, 2003-2005 // Raul Mateos , 2005-2006 // Load global vars require("include/config.php"); //require("include/functions.php"); //require("include/functions_db.php"); if (comprueba_login() == 0) if ((give_acl($id_user, 0, "DM")==1) or (dame_admin($id_user)==1)) { // Todo for a good DB maintenance /* - Delete too on datos_string and and datos_inc tables - A function to "compress" data, and interpolate big chunks of data (1 month - 60000 registers) onto a small chunk of interpolated data (1 month - 600 registers) - A more powerful selection (by Agent, by Module, etc). */ // 1 day $d1_year = date("Y", time()-28800); $d1_month = date("m", time()-28800); $d1_day = date ("d", time()-28800); $d1_hour = date ("H", time()-28800); $d1 = $d1_year."-".$d1_month."-".$d1_day." ".$d1_hour.":00:00"; // today + 1 hour (to purge all possible data) $all_year = date("Y", time()+3600); $all_month = date("m", time()+3600); $all_day = date ("d", time()+3600); $all_hour = date ("H", time()+3600); $all_data = $all_year."-".$all_month."-".$all_day." ".$all_hour.":00:00"; // 3 days ago $d3_year = date("Y", time()-86400); $d3_month = date("m", time()-86400); $d3_day = date ("d", time()-86400); $d3_hour = date ("H", time()-86400); $d3 = $d3_year."-".$d3_month."-".$d3_day." ".$d3_hour.":00:00"; // Date 24x7 Hours ago (a week) $week_year = date("Y", time()-604800); $week_month = date("m", time()-604800); $week_day = date ("d", time()-604800); $week_hour = date ("H", time()-604800); $week = $week_year."-".$week_month."-".$week_day." ".$week_hour.":00:00"; // Date 24x7x2 Hours ago (two weeks) $week2_year = date("Y", time()-1209600); $week2_month = date("m", time()-1209600); $week2_day = date ("d", time()-1209600); $week2_hour = date ("H", time()-1209600); $week2 = $week2_year."-".$week2_month."-".$week2_day." ".$week2_hour.":00:00"; // Date 24x7x30 Hours ago (one month) $month_year = date("Y", time()-2592000); $month_month = date("m", time()-2592000); $month_day = date ("d", time()-2592000); $month_hour = date ("H", time()-2592000); $month = $month_year."-".$month_month."-".$month_day." ".$month_hour.":00:00"; // Three months ago $month3_year = date("Y", time()-7257600); $month3_month = date("m", time()-7257600); $month3_day = date ("d", time()-7257600); $month3_hour = date ("H", time()-7257600); $month3 = $month3_year."-".$month3_month."-".$month3_day." ".$month3_hour.":00:00"; $datos_rango3=0;$datos_rango2=0;$datos_rango1=0; # ADQUIRE DATA PASSED AS FORM PARAMETERS # ====================================== # Purge data using dates # Purge data using dates if (isset($_POST["purgedb"])){ # Fixed 2005-1-13, nil $from_date =$_POST["date_purge"]; $query = "DELETE FROM tsesion WHERE fecha < '".$from_date."'"; mysql_query($query); } # End of get parameters block echo "


"; echo "

".$lang_label["db_purge_audit"]." ".$lang_label["help"]."

"; echo ""; echo ""; $result_t=mysql_query("SELECT min(fecha) FROM tsesion"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result_t); echo "
"; $result_t=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsesion"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result_t); echo "".$lang_label["total"].""; echo "".$row[0]." ".$lang_label["records"]; echo "
".$lang_label["first_date"].""; echo "".$row[0]; echo "
"; $result_t=mysql_query("SELECT max(fecha) FROM tsesion"); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result_t); echo "".$lang_label["latest_date"].""; echo "".$row[0]; echo "
"; ?>

" onClick="if (!confirm('')) return false;">