tags */ function html_debug_print($var, $file='', $oneline=false) { $more_info = ''; if (is_string($var)) { $more_info = 'size: '.strlen($var); } else if (is_bool($var)) { $more_info = 'val: '.($var ? 'true' : 'false'); } else if (is_null($var)) { $more_info = 'is null'; } else if (is_array($var)) { $more_info = count($var); } if ($file === true) { $file = '/tmp/logDebug'; } if ($oneline && is_string($var)) { $var = preg_replace("/[\t|\n| ]+/", ' ', $var); } if (strlen($file) > 0) { $f = fopen($file, 'a'); ob_start(); echo date('Y/m/d H:i:s').' ('.gettype($var).') '.$more_info."\n"; print_r($var); echo "\n\n"; $output = ob_get_clean(); fprintf($f, '%s', $output); fclose($f); } else { echo '
'.date('Y/m/d H:i:s').' ('.gettype($var).') '.$more_info."\n";
        echo '
'; } } // Alias for "html_debug_print" function html_debug($var, $file='', $oneline=false) { html_debug_print($var, $file, $oneline); } // Alias for "html_debug_print" function hd($var, $file='', $oneline=false) { html_debug_print($var, $file, $oneline); } function dd($var) { hd($var); die(); } /** * Encapsulation (ob) for debug print function. * * @param mixed $var Variable to be dumped. * @param string $file Target file path. * @param boolean $oneline Show in oneline. * * @return string Dump string. */ function obhd($var, $file='', $oneline=false) { ob_start(); hd($var, $file, $oneline); return ob_get_clean(); } function debug() { $args_num = func_num_args(); $arg_list = func_get_args(); for ($i = 0; $i < $args_num; $i++) { html_debug_print($arg_list[$i], true); } } function html_f2str($function, $params) { ob_start(); call_user_func_array( $function, array_values(($params ?? [])) ); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Print side layer * * @params mixed Hash with all the params: * * position: left or right * width: width of the layer * height: height of the layer * icon_closed: icon showed when layer is hidden * icon_open: icon showed when layer is showed * top_text: text over the content * body_text: content of layer * bottom_text: text under the contet * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_side_layer($params) { global $config; // Check mandatory values, if any of them is missed, return '' $mandatory = [ 'icon_closed', 'body_text', ]; foreach ($mandatory as $man) { if (!isset($params[$man])) { return ''; } } // Set default values if not setted $defaults = [ 'position' => 'left', 'width' => '400', 'height' => '97%', 'top_text' => '', 'bottom_text' => '', 'top' => '0', 'autotop' => '', 'right' => '0', 'autoright' => '', 'vertical_mode' => 'out', 'icon_width' => 50, 'icon_height' => 50, 'icon_open' => $params['icon_closed'], ]; foreach ($defaults as $token => $value) { if (!isset($params[$token])) { $params[$token] = $value; } } // z-index is 1 because 2 made the calendar show under the side_layer switch ($params['position']) { case 'left': $round_class = 'menu_sidebar_radius_right'; $body_float = 'left'; $button_float = 'right'; break; case 'right': $round_class = 'menu_sidebar_radius_left'; $body_float = 'right'; $button_float = 'left'; break; case 'bottom': $round_class = 'menu_sidebar_radius_left menu_sidebar_radius_right'; $body_float = 'right'; $button_float = 'left'; break; } $out_html = ''; $out_js = ""; echo $out_html.$out_js; } /** * Prints an array of fields in a popup menu of a form. * * Based on choose_from_menu() from Moodle * * @param array Array with dropdown values. Example: $fields["value"] = "label" * @param string Select form name * @param variant Current selected value. Can be a single value or an * array of selected values (in combination with multiple) * @param string Javascript onChange code. * @param string Label when nothing is selected. * @param variant Value when nothing is selected * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param bool Set the input to allow multiple selections (optional, single selection by default). * @param bool Whether to sort the options or not (optional, unsorted by default). * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_select_style($fields, $name, $selected='', $style='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value=0, $return=false, $multiple=false, $sort=true, $class='', $disabled=false) { $output = "\n"; static $idcounter = []; // If duplicate names exist, it will start numbering. Otherwise it won't if (isset($idcounter[$name])) { $idcounter[$name]++; } else { $idcounter[$name] = 0; } $id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\:\;\-\_]/i', '', $name.($idcounter[$name] ? $idcounter[$name] : '')); $attributes = ''; if (!empty($script)) { $attributes .= ' onchange="'.$script.'"'; } if (!empty($multiple)) { $attributes .= ' multiple="multiple" size="10"'; } if (!empty($class)) { $attributes .= ' class="'.$class.'"'; } if (!empty($disabled)) { $attributes .= ' disabled="disabled"'; } $output .= ''; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Print or return selector for groups. * * @param string $id_user User id. * @param string $privilege The privilege to evaluate. * @param boolean $returnAllGroup Flag the return group, (true). * @param boolean $name Name of input field. * @param array $selected Array with dropdown values. Example: * $fields["value"] = "label". * @param string $script Javascript onChange code. * @param mixed $nothing Label when nothing is selected. * @param array $nothing_value Value when nothing is selected. * @param string $return Return string or dump to output. * @param boolean $multiple Enable multiple select. * @param mixed $sort Sort values or not (default false). * @param boolean $class CSS classes to apply. * @param boolean $disabled Disabled or enabled. * @param boolean $style CSS inline style. * @param string $option_style CSS inline style in array format. * @param integer $id_group Exclude group branch from id_group. * @param string $keys_field Field to be used as array key, (id). * @param boolean $strict_user Strict. * @param array $delete_groups Remove groups from select. * @param array $include_groups Add groups to select. * @param string $size Style, size (width) of element. * @param boolean $simple_multiple_options Discovery simple multiple inputs. * @param boolean $required Required input. * @param string $inverse Change All to None with inverse condition. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_select_groups( $id_user=false, $privilege='AR', $returnAllGroup=true, $name=null, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value=0, $return=false, $multiple=false, $sort=false, $class='', $disabled=false, $style=false, $option_style=false, $id_group=false, $keys_field='id_grupo', $strict_user=false, $delete_groups=false, $include_groups=false, $size=false, $simple_multiple_options=false, $required=false, $inverse='' ) { $output = ''; global $config; $select2_css = 'select2.min'; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) { $select2_css = 'select2_dark.min'; } if (is_ajax()) { $output .= ''; $output .= ''; } else { ui_require_css_file($select2_css); ui_require_javascript_file('select2.min'); } if ($name === null) { static $idcounter = []; if (isset($idcounter[$name]) === true) { $idcounter[$name]++; } else { $idcounter[$name] = 0; } $name = 'group_select'.$idcounter[$name]; } if ($id_group !== false) { $children = groups_get_children($id_group); foreach ($children as $child) { $delete_groups[] = $child['id_grupo']; } $delete_groups[] = $id_group; } $fields = []; // Preload selector. if (is_array($selected) === false) { if (empty($selected) === false) { $fields = [ $selected => groups_get_name($selected) ]; } else if ($returnAllGroup === true && $multiple === false) { if ($selected === 0 && $inverse !== '') { $fields = [ $selected => 'None' ]; } else { $fields = [ $selected => groups_get_name(null, true) ]; } } } else { foreach ($selected as $k) { if ($k === null || $k === '') { continue; } $fields[$k] = groups_get_name($k, $returnAllGroup); } if (empty($fields) === true && $returnAllGroup) { $fields[0] = groups_get_name(null, true); } } if (empty($nothing) === false) { $fields[$nothing_value] = $nothing; $include_groups[$nothing_value] = $nothing; } $json_exclusions = ''; $json_inclusions = ''; if (is_array($delete_groups) === true) { $json_exclusions = json_encode($delete_groups); } if (is_array($include_groups) === true) { $json_inclusions = json_encode($include_groups); } $output .= html_print_select( $fields, $name, $selected, $script, $nothing, $nothing_value, $return, $multiple, $sort, $class, $disabled, $style, $option_style, $size, false, '', false, $simple_multiple_options, $required ); if ($required !== false) { $require_message = __('Please select an item from this list.'); } if (empty($size) === true) { $size = '100%'; } ob_start(); ?> '; } $output .= ''; if ($select2_multiple_enable === true && $select2_multiple_enable_all === true ) { $output .= '
'; $output .= ''.__('All').''; $output .= html_print_checkbox_switch( $id.'-check-all', 1, false, true, $disabled, 'checkMultipleAll('.$id.')' ); $output .= '
'; $output .= ''; } if ($modal && !enterprise_installed()) { $output .= "
"; } $select2 = 'select2.min'; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && is_metaconsole() === false) { $select2 = 'select2_dark.min'; } if (($multiple === false || $select2_multiple_enable === true) && $select2_enable === true) { if (is_ajax() === true) { $output .= ''; $output .= ''; } else { ui_require_css_file($select2); ui_require_javascript_file('select2.min'); } $output .= ''; } if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Generates a multiselect component with filters. * * @param array $available Available. * @param array $selected Selected. * @param string $name Custom identifier (optional). * @param string $class Custom class for main container (optional). * @param boolean $return Dump to output or only return. * @param array $group_filter Ajax information to reload content while * using different group filter (if enabled). Uses: * [ * page => 'your/controller/php', * method => 'yourMethodName' * ] * Ensure you return data in json format as: * {id:label,id2:label2...} * Provided by caller. * @param array $texts Texts. * @param array $sections Enables or disables sub-components. * * @return string HTML code with component. */ function html_print_select_multiple_filtered( array $available, array $selected, ?string $name=null, string $class='', bool $return=true, array $group_filter=[], array $texts=[], array $sections=[] ) { ui_require_css_file('multiselect_filtered'); if (is_ajax() === true) { ui_require_javascript_file('multiselect_filtered', 'include/javascript/', true); } else { ui_require_javascript_file('multiselect_filtered'); } if (empty($name) === true) { $rid = uniqid(); } else { $rid = $name; } if (empty($texts) === true) { $texts = []; } if (empty($texts['filter-item']) === true) { $texts['filter-item'] = 'Filter agent alias'; } if (empty($texts['title-add']) === true) { $texts['title-add'] = 'Add selected'; } if (empty($texts['title-del']) === true) { $texts['title-del'] = 'Remove selected'; } if (empty($texts['title-left']) === true) { $texts['title-left'] = 'Available items'; } if (empty($texts['title-right']) === true) { $texts['title-right'] = 'Selected items'; } if (empty($sections) === true) { $sections = []; } if (isset($sections['filters']) === false) { $sections['filters'] = 1; } // Show/hide all left/rigth sfilters. if (isset($sections['item-selected-filters']) === false) { $sections['item-selected-filters'] = 1; } if (isset($sections['item-available-filters']) === false) { $sections['item-available-filters'] = 1; } if (isset($sections['group-filter']) == false) { $sections['group-filter'] = 1; } if (isset($sections['item-available-filter']) === false) { $sections['item-available-filter'] = 1; } if (isset($sections['item-selected-filter']) === false) { $sections['item-selected-filter'] = 1; } if (isset($group_filter) === false) { $sections['group-filter'] = 0; } if (isset($group_filter['nothing']) === false) { $group_filter['nothing'] = ''; } if (isset($group_filter['nothing_value']) === false) { $group_filter['nothing_value'] = 0; } // Main container. $output = '
'; // Left box. $output .= '
'; $disable_filters = ''; // Filtering. if (isset($sections['filters']) === true && $sections['filters'] === 1 && $sections['item-available-filters'] === 1 ) { // Filtering. if (isset($sections['group-filter']) === true && $sections['group-filter'] === 1 ) { $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $reload_content = "reloadContent('".$rid."'"; $reload_content .= ", '".ui_get_full_url('ajax.php')."'"; $reload_content .= ", '".base64_encode( json_encode($group_filter) )."'"; $reload_content .= ", 'left'"; $reload_content .= ", '".__('None')."')"; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'input_class' => 'flex-row-vcenter', 'label' => __('Filter group'), 'name' => 'id-group-available-select-'.$rid, 'returnAllGroup' => true, 'privilege' => 'AR', 'type' => 'select_groups', 'return' => true, 'script' => $reload_content, 'nothing' => $group_filter['nothing'], 'nothing_value' => $group_filter['nothing_value'], ] ); $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Group recursion'), 'input_class' => 'flex-row-vcenter', 'name' => 'id-group-recursion-available-select-'.$rid, 'id' => 'checkbox-id-group-recursion-available-select-'.$rid, 'type' => 'switch', 'onchange' => $reload_content, 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $disable_filters = "disableFilters('".$rid."')"; } if (isset($sections['item-available-filter']) === true && $sections['item-available-filter'] === 1 ) { $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'style' => 'display:none;', 'name' => 'tmp-available-select-'.$rid, 'type' => 'select', 'nothing' => false, 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; $f = "filterAvailableItems(this.value,'".$rid."','".__('None')."')"; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __($texts['filter-item']), 'name' => 'filter-item-available-'.$rid, 'onKeyUp' => $f, 'input_class' => 'filter w100p', 'size' => 20, 'type' => 'text', 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; } } $output .= ''.$texts['title-left'].''; // Selector boxes. $output .= html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => $available, 'name' => 'available-select-'.$rid.'[]', 'selected' => '', 'script' => $disable_filters, 'nothing' => '', 'nothing_value' => 0, 'return' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'sort' => true, 'class' => 'select-multiple', 'disabled' => false, 'style' => false, 'option_style' => false, 'size' => false, 'modal' => false, 'message' => '', 'select_all' => false, 'simple_multiple_options' => false, ] ); $output .= '
'; // Middle buttons actions. $add = "addItems('".$rid."','".__('None')."'); return false"; $del = "removeItems('".$rid."','".__('None')."'); return false"; $output .= '
'; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'image', 'src' => 'images/darrowright.png', 'return' => true, 'options' => [ 'title' => $texts['title-add'], 'onclick' => $add, 'class' => 'invert_filter', ], ] ); $output .= html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'image', 'src' => 'images/darrowleft.png', 'return' => true, 'options' => [ 'title' => $texts['title-del'], 'onclick' => $del, 'class' => 'invert_filter', ], ] ); $output .= '
'; // Right box. $output .= '
'; // Filtering. if (isset($sections['filters']) === true && $sections['filters'] === 1 && $sections['item-selected-filters'] ) { if (isset($sections['group-filter']) === true && $sections['group-filter'] === 1 ) { $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $reload_content = "reloadContent('".$rid."'"; $reload_content .= ", '".ui_get_full_url('ajax.php')."'"; $reload_content .= ", '".base64_encode( json_encode($group_filter) )."'"; $reload_content .= ", 'right'"; $reload_content .= ", '".__('None')."')"; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'input_class' => 'flex-row-vcenter', 'label' => __('Filter group'), 'name' => 'id-group-selected-select-'.$rid, 'returnAllGroup' => true, 'privilege' => 'AR', 'type' => 'select_groups', 'return' => true, 'script' => $reload_content, ] ); $output .= html_print_input( [ 'input_class' => 'flex-row-vcenter', 'label' => __('Group recursion'), 'name' => 'id-group-recursion-selected-select-'.$rid, 'type' => 'switch', 'script' => $reload_content, 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; } // Filtering. if (isset($sections['item-selected-filter']) === true && $sections['item-selected-filter'] === 1 ) { $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'style' => 'display:none;', 'name' => 'tmp-selected-select-'.$rid, 'type' => 'select', 'nothing' => false, 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; $f = "filterSelectedItems(this.value,'".$rid."','".__('None')."')"; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __($texts['filter-item']), 'name' => 'filter-item-selected-'.$rid, 'onKeyUp' => $f, 'input_class' => 'flex-row-vcenter filter w100p', 'size' => 20, 'type' => 'text', 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; } } $output .= ''.$texts['title-right'].''; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => $selected, 'name' => 'selected-select-'.$rid.'[]', 'selected' => '', 'script' => '', 'nothing' => '', 'nothing_value' => 0, 'return' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'sort' => true, 'class' => 'select-multiple', 'disabled' => false, 'style' => false, 'option_style' => false, 'size' => false, 'modal' => false, 'message' => '', 'select_all' => true, 'simple_multiple_options' => false, ] ); $output .= '
'; // Close main. $output .= '
'; if ($return === false) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Form multiple inputs for slect groups. * * @param array $data Data inputs. * * @return string Html output. */ function html_print_select_multiple_modules_filtered(array $data):string { if (is_ajax() === true) { ui_require_javascript_file( 'multiselect_filtered', 'include/javascript/', true ); ui_require_css_file( 'multiselect_filtered', 'include/styles/', true ); } else { ui_require_javascript_file('multiselect_filtered'); ui_require_css_file('multiselect_filtered'); } $uniqId = $data['uniqId']; $return_all_group = isset($data['mReturnAllGroup']) ? $data['mReturnAllGroup'] : true; // Group. $output = '
'; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Group'), 'name' => 'filtered-module-group-'.$uniqId, 'returnAllGroup' => $return_all_group, 'privilege' => 'AR', 'type' => 'select_groups', 'return' => true, 'script' => 'fmAgentChange(\''.$uniqId.'\')', 'selected' => $data['mGroup'], ] ); // Recursion. $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Recursion'), 'type' => 'switch', 'name' => 'filtered-module-recursion-'.$uniqId, 'value' => (empty($data['mRecursion']) === true) ? false : true, 'checked' => (empty($data['mRecursion']) === true) ? false : true, 'return' => true, 'id' => 'filtered-module-recursion-'.$uniqId, 'onchange' => 'fmAgentChange(\''.$uniqId.'\')', ] ); // Groups module. $module_groups = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tmodule_group ORDER BY name' ); $module_groups = array_reduce( $module_groups, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[$item['id_mg']] = $item['name']; return $carry; } ); $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Module group'), 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => $module_groups, 'name' => 'filtered-module-module-group-'.$uniqId, 'selected' => $data['mModuleGroup'], 'return' => true, 'nothing' => __('All'), 'nothing_value' => 0, 'script' => 'fmModuleChange(\''.$uniqId.'\', '.(int) is_metaconsole().')', ] ); $output .= '
'; if (empty($data['searchBar']) === false && $data['searchBar'] === true) { $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'agent-searchBar-'.$uniqId, 'onKeyUp' => 'searchAgent(\''.$uniqId.'\')', 'placeholder' => __('Type to search agents'), 'return' => true, ] ); $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; $output .= html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'module-searchBar-'.$uniqId, 'onKeyUp' => 'searchModule(\''.$uniqId.'\')', 'return' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Type to search modules'), ] ); $output .= '
'; $output .= '
'; } $output .= '
'; // Agent. $agents = agents_get_group_agents( // Id_group. $data['mGroup'], // Search. false, // Case. 'lower', // NoACL. false, // ChildGroups. false, // Serialized. false, // Separator. '|', // Add_alert_bulk_op. false, // Force_serialized. false, // Meta_fields. ($data['mMetaFields'] ?? is_metaconsole()) ); if ((empty($agents)) === true || $agents == -1) { $agents = []; } if ($data['mShowSelectedOtherGroups']) { $selected_agents = explode(',', $data['mAgents']); foreach ($selected_agents as $agent_id) { if (!array_key_exists($agent_id, $agents)) { $agents[$agent_id] = agents_get_alias($agent_id); } } } $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Agents'), 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => $agents, 'name' => 'filtered-module-agents-'.$uniqId, 'selected' => explode(',', $data['mAgents']), 'return' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'style' => 'min-width: 200px;max-width:200px;', 'script' => 'fmModuleChange(\''.$uniqId.'\', '.(int) is_metaconsole().')', ] ); $commonModules = 0; if (empty($data['mShowCommonModules']) === false) { $commonModules = 1; } $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Only common modules'), 'type' => 'switch', 'checked' => $commonModules, 'value' => $commonModules, 'name' => 'filtered-module-show-common-modules-'.$uniqId, 'id' => 'filtered-module-show-common-modules-'.$uniqId, 'return' => true, 'onchange' => 'fmModuleChange(\''.$uniqId.'\', '.(int) is_metaconsole().')', ] ); if (empty($data['mAgents']) === false && empty($data['mModuleGroup'] === false) ) { $all_modules = get_modules_agents( $data['mModuleGroup'], explode(',', $data['mAgents']), !$commonModules, false, true ); } else { $all_modules = []; } $mModules = $data['mModules']; if (is_array($data['mModules']) === false) { $mModules = explode( ',', $data['mModules'] ); } $result = []; // Clean double safe input. foreach ($mModules as $name) { $result[] = io_safe_output($name); } $output .= html_print_input( [ 'label' => __('Modules'), 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => $all_modules, 'name' => 'filtered-module-modules-'.$uniqId, 'selected' => $result, 'return' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'style' => 'min-width: 200px;max-width:200px;', ] ); $output .= '
'; if ($data['return'] === false) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Prints an array of fields in a popup menu of a form based on a SQL query. * The first and second columns of the query will be used. * * The element will have an id like: "password-$value". Based on choose_from_menu() from Moodle. * * @param string $sql SQL sentence, the first field will be the identifier of the option. * The second field will be the shown value in the dropdown. * @param string $name Select form name * @param string $selected Current selected value. * @param string $script Javascript onChange code. * @param string $nothing Label when nothing is selected. * @param string $nothing_value Value when nothing is selected * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param boolean $multiple Whether to allow multiple selections or not. Single by default * @param boolean $sort Whether to sort the options or not. Sorted by default. * @param boolean $disabled if it's true, disable the select. * @param string $style The string of style. * @param mixed $size Max elements showed in select or default (size=10) * @param integer $truncante_size Truncate size of the element, by default is set to GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT constant * @param integer $class Class to apply. * @param boolean $required Select is required or not. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_select_from_sql( $sql, $name, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value='0', $return=false, $multiple=false, $sort=true, $disabled=false, $style=false, $size=false, $truncate_size=GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, $class='', $required=false ) { global $config; $fields = []; $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($result === false) { $result = []; } foreach ($result as $row) { $id = array_shift($row); $value = array_shift($row); $fields[$id] = $value; } return html_print_select( $fields, $name, $selected, $script, $nothing, $nothing_value, $return, $multiple, $sort, $class, $disabled, $style, '', $size, // Modal. false, // Message. '', // Select_all. false, // Simple_multiple_options. false, // Required. $required, $truncate_size, true, true ); } function html_print_extended_select_for_unit( $name, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value='0', $size=false, $return=false, $select_style=false, $unique_name=true, $disabled=false, $no_change=0 ) { global $config; // $fields = post_process_get_custom_values(); $fields['_timeticks_'] = 'Timeticks'; $default_module_custom_units = get_custom_module_units(); $fields = array_merge($fields, $default_module_custom_units); if ($no_change != 0) { $fields[-1] = __('No change'); } // $selected_float = (float)$selected; // $found = false; // // if (array_key_exists($selected, $fields)) // $found = true; // // if (!$found) { // $fields[$selected] = floatval($selected); // } if ($unique_name === true) { $uniq_name = uniqid($name); } else { $uniq_name = $name; } ob_start(); echo '
'; html_print_select( $fields, $uniq_name.'_select', $selected, ''.$script, $nothing, $nothing_value, false, false, false, '', $disabled, 'font-size: xx-small;'.$select_style ); echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/pencil.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler', 'alt' => __('Custom'), 'title' => __('Custom'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;', ] ).''; echo '
'; echo '
'; html_print_input_text($uniq_name.'_text', $selected, '', 20); html_print_input_hidden($name, $selected, false, $uniq_name); echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/default_list.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler', 'alt' => __('List'), 'title' => __('List'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;', ] ).''; echo '
'; echo ""; $returnString = ob_get_clean(); if ($return) { return $returnString; } else { echo $returnString; } } function html_print_extended_select_for_post_process( $name, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value='0', $size=false, $return=false, $select_style=false, $unique_name=true, $disabled=false, $no_change=0 ) { global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_post_process.php'; $fields = post_process_get_custom_values(); if ($no_change != 0) { $fields[-1] = __('No change'); } $selected_float = (float) $selected; $found = false; if ($selected) { if (array_key_exists(number_format($selected, 14, '.', ','), $fields)) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) { $fields[$selected] = floatval($selected); } if ($unique_name === true) { $uniq_name = uniqid($name); } else { $uniq_name = $name; } $style = 'font-size: xx-small;'; if ($select_style !== false) { $style .= sprintf(' %s', $select_style); } ob_start(); echo '
'; html_print_select( $fields, $uniq_name.'_select', $selected, ''.$script, $nothing, $nothing_value, false, false, false, '', $disabled, $style ); echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/pencil.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler', 'alt' => __('Custom'), 'title' => __('Custom'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;', ] ).''; echo '
'; echo '
'; html_print_input_text($uniq_name.'_text', $selected, '', 20); html_print_input_hidden($name, $selected, false, $uniq_name); echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/default_list.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler', 'alt' => __('List'), 'title' => __('List'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;', ] ).''; echo '
'; echo ""; $returnString = ob_get_clean(); if ($return) { return $returnString; } else { echo $returnString; } } /** * Render a pair of select for times and text box for set the time more fine. * * @param string $name Select form name. * @param mixed $selected Current selected value. Can be a single value or an array of selected values (in combination with multiple). * @param string $script Javascript onChange (select) code. * @param string $nothing Label when nothing is selected. * @param mixed $nothing_value Value when nothing is selected. * @param integer $size Size of the input. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param boolean $select_style Wherter to assign to combo a unique name (to have more than one on same page, like dashboard). * @param boolean $unique_name Uunique name value. * @param string $class Class value. * @param boolean $readonly Readonly value. * @param string $custom_fields Custom fields value. * @param string $style_icon Style icon value. * @param boolean $no_change No change value. * @param boolean $allow_zero Allow the use of the value zero. * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_extended_select_for_time( $name, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value='0', $size=false, $return=false, $select_style=false, $unique_name=true, $class='', $readonly=false, $custom_fields=false, $style_icon='', $no_change=false, $allow_zero=0 ) { global $config; $admin = is_user_admin($config['id_user']); if ($custom_fields) { $fields = $custom_fields; } else { $fields = get_periods(true, true, $allow_zero); } if ($no_change) { $fields['-2'] = __('No change'); } if (empty($selected) === false && $selected !== '0' && isset($fields[$selected]) === false ) { $allow_zero = false; $fields[$selected] = human_time_description_raw($selected, true); } if (empty($nothing) === true && (empty($selected) === true || $selected === '0') ) { $selected = 300; } $units = [ 1 => __('seconds'), SECONDS_1MINUTE => __('minutes'), SECONDS_1HOUR => __('hours'), SECONDS_1DAY => __('days'), SECONDS_1WEEK => __('weeks'), SECONDS_1MONTH => __('months'), SECONDS_1YEAR => __('years'), ]; if ($unique_name === true) { $uniq_name = uniqid($name); } else { $uniq_name = $name; } if ($readonly) { $readonly = true; } ob_start(); // Use the no_meta parameter because this image is only in the base console. echo '
'; html_print_select( $fields, $uniq_name.'_select', $selected, ''.$script, $nothing, $nothing_value, false, false, false, $class, $readonly, 'font-size: xx-small;'.$select_style ); // The advanced control is only for admins. if ($admin) { echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/pencil.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler '.$class.' invert_filter', 'alt' => __('Custom'), 'title' => __('Custom'), 'style' => 'width: 18px; margin-bottom: -5px;'.$style_icon, ], false, false, true ).''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; html_print_input_text($uniq_name.'_text', $selected, '', $size, 255, false, $readonly, false, '', $class); html_print_input_hidden($name, $selected, false, $uniq_name); html_print_select( $units, $uniq_name.'_units', '1', ''.$script, '', 0, false, false, false, $class, $readonly, 'padding: 7px 3px;height: 32px;'.$select_style, false, false, false, '', false, false, false, false, false ); echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/list.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler invert_filter', 'alt' => __('List'), 'title' => __('List'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;margin-bottom: -5px;'.$style_icon, ] ).''; echo '
'; echo ""; $returnString = ob_get_clean(); if ($return) { return $returnString; } else { echo $returnString; } } /** * Print selects to configure the cron of a module. * * @param string $hour Run hour. * @param string $minute Run minute. * @param string $mday Run day of the month. * @param string $month Run month. * @param string $wday Run day of the week. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param boolean $disabled If true, the control will show disabled. * @param boolean $to Print cron grayed. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_extended_select_for_cron($hour='*', $minute='*', $mday='*', $month='*', $wday='*', $return=false, $disabled=false, $to=false, $advanced=false, $adv_mode_name='') { // Hours for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $hours[$i] = $i; } // Minutes for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) { $minutes[$i] = $i; // If minute is not a multiple of 5, then add style to option in order to hide it from minute select but still is a valid value that input can adopt. We want this in case a value that is not a multiple of 5 is entered in module's data configuration. if (($i % 5) != 0) { $minutes_hidden_options[$i] = 'display: none;'; } } // Month days for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $mdays[$i] = $i; } // Months for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $months[$i] = date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1)); } // Days of the week $wdays = [ __('Sunday'), __('Monday'), __('Tuesday'), __('Wednesday'), __('Thursday'), __('Friday'), __('Saturday'), ]; // Print selectors $table = new stdClass(); $table->id = 'cron'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'databox data'; $table->head[0] = __('Hour'); $table->head[1] = __('Minute'); $table->head[2] = __('Month day'); $table->head[3] = __('Month'); $table->head[4] = __('Week day'); if ($advanced === false) { if ($to) { $table->data[0][0] = html_print_select($hours, 'hour_to', $hour, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); $table->data[0][1] = html_print_select($minutes, 'minute_to', $minute, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled, false, $minutes_hidden_options); $table->data[0][2] = html_print_select($mdays, 'mday_to', $mday, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); $table->data[0][3] = html_print_select($months, 'month_to', $month, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); $table->data[0][4] = html_print_select($wdays, 'wday_to', $wday, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); } else { $table->data[0][0] = html_print_select($hours, 'hour_from', $hour, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); $table->data[0][1] = html_print_select($minutes, 'minute_from', $minute, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled, false, $minutes_hidden_options); $table->data[0][2] = html_print_select($mdays, 'mday_from', $mday, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); $table->data[0][3] = html_print_select($months, 'month_from', $month, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); $table->data[0][4] = html_print_select($wdays, 'wday_from', $wday, '', __('Any'), '*', true, false, false, '', $disabled); } } else { if ($adv_mode_name !== '') { $adv_mode_name = '_'.$adv_mode_name; } $table->data[0][0] = html_print_extended_select_for_downtime_cron( 'cron_hour'.$adv_mode_name, $hours, $hour, '', __('Any'), '*', false, true, false, false, false, 0, 'Valid values: [0-23], [0-23]-[0-23], *, or step value (example: */3, 10/5)' ); $table->data[0][1] = html_print_extended_select_for_downtime_cron( 'cron_minute'.$adv_mode_name, $minutes, $minute, '', __('Any'), '*', false, true, false, false, false, 0, 'Valid values: [0-59], [0-59]-[0-59], *, or step value (example: */5, 10/1)' ); $table->data[0][2] = html_print_extended_select_for_downtime_cron( 'cron_mday'.$adv_mode_name, $mdays, $mday, '', __('Any'), '*', false, true, false, false, false, 0, 'Valid values: [1-31], [1-31]-[1-31], *, or step value (example: */5, 7/2)' ); $table->data[0][3] = html_print_extended_select_for_downtime_cron( 'cron_month'.$adv_mode_name, $months, $month, '', __('Any'), '*', false, true, false, false, false, 0, 'Valid values: [1-12], [1-12]-[1-12], *, or step value (example: */3, 9/1)' ); $table->data[0][4] = html_print_extended_select_for_downtime_cron( 'cron_wday'.$adv_mode_name, $wdays, $wday, '', __('Any'), '*', false, true, false, false, false, 0, 'Valid values: [0-6], [0-6]-[0-6], *, or step value (example: */2, 3/1)' ); } return html_print_table($table, $return); } /** * Prints an input slide. * * @param string $name Name. * @param integer $value Value. * @param string $id Id. * @param boolean $return Return. * @param integer $min Min. * @param integer $max Max. * @param integer $step Step. * @param string $class Class. * @param string $oninput Oninput. * * @return string HTML code for input. */ function html_print_input_range( $name, $value, $id='', $return=true, $min=0, $max=100, $step=1, $class='', $oninput='' ) { $output = ' $attr_value) { if (! in_array($attribute, $valid_attrs)) { continue; } $output .= $attribute.'="'.$attr_value.'" '; } } else { $output .= trim($attributes).' '; $attributes = []; } if (!empty($alt)) { $output .= 'alt="'.$alt.'" '; } // Attributes specified by function call. $attrs = [ 'name' => 'unnamed', 'value' => '', 'id' => 'text-'.sprintf('%04d', $idcounter), 'size' => '', 'maxlength' => '', ]; foreach ($attrs as $attribute => $default) { if (array_key_exists($attribute, $attributes)) { continue; } //end if /* * Remember, this next code have a $$ that for example there is a var as * $a = 'john' then $$a is a var $john . * * In this case is use for example for $name and $atribute = 'name' . * */ // Exact operator because we want to show "0" on the value if ($attribute !== '') { $output .= $attribute.'="'.$$attribute.'" '; } else if ($default != '') { $output .= $attribute.'="'.$default.'" '; } } if (!empty($script)) { if (is_string($script)) { $code = $script; $script = []; $script['onkeyup'] = $code; } foreach ($script as $event => $code) { $output .= ' '.$event.'="'.$code.'" '; } } $output .= $function.'/>'; if (!$return) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Render a section
html element. * * @param array $options Parameters: * - id: string * - style: string * - class: string * - title: string * - hidden: boolean * - content: string. * @param boolean $return Return or echo flag. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_div( array $options, bool $return=false ) { $output = ' tag for show code. * For debug purposes, see for `hd()` function. * * @param string $content Content of tag. * @param boolean $return Return the tag string formed. * @param array $attributes Attributes availables for pre tags. * * @return string */ function html_print_code( string $content, bool $return=true, array $attributes=[] ) { $output = ' $value) { $output .= ' '.$attribute.'="'.io_safe_input_html($value).'"'; } } $output .= sprintf('>%s', $content); if ($return === true) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } } /** * Render an anchor html element. * * @param array $options Parameters. * - id: string. * - style: string. * - title: string. * - href: string. * - content: string. * - onClick: string. * @param boolean $return Return or echo flag. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_anchor( array $options, bool $return=false ) { $output = ' $attr_value) { // Check valid attribute. if (in_array($attribute, $valid_attrs) === false) { continue; } $output .= $attribute.'="'.$attr_value.'" '; } $output .= $function.'/>'; } } return $output; } /** * Render an input number element. * * @param array $settings Array with attributes input. * only name is necessary. * * @return string */ function html_print_input_number(array $settings):string { // TODO: const. $valid_attrs = [ 'accept', 'disabled', 'maxlength', 'name', 'readonly', 'placeholder', 'size', 'value', 'accesskey', 'class', 'dir', 'id', 'lang', 'style', 'tabindex', 'title', 'xml:lang', 'onfocus', 'onblur', 'onselect', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'ondblclick', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup', 'onmouseover', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onkeypress', 'onkeydown', 'onkeyup', 'required', 'pattern', 'autocomplete', 'min', 'max', 'step', ]; global $config; $text_color = ''; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) { $text_color = 'style="color: white"'; } $output = ''; if (isset($settings) === true && is_array($settings) === true) { // Check Name is necessary. if (isset($settings['name']) === true) { $output = ' $attr_value) { // Check valid attribute. if (in_array($attribute, $valid_attrs) === false) { continue; } $output .= $attribute.'="'.$attr_value.'" '; } $output .= '/>'; } } return $output; } /** * Render an input image element. * * The element will have an id like: "image-$name" * * @param string $name Input name. * @param string $src Image source. * @param string $value Input value. * @param string $style HTML style property. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_input_image($name, $src, $value, $style='', $return=false, $options=false) { global $config; static $idcounter = 0; ++$idcounter; // Checks if user's skin is available $isFunctionSkins = enterprise_include_once('include/functions_skins.php'); if ($isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $skin_path = enterprise_hook('skins_get_image_path', [$src]); if ($skin_path) { $src = $skin_path; } } // If metaconsole is activated and image doesn't exists try to search on normal console if (is_metaconsole()) { if (false === @file_get_contents($src, 0, null, 0, 1)) { $src = '../../'.$src; } } // path to image $src = ui_get_full_url($src); $output = ''; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Render an input hidden element. * * The element will have an id like: "hidden-$name" * * @param string $name Input name. * @param string $value Input value. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now * (optional, echo by default). * @param string $class Set the class of input. * @param string $attributes String with the needed attributes to add. * @param string $id Specific id. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_input_hidden( $name, $value, $return=false, $class=false, $attributes=false, $id='' ) { if ($class !== false) { $classText = 'class="'.$class.'"'; } else { $classText = ''; } if ($attributes !== false) { $otherAttributes = $attributes; } else { $otherAttributes = ''; } $separator = '"'; if (is_string($value)) { if (strstr($value, '"')) { $separator = "'"; } } $idInput = 'hidden-'.$name; if (empty($id) === false) { $idInput = $id; } $output = ''; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Render an input hidden element. Extended version, use html_print_input_hidden() to simplify. * * The element will have an id like: "hidden-$name" * * @param string $name Input name. * @param string $value Input value. * @param string $id Input value. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param string $class Set the class of input. * @param boolean $quotes Use simple quotes or double quotes. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_input_hidden_extended( $name, $value, $id, $return=false, $class=false, $quotes=false ) { if ($class !== false) { $classText = 'class="'.$class.'"'; } else { $classText = ''; } if (empty($id)) { $ouput_id = 'hidden-'.$name; } else { $ouput_id = $id; } $quote = '"'; if ($quotes === true) { $quote = "'"; } $output = ''; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Render an submit input button element. * * The element will have an id like: "submit-$name" * * @param string $label Input label. * @param string $name Input name. * @param boolean $disabled Whether to disable by default or not. Enabled by default. * @param mixed $attributes Additional HTML attributes. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_submit_button($label='OK', $name='', $disabled=false, $attributes='', $return=false) { if (is_string($attributes) === true) { $attributes = []; } // Set the button type from here. $attributes['type'] = 'submit'; $output = html_print_button( $label, $name, $disabled, (isset($attributes['onclick']) === true) ? $attributes['onclick'] : '', $attributes, true ); if ($return === false) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } /** * Render an submit input button element. * * The element will have an id like: "button-$name" * * @param string $label Input label. * @param string $name Input name. * @param boolean $disabled Whether to disable by default or not. Enabled by default. * @param string $script JavaScript to attach * @param mixed $attributes Additional HTML attributes. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param boolean $imageButton Set the button as a image button without text, by default is false. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_button($label='OK', $name='', $disabled=false, $script='', $attributes='', $return=false, $imageButton=false, $modal=false, $message='') { $output = ''; $classes = ''; if (empty($name) === true) { $name = 'unnamed'; } // Icon for show in button. $iconToUse = ''; if (is_array($attributes) === true) { $attr_array = $attributes; $attributes = ''; foreach ($attr_array as $attribute => $value) { if ($attribute === 'icon') { $iconToUse = $value; } else if ($attribute === 'mode') { if ($value !== 'link') { $buttonMode = $value; } else { $iconToUse = ''; } $classes .= ' '.$value; } else if ($attribute === 'type') { $buttonType = $value; $classes .= ' '.$value.'Button'; } else if ($attribute === 'class') { $classes .= ' '.$value; } else { $attributes .= $attribute.'="'.$value.'" '; } } } else if (empty($attributes) === false && is_string($attributes) === true) { $tmpData = explode(' ', $attributes); $iconToUse = $tmpData[(array_search('sub', $tmpData) + 1)]; $iconToUse = preg_replace('([^A-Za-z])', '', $iconToUse); } if (empty($iconToUse) === false || (isset($buttonMode) === true && $buttonMode !== 'onlyIcon')) { $iconDiv = html_print_div( [ 'style' => '', 'class' => sprintf( 'subIcon %s %s', $iconToUse, (empty($buttonMode) === false) ? $buttonMode : '' ), ], true ); } else { $iconDiv = ''; } if ($imageButton === false) { $content = $label; $content .= $iconDiv; } else { $content = $iconDiv; } // In case of not selected button type, in this case, will be normal button. if (isset($buttonType) === false || ($buttonType !== 'button' && $buttonType !== 'submit')) { $buttonType = 'button'; $classes .= ' buttonButton'; } $output = sprintf( '', $buttonType, $classes, (empty($name) === false) ? ' name="'.$name.'"' : '', (empty($name) === false) ? ' id="button-'.$name.'"' : '', (empty($label) === false) ? ' value="'.$label.'"' : '', ($disabled === true) ? ' disabled' : '', (empty($script) === false) ? ' onClick="'.$script.'"' : '', (empty($attributes) === false) ? $attributes : '', $content ); if ($modal !== false && enterprise_installed() === false) { $output .= "
"; } if ($return === true) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } } /** * Render an input textarea element. * * The element will have an id like: "textarea_$name" * * @param string $name Input name. * @param integer $rows How many rows (height) * @param integer $columns How many columns (width) * @param string $value Text in the textarea * @param string $attributes Additional attributes * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_textarea( $name, $rows, $columns, $value='', $attributes='', $return=false, $class='', $disable=false, $id=false ) { $disabled = ($disable) ? 'disabled' : ''; if ($id === false) { $id = 'textarea_'.$name; } $output = ''; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Return a table parameters predefined * * @param string model * - Transparent: More basic template. No borders, all the columns with same width * @param int number of columns * * @return object Table object */ function html_get_predefined_table($model='transparent', $columns=4) { $width_percent = (100 / $columns); switch ($model) { case 'transparent': default: $table = new stdClass(); $table->class = 'none'; $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->head = []; $table->data = []; $table->style = array_fill(0, 4, 'text-align:center; width: '.$width_percent.'%;'); $table->width = '100%'; } return $table; } /** * Print a nicely formatted table. Code taken from moodle. * * @param object Object with several properties: * $table->head - An array of heading names. * $table->head_colspan - An array of colspans of each head column. * $table->headstyle - An array of styles of each head column. * $table->align - An array of column alignments * $table->valign - An array of column alignments * $table->size - An array of column sizes * $table->wrap - An array of "nowrap"s or nothing * $table->style - An array of personalized style for each column. * $table->rowid - An array of personalized ids of each row. * $table->rowstyle - An array of personalized style of each row. * $table->rowclass - An array of personalized classes of each row (odd-evens classes will be ignored). * $table->colspan - An array of colspans of each column. * $table->rowspan - An array of rowspans of each column. * $table->data[] - An array of arrays containing the data. * $table->width - A percentage of the page * $table->border - Border of the table. * $table->tablealign - Align the whole table (float left or right) * $table->cellpadding - Padding on each cell * $table->cellspacing - Spacing between cells * $table->cellstyle - Style of a cell * $table->cellclass - Class of a cell * $table->class - CSS table class * $table->id - Table ID (useful in JavaScript) * $table->headclass[] - An array of classes for each heading * $table->title - Title of the table is a single string that will be on top of the table in the head spanning the whole table * $table->titlestyle - Title style * $table->titleclass - Title class * $table->styleTable - Table style * $table->autosize - Autosize * $table->caption - Table title * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_table(&$table, $return=false) { $output = ''; static $table_count = 0; if (!isset($table)) { $table = new StdClass(); } $table_count++; if (isset($table->align)) { foreach ($table->align as $key => $aa) { if ($aa) { $align[$key] = ' text-align:'.$aa.';'; } else { $align[$key] = ''; } } } if (isset($table->valign)) { foreach ($table->valign as $key => $aa) { if ($aa) { $valign[$key] = ' vertical-align:'.$aa.';'; } else { $valign[$key] = ''; } } } if (isset($table->size)) { foreach ($table->size as $key => $ss) { if ($ss) { $size[$key] = ' width:'.$ss.';'; } else { $size[$key] = ''; } } } if (isset($table->style)) { foreach ($table->style as $key => $st) { if ($st) { $style[$key] = ' '.$st.';'; } else { $style[$key] = ''; } } } $styleTable = ''; if (isset($table->styleTable)) { $styleTable = $table->styleTable; } if (isset($table->rowid)) { foreach ($table->rowid as $key => $id) { $rowid[$key] = $id; } } if (isset($table->rowstyle)) { foreach ($table->rowstyle as $key => $st) { $rowstyle[$key] = ' '.$st.';'; } } if (isset($table->rowclass)) { foreach ($table->rowclass as $key => $class) { $rowclass[$key] = $class; } } if (isset($table->colspan)) { foreach ($table->colspan as $keyrow => $cspan) { foreach ($cspan as $key => $span) { $colspan[$keyrow][$key] = ' colspan="'.$span.'"'; } } } if (isset($table->cellstyle)) { foreach ($table->cellstyle as $keyrow => $cstyle) { foreach ($cstyle as $key => $cst) { $cellstyle[$keyrow][$key] = $cst; } } } if (isset($table->cellclass)) { foreach ($table->cellclass as $keyrow => $cclass) { foreach ($cclass as $key => $ccl) { $cellclass[$keyrow][$key] = $ccl; } } } if (isset($table->rowspan)) { foreach ($table->rowspan as $keyrow => $rspan) { foreach ($rspan as $key => $span) { $rowspan[$keyrow][$key] = ' rowspan="'.$span.'"'; } } } if (empty($table->width)) { // $table->width = '80%'; } if (isset($table->autosize) === true) { $table->autosize = 'autosize = "1"'; } else { $table->autosize = ''; } if (empty($table->border)) { if (empty($table)) { $table = new stdClass(); } $table->border = '0'; } if (empty($table->tablealign) || (($table->tablealign != 'left') && ($table->tablealign != 'right'))) { $table->tablealign = '"'; } else { $table->tablealign = 'float:'.$table->tablealign.';"'; // Align is deprecated. Use float instead } if (!isset($table->cellpadding)) { $table->cellpadding = '4'; } if (!isset($table->cellspacing)) { $table->cellspacing = '4'; } if (empty($table->class)) { $table->class = 'databox'; } if (empty($table->titlestyle)) { $table->titlestyle = 'text-align:center;'; } $tableid = empty($table->id) ? 'table'.$table_count : $table->id; if (!empty($table->width)) { $output .= 'autosize.' style="width:'.$table->width.'; '.$styleTable.' '.$table->tablealign; } else { $output .= '
autosize.' style="'.$styleTable.' '.$table->tablealign; } $output .= ' cellpadding="'.$table->cellpadding.'" cellspacing="'.$table->cellspacing.'"'; $output .= ' border="'.$table->border.'" class="'.$table->class.'" id="'.$tableid.'">'; $countcols = 0; if (!empty($table->caption)) { $output .= ''; } if (!empty($table->head)) { $countcols = count($table->head); $output .= ''; if (isset($table->title)) { $output .= ''; } foreach ($table->head as $key => $heading) { if (!isset($size[$key])) { $size[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($align[$key])) { $align[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($table->headclass[$key])) { $table->headclass[$key] = 'header c'.$key; } if (isset($table->head_colspan[$key])) { $headColspan = 'colspan = "'.$table->head_colspan[$key].'"'; } else { $headColspan = ''; } if (isset($table->headstyle[$key])) { $headStyle = ' style = "'.$table->headstyle[$key].'" '; } else { $headStyle = ''; } $output .= ''; } $output .= ''."\n"; } $output .= ''."\n"; if (!empty($table->data)) { $oddeven = 1; foreach ($table->data as $keyrow => $row) { if (!isset($rowstyle[$keyrow])) { $rowstyle[$keyrow] = ''; } if (!isset($rowid[$keyrow])) { $rowid[$keyrow] = $tableid.'-'.$keyrow; } $oddeven = $oddeven ? 0 : 1; $class = 'datos'.($oddeven ? '' : '2'); if (isset($rowclass[$keyrow])) { $class = $rowclass[$keyrow]; } $output .= ''."\n"; // Special separator rows if ($row == 'hr' and $countcols) { $output .= ''; continue; } if (!is_array($row)) { $row = (array) $row; } // It's a normal row foreach ($row as $key => $item) { if (!isset($size[$key])) { $size[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($cellstyle[$keyrow][$key])) { $cellstyle[$keyrow][$key] = ''; } if (!isset($cellclass[$keyrow][$key])) { $cellclass[$keyrow][$key] = ''; } if (!isset($colspan[$keyrow][$key])) { $colspan[$keyrow][$key] = ''; } if (!isset($rowspan[$keyrow][$key])) { $rowspan[$keyrow][$key] = ''; } if (!isset($align[$key])) { $align[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($valign[$key])) { $valign[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($wrap[$key])) { $wrap[$key] = ''; } if (!isset($style[$key])) { $style[$key] = ''; } if ($class === 'datos5' && $key === 1) { $output .= ''."\n"; } else { $output .= ''."\n"; } } $output .= ''."\n"; } } $output .= '


titlestyle)) { $output .= ' style="'.$table->titlestyle.'"'; } if (isset($table->titleclass)) { $output .= ' class="'.$table->titleclass.'"'; } $output .= '>'.$table->title.'
'."\n"; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Render a radio button input. Extended version, use html_print_input() * to simplify. * * @param string $name Input name. * @param string $value Input value. * @param string $label Set the button to be marked (optional, unmarked by default). * @param string $checkedvalue Checked value. * @param string $disabled Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default). * @param string $script Script to execute when onClick event is triggered (optional). * @param string $attributes Optional HTML attributes. It's a free string which will be inserted tag, use it carefully (optional). * @param string $returnparam Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param string $modalparam Modal param. * @param string $message Message. * @param string $id Use custom id. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_radio_button_extended( $name, $value, $label, $checkedvalue, $disabled, $script, $attributes, $return=false, $modal=false, $message='visualmodal', $id=null ) { static $idcounter = 0; $output = ''; $output = ''.$label['label'].''."\n"; } } else { if ($label != '') { $output .= ''."\n"; } } if ($modal && !enterprise_installed()) { $output .= "
"; } if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Render a radio button input. * * @param string Input name. * @param string Input value. * @param string Label to add after the radio button (optional). * @param string Checked and selected value, the button will be selected if it matches $value (optional). * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_radio_button($name, $value, $label='', $checkedvalue='', $return=false, $disabled=false) { $output = html_print_radio_button_extended($name, $value, $label, $checkedvalue, $disabled, '', '', true); if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Render a checkbox button input. Extended version, use html_print_checkbox() to simplify. * * @param string $name Input name. * @param string $value Input value. * @param string $checked Set the button to be marked (optional, unmarked by default). * @param boolean $disabled Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default). * @param string $script Script to execute when onClick event is triggered (optional). * @param string $attributes Optional HTML attributes. It's a free string which will be inserted into the HTML tag, use it carefully (optional). * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param string $id Custom id. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_checkbox_extended( $name, $value, $checked, $disabled, $script, $attributes, $return=false, $id='' ) { static $idcounter = []; // If duplicate names exist, it will start numbering. Otherwise it won't if (isset($idcounter[$name])) { $idcounter[$name]++; } else { $idcounter[$name] = 0; } $id_aux = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\:\;\-\_]/i', '', $name.($idcounter[$name] ? $idcounter[$name] : '')); $output = ''; $output .= ''). * @param boolean $relative Whether to use relative path to image or not * (i.e. $relative= true : /pandora/). * @param boolean $no_in_meta Do not show on metaconsole folder at first. Go * directly to the node. * @param boolean $isExternalLink Do not shearch for images in Pandora. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_image( $src, $return=false, $options=false, $return_src=false, $relative=false, $no_in_meta=false, $isExternalLink=false ) { global $config; // If metaconsole is in use then don't use skins. if (!is_metaconsole()) { // Checks if user's skin is available. $isFunctionSkins = enterprise_include_once('include/functions_skins.php'); if ($isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $skin_path = enterprise_hook('skins_get_image_path', [$src]); if ($skin_path) { $src = $skin_path; } } } // If metaconsole is activated and image doesn't exists try to search on normal console. if (is_metaconsole()) { if (!$relative) { $working_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', getcwd()); // Windows compatibility. if ($no_in_meta) { $src = '../../'.$src; } else if (strstr($working_dir, 'enterprise/meta') === false) { if ($src[0] !== '/') { $src = '/'.$src; } if (!is_readable($working_dir.'/enterprise/meta'.$src)) { if ($isExternalLink) { $src = ui_get_full_url($src, false, false, false); } else { $src = ui_get_full_url('../..'.$src); } } else { $src = ui_get_full_url($src); } } else { if ($src[0] !== '/') { $src = '/'.$src; } if (is_readable($working_dir.$src)) { $src = ui_get_full_url($src); } else if (!is_readable($src)) { $src = ui_get_full_url('../../'.$src); } } } else { $src = '../../'.$src; } } else { if (!$relative) { $src_tmp = $src; $src = ui_get_full_url($src); } } // Only return src field of image. if ($return_src) { if (!$return) { echo io_safe_input($src); return null; } return io_safe_input($src); } $output = ''; } else { $output .= '/>'; } if (!$return) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Function for print the logo in menu header. * * @param boolean $menuCollapsed If true, the menu is collapsed. * @param boolean $return If true, the formed element is returned. * * @return mixed. */ function html_print_header_logo_image(bool $menuCollapsed, bool $return=false) { global $config; if (defined('PANDORA_ENTERPRISE') === false) { if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black') { $custom_logo = 'images/custom_logo/'.HEADER_LOGO_BLACK_CLASSIC; $custom_logo_collapsed = 'images/custom_logo/'.HEADER_LOGO_DEFAULT_COLLAPSED; } else if ($config['style'] === 'pandora') { $custom_logo = 'images/custom_logo/'.HEADER_LOGO_DEFAULT_CLASSIC; $custom_logo_collapsed = 'images/custom_logo/'.HEADER_LOGO_DEFAULT_COLLAPSED; } $logo_title = get_product_name().' Opensource'; } else { // Handle default logos when change theme. if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && $config['custom_logo'] === HEADER_LOGO_DEFAULT_CLASSIC) { $config['custom_logo'] = HEADER_LOGO_BLACK_CLASSIC; } else if ($config['style'] === 'pandora' && $config['custom_logo'] === HEADER_LOGO_BLACK_CLASSIC) { $config['custom_logo'] = HEADER_LOGO_DEFAULT_CLASSIC; } $logo_title = get_product_name().' Enterprise'; $custom_logo = 'images/custom_logo/'.$config['custom_logo']; $custom_logo_collapsed = 'images/custom_logo/'.$config['custom_logo_collapsed']; if (file_exists(ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/'.$custom_logo) === true) { $custom_logo = ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/'.$custom_logo; } } if (isset($config['custom_logo']) === true) { $output = html_print_image( $custom_logo, true, [ 'border' => '0', 'width' => '215', 'alt' => $logo_title, 'class' => 'logo_full', 'style' => ($menuCollapsed === true) ? 'display:none' : 'display:block', ] ); } if (isset($config['custom_logo_collapsed']) === true) { $output .= html_print_image( $custom_logo_collapsed, true, [ 'border' => '0', 'width' => '60', 'alt' => $logo_title, 'class' => 'logo_icon', 'style' => ($menuCollapsed === true) ? 'display:block' : 'display:none', ] ); } if ($return === false) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } /** * Render an input text element. Extended version, use html_print_input_text() to simplify. * * @param string Input name. * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param array An array with optional HTML parameters. * Key size: HTML size attribute. * Key disabled: Whether to disable the input or not. * Key class: HTML class */ function html_print_input_file($name, $return=false, $options=false) { $output = ''; // Start to build the input. $output .= '
'; $out .= html_print_image('images/sort_up_black.png', true); $out .= ''; $out .= html_print_image('images/sort_down_black.png', true).''; } /** * Print an input hidden with a new csrf token generated * * @param boolean $return If it is true return a string with the output instead to echo the output. * * @return void */ function html_print_csrf_hidden(bool $return=false) { return html_print_input_hidden('csrf_code', generate_csrf_code(), $return); } /** * Print an error if csrf is incorrect */ function html_print_csrf_error() { if (validate_csrf_code()) { return false; } ui_print_error_message( __( '%s cannot verify the origin of the request. Try again, please.', get_product_name() ) ); return true; } /** * Print an swith button. * * @param array $attributes Valid params. * name: Usefull to handle in forms. * value: If is checked or not. * disabled: Disabled. Cannot be pressed. * id: Optional id for the switch. * class: Additional classes (string). * value: Check or not (boolean). * disabled: Enabled or disabled (boolean). * * @return string with HTML of button. */ function html_print_switch($attributes=[]) { $html_expand = ''; // Check the load values on status. $html_expand .= (bool) ($attributes['value'] ?? false) ? ' checked' : ''; $html_expand .= (bool) ($attributes['disabled'] ?? false) ? ' disabled' : ''; // Only load the valid attributes. $valid_attrs = [ 'id', 'class', 'name', 'onclick', 'onchange', ]; foreach ($valid_attrs as $va) { if (!isset($attributes[$va])) { continue; } $html_expand .= ' '.$va.'="'.$attributes[$va].'"'; } if (!isset($attributes['style'])) { $attributes['style'] = ''; } $disabled_class = (bool) ($attributes['disabled'] ?? false) ? ' p-slider-disabled' : ''; return ""; } /** * Print a link with post params.The component is really a form with a button * with some inputs hidden. * * @param string $text Text to show. * @param array $params Params to be written like inputs hidden. * @param string $text Text of image. * @param string $style Additional style for the element. * * @return string With HTML code. */ function html_print_link_with_params($text, $params=[], $type='text', $style='') { $html = '
'; switch ($type) { case 'image': $html .= html_print_input_image($text, $text, $text, $style, true); break; case 'text': default: if (!empty($style)) { $style = ' style="'.$style.'"'; } $html .= html_print_submit_button( $text, $text, false, 'class="button-as-link"'.$style, true ); break; } foreach ($params as $param => $value) { $html .= html_print_input_hidden($param, $value, true); } $html .= '
'; return $html; } /** * Print input using functions html lib. * * @param array $data Input definition. * @param string $wrapper Wrapper 'div' or 'li'. * @param boolean $input_only Return or print only input or also label. * * @return string HTML code for desired input. */ function html_print_input($data, $wrapper='div', $input_only=false) { global $config; if (is_array($data) === false) { return ''; } enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); $style = ''; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) { $style = 'style="color: white"'; } if (isset($data['label_class']) === false) { $data['label_class'] = ''; } $output = ''; if (($data['label'] ?? false) && $input_only === false) { $output = '<'.$wrapper.' id="'.$wrapper.'-'.($data['name'] ?? '').'" '; $output .= ' class="'.($data['input_class'] ?? '').'">'; $output .= ''; if (!$data['return']) { echo $output; } } // If wrapper has attributes. // TODO. There is possible improve this handle of attributes. if (isset($data['wrapper_attributes'])) { $wrapper_attributes = $data['wrapper_attributes']; } else { $wrapper_attributes = ''; } if (isset($data['wrapper']) === true) { $output = '<'.$data['wrapper'].' '.$wrapper_attributes.' id="wr_'.$data['name'].'" '; $output .= ' class="'.($data['input_class'] ?? '').'">'; } switch (($data['type'] ?? null)) { case 'text': $output .= html_print_input_text( $data['name'], ($data['value'] ?? ''), ((isset($data['alt']) === true) ? $data['alt'] : ''), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : 50), ((isset($data['maxlength']) === true) ? $data['maxlength'] : 255), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : true), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['required']) === true) ? $data['required'] : false), ((isset($data['function']) === true) ? $data['function'] : ''), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['onChange']) === true) ? $data['onChange'] : ''), ((isset($data['autocomplete']) === true) ? $data['autocomplete'] : 'off'), ((isset($data['autofocus']) === true) ? $data['autofocus'] : false), ((isset($data['onKeyDown']) === true) ? $data['onKeyDown'] : ''), ((isset($data['form']) === true) ? $data['form'] : ''), ((isset($data['onKeyUp']) === true) ? $data['onKeyUp'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['list']) === true) ? $data['list'] : ''), ((isset($data['placeholder']) === true) ? $data['placeholder'] : ''), ((isset($data['pattern']) === true) ? $data['pattern'] : null) ); break; case 'range': $output .= html_print_input_range( $data['name'], $data['value'], (isset($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : ''), (isset($data['return']) ? $data['return'] : true), (isset($data['min']) ? $data['min'] : 0), (isset($data['max']) ? $data['max'] : 100), (isset($data['step']) ? $data['step'] : 1), (isset($data['class']) ? $data['class'] : ''), (isset($data['oninput']) ? $data['oninput'] : '') ); break; case 'image': $output .= html_print_input_image( ((isset($data['name']) === true) ? $data['name'] : ''), $data['src'], $data['value'], ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : ''), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['options']) === true) ? $data['options'] : false) ); break; case 'text_extended': $output .= html_print_input_text_extended( ($data['name'] ?? null), ($data['value'] ?? null), ($data['id'] ?? null), ($data['alt'] ?? null), ($data['size'] ?? null), ($data['maxlength'] ?? null), ($data['disabled'] ?? null), ($data['script'] ?? null), ($data['attributes'] ?? null), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['password']) === true) ? $data['password'] : false), ((isset($data['function']) === true) ? $data['function'] : '') ); break; case 'password': $output .= html_print_input_password( $data['name'], $data['value'], ((isset($data['alt']) === true) ? $data['alt'] : ''), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : 50), ((isset($data['maxlength']) === true) ? $data['maxlength'] : 255), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['required']) === true) ? $data['required'] : false), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['autocomplete']) === true) ? $data['autocomplete'] : 'off') ); break; case 'email': $output .= html_print_input_email($data); break; case 'number': $output .= html_print_input_number($data); break; case 'hidden': $output .= html_print_input_hidden( $data['name'], $data['value'], ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : false), false, ((isset($data['id']) === true) ? $data['id'] : '') ); break; case 'hidden_extended': $output .= html_print_input_hidden_extended( $data['name'], $data['value'], $data['id'], ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : false), ((isset($data['quotes']) === true) ? $data['quotes'] : false) ); break; case 'color': $output .= html_print_input_color( $data['name'], $data['value'], ($data['id'] ?? ''), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : false), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false) ); break; case 'file': $output .= html_print_input_file( $data['name'], ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['options']) === true) ? $data['options'] : false) ); break; case 'select': $output .= html_print_select( $data['fields'], $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : 0), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['multiple']) === true) ? $data['multiple'] : false), ((isset($data['sort']) === true) ? $data['sort'] : true), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : false), ((isset($data['option_style']) === true) ? $data['option_style'] : false), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['modal']) === true) ? $data['modal'] : false), ((isset($data['message']) === true) ? $data['message'] : ''), ((isset($data['select_all']) === true) ? $data['select_all'] : false), ((isset($data['simple_multiple_options']) === true) ? $data['simple_multiple_options'] : false), ((isset($data['required']) === true) ? $data['required'] : false), ((isset($data['truncate_size']) === true) ? $data['truncate_size'] : false), ((isset($data['select2_enable']) === true) ? $data['select2_enable'] : true), ((isset($data['select2_multiple_enable']) === true) ? $data['select2_multiple_enable'] : false), ((isset($data['select2_multiple_enable_all']) === true) ? $data['select2_multiple_enable_all'] : false) ); break; case 'select_from_sql': $output .= html_print_select_from_sql( $data['sql'], $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : '0'), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['multiple']) === true) ? $data['multiple'] : false), ((isset($data['sort']) === true) ? $data['sort'] : true), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : false), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['trucate_size']) === true) ? $data['trucate_size'] : GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['required']) === true) ? $data['required'] : false) ); break; case 'select_groups': $output .= html_print_select_groups( ((isset($data['id_user']) === true) ? $data['id_user'] : false), ((isset($data['privilege']) === true) ? $data['privilege'] : 'AR'), ((isset($data['returnAllGroup']) === true) ? $data['returnAllGroup'] : true), $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : 0), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['multiple']) === true) ? $data['multiple'] : false), ((isset($data['sort']) === true) ? $data['sort'] : true), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : false), ((isset($data['option_style']) === true) ? $data['option_style'] : false), ((isset($data['id_group']) === true) ? $data['id_group'] : false), ((isset($data['keys_field']) === true) ? $data['keys_field'] : 'id_grupo'), ((isset($data['strict_user']) === true) ? $data['strict_user'] : false), ((isset($data['delete_groups']) === true) ? $data['delete_groups'] : false), ((isset($data['include_groups']) === true) ? $data['include_groups'] : false), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['simple_multiple_options']) === true) ? $data['simple_multiple_options'] : false), ((isset($data['required']) === true) ? $data['required'] : false) ); break; case 'select_search': $output .= html_print_select_search( $data['fields'], $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : 0), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['multiple']) === true) ? $data['multiple'] : false), ((isset($data['sort']) === true) ? $data['sort'] : true), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : false), ((isset($data['option_style']) === true) ? $data['option_style'] : false), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['modal']) === true) ? $data['modal'] : false), ((isset($data['message']) === true) ? $data['message'] : ''), ((isset($data['dropdownAutoWidth']) === true) ? $data['dropdownAutoWidth'] : false) ); break; case 'select_metaconsole_nodes': $output .= html_print_select_from_sql( 'SELECT `id`, `server_name` FROM `tmetaconsole_setup`', $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : '0'), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['multiple']) === true) ? $data['multiple'] : false), ((isset($data['sort']) === true) ? $data['sort'] : true), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : false), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['trucate_size']) === true) ? $data['trucate_size'] : GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : '') ); break; case 'select_for_unit': $output .= html_print_extended_select_for_unit( $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : '0'), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['select_style']) === true) ? $data['select_style'] : false), ((isset($data['unique_name']) === true) ? $data['unique_name'] : true), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['no_change']) === true) ? $data['no_change'] : 0) ); case 'submit': $width = (isset($data['width']) === true) ? 'width: '.$data['width'] : 'width: 100%'; $output .= '<'.$wrapper.' class="action-buttons" style="'.$width.'">'.html_print_submit_button( ((isset($data['label']) === true) ? $data['label'] : 'OK'), ((isset($data['name']) === true) ? $data['name'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['attributes']) === true) ? $data['attributes'] : ''), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false) ).''; break; case 'checkbox': $output .= html_print_checkbox( $data['name'], ($data['value'] ?? null), ((isset($data['checked']) === true) ? $data['checked'] : false), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled_hidden']) === true) ? $data['disabled_hidden'] : false), ((isset($data['attributes']) === true) ? $data['attributes'] : ''), ((isset($data['id']) === true) ? $data['id'] : '') ); break; case 'switch': $output .= html_print_switch($data); break; case 'interval': $output .= html_print_extended_select_for_time( $data['name'], ((isset($data['value']) === true) ? $data['value'] : $data['selected']), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : 0), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : false), ((isset($data['unique']) === true) ? $data['unique'] : false), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['readonly']) === true) ? $data['readonly'] : false), ((isset($data['custom_fields']) === true) ? $data['custom_fields'] : false), ((isset($data['style_icon']) === true) ? $data['style_icon'] : '') ); break; case 'textarea': $output .= html_print_textarea( $data['name'], $data['rows'], $data['columns'], ((isset($data['value']) === true) ? $data['value'] : ''), ((isset($data['attributes']) === true) ? $data['attributes'] : ''), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['id']) === true) ? $data['id'] : false) ); break; case 'button': $output .= html_print_button( ((isset($data['label']) === true) ? $data['label'] : 'OK'), ((isset($data['name']) === true) ? $data['name'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['attributes']) === true) ? $data['attributes'] : ''), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['imageButton']) === true) ? $data['imageButton'] : false), ((isset($data['modal']) === true) ? $data['modal'] : false), ((isset($data['message']) === true) ? $data['message'] : '') ); break; case 'radio_button': $output .= html_print_radio_button_extended( $data['name'], $data['value'], $data['label'], ((isset($data['checkedvalue']) === true) ? $data['checkedvalue'] : 1), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['attributes']) === true) ? $data['attributes'] : true), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['modal']) === true) ? $data['modal'] : false), ((isset($data['message']) === true) ? $data['message'] : 'visualmodal'), ((isset($data['id']) === true) ? $data['id'] : null) ); break; case 'email': $output .= html_print_input_email($data); break; case 'multicheck': $output .= html_print_input_multicheck($data); break; case 'agent_autocomplete': // Direct assignment of parameters. $output .= ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($data); break; case 'autocomplete_agent': $agent_name = ''; if (isset($data['id_agent_hidden']) === true && empty($data['id_agent_hidden']) === false ) { if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $data['server_id_hidden'] ); $agent_name = ''; if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) == NOERR) { $agent_name = db_get_value_filter( 'alias', 'tagente', ['id_agente' => $data['id_agent_hidden']] ); } // Append server name. if (!empty($agent_name)) { $agent_name .= ' ('.$connection['server_name'].')'; } // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $agent_name = agents_get_alias($data['id_agent_hidden']); } } $params = []; $params['disabled'] = $data['disabled']; $params['return'] = $data['return']; $params['show_helptip'] = false; $params['input_name'] = $data['name']; $params['value'] = $agent_name; $params['javascript_is_function_select'] = true; if (isset($data['get_only_string_modules']) === true && $data['get_only_string_modules'] === true ) { $params['get_only_string_modules'] = $data['get_only_string_modules']; } if (isset($data['module_input']) === true && $data['module_input'] === true ) { $params['selectbox_id'] = $data['module_name']; $params['add_none_module'] = $data['module_none']; } if (isset($data['size']) === true) { $params['size'] = $data['size']; } if (isset($data['from_wux']) === true && $data['from_wux'] === true ) { $params['from_wux'] = 1; } $params['use_hidden_input_idagent'] = true; $params['hidden_input_idagent_id'] = 'hidden-'.$data['name_agent_hidden']; if (is_metaconsole()) { $params['use_input_id_server'] = true; $params['input_id_server_id'] = 'hidden-'.$data['name_server_hidden']; $params['metaconsole_enabled'] = true; } $output .= html_print_input_hidden( $data['name_agent_hidden'], $data['id_agent_hidden'], $data['return'] ); $output .= html_print_input_hidden( $data['name_server_hidden'], $data['server_id_hidden'], $data['return'] ); $output .= ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($params); break; case 'autocomplete_module': // Module. if (($data['agent_id'] === false || empty($data['agent_id']) === true) && (isset($data['selected']) === false || $data['selected'] === 0) ) { $fields = [ 0 => __('Select an Agent first'), ]; } else { $string_filter = ''; if ($data['get_only_string_modules'] === true) { $string_filter = 'AND id_tipo_modulo IN (17,23,3,10,33,36)'; } if ($data['from_wux'] === true) { $string_filter = ' AND id_tipo_modulo = 25'; } if (isset($data['filter_modules']) && !empty($data['filter_modules'])) { $string_filter = ' AND id_agente_modulo IN ('.implode(',', $data['filter_modules']).')'; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT id_agente_modulo, nombre FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = %d AND delete_pending = 0 %s', $data['agent_id'], $string_filter ); if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $data['metaconsole_id'] ); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) == NOERR) { $modules_agent = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($modules_agent === false) { $modules_agent = []; } } // Restore db connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $modules_agent = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); } $fields = []; if (isset($modules_agent) === true && is_array($modules_agent) === true ) { $fields = array_reduce( $modules_agent, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[$item['id_agente_modulo']] = $item['nombre']; return $carry; }, [] ); } } $output .= html_print_select( $fields, $data['name'], ((isset($data['selected']) === true) ? $data['selected'] : ''), ((isset($data['script']) === true) ? $data['script'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing']) === true) ? $data['nothing'] : ''), ((isset($data['nothing_value']) === true) ? $data['nothing_value'] : 0), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : false), ((isset($data['multiple']) === true) ? $data['multiple'] : false), ((isset($data['sort']) === true) ? $data['sort'] : true), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['disabled']) === true) ? $data['disabled'] : false), ((isset($data['style']) === true) ? $data['style'] : false), ((isset($data['option_style']) === true) ? $data['option_style'] : false), ((isset($data['size']) === true) ? $data['size'] : false), ((isset($data['modal']) === true) ? $data['modal'] : false), ((isset($data['message']) === true) ? $data['message'] : ''), ((isset($data['select_all']) === true) ? $data['select_all'] : false) ); break; case 'select_multiple_filtered': $output .= html_print_select_multiple_filtered( $data['available'], $data['selected'], ((isset($data['name']) === true) ? $data['name'] : null), ((isset($data['class']) === true) ? $data['class'] : ''), ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : true), ((isset($data['group_filter']) === true) ? $data['group_filter'] : []), ((isset($data['texts']) === true) ? $data['texts'] : []), ((isset($data['sections']) === true) ? $data['sections'] : []) ); break; case 'select_multiple_modules_filtered': $output .= html_print_select_multiple_modules_filtered($data); break; case 'datalist': $output .= html_print_datalist( $data['name'], $data['value'], ((isset($data['return']) === true) ? $data['return'] : true) ); break; case 'select_multiple_modules_filtered_select2': $output .= '
  • '; $output .= html_print_label(__('Agents'), '', true); $output .= html_print_select( $data['agent_values'], $data['agent_name'], $data['agent_ids'], 'agent_multiple_change(this, \''.base64_encode(json_encode($data)).'\')', '', 0, true, true, true, '', false, 'min-width: 150px; max-height: 100px', false, false, false, '', false, false, false, false, true, true, true ); $output .= '
  • '; // $output .= html_print_input_hidden( // 'id_agents2-multiple-text', // json_encode($agents_select) // ); $selection = [ 0 => __('Show common modules'), 1 => __('Show all modules'), ]; $output .= '
  • '; $output .= html_print_label(__('Type'), '', true); $output .= html_print_select( $selection, $data['selectionModulesNameId'], $data['selectionModules'], 'selection_multiple_change(\''.base64_encode(json_encode($data)).'\')', '', 0, true, false, true, '', false, 'min-width: 180px' ); $output .= '
  • '; $all_modules = []; if (empty($data['agent_ids']) === false) { $all_modules = get_modules_agents( 0, $data['agent_ids'], $data['selectionModules'], true ); } $output .= '
  • '; $output .= html_print_label(__('Modules'), '', true); $output .= html_print_select( $all_modules, $data['modules_name'], $data['modules_ids'], '', '', 0, true, true, true, '', false, 'min-width: 150px; max-width: 500px; max-height: 100px', false, false, false, '', false, false, false, false, true, true, true ); $output .= '
  • '; // $output .= html_print_input_hidden( // 'module-multiple-text', // json_encode($agents_select) // ); break; default: // Ignore. break; } if (isset($data['wrapper']) === true) { $output .= ''; } if (($data['label'] ?? false) && $input_only === false) { $output .= ''; if (!$data['return']) { echo ''; } } return $output; } /** * Print all checkbox in the same row. * * @param array $data Array with attributes input. * only name is necessary. * * @return string */ function html_print_input_multicheck(array $data):string { $html = ''; if (isset($data['data']) === true && is_array($data['data']) === true) { foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $value) { $html .= $value; $html .= html_print_checkbox( 'days_week_'.$key, 1, $data['checked'][$key], true ); } } return $html; } /** * Print an autocomplete input filled out with Integria IMS users. * * @param string $name The name of ajax control, by default is "users". * @param string $default The default value to show in the ajax control. * @param boolean $return If it is true return a string with the output instead to echo the output. * @param string $size Size. * @param boolean $disable Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default). * @param boolean $required Attribute required. * @param string $class Text inpunt class. * * @return mixed If the $return is true, return the output as string. */ function html_print_autocomplete_users_from_integria( $name='users', $default='', $return=false, $size='30', $disable=false, $required=false, $class=null ) { global $config; $user_icon = 'images/user_green.png'; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) { $user_icon = 'images/header_user.png'; } ob_start(); $attrs = ['style' => 'background: url('.$user_icon.') no-repeat right;']; if ($required) { $attrs['required'] = 'required'; } if (empty($class) === false) { $attrs['class'] = $class; } html_print_input_text_extended( $name, $default, 'text-'.$name, '', $size, 100, $disable, '', $attrs ); html_print_input_hidden($name.'_hidden', $id_agent_module); ui_print_help_tip(__('Type at least two characters to search the user.'), false); $javascript_ajax_page = ui_get_full_url('ajax.php', false, false, false, false); ?> '; $result .= ''; $result .= '
    '; return $result; } /** * Create a datalist. * * @param string $id Use custom id. * @param array $values Input values. * @param string $returnparam Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_datalist( $id, $values, $return=false ) { $result = ''; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $result .= ''; if ($return) { return $result; } else { echo $result; } } /** * Print or return selector with search bar. * * @param string $fields Select fields * @param boolean $name Name of input field. * @param array $selected Array with dropdown values. Example: * $fields["value"] = "label". * @param string $script Javascript onChange code. * @param mixed $nothing Label when nothing is selected. * @param array $nothing_value Value when nothing is selected. * @param string $return Return string or dump to output. * @param boolean $multiple Enable multiple select. * @param mixed $sort Sort values or not (default false). * @param boolean $class CSS classes to apply. * @param boolean $disabled Disabled or enabled. * @param boolean $style CSS inline style. * @param string $option_style CSS inline style in array format. * @param string $size Style, size (width) of element. * @param boolean $simple_multiple_options Discovery simple multiple inputs. * @param boolean $required Required input. * @param boolean $dropdownAutoWidth Set dropdown auto width. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_select_search( $fields=[], $name=null, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value=0, $return=false, $multiple=false, $sort=false, $class='', $disabled=false, $style=false, $option_style=false, $size=false, $simple_multiple_options=false, $required=false, $dropdownAutoWidth=false ) { global $config; $output = ''; $select2_css = 'select2.min'; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) { $select2_css = 'select2_dark.min'; } ui_require_css_file($select2_css); ui_require_javascript_file('select2.min'); if ($name === null) { static $idcounter = []; if (isset($idcounter[$name]) === true) { $idcounter[$name]++; } else { $idcounter[$name] = 0; } $name = 'select'.$idcounter[$name]; } if (empty($nothing) === false) { $fields[$nothing_value] = $nothing; } $output .= html_print_select( $fields, $name, $selected, $script, $nothing, $nothing_value, $return, $multiple, $sort, $class, $disabled, $style, $option_style, $size, false, '', false, $simple_multiple_options, $required ); if (empty($size) === true) { $size = '100%'; } ob_start(); ?> __('Primary group cannot be secondary too.'), 'strNone' => __('None'), ] ) ); $adv_secondary_groups_arrows = html_print_input_image( 'add_secondary', 'images/darrowright_green.png', 1, '', true, [ 'id' => 'right_autorefreshlist'.$options['extra_id'], 'title' => __('Add secondary groups'), 'onclick' => 'agent_manager_add_secondary_groups(event, '.$id_agente.',\''.$options['extra_id'].'\', \''.$options['id_form'].'\', \''.$dictionary.'\');', ] ); $adv_secondary_groups_arrows .= html_print_input_image( 'remove_secondary', 'images/darrowleft_green.png', 1, '', true, [ 'id' => 'left_autorefreshlist'.$options['extra_id'], 'title' => __('Remove secondary groups'), 'onclick' => 'agent_manager_remove_secondary_groups(event, '.$id_agente.',\''.$options['extra_id'].'\', \''.$options['id_form'].'\', \''.$dictionary.'\');', ] ); $adv_secondary_groups_right .= html_print_select( // Values. $secondary_groups_selected['for_select'], // HTML id. 'secondary_groups_selected'.$options['extra_id'], // Selected. '', // Javascript onChange code. '', // Nothing selected. false, // Nothing selected. 0, // Return HTML (not echo). true, // Multiple selection. true, // Sort. true, // Class. '', // Disabled. false, // Style. 'min-width:170px;' ); $output = ''; if (isset($options['container']) === true && $options['container'] === true ) { $output = '
    '; } $output .= '
    '; $output .= $adv_secondary_groups_left; $output .= '
    '; $output .= '
    '; $output .= $adv_secondary_groups_arrows; $output .= '
    '; $output .= '
    '; $output .= $adv_secondary_groups_right; $output .= '
    '; if (isset($options['container']) === true && $options['container'] === true ) { $output .= '
    '; } } else { $output .= $adv_secondary_groups_left; } return $output; } /** * Prints a simple 'Go Back' button. * * @param string $url Destination Url. * @param array $options Options. * `button_class`: Class for button. 'w100p' by default. * `title`: Title of the button. 'Go Back' by default. * `action_class`: Class of icon of button. 'cancel' by default. * @param boolean $return If true, return a formed HTML element. * * @return mixed */ function html_print_go_back_button(string $url, array $options=[], bool $return=false) { $output = html_print_div( [ 'class' => ($options['button_class'] ?? 'w100p'), 'content' => html_print_button( ($options['title'] ?? __('Go back')), 'go_back', false, 'window.location.href = \''.$url.'\'', [ 'icon' => ($options['action_class'] ?? 'cancel'), 'mode' => 'secondary', ], true ), ], $return ); return $output; } /** * Render select box for numeric values and text box for complex values. * * @param string $name Select form name. * @param string $fields Fields to populate select box. * @param mixed $selected Current selected value. It can be a single value or an array of selected values (in combination with multiple). * @param string $script Javascript onChange (select) code. * @param string $nothing Label when nothing is selected. * @param mixed $nothing_value Value when nothing is selected. * @param integer $size Size of the input. * @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param boolean $select_style Wherter to assign to combo a unique name (to have more than one on same page, like dashboard). * @param boolean $unique_name Uunique name value. * @param boolean $disabled Input renders as disabled. * @param boolean $no_change No change value. * @param boolean $text_help Tooltip. * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function html_print_extended_select_for_downtime_cron( $name, $fields, $selected='', $script='', $nothing='', $nothing_value='0', $size=false, $return=false, $select_style=false, $unique_name=true, $disabled=false, $no_change=0, $text_help='' ) { global $config; if ($unique_name === true) { $uniq_name = uniqid($name); } else { $uniq_name = $name; } ob_start(); echo '
    '; html_print_select( $fields, $uniq_name.'_select', $selected, ''.$script, $nothing, $nothing_value, false, false, false, '', $disabled, 'font-size: xx-small;'.$select_style ); echo ' '.html_print_image( 'images/pencil.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler', 'alt' => __('Custom'), 'title' => __('Custom'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;', ] ).''; echo '
    '; $help_tooltip = ($text_help !== '') ? ui_print_help_tip(__($text_help), true) : ''; echo '
    '; html_print_input_text($uniq_name.'_text', $selected, '', 20); html_print_input_hidden($name, $selected, false, $uniq_name); echo ' '.$help_tooltip.' '.html_print_image( 'images/default_list.png', true, [ 'class' => $uniq_name.'_toggler', 'alt' => __('List'), 'title' => __('List'), 'style' => 'width: 18px;', ] ).''; echo '
    '; $select_init_func = (is_numeric($selected) === true || $selected === '*') ? 'post_process_select_init' : 'post_process_select_init_inv'; echo ""; $returnString = ob_get_clean(); if ($return) { return $returnString; } else { echo $returnString; } }