".__('Pandora users')." » ".__('User detail editor').""; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'.__('User ID').''; print_input_text_extended ("id_user", $id, '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"'); echo '
'.__('Full (display) name').''; print_input_text_extended ("fullname", $user_info["fullname"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"'); echo '
'.__('First name').''; print_input_text_extended ("firstname", $user_info["firstname"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"'); echo '
'.__('Last name').''; print_input_text_extended ("lastname", $user_info["lastname"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"'); if ($view_mode === false) { echo '
'.__('Current password').''; if ($config["user_can_update_password"]) { print_input_text_extended ("password_old", "-", '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"', false, true); echo '
'.__('New Password').''; print_input_text_extended ("password_new", "-", '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"', false, true); echo '
'.__('Password confirmation').''; print_input_text_extended ("password_conf", "-", '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"', false, true); } else { echo ''.__('You can not change your password from Pandora FMS under the current authentication scheme').''; } } echo '
'.__('E-mail').''; print_input_text_extended ("email", $user_info["email"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"'); echo '
'.__('Phone number').''; print_input_text_extended ("phone", $user_info["phone"], '', '', '', '', $view_mode, '', 'class="input"'); echo '
'.__('Comments').''; print_textarea ("comments", 4, 55, $user_info["comments"], ($view_mode ? 'readonly="readonly"' : '')); echo '
'; echo '
'; if (!$config["user_can_update_info"]) { echo ''.__('You can not change your user info from Pandora FMS under the current authentication scheme').''; } else { print_submit_button (__('Update'), 'uptbutton', $view_mode, 'class="sub upd"'); } echo '

'; echo '

'.__('Profiles/Groups assigned to this user').'

'; $table->width = 500; $table->cellpadding = 4; $table->cellspacing = 4; $table->class = "databox"; $table->data = array (); $result = get_db_all_rows_field_filter ("tusuario_perfil", "id_usuario", $id); if ($result === false) { $result = array (); } foreach ($result as $profile) { $data[0] = ''.get_profile_name ($profile["id_perfil"]).''; $data[1] = ''.get_group_name ($profile["id_grupo"]).''; array_push ($table->data, $data); } if (!empty ($table->data)) { print_table ($table); } else { echo '
'.__('This user doesn\'t have any assigned profile/group').'
'; } ?>