#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################## # Integria IMS - Remote Ticket Tool (via WEB API) ######################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 ######################################################################## # Includes list use strict; use LWP::Simple; # Init tool_api_init(); # Main tool_api_main(); ######################################################################## # Print a help screen and exit. ######################################################################## sub help_screen{ print "Options to create event: $0 -p <path_to_integria_console_API> -u <credentials> -create_ticket <options> Where options: -u <credentials> -create_ticket -name <ticket_name> : Free text -group <id_group> : Group ID (use 0 for 'all') Optional parameters: [-priority <priority>] : 10 Maintance, 0 Informative, 1 Low, 2 Medium, 3 Serious, 4 Very serious [-desc <description>] : Free text [-type <ticket_type>] : Type ID (must exist in Integria IMS) [-inventory <inventory_id>] : Inventory ID (must exist in Integria IMS) [-email <email_copy>] : 1 or 0\n\n"; print "Credential/API syntax: \n\n"; print "<credentials>: API credentials separated by comma: <api_pass>,<user>,<user_pass>\n\n"; print "Example of ticket generation:\n\n"; print "\t$0 -p http://localhost/integria/include/api.php -u 1234,admin,1234 \ \t-create_ticket -name \"SampleTicket\" -group 1 -priority 2 -desc \"This is a sample\" \ \t-type 4 -inventory 6 -email 1"; print "\n\n\n"; exit; } ############################################################################## # Init screen ############################################################################## sub tool_api_init () { print "\nIntegria IMS Remote Ticket Tool Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Artica ST\n"; print "This program is Free Software, licensed under the terms of GPL License v2\n"; print "You can download latest versions and documentation at http://www.integriaims.com\n\n"; if ($#ARGV < 0) { help_screen(); } if (($ARGV[0] eq '-h') || ($ARGV[0] eq '-help')) { help_screen(); } } ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # MAIN ######################################################################## ######################################################################## sub tool_api_main () { my $api_path; my $credentials; my $api_pass; my $db_user; my $db_user_pass; my @db_info; my $integria_user; my $user_pass; my $ticket_name = ""; my $group_id = -1; my $ticket_priority = 0; my $ticket_description = ''; my $ticket_type = ''; my $ticket_inventory = ''; my $email_copy = 0; my $option = $ARGV[4]; my $data_ticket; my $call_api; #~ help or api path (required) if ($ARGV[0] eq '-h') { print "HELP!\n"; help_screen(); } elsif ($ARGV[0] ne '-p') { print "[ERROR] Missing API path! Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } else { $api_path = $ARGV[1]; } #~ credentials of database if ($ARGV[2] eq '-u') { $credentials = $ARGV[3]; @db_info = split(',', $credentials); if ($#db_info < 1) { print "[ERROR] Invalid database credentials! Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); } else { $api_pass = $db_info[0]; $integria_user = $db_info[1]; $user_pass = $db_info[2]; } } else { print "[ERROR] Missing database credentials! Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } if ($option eq '-create_ticket') { my $i = 0; foreach (@ARGV) { my $line = $_; #-------------------DEBUG-------------------- #print("i " . $i . " line " . $line . "\n"); if ($line eq '-name') { $ticket_name = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } if ($line eq '-group') { $group_id = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } if ($line eq '-priority') { $ticket_priority = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } if ($line eq '-desc') { $ticket_description = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } if ($line eq '-type') { $ticket_type = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } if ($line eq '-inventory') { $ticket_inventory = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } if ($line eq '-email') { $email_copy = $ARGV[$i + 1]; } $i++; } if ($ticket_name eq "") { print "[ERROR] Missing ticket name! Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } if ($group_id == -1) { print "[ERROR] Missing ticket group! Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } #~ $data_ticket = $ticket_name . #~ "|;|" . $group_id . #~ "|;|" . $ticket_priority . #~ "|;|" . $ticket_description . #~ "|;|" . $ticket_inventory . #~ "|;|" . $ticket_type . #~ "|;|" . $email_copy; $data_ticket = $ticket_name . "|;|" . $group_id . "|;|" . $ticket_priority . "|;|" . $ticket_description . "|;|" . $ticket_inventory . "|;|" . $ticket_type . "|;|" . $email_copy . "|;|" . $integria_user . "|;|" . "|;|" . '1' . "|;|" . "|;|"; $call_api = $api_path . '?' . 'user=' . $integria_user . '&' . 'user_pass=' . $user_pass . '&' . 'pass=' . $api_pass . '&' . 'op=create_incident&' . 'params=' . $data_ticket .'&' . 'token=|;|'; } else { print "[ERROR] No valid option selected! Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } my @args = @ARGV; my $ltotal = $#args; if ($ltotal < 0) { print "[ERROR] No valid arguments. Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } else { #-----------DEBUG------------ #print($call_api . "\n\n\n"); my $content = get($call_api); #-----------DEBUG----------- #print($content . "\n\n\n"); if ($option eq '-create_ticket') { if ($content eq undef) { print "[ERROR] Not respond or bad syntax. Read help info:\n\n"; help_screen(); exit; } else { print "Ticket ID: $content"; } } else { print "[ERROR] No valid option selected!"; } } print "\nExiting!\n\n"; exit; }