_result_message( $id_content, sprintf(__("Success add '%s' content."), $values['type']), sprintf(__("Error add '%s' action."), $values['type']) ); } } } } } } } function process_upload_xml_visualmap($xml, $filter_group=0) { global $config; foreach ($xml->xpath('/visual_map') as $visual_map) { if (isset($visual_map->name)) { $values['name'] = (string) $visual_map->name; } else { ui_print_error_message( __("Error create '%s' visual map, lost tag name.") ); break; } $values['id_group'] = 0; if (isset($visual_map->group)) { $id_group = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', io_safe_input($visual_map->group)); if ($id_group !== false) { $values['id_group'] = $id_group; } } if (isset($visual_map->background)) { $values['background'] = (string) $visual_map->background; } $values['width'] = 0; if (isset($visual_map->width)) { $values['width'] = (string) $visual_map->width; } $values['height'] = 0; if (isset($visual_map->height)) { $values['height'] = (string) $visual_map->height; } $posible_name = $values['name']; $exist = true; $loops = 30; // Loops to exit or tries while ($exist && $loops > 0) { $exist = (bool) db_get_row_filter('tlayout', ['name' => io_safe_input($posible_name)]); if ($exist) { $loops--; $posible_name = $values['name'].' ('.(30 - $loops).')'; } } if ($exist) { ui_print_error_message( sprintf( __("Error create '%s' visual map, the name exist and there aren't free name."), $values['name'] ) ); continue; } else if ($loops != 30) { ui_print_error_message( sprintf( __("Warning create '%s' visual map, the name exist, the report have a name %s."), $values['name'], $posible_name ) ); } $values['name'] = io_safe_input($posible_name); $id_visual_map = db_process_sql_insert('tlayout', $values); ui_print_result_message( (bool) $id_visual_map, sprintf(__("Success create '%s' visual map."), $posible_name), sprintf(__("Error create '%s' visual map."), $posible_name) ); if ($id_visual_map !== false) { db_pandora_audit('CREATE VISUAL CONSOLE', $id_visual_map, $config['id_user']); } else { break; } $relation_other_ids = []; foreach ($visual_map->item as $item) { $no_agents = true; if (isset($item->agent)) { $agent_clean = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $item->agent); $regular_expresion = ($agent_clean != $item->agent); $agents = agents_get_agents(['id_grupo' => $filter_group], ['id_agente', 'nombre']); if ($agents === false) { $agents = []; } $temp = []; foreach ($agents as $agent) { $temp[$agent['id_agente']] = $agent['nombre']; } $agents = $temp; $agents_in_item = []; foreach ($agents as $id => $agent) { if ($regular_expresion) { if ((bool) preg_match('/'.$agent_clean.'/', io_safe_output($agent))) { $agents_in_item[$id]['name'] = $agent; $no_agents = false; } } else { if ($agent_clean == io_safe_output($agent)) { $agents_in_item[$id]['name'] = $agent; $no_agents = false; break; } } } } $no_modules = true; if (isset($item->module)) { $module_clean = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $item->module); $regular_expresion = ($module_clean != $item->module); foreach ($agents_in_item as $id => $agent) { $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente' => $id], [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'nombre', ] ); $modules_in_item = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($regular_expresion) { if ((bool) preg_match('/'.$module_clean.'/', io_safe_output($module['nombre']))) { $modules_in_item[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module['nombre']; $no_modules = false; } } else { if ($module_clean == io_safe_output($module['nombre'])) { $modules_in_item[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module['nombre']; $no_modules = false; break; } } } $agents_in_item[$id]['modules'] = $modules_in_item; } } $values = []; $values['id_layout'] = $id_visual_map; if (isset($item->label)) { $values['label'] = io_safe_input($item->label); } if (isset($item->x)) { $values['pos_x'] = (string) $item->x; } if (isset($item->y)) { $values['pos_y'] = (string) $item->y; } if (isset($item->height)) { $values['height'] = (string) $item->height; } if (isset($item->width)) { $values['width'] = (string) $item->width; } if (isset($item->image)) { $values['image'] = (string) $item->image; } if (isset($item->period)) { $values['period'] = (string) $item->period; } if (isset($item->parent_item)) { // Hack for link the items use the <other_id>OTHER_ID</other_id> // and have too <parent_item>OTHER_ID</parent_item> // then $relation_other_ids[OTHER_ID] have the item_id in DB. $values['parent_item'] = (string) $relation_other_ids[(string) $item->parent_item]; } if (isset($item->map_linked)) { $values['id_layout_linked'] = (string) $item->map_linked; } if (isset($item->type)) { $values['type'] = (string) $item->type; } if (isset($item->clock_animation)) { $values['clock_animation'] = (string) $item->clock_animation; } if (isset($item->fill_color)) { $values['fill_color'] = (string) $item->fill_color; } if (isset($item->type_graph)) { $values['type_graph'] = (string) $item->type_graph; } if (isset($item->time_format)) { $values['time_format'] = (string) $item->time_format; } if (isset($item->timezone)) { $values['timezone'] = (string) $item->timezone; } if (isset($item->border_width)) { $values['border_width'] = (string) $item->border_width; } if (isset($item->border_color)) { $values['border_color'] = (string) $item->border_color; } if ($no_agents) { $id_item = db_process_sql_insert('tlayout_data', $values); ui_print_result_message( (bool) $id_item, sprintf(__("Success create item type '%d' visual map."), $values['type']), sprintf(__("Error create item type '%d' visual map."), $values['type']) ); if ($id_item !== false) { db_pandora_audit('CREATE ITEM VISUAL CONSOLE', $values['id_layout'].' - '.$id_item, $config['id_user']); } } else { foreach ($agents_in_item as $id => $agent) { if ($no_modules) { $values['id_agent'] = $id; $id_item = db_process_sql_insert('tlayout_data', $values); if (isset($item->other_id)) { $relation_other_ids[(string) $item->other_id] = $id_item; } ui_print_result_message( (bool) $id_item, sprintf(__("Success create item for agent '%s' visual map."), $agent['name']), sprintf(__("Error create item for agent '%s' visual map."), $agent['name']) ); if ($id_item !== false) { db_pandora_audit('CREATE ITEM VISUAL CONSOLE', $values['id_layout'].' - '.$id_item, $config['id_user']); } } else { foreach ($agent['modules'] as $id_module => $module) { $values['id_agent'] = $id; $values['id_agente_modulo'] = $id_module; db_process_sql_insert('tlayout_data', $values); ui_print_result_message( (bool) $id_item, sprintf(__("Success create item for agent '%s' visual map."), $agent['name']), sprintf(__("Error create item for agent '%s' visual map."), $agent['name']) ); if ($id_item !== false) { db_pandora_audit('CREATE ITEM VISUAL CONSOLE', $values['id_layout'].' - '.$id_item, $config['id_user']); } } } } } } } } function process_upload_xml_component($xml) { // Extract components $components = []; foreach ($xml->xpath('/component') as $componentElement) { $name = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->name); $id_os = (int) $componentElement->id_os; $os_version = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->os_version); $data = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->data); $type = (int) $componentElement->type; $group = (int) $componentElement->group; $description = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->description); $module_interval = (int) $componentElement->module_interval; $max = (float) $componentElement->max; $min = (float) $componentElement->min; $tcp_send = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->tcp_send); $tcp_rcv_text = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->tcp_rcv_text); $tcp_port = (int) $componentElement->tcp_port; $snmp_oid = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->snmp_oid); $snmp_community = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->snmp_community); $id_module_group = (int) $componentElement->id_module_group; $module_source = (int) $componentElement->module_source; $plugin = (int) $componentElement->plugin; $plugin_username = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->plugin_username); $plugin_password = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->plugin_password); $plugin_parameters = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->plugin_parameters); $max_timeout = (int) $componentElement->max_timeout; $max_retries = (int) $componentElement->max_retries; $historical_data = (int) $componentElement->historical_data; $dynamic_interval = (int) $componentElement->dynamic_interval; $dynamic_min = (int) $componentElement->dynamic_min; $dynamic_max = (int) $componentElement->dynamic_max; $dynamic_two_tailed = (int) $componentElement->dynamic_two_tailed; $min_war = (float) $componentElement->min_war; $max_war = (float) $componentElement->max_war; $str_war = (string) $componentElement->str_war; $min_cri = (float) $componentElement->min_cri; $max_cri = (float) $componentElement->max_cri; $str_cri = (string) $componentElement->str_cri; $ff_treshold = (int) $componentElement->ff_treshold; $snmp_version = (int) $componentElement->snmp_version; $auth_user = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->auth_user); $auth_password = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->auth_password); $auth_method = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->auth_method); $privacy_method = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->privacy_method); $privacy_pass = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->privacy_pass); $security_level = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->security_level); $wmi_query = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->wmi_query); $key_string = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->key_string); $field_number = (int) $componentElement->field_number; $namespace = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->namespace); $wmi_user = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->wmi_user); $wmi_password = io_safe_input((string) $componentElement->wmi_password); $post_process = io_safe_input((float) $componentElement->post_process); $idComponent = false; switch ((int) $componentElement->module_source) { case 1: // Local component $values = [ 'description' => $description, 'id_network_component_group' => $group, 'os_version' => $os_version, ]; $return = enterprise_hook('local_components_create_local_component', [$name, $data, $id_os, $values]); if ($return !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $idComponent = $return; } break; case 2: // Network component // for modules // 15 = remote_snmp, 16 = remote_snmp_inc, // 17 = remote_snmp_string, 18 = remote_snmp_proc $custom_string_1 = ''; $custom_string_2 = ''; $custom_string_3 = ''; if ($type >= 15 && $type <= 18) { // New support for snmp v3 $tcp_send = $snmp_version; $plugin_user = $auth_user; $plugin_pass = $auth_password; $plugin_parameters = $auth_method; $custom_string_1 = $privacy_method; $custom_string_2 = $privacy_pass; $custom_string_3 = $security_level; } $idComponent = network_components_create_network_component( $name, $type, $group, [ 'description' => $description, 'module_interval' => $module_interval, 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min, 'tcp_send' => $tcp_send, 'tcp_rcv' => $tcp_rcv_text, 'tcp_port' => $tcp_port, 'snmp_oid' => $snmp_oid, 'snmp_community' => $snmp_community, 'id_module_group' => $id_module_group, 'id_modulo' => $module_source, 'id_plugin' => $plugin, 'plugin_user' => $plugin_username, 'plugin_pass' => $plugin_password, 'plugin_parameter' => $plugin_parameters, 'max_timeout' => $max_timeout, 'max_retries' => $max_retries, 'history_data' => $historical_data, 'dynamic_interval' => $dynamic_interval, 'dynamic_min' => $dynamic_min, 'dynamic_max' => $dynamic_max, 'dynamic_two_tailed' => $dynamic_two_tailed, 'min_warning' => $min_war, 'max_warning' => $max_war, 'str_warning' => $str_war, 'min_critical' => $min_cri, 'max_critical' => $max_cri, 'str_critical' => $str_cri, 'min_ff_event' => $ff_treshold, 'custom_string_1' => $custom_string_1, 'custom_string_2' => $custom_string_2, 'custom_string_3' => $custom_string_3, 'post_process' => $post_process, ] ); if ((bool) $idComponent) { $components[] = $idComponent; } break; case 4: // Plugin component $idComponent = network_components_create_network_component( $name, $type, $group, [ 'description' => $description, 'module_interval' => $module_interval, 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min, 'tcp_send' => $tcp_send, 'tcp_rcv' => $tcp_rcv_text, 'tcp_port' => $tcp_port, 'snmp_oid' => $snmp_oid, 'snmp_community' => $snmp_community, 'id_module_group' => $id_module_group, 'id_modulo' => $module_source, 'id_plugin' => $plugin, 'plugin_user' => $plugin_username, 'plugin_pass' => $plugin_password, 'plugin_parameter' => $plugin_parameters, 'max_timeout' => $max_timeout, 'max_retries' => $max_retries, 'history_data' => $historical_data, 'dynamic_interval' => $dynamic_interval, 'dynamic_min' => $dynamic_min, 'dynamic_max' => $dynamic_max, 'dynamic_two_tailed' => $dynamic_two_tailed, 'min_warning' => $min_war, 'max_warning' => $max_war, 'str_warning' => $str_war, 'min_critical' => $min_cri, 'max_critical' => $max_cri, 'str_critical' => $str_cri, 'min_ff_event' => $ff_treshold, 'custom_string_1' => $custom_string_1, 'custom_string_2' => $custom_string_2, 'custom_string_3' => $custom_string_3, 'post_process' => $post_process, ] ); if ((bool) $idComponent) { $components[] = $idComponent; } break; case 5: // Prediction component break; case 6: // WMI component $idComponent = network_components_create_network_component( $name, $type, $group, [ 'description' => $description, 'module_interval' => $module_interval, 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min, 'tcp_send' => $namespace, // work around 'tcp_rcv' => $tcp_rcv_text, 'tcp_port' => $field_number, // work around 'snmp_oid' => $wmi_query, // work around 'snmp_community' => $key_string, // work around 'id_module_group' => $id_module_group, 'id_modulo' => $module_source, 'id_plugin' => $plugin, 'plugin_user' => $wmi_user, // work around 'plugin_pass' => $wmi_password, // work around 'plugin_parameter' => $plugin_parameters, 'max_timeout' => $max_timeout, 'max_retries' => $max_retries, 'history_data' => $historical_data, 'dynamic_interval' => $dynamic_interval, 'dynamic_min' => $dynamic_min, 'dynamic_max' => $dynamic_max, 'dynamic_two_tailed' => $dynamic_two_tailed, 'min_warning' => $min_war, 'max_warning' => $max_war, 'str_warning' => $str_war, 'min_critical' => $min_cri, 'max_critical' => $max_cri, 'str_critical' => $str_cri, 'min_ff_event' => $ff_treshold, 'custom_string_1' => $custom_string_1, 'custom_string_2' => $custom_string_2, 'custom_string_3' => $custom_string_3, 'post_process' => $post_process, ] ); if ((bool) $idComponent) { $components[] = $idComponent; } break; case 7: // Web component break; } ui_print_result_message( (bool) $idComponent, sprintf(__("Success create '%s' component."), $name), sprintf(__("Error create '%s' component."), $name) ); } // Extract the template $templateElement = $xml->xpath('//template'); if (!empty($templateElement)) { $templateElement = $templateElement[0]; $templateName = (string) $templateElement->name; $templateDescription = (string) $templateElement->description; $idTemplate = db_process_sql_insert('tnetwork_profile', ['name' => $templateName, 'description' => $templateDescription]); $result = false; if ((bool) $idTemplate) { foreach ($components as $idComponent) { db_process_sql_insert('tnetwork_profile_component', ['id_nc' => $idComponent, 'id_np' => $idTemplate]); } } } } function process_upload_xml($xml) { $hook_enterprise = enterprise_include('extensions/resource_registration/functions.php'); // Extract component. process_upload_xml_component($xml); $group_filter = get_parameter('group'); // Extract visual map. process_upload_xml_visualmap($xml, $group_filter); // Extract policies. if ($hook_enterprise === true) { $centralized_management = !is_central_policies_on_node(); if ($centralized_management) { process_upload_xml_policy($xml, $group_filter); } } // Extract reports. process_upload_xml_report($xml, $group_filter); } function resource_registration_extension_main() { global $config; if (! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM') && ! is_user_admin($config['id_user'])) { db_pandora_audit('ACL Violation', 'Trying to access Setup Management'); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_network_components.php'; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_db.php'; enterprise_include_once('include/functions_local_components.php'); ui_print_page_header(__('Resource registration'), 'images/extensions.png', false, '', true, ''); if (!extension_loaded('libxml')) { ui_print_error_message(_('Error, please install the PHP libXML in the system.')); return; } $centralized_management = !is_central_policies_on_node(); if (!$centralized_management) { ui_print_warning_message(__('This node is configured with centralized mode. Go to metaconsole to create a policy.')); } echo '<div class=notify>'; echo __('This extension makes registering resource templates easier.').' '.__('Here you can upload a resource template in .ptr format.').' '.__('Please refer to our documentation for more information on how to obtain and use %s resources.', get_product_name()).' '.'<br> <br>'.__("You can get more resurces in our <a href='http://pandorafms.com/Library/Library/'>Public Resource Library</a>"); echo '</div>'; echo '<br /><br />'; // Upload form echo "<form name='submit_plugin' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; echo '<table class="databox" id="table1" width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">'; echo '<tr>'; echo "<td colspan='2' class='datos'><input type='file' name='resource_upload' accept='.ptr'/>"; echo '<td>'.__('Group filter: ').'</td>'; echo '<td>'; html_print_select_groups(false, 'AW', true, 'group'); echo '</td>'; echo "<td class='datos'><input type='submit' class='sub next' value='".__('Upload')."' />"; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; if (!isset($_FILES['resource_upload']['tmp_name'])) { return; } $xml = simplexml_load_file($_FILES['resource_upload']['tmp_name'], null, LIBXML_NOCDATA); process_upload_xml($xml); } extensions_add_godmode_menu_option(__('Resource registration'), 'PM', 'gagente', '', 'v1r1'); extensions_add_godmode_function('resource_registration_extension_main');