'; $sec = (string) get_parameter ('sec'); $sec2 = (string) get_parameter ('sec2'); $allsec2 = explode('sec2=', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (isset($allsec2[1])) { $allsec2 = $allsec2[1]; } else { $allsec2 = $sec2; } echo ''; foreach ($menu as $mainsec => $main) { $extensionInMenuParameter = (string) get_parameter ('extension_in_menu',''); $showSubsection = true; if ($extensionInMenuParameter != '') { if ($extensionInMenuParameter == $mainsec) $showSubsection = true; else $showSubsection = false; } if ($mainsec == 'class') continue; if (! isset ($main['id'])) { $id = 'menu_'.++$idcounter; } else { $id = $main['id']; } $submenu = false; $classes = array ('menu_icon'); if (isset ($main["sub"])) { $classes[] = 'has_submenu'; $submenu = true; } if (!isset ($main["refr"])) $main["refr"] = 0; if (($sec == $mainsec) && ($showSubsection)) { $classes[] = 'selected'; } else { $classes[] = 'not_selected'; if ($extensionInMenuParameter == $mainsec) $classes[] = 'selected'; } $output = ''; if (! $submenu) { $main["sub"] = array (); //Empty array won't go through foreach } $submenu_output = ''; foreach ($main["sub"] as $subsec2 => $sub) { //Init some variables $visible = false; $selected = false; $subsec2 = io_safe_output($subsec2); // Choose valid suboptions (sec2) if (enterprise_hook ('enterprise_acl', array ($config['id_user'], $mainsec, $subsec2)) == false){ continue; } $class = ''; $selected_submenu2 = false; //Look for submenus in level2! if(isset($sub['sub2'])) { $class .= 'has_submenu '; //This hacks avoid empty delimiter error when sec2 is not provided. if (!$sec2) { $sec2=" "; } //Check if some submenu was selected to mark this (the parent) as selected foreach (array_keys($sub['sub2']) as $key) { if (strpos($key, $sec2) !== false) { $selected_submenu2 = true; break; } } } //Create godmode option if submenu has godmode on if (isset($sub['subsecs'])) { //Sometimes you need to add all paths because in the //same dir are code from visual console and reports //for example if (is_array($sub['subsecs'])) { //Compare each string foreach ($sub['subsecs'] as $god_path) { if (strpos($sec2, $god_path) !== false) { $selected_submenu2=true; break; } } } else { //If there is only a string just compare if (strpos($sec2, $sub['subsecs']) !== false) { $selected_submenu2=true; } } } //Set class if (($sec2 == $subsec2 || $allsec2 == $subsec2 || $selected_submenu2) && isset ($sub[$subsec2]["options"]) && ( get_parameter_get ($sub[$subsec2]["options"]["name"]) == $sub[$subsec2]["options"]["value"]) ) { //If the subclass is selected and there are options and that options value is true $class .= 'submenu_selected selected'; $selected = true; $visible = true; } elseif (($sec2 == $subsec2 || $allsec2 == $subsec2|| $selected_submenu2) && !isset ($sub[$subsec2]["options"])) { $class .= 'submenu_selected selected'; $selected = true; $hasExtensions = (array_key_exists('hasExtensions',$main)) ? $main['hasExtensions'] : false; if (($extensionInMenuParameter != '') && ($hasExtensions)) $visible = true; else $visible = false; } else { //Else it's not selected $class .= 'submenu_not_selected'; } if (! isset ($sub["refr"])) { $sub["refr"] = 0; } if (isset ($sub["type"]) && $sub["type"] == "direct") { //This is an external link $submenu_output .= '
  • '.$sub["text"].""; if(isset($sub['sub2']) || $selected) { $submenu_output .= html_print_image("include/styles/images/toggle.png", true, array("class" => "toggle", "alt" => "toogle")); } } else { //This is an internal link if (isset ($sub[$subsec2]["options"])) { $link_add = "&".$sub[$subsec2]["options"]["name"]."=".$sub[$subsec2]["options"]["value"]; } else { $link_add = ""; } $submenu_output .= ''; //Ini Add icon extension $secExtension = null; if (array_key_exists('extension',$sub)) $secExtensionBool = $sub["extension"]; else $secExtensionBool = false; if ($secExtensionBool) { $imageIconDefault = 'images/extensions.png'; if (strlen($sub["icon"]) > 0) { $icon_enterprise = false; if (isset($sub['enterprise'])) { $icon_enterprise = (bool)$sub['enterprise']; } if ($icon_enterprise) { $imageIcon ='enterprise/extensions/'.$sub["icon"]; } else { $imageIcon ='extensions/'.$sub["icon"]; } if (!file_exists(realpath($imageIcon))) $imageIcon = $imageIconDefault; } else { $imageIcon = $imageIconDefault; } $submenu_output .= '
    '; } $secExtension = null; if (array_key_exists('sec',$sub)) $secExtension = $sub["sec"]; if (strlen($secExtension) > 0) { $secUrl = $secExtension; $extensionInMenu = 'extension_in_menu='.$mainsec.'&'; } else { $secUrl = $mainsec; $extensionInMenu = ''; } if (isset ($sub["text"]) || $selected) { $title = ' title="' . $sub["text"] . ' "'; } else { $title = ''; } $submenu_output .= ''.$sub["text"].''; if (isset($sub['sub2'])) { $submenu_output .= html_print_image("include/styles/images/toggle.png", true, array("class" => "toggle", "alt" => "toogle")); } } //Print second level submenu if (isset($sub['sub2'])) { //Display if father is selected $display = "style='display:none'"; if ($selected) { $display = ""; } $submenu2_list = ''; foreach ($sub['sub2'] as $key => $sub2) { $link = "index.php?sec=".$sec."&sec2=".$key; //Display if one submenu2 was selected! if (strpos($key, $sec2) !== false) { $display = ""; } $class = "submenu2"; $submenu2_list .= '
  • '; $submenu2_list .= ''.$sub2["text"].'
  • '; } //Add submenu2 to submenu string $submenu_output .= ""; } //Submenu close list! $submenu_output .= ''; } // Choose valid section (sec) if (enterprise_hook ('enterprise_acl', array ($config['id_user'], $mainsec, $main["sec2"])) == false){ continue; } //Print out the first level $output .= '
  • '; $output .= ''.$main["text"].'' . html_print_image("include/styles/images/toggle.png", true, array("class" => "toggle", "alt" => "toogle")); if ($submenu_output != '') { //WARNING: IN ORDER TO MODIFY THE VISIBILITY OF MENU'S AND SUBMENU'S (eg. with cookies) YOU HAVE TO ADD TO THIS ELSEIF. DON'T MODIFY THE CSS if ($visible || in_array ("selected", $classes)) { $visible = true; } if (!$showSubsection) { $visible = false; } $output .= ''; } $output .= '
  • '; echo $output; } echo ''; //Invisible UL for adding border-top echo ''; } /** * Get all the data structure of menu. Operation and Godmode * * @return array Menu structure. */ function menu_get_full_sec() { global $menu_operation; global $menu_godmode; if($menu_godmode == null || $menu_operation == null) { return array(); } else { $menu = $menu_operation + $menu_godmode; } unset($menu['class']); menu_add_extras($menu); return $menu; } /** * Build an extra access pages array and merge it with menu * * @param menu array (pass by reference) * */ function menu_add_extras(&$menu) { global $config; $menu_extra = array(); $menu_extra['gusuarios']['sub']['godmode/users/configure_user']['text'] = __('Configure user'); $menu_extra['gusuarios']['sub']['godmode/users/configure_profile']['text'] = __('Configure profile'); $menu_extra['gservers']['sub']['godmode/servers/manage_recontask_form']['text'] = __('Manage recontask'); $menu_extra['gmodules']['sub']['godmode/modules/manage_network_templates_form']['text'] = __('Module templates management'); $menu_extra['gmodules']['sub']['enterprise/godmode/modules/manage_inventory_modules_form']['text'] = __('Inventory modules management'); $menu_extra['gmodules']['sub']['godmode/tag/edit_tag']['text'] = __('Tags management'); $menu_extra['gagente']['sub']['godmode/agentes/configurar_agente']['text'] = __('Agents management'); $menu_extra['estado']['sub']['operation/agentes/ver_agente']['text'] = __('View agent'); $menu_extra['galertas']['sub']['godmode/alerts/configure_alert_template']['text'] = __('Configure alert template'); $menu_extra['network']['sub']['operation/agentes/networkmap']['text'] = __('Manage network map'); $menu_extra['reporting']['sub']['operation/reporting/reporting_viewer']['text'] = __('View reporting'); $menu_extra['reporting']['sub']['operation/visual_console/render_view']['text'] = __('View visual console'); $menu_extra['reporting']['sub']['godmode/reporting/graph_builder']['text'] = __('Manage custom graphs'); $menu_extra['reporting']['sub']['enterprise/dashboard/dashboard_replicate']['text'] = __('Copy dashboard'); if ($config['activate_gis']) $menu_extra['godgismaps']['sub']['godmode/gis_maps/configure_gis_map']['text'] = __('Manage GIS Maps'); $menu_extra['workspace']['sub']['operation/incidents/incident_statistics']['text'] = __('Incidents statistics'); $menu_extra['workspace']['sub']['operation/messages/message_edit']['text'] = __('Manage messages'); $menu_extra['gagente']['sub']['godmode/groups/configure_group']['text'] = __('Manage groups'); $menu_extra['gagente']['sub']['godmode/groups/configure_modu_group']['text'] = __('Manage module groups'); $menu_extra['gagente']['sub']['godmode/agentes/configure_field']['text'] = __('Manage custom field'); $menu_extra['galertas']['sub']['godmode/alerts/configure_alert_action']['text'] = __('Manage alert actions'); $menu_extra['galertas']['sub']['godmode/alerts/configure_alert_command']['text'] = __('Manage commands'); $menu_extra['galertas']['sub']['godmode/alerts/configure_alert_compound']['text'] = __('Manage compound alerts'); $menu_extra['galertas']['sub']['enterprise/godmode/alerts/alert_events']['text'] = __('Manage event alerts'); $menu_extra['gservers']['sub']['enterprise/godmode/servers/manage_export_form']['text'] = __('Manage export targets'); $menu_extra['estado']['sub']['enterprise/godmode/services/manage_services']['text'] = __('Manage services'); $menu_extra['estado']['sub']['godmode/snmpconsole/snmp_alert']['text'] = __('SNMP alerts'); $menu_extra['estado']['sub']['godmode/snmpconsole/snmp_filters']['text'] = __('SNMP filters'); $menu_extra['estado']['sub']['enterprise/godmode/snmpconsole/snmp_trap_editor']['text'] = __('SNMP trap editor'); $menu_extra['estado']['sub']['godmode/snmpconsole/snmp_trap_generator']['text'] = __('SNMP trap generator'); $menu_extra['workspace']['sub']['operation/incidents/incident_detail']['text'] = __('Manage incident'); $menu_extra['reporting']['sub']['godmode/reporting/visual_console_builder']['text'] = __('Manage visual console'); // Duplicate extensions as sec=extension to check it from url foreach ($menu as $k => $m) { if(!isset($m['sub'])) { continue; } foreach($m['sub'] as $kk => $mm) { if(isset($mm['sec'])) { $menu_extra[$mm['sec']]['sub'][$kk]['text'] = $mm['text']; } } } $menu = array_merge_recursive($menu, $menu_extra); } /** * Get the sec list built in menu * * @param bool If true, the array returned will have the structure * to combo categories (optgroup) * * @return array Sections list */ function menu_get_sec($with_categories = false) { $menu = menu_get_full_sec(); unset($menu['class']); $in_godmode = false; foreach($menu as $k => $v) { if ($with_categories) { if (!$in_godmode && $k[0] == 'g') { // Hack to dont confuse with gis activated because godmode // sec starts with g (like gismaps) if($k != 'gismaps') { $in_godmode = true; } } if ($in_godmode) { $category = __('Administration'); } else { $category = __('Operation'); } $sec_array[$k]['optgroup'] = $category; $sec_array[$k]['name'] = $v['text']; } else { $sec_array[$k] = $v['text']; } } return $sec_array; } /** * Get the pages in a section * * @param string sec code * @param string menu hash. All the menu structure (For example * returned by menu_get_full_sec(), json encoded and after that * base64 encoded. If this value is false this data is obtained from * menu_get_full_sec(); * * @return array Sections list */ function menu_get_sec_pages($sec,$menu_hash = false) { if ($menu_hash === false) { $menu = menu_get_full_sec(); } else { $menu = json_decode(base64_decode($menu_hash),true); } // Get the sec2 of the main section $sec2_array[$menu[$sec]['sec2']] = $menu[$sec]['text']; // Get the sec2 of the subsections foreach ($menu[$sec]['sub'] as $k => $v) { // Avoid special cases of standalone windows if(preg_match('/^javascript:/',$k) || preg_match('/\.php/',$k)) { continue; } // If this value has various parameters, we only get the first $k = explode('&',$k); $k = $k[0]; $sec2_array[$k] = $v['text']; } return $sec2_array; } /** * Check if a page (sec2) is in a section (sec) * * @param string section (sec) code * @param string page (sec2)code * * @return true if the page is in section, false otherwise */ function menu_sec2_in_sec($sec,$sec2) { $sec2_array = menu_get_sec_pages($sec); // If this value has various parameters, we only get the first $sec2 = explode('&',$sec2); $sec2 = $sec2[0]; if ($sec2_array != null && in_array($sec2,array_keys($sec2_array))) { return true; } return false; } ?>