".__('Deleted successfully').""; else $result = "

".__('Not deleted. Error deleting data')."

"; $sql = "DELETE FROM tgraph WHERE id_graph = $id"; if ($res=mysql_query($sql)) $result = "

".__('Deleted successfully')."

"; else $result = "

".__('Not deleted. Error deleting data')."

"; echo $result; } else { audit_db ($config['id_user'],$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to delete a graph from access graph builder"); include ("general/noaccess.php"); exit; } } if ($view_graph) { $sql="SELECT * FROM tgraph WHERE id_graph = $id"; $res=mysql_query($sql); if ($graph = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $id_user = $graph["id_user"]; $private = $graph["private"]; $width = $graph["width"]; $height = $graph["height"]; $zoom = (int) get_parameter ('zoom', 0); if ($zoom > 0) { switch ($zoom) { case 1: $width = 500; $height = 210; break; case 2: $width = 650; $height = 310; break; case 3: $width = 770; $height = 400; break; } } $period = (int) get_parameter ('period'); if (! $period) $period = $graph["period"]; else $period = 3600 * $period; $events = $graph["events"]; $description = $graph["description"]; $stacked = (int) get_parameter ('stacked', -1); if ($stacked == -1) $stacked = $graph["stacked"]; $name = $graph["name"]; if (($graph["private"]==1) && ($graph["id_user"] != $id_user)){ audit_db($config['id_user'],$REMOTE_ADDR, "ACL Violation","Trying to access to a custom graph not allowed"); include ("general/noaccess.php"); exit; } $sql2="SELECT * FROM tgraph_source WHERE id_graph = $id"; $res2=mysql_query($sql2); while ($graph_source = mysql_fetch_array($res2)) { $weight = $graph_source["weight"]; $id_agent_module = $graph_source["id_agent_module"]; $id_grupo = get_db_sql ("SELECT id_grupo FROM tagente, tagente_modulo WHERE tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module AND tagente.id_agente = tagente_modulo.id_agente"); if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_grupo, "AR")==1){ if (!isset($modules)){ $modules = $id_agent_module; $weights = $weight; } else { $modules = $modules.",".$id_agent_module; $weights = $weights.",".$weight; } } } echo "

".__('Reporting')." > "; echo __('Combined image render')."

"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; $period_label = human_time_description ($period); echo "
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "".__('Period').""; echo ""; $periods = array (); $periods[1] = __('1 hour'); $periods[2] = '2 '.__('hours'); $periods[3] = '3 '.__('hours'); $periods[6] = '6 '.__('hours'); $periods[12] = '12 '.__('hours'); $periods[24] = __('1 day'); $periods[48] = __('2 days'); $periods[360] = __('1 week'); $periods[720] = __('1 month'); $periods[4320] = __('6 months'); print_select ($periods, 'period', intval ($period / 3600), '', '', 0); echo ""; $stackeds = array (); $stackeds[0] = __('Graph defined'); $stackeds[0] = __('Area'); $stackeds[1] = __('Stacked area'); $stackeds[2] = __('Line'); print_select ($stackeds, 'stacked', $stacked , '', '', -1, false, false); echo ""; $zooms = array(); $zooms[0] = __('Graph defined'); $zooms[1] = __('Zoom x1'); $zooms[2] = __('Zoom x2'); $zooms[3] = __('Zoom x3'); print_select ($zooms, 'zoom', $zoom , '', '', 0); echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; } } echo "

" . __('Reporting') . " > "; echo __('Custom graph viewer') . "

"; $color=1; $sql="SELECT * FROM tgraph ORDER by name"; $res=mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { echo ""; echo ""; if (give_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AW")) echo ""; echo ""; while ($graph = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ if (($graph["private"] == 0) || ($graph["id_user"] == $id_user)) { // Calculate table line color if ($color == 1){ $tdcolor = "datos"; $color = 0; } else { $tdcolor = "datos2"; $color = 1; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $id = $graph["id_graph"]; echo ""; } } } echo "
".__('Graph name')." ".__('Description')." ".__('View')."".__('Delete')."
".$graph["name"]."".$graph["description"].""; if (give_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AW")) { echo "'; echo "
"; } else { echo "
".__('There are no defined reportings')."
"; } ?>