0) if (!isset($groups[$graph["id_group"]])){ continue; } if ($only_names) { $graphs[$graph['id_graph']] = $graph['name']; } else { $graphs[$graph['id_graph']] = $graph; $graphsCount = get_db_value_sql("SELECT COUNT(id_gs) FROM tgraph_source WHERE id_graph = " . $graph['id_graph']); $graphs[$graph['id_graph']]['graphs_count'] = $graphsCount; } } return $graphs; } /** * Print a custom graph image. * * @param $id_graph Graph id to print. * @param $height Height of the returning image. * @param $width Width of the returning image. * @param $period Period of time to get data in seconds. * @param $stacked Wheter the graph is stacked or not. * @param $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * @param $date Date to start printing the graph */ function print_custom_graph ($id_graph, $height, $width, $period, $stacked, $return = false, $date = 0) { global $config; require_once ($config["homedir"] . '/include/functions_graph.php'); $sources = get_db_all_rows_field_filter ('tgraph_source', 'id_graph', $id_graph); $modules = array (); $weights = array (); if($sources === false) { echo "
".__('Empty graph')."
"; return; } foreach ($sources as $source) { array_push ($modules, $source['id_agent_module']); array_push ($weights, $source['weight']); } $output = graphic_combined_module2($modules, $weights, $period, $width, $height, '', '', 0, 0, 0, $stacked, $date); /* if ($config['flash_charts']) { $output = graphic_combined_module ($modules, $weights, $period, $width, $height, '', '', 0, 0, 0, $stacked, $date); } else { $modules = implode (',', $modules); $weights = implode (',', $weights); $output = ''; } */ if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Get all the possible periods in a custom graph. * * @return The possible periods in a custom graph in an associative array. */ function get_custom_graph_periods () { $periods = array (); $periods[1] = __('1 hour'); $periods[2] = '2 '.__('hours'); $periods[3] = '3 '.__('hours'); $periods[6] = '6 '.__('hours'); $periods[12] = '12 '.__('hours'); $periods[24] = __('1 day'); $periods[48] = __('2 days'); $periods[360] = __('1 week'); $periods[720] = __('1 month'); $periods[4320] = __('6 months'); return $periods; } ?>