$nick = $_SESSION['id_usuario'];
echo "
" . $lang_label["welcome_title"] . "
echo "";
echo $lang_label["main_text"];
echo "
// Private messages pending to read !
$sql=sprintf("SELECT COUNT('id_mensaje') AS count FROM tmensajes WHERE id_usuario_destino='%s' AND estado='FALSE';",$nick);
$resultado = mysql_query ($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($resultado);
if ($row["count"] != 0){
echo "';
echo "";
echo "";
// Site news !
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echo '' . $lang_label["site_news"] . '';
$sql_news = "SELECT subject,timestamp,text FROM tnews ORDER by timestamp DESC LIMIT 3";
if ($result_news = mysql_query ($sql_news)){
echo '';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result_news)) {
echo '';
echo "".$row["subject"]."";
echo " | ".$lang_label["by"]." ".$row["author"]. " ".$lang_label["at"]." ".$row["timestamp"]."";
echo ' | ';
echo clean_output_breaks($row["text"]);
echo " | ";
echo " | ";
// Site stats
// Summary
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$data = general_stats($id_user,0);
$monitor_checks = $data[0];
$monitor_ok = $data[1];
$monitor_bad = $data[2];
$monitor_unknown = $data[3];
$monitor_alert = $data[4];
$total_agents = $data[5];
$data_checks = $data[6];
$data_unknown = $data[7];
$data_alert = $data[8];
$data_alert_total = $data[9];
$monitor_alert_total = $data[10];
$data_not_init = $data[11];
$monitor_not_init = $data[12];
// Calculate global indicators
$total_checks = $data_checks + $monitor_checks;
$notinit_percentage = (($data_not_init + $monitor_not_init) / ($total_checks / 100));
$module_sanity = format_numeric (100 - $notinit_percentage);
$total_alerts = $data_alert + $monitor_alert;
$total_fired_alerts = $monitor_alert_total+$data_alert_total;
if ( $total_fired_alerts > 0) {
$alert_level = format_numeric (100 - ($total_alerts / ($total_fired_alerts / 100)));
} else {
$alert_level = 100;
if ($monitor_checks > 0){
$monitor_health = format_numeric ( 100- (($monitor_bad + $monitor_unknown) / ($monitor_checks/100)) , 1);
} else {
$monitor_health = 100;
if ($data_checks > 0) {
$data_health = format_numeric ( (($data_checks -($data_unknown + $data_alert)) / $data_checks ) * 100,1);;
} else {
$data_health = 100;
if ($data_checks != 0 || $data_checks != 0) {
$global_health = format_numeric ((($data_health * $data_checks) + ($monitor_health * $monitor_checks)) / $total_checks);
} else {
$global_health = 100;
if ($global_health < 0)
echo "";
//echo "".$lang_label["tactical_indicator"]."";
//echo "";
echo "".lang_string("Monitor health")."";
echo " | ";
echo " | ".lang_string("Data health")."";
echo " | ";
echo " | ".lang_string("Global health")."";
echo " | ";
echo " | ".lang_string("Module sanity")."";
echo " | ";
echo " | ".lang_string("Alert level")."";
echo " | ";
echo " | ";
$query1 = "SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) FROM tusuario";
$result = mysql_query ($query1);
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$users_defined = $row[0];
echo "";
echo "".$lang_label["Pandora_FMS_summary"]." | ";
echo ""."Total agents"." | ";
echo "".$total_agents." | ";
echo " "."Total checks"." | ";
echo "".$total_checks." | ";
echo " "."Monitor BAD"." | ";
echo "";
if ($monitor_bad > 0)
echo $monitor_bad;
echo "-";
echo " | "."Alerts defined"." | ";
echo "".$total_alerts." | ";
echo " "."Total users"." | ";
echo "".$users_defined." | ";
echo " ";
echo " |
echo "";
// Show last activity from this user
echo "
" . $lang_label["user_last_activity"] . "
$color = 1;
$table->width = '700px';
$table->data = array ();
$table->size = array ();
$table->size[2] = '130px';
$table->size[4] = '200px';
$table->head = array ();
$table->head[0] = lang_string ('user');
$table->head[1] = lang_string ('action');
$table->head[2] = lang_string ('date');
$table->head[3] = lang_string ('src_address');
$table->head[4] = lang_string ('comments');
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT ID_usuario,accion,fecha,IP_origen,descripcion FROM tsesion WHERE (utimestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - 604800)
AND ID_usuario = "%s" ORDER BY fecha DESC LIMIT 5', $nick);
$sessions = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($sessions as $session) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = ''.$session['ID_usuario'].'';
$data[1] = $session['accion'];
$data[2] = $session['fecha'];
$data[3] = $session['IP_origen'];
$data[4] = $session['descripcion'];
array_push ($table->data, $data);
print_table ($table);
echo ""; // activity
echo ''; // class "jus"