origin = $origin; if ($this->origin === 'agent') { if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'AR') === false) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to access Agent Management' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } // Capture needed parameter for agent form. $this->id_agente = (int) get_parameter('id_agente'); $this->operation = (int) get_parameter('operation'); $this->community = (string) get_parameter('community', 'public'); $this->ip = (string) get_parameter('select_ips'); $this->snmp_version = (string) get_parameter('select_version'); } else if ($this->origin === 'setup') { if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM') === false) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to access Profile Management' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } // Capture needed parameters for setup form. $this->updatePaths = (bool) get_parameter('update_paths', 0); // Capture paths. $this->pathTraceroute = (string) get_parameter('traceroute_path'); $this->pathPing = (string) get_parameter('ping_path'); $this->pathNmap = (string) get_parameter('nmap_path'); $this->pathDig = (string) get_parameter('dig_path'); $this->pathSnmpget = (string) get_parameter('snmpget_path'); // Capture custom commands. $this->pathCustomComm = []; foreach ($_REQUEST as $customKey => $customValue) { if ((bool) preg_match('/command_custom_/', $customKey) === true) { $temporaryCustomCommandId = explode('_', $customKey); $customCommandId = $temporaryCustomCommandId[2]; // Define array for host the command/parameters pair data. $this->pathCustomComm[$customValue] = []; // Ensure the information. $this->pathCustomComm[$customValue]['command_custom'] = (string) get_parameter( 'command_custom_'.$customCommandId ); $this->pathCustomComm[$customValue]['params_custom'] = (string) get_parameter( 'params_custom_'.$customCommandId ); } } } return $this; } /** * Run action. * * @return void */ public function run() { if ($this->origin === 'agent') { // Print tool form. $this->agentExternalToolsForm(); } else if ($this->origin === 'setup') { // Print setup form. $this->setupExternalToolsForm(); } // Anyway, load JS. $this->loadJS(); } /** * Print the form for setup the external tools. * * @return void */ private function setupExternalToolsForm() { global $config; $i = 0; $sounds = $this->getSounds(); if ($this->updatePaths === true) { $external_tools_config = []; $external_tools_config['traceroute_path'] = $this->pathTraceroute; $external_tools_config['ping_path'] = $this->pathPing; $external_tools_config['nmap_path'] = $this->pathNmap; $external_tools_config['dig_path'] = $this->pathDig; $external_tools_config['snmpget_path'] = $this->pathSnmpget; $otherParameters = []; $otherParameters['sound_alert'] = (string) get_parameter('sound_alert'); $otherParameters['sound_critical'] = (string) get_parameter('sound_critical'); $otherParameters['sound_warning'] = (string) get_parameter('sound_warning'); $otherParameters['graphviz_bin_dir'] = (string) get_parameter('graphviz_bin_dir'); if (empty($this->pathCustomComm) === false) { $external_tools_config['custom_commands'] = $this->pathCustomComm; } foreach ($otherParameters as $keyParam => $valueParam) { $result = config_update_value($keyParam, $valueParam); if ($result === false) { break; } } if ($result === true) { $result = config_update_value( 'external_tools_config', io_safe_input( json_encode($external_tools_config) ) ); } ui_print_result_message( ($result), __('Changes successfully saved.'), __('Changes not saved.') ); } else { if (isset($config['external_tools_config']) === true) { $external_tools_config = json_decode( io_safe_output( $config['external_tools_config'] ), true ); // Setting paths. $this->pathTraceroute = $external_tools_config['traceroute_path']; $this->pathPing = $external_tools_config['ping_path']; $this->pathNmap = $external_tools_config['nmap_path']; $this->pathDig = $external_tools_config['dig_path']; $this->pathSnmpget = $external_tools_config['snmpget_path']; $this->pathCustomComm = ($external_tools_config['custom_commands'] ?? ['a' => 'a']); } } // Make the table for show the form. $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->id = 'commandsTable'; $table->data = []; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Sound for Alert fired'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_select( $sounds, 'sound_alert', $config['sound_alert'], 'replaySound(\'alert\');', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'javascript:toggleButton(\'alert\')', 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/control_play_col.png', true, [ 'id' => 'button_sound_warning', 'style' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'width' => '16', 'title' => __('Play sound'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ), ], true ); $table->data[$i++][1] .= '
'; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Sound for Monitor critical'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_select( $sounds, 'sound_critical', $config['sound_critical'], 'replaySound(\'critical\');', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'javascript:toggleButton(\'critical\')', 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/control_play_col.png', true, [ 'id' => 'button_sound_warning', 'style' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'width' => '16', 'title' => __('Play sound'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ), ], true ); $table->data[$i++][1] .= ''; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Sound for Monitor warning'); $table->data[$i][1] = html_print_select( $sounds, 'sound_warning', $config['sound_warning'], 'replaySound(\'warning\');', '', '', true ); $table->data[$i][1] .= html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'javascript:toggleButton(\'warning\')', 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/control_play_col.png', true, [ 'id' => 'button_sound_warning', 'style' => 'vertical-align: middle;', 'width' => '16', 'title' => __('Play sound'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ), ], true ); $table->data[$i++][1] .= ''; $table->data[$i][0] = __('Custom graphviz directory'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text( 'graphviz_bin_dir', $config['graphviz_bin_dir'], '', 25, 255, true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Traceroute path'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text('traceroute_path', $this->pathTraceroute, '', 40, 255, true); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Ping path'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text('ping_path', $this->pathPing, '', 40, 255, true); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Nmap path'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text('nmap_path', $this->pathNmap, '', 40, 255, true); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Dig path'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text('dig_path', $this->pathDig, '', 40, 255, true); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Snmpget path'); $table->data[$i++][1] = html_print_input_text('snmpget_path', $this->pathSnmpget, '', 40, 255, true); $table->data[$i][0] = html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'title_custom_commands bolder float-left', 'content' => __('Custom commands'), ], true ); $table->data[$i++][0] .= html_print_div( [ 'id' => 'add_button_custom_command', 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/add.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Add new custom command'), 'onclick' => 'manageCommandLines(event)', 'id' => 'img_add_button_custom_command', 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ), ], true ); $table->data[$i][0] = __('Command'); $table->data[$i++][1] = __('Parameters').ui_print_help_tip(__('Adding `_address_` macro will use agent\'s IP when perform the execution'), true); $y = 1; $iRow = $i; if (empty($this->pathCustomComm) === true) { $table->rowid[$iRow] = 'custom_row_'.$y; $table->data[$iRow][0] = $this->customCommandPair('command', $y); $table->data[$iRow][1] = $this->customCommandPair('params', $y); $table->data[$iRow][2] = $this->customCommandPair('delete', $y); } else { foreach ($this->pathCustomComm as $command) { // Fill the fields. $customCommand = ($command['command_custom'] ?? ''); $customParams = ($command['params_custom'] ?? ''); // Attach the fields. $table->rowid[$iRow] = 'custom_row_'.$y; $table->data[$iRow][0] = $this->customCommandPair('command', $y, $customCommand); $table->data[$iRow][1] = $this->customCommandPair('params', $y, $customParams); $table->data[$iRow][2] = $this->customCommandPair('delete', $y); // Add another command. $y++; $iRow++; } } $form = ''; echo $form; } /** * Prints the custom command fields. * * @param string $type Type of field. * @param integer $index Control index. * @param string $value Value of this field. * * @return string */ private function customCommandPair($type, $index=0, $value='') { $output = ''; switch ($type) { case 'command': case 'params': $output = html_print_input_text( $type.'_custom_'.$index, $value, '', 40, 255, true ); break; case 'delete': $output = html_print_div( [ 'id' => 'delete_button_custom_'.$index, 'class' => '', 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/delete.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Delete this custom command'), 'onclick' => 'manageCommandLines(event)', 'id' => 'img_delete_button_custom_'.$index, 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ), ], true ); break; default: // Do none. break; } return $output; } /** * Print the form for use the external tools. * * @return void */ private function agentExternalToolsForm() { global $config; $principal_ip = db_get_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT direccion FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = %d', $this->id_agente ) ); $list_address = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_a FROM taddress_agent WHERE id_agent = %d', $this->id_agente ) ); foreach ($list_address as $address) { $ids[] = join(',', $address); } // Must be an a IP at least for work. if (empty($ids) === true) { ui_print_message(__('The agent doesn`t have an IP yet'), 'error', true); return; } $ips = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT ip FROM taddress WHERE id_a IN (%s)', join(',', $ids) ) ); // Make the data for show in table. $ipsSelect = array_reduce( $ips, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[$item['ip']] = $item['ip']; return $carry; } ); // Get the list of available commands. $commandList = [ COMMAND_TRACEROUTE => __('Traceroute'), COMMAND_PING => __('Ping host & Latency'), COMMAND_SNMP => __('SNMP Interface status'), COMMAND_NMAP => __('Basic TCP Port Scan'), COMMAND_DIGWHOIS => __('DiG/Whois Lookup'), ]; // Adding custom commands. $tempCustomCommandsList = json_decode(io_safe_output($config['external_tools_config']), true); $customCommandsList = $tempCustomCommandsList['custom_commands']; foreach ($customCommandsList as $customCommandKey => $customCommandValue) { $commandList[$customCommandKey] = $customCommandKey; } // Form table. $table = new StdClass(); $table->class = 'fixed_filter_bar filter-table-adv pdd_15px'; $table->id = 'externalToolTable'; $table->size[0] = '25%'; $table->size[1] = '25%'; $table->size[2] = '25%'; $table->size[3] = '25%'; $table->colspan = []; $table->colspan[1][0] = 4; // $table->cellclass[0][2] = 'snmpcolumn'; // $table->cellclass[0][2] = 'snmpcolumn'; // $table->cellclass[0][3] = 'snmpcolumn'; // $table->cellclass[0][3] = 'snmpcolumn'; $table->data = []; $table->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Operation'), html_print_select( $commandList, 'operation', $this->operation, 'mostrarColumns(this.value)', __('Please select'), 0, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width: 100%;' ) ); $table->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('IP Adress'), html_print_select( $ipsSelect, 'select_ips', $principal_ip, '', '', 0, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width: 100%;' ) ); $table->data[0][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP Version'), html_print_select( [ '1' => 'v1', '2c' => 'v2c', ], 'select_version', $this->snmp_version, '', '', 0, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width: 100%;' ), ['div_class' => 'snmpcolumn'] ); $table->data[0][3] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP Community'), html_print_input_text( 'community', $this->community, '', 50, 255, true, false, false, '', 'w100p' ), ['div_class' => 'snmpcolumn'] ); $table->data[1][0] = html_print_submit_button( __('Execute'), 'submit', false, [ 'icon' => 'cog', 'mode' => 'mini', 'class' => 'float-right mrgn_right_10px', ], true ); // Output string. $output = ''; $output .= ''; html_print_div( [ 'class' => '', 'style' => 'width: 100%', 'content' => $output, ] ); if ($this->operation !== 0) { // Execute form. echo $this->externalToolsExecution($this->operation, $this->ip, $this->community, $this->snmp_version); } } /** * Searchs for command. * * @param string $command Command. * * @return string Path. */ private function whereIsTheCommand(string $command) { global $config; if (isset($config['external_tools_config']) === true) { $external_tools_config = json_decode(io_safe_output($config['external_tools_config']), true); $traceroute_path = $external_tools_config['traceroute_path']; $ping_path = $external_tools_config['ping_path']; $nmap_path = $external_tools_config['nmap_path']; $dig_path = $external_tools_config['dig_path']; $snmpget_path = $external_tools_config['snmpget_path']; switch ($command) { case 'traceroute': if (empty($traceroute_path) === false) { return $traceroute_path; } break; case 'ping': if (empty($ping_path) === false) { return $ping_path; } break; case 'nmap': if (empty($nmap_path) === false) { return $nmap_path; } break; case 'dig': if (empty($dig_path) === false) { return $dig_path; } break; case 'snmpget': if (empty($snmpget_path) === false) { return $snmpget_path; } break; case 'whois': if (empty($snmpget_path) === false) { return $snmpget_path; } break; default: return null; } } ob_start(); system('whereis '.$command); $output = ob_get_clean(); $result = explode(':', $output); $result = trim($result[1]); if (empty($result) === true) { return null; } $result = explode(' ', $result); $fullpath = trim($result[0]); if (file_exists($fullpath) === false) { return null; } return $fullpath; } /** * Create the output for show. * * @param string $command Command for execute. * @param string $caption Description of the execution. * * @return void */ private function performExecution(string $command='', string $caption='') { $output = ''; // Only perform an execution if command is passed. Avoid errors. if (empty($command) === false) { $resultCode = 0; ob_start(); system(io_safe_output($command), $resultCode); $output .= ob_get_clean(); } else { $output .= __('Command not response'); } $output .= '
'; echo array_pop($result); echo ''; } $snmp_obj['base_oid'] = '.'; $result = get_h_snmpwalk($snmp_obj); if (empty($result) === true) { ui_print_error_message(__('Target unreachable.')); return null; } else { echo '
'; echo array_pop($result); echo ''; } echo '