start_date = date('Y-m-d'); if ($system->checkACL($this->acl)) { $this->correct_acl = true; } else { $this->correct_acl = false; } } private function getFilters() { $system = System::getInstance(); $this->id = (int) $system->getRequest('id', 0); $this->id_agent = (int) $system->getRequest('id_agent', 0); $this->server_id = $system->getRequest('server_id', ''); $this->module = modules_get_agentmodule($this->id); $this->graph_type = return_graphtype($this->module['id_tipo_modulo']); $period_hours = $system->getRequest('period_hours', false); if ($period_hours == false) { $this->period = SECONDS_1DAY; } else { $this->period = ($period_hours * SECONDS_1HOUR); } $this->draw_events = (int) $system->getRequest('draw_events', 0); $this->draw_alerts = (int) $system->getRequest('draw_alerts', 0); $this->start_date = $system->getRequest('start_date', false); if ($this->start_date === false) { $this->start_date = date('Y-m-d'); } else { $this->start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->start_date)); } $this->time_compare_separated = (int) $system->getRequest('time_compare_separated', 0); $this->time_compare_overlapped = (int) $system->getRequest('time_compare_overlapped', 0); $this->unknown_graph = (int) $system->getRequest('unknown_graph', 0); $this->zoom = (int) $system->getRequest('zoom', 1); $this->baseline = (int) $system->getRequest('baseline', 0); $this->width = (int) $system->getRequest('width', 0); $this->width -= 20; // Correct the width $this->height = (int) $system->getRequest('height', 0); // Sancho says "put the height to 1/2 for to make more beautyful" $this->height = ($this->height / 1.5); $this->height -= 80; // Correct the height // For to avoid IPHONES when they are in horizontal. if ($this->height < 140) { $this->height = 140; } } public function ajax($parameter2=false) { global $config; $system = System::getInstance(); if (!$this->correct_acl) { return; } else { switch ($parameter2) { case 'get_graph': $this->getFilters(); if ($system->getConfig('metaconsole')) { $server_data = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $this->server_id ); // Establishes connection. if (metaconsole_load_external_db($server_data) !== NOERR) { return false; } } $correct = 0; $graph = ''; $correct = 1; $label = $this->module['nombre']; $unit = db_get_value( 'unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $this->id ); $utime = get_system_time(); $current = date('Y-m-d', $utime); if ($this->start_date != $current) { $date = strtotime($this->start_date); } else { $date = $utime; } $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false); $time_compare = false; if ($this->time_compare_separated) { $time_compare = 'separated'; } else if ($this->time_compare_overlapped) { $time_compare = 'overlapped'; } // Graph TIP view. if (!isset($config['full_scale_option']) || $config['full_scale_option'] == 0) { $fullscale = 0; } else if ($config['full_scale_option'] == 1) { $fullscale = 1; } else if ($config['full_scale_option'] == 2) { if ($this->graph_type == 'boolean') { $fullscale = 1; } else { $fullscale = 0; } } ob_start(); switch ($this->graph_type) { case 'boolean': case 'sparse': case 'string': $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => $this->id, 'period' => $this->period, 'show_events' => $this->draw_events, 'width' => $this->width, 'height' => $this->height, 'show_alerts' => $this->draw_alerts, 'date' => $date, 'unit' => $unit, 'baseline' => $this->baseline, 'homeurl' => $urlImage, 'adapt_key' => 'adapter_'.$this->graph_type, 'compare' => $time_compare, 'show_unknown' => $this->unknown_graph, 'menu' => false, 'type_graph' => $config['type_module_charts'], 'vconsole' => true, 'fullscale' => $fullscale, ]; $graph = grafico_modulo_sparse($params); if ($this->draw_events) { $graph .= '
'; $graph .= graphic_module_events( $this->id, $this->width, $this->height, $this->period, $config['homeurl'], $this->zoom, 'adapted_'.$this->graph_type, $date ); } break; default: $graph .= fs_error_image('../images'); break; } if ($system->getConfig('metaconsole')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $graph = ob_get_clean().$graph; echo json_encode(['correct' => $correct, 'graph' => $graph]); break; } } } public function show() { if (!$this->correct_acl) { $this->show_fail_acl(); } else { $this->getFilters(); $this->showModuleGraph(); } } private function show_fail_acl() { $error['type'] = 'onStart'; $error['title_text'] = __('You don\'t have access to this page'); $error['content_text'] = System::getDefaultACLFailText(); if (class_exists('HomeEnterprise')) { $home = new HomeEnterprise(); } else { $home = new Home(); } $home->show($error); } private function javascript_code() { ob_start(); global $config; ?> module['id_agente']); $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->createPage(); if ($this->id_agent) { $ui->createDefaultHeader( sprintf(__('%s: %s'), get_product_name(), $this->module['nombre']), $ui->createHeaderButton( [ 'icon' => 'back', 'pos' => 'left', 'text' => __('Back'), 'href' => 'index.php?page=agent&id='.$this->id_agent, ] ) ); } else { $ui->createDefaultHeader( sprintf(__('%s: %s'), get_product_name(), $this->module['nombre']), $ui->createHeaderButton( [ 'icon' => 'back', 'pos' => 'left', 'text' => __('Back'), 'href' => 'index.php?page=modules', ] ) ); } $ui->showFooter(false); $ui->beginContent(); $ui->contentAddHtml( $ui->getInput( [ 'id' => 'id_module', 'value' => $this->id, 'type' => 'hidden', ] ) ); $ui->contentAddHtml( $ui->getInput( [ 'id' => 'server_id', 'value' => $this->server_id, 'type' => 'hidden', ] ) ); $title = sprintf(__('Options for %s : %s'), $agent_alias, $this->module['nombre']); $ui->contentBeginCollapsible($title); $ui->beginForm('index.php?page=module_graph&id='.$this->id.'&server_id='.$this->server_id); $options = [ 'name' => 'draw_alerts', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => (bool) $this->draw_alerts, 'label' => __('Show Alerts'), ]; $ui->formAddCheckbox($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'draw_events', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => (bool) $this->draw_events, 'label' => __('Show Events'), ]; $ui->formAddCheckbox($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'time_compare_separated', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => (bool) $this->time_compare_separated, 'label' => __('Time compare (Separated)'), ]; $ui->formAddCheckbox($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'time_compare_overlapped', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => (bool) $this->time_compare_overlapped, 'label' => __('Time compare (Overlapped)'), ]; $ui->formAddCheckbox($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'unknown_graph', 'value' => 1, 'checked' => (bool) $this->unknown_graph, 'label' => __('Show unknown graph'), ]; $ui->formAddCheckbox($options); $options = [ 'label' => __('Time range (hours)'), 'name' => 'period_hours', 'value' => ($this->period / SECONDS_1HOUR), 'min' => 0, 'max' => (24 * 30), 'step' => 4, ]; $ui->formAddSlider($options); $options = [ 'name' => 'start_date', 'value' => $this->start_date, 'label' => __('Begin date'), ]; $ui->formAddInpuDate($options); $options = [ 'icon' => 'refresh', 'icon_pos' => 'right', 'text' => __('Update graph'), ]; $ui->formAddSubmitButton($options); $html = $ui->getEndForm(); $ui->contentCollapsibleAddItem($html); $ui->contentEndCollapsible(); $ui->contentAddHtml( '
' ); $ui->contentAddHtml($this->javascript_code()); $ui->endContent(); $ui->showPage(); } }