
1171 lines
36 KiB

// Pandora FMS -
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
* @package Include
* @subpackage HTML
* Prints the print_r with < pre > tags
function debugPrint ($var, $file = '') {
if ($file === true)
$file = '/tmp/logDebug';
if (strlen($file) > 0) {
$f = fopen($file, "a");
echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . "\n";
echo "\n\n";
$output = ob_get_clean();
else {
echo "<pre>";print_r($var);echo "</pre>";
function f2str($function, $params) {
call_user_func_array($function, $params);
return ob_get_clean();
* Prints an array of fields in a popup menu of a form.
* Based on choose_from_menu() from Moodle
* @param array Array with dropdown values. Example: $fields["value"] = "label"
* @param string Select form name
* @param variant Current selected value. Can be a single value or an
* array of selected values (in combination with multiple)
* @param string Javascript onChange code.
* @param string Label when nothing is selected.
* @param variant Value when nothing is selected
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool Set the input to allow multiple selections (optional, single selection by default).
* @param bool Whether to sort the options or not (optional, unsorted by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_select_style ($fields, $name, $selected = '', $style='', $script = '', $nothing = '', $nothing_value = 0, $return = false, $multiple = false, $sort = true, $class = '', $disabled = false) {
$output = "\n";
static $idcounter = array ();
//If duplicate names exist, it will start numbering. Otherwise it won't
if (isset ($idcounter[$name])) {
} else {
$idcounter[$name] = 0;
$id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\:\;\-\_]/i', '', $name.($idcounter[$name] ? $idcounter[$name] : ''));
$attributes = "";
if (!empty ($script)) {
$attributes .= ' onchange="'.$script.'"';
if (!empty ($multiple)) {
$attributes .= ' multiple="multiple" size="10"';
if (!empty ($class)) {
$attributes .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
if (!empty ($disabled)) {
$attributes .= ' disabled="disabled"';
$output .= '<select style="'.$style.'" id="'.$id.'" name="'.$name.'"'.$attributes.'>';
if ($nothing != '' || empty ($fields)) {
if ($nothing == '') {
$nothing = __('None');
$output .= '<option value="'.$nothing_value.'"';
if ($nothing_value == $selected) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
$output .= '>'.$nothing.'</option>';
if (!empty ($fields)) {
if ($sort !== false) {
asort ($fields);
foreach ($fields as $value => $label) {
$output .= '<option value="'.$value.'"';
if (is_array ($selected) && in_array ($value, $selected)) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
} elseif (is_numeric ($value) && is_numeric ($selected) && $value == $selected) {
//This fixes string ($value) to int ($selected) comparisons
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
} elseif ($value === $selected) {
//Needs type comparison otherwise if $selected = 0 and $value = "string" this would evaluate to true
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
if ($label === '') {
$output .= '>'.$value."</option>";
} else {
$output .= '>'.$label."</option>";
$output .= "</select>";
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Prints the groups of user of fields in a popup menu of a form.
* @param string User id
* @param string The privilege to evaluate
* @param boolean $returnAllGroup Flag the return group, by default true.
* @param boolean $returnAllColumns Flag to return all columns of groups.
* @param array Array with dropdown values. Example: $fields["value"] = "label"
* @param string Select form name
* @param variant Current selected value. Can be a single value or an
* array of selected values (in combination with multiple)
* @param string Javascript onChange code.
* @param string Label when nothing is selected.
* @param variant Value when nothing is selected
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool Set the input to allow multiple selections (optional, single selection by default).
* @param bool Whether to sort the options or not (optional, unsorted by default).
* @param string $style The string of style.
* @param integer $id_group The id of node that must do not show the children and own.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_select_groups($id_user = false, $privilege = "AR", $returnAllGroup = true,
$name, $selected = '', $script = '', $nothing = '', $nothing_value = 0, $return = false,
$multiple = false, $sort = true, $class = '', $disabled = false, $style = false, $option_style = false, $id_group = false) {
$user_groups = get_user_groups ($id_user, $privilege, $returnAllGroup, true);
if ($id_group !== false) {
$childrens = get_childrens($id_group);
foreach ($childrens as $child) {
$user_groups_tree = get_user_groups_tree_recursive($user_groups);
$fields = array();
foreach ($user_groups_tree as $group) {
$fields[$group['id_grupo']] = str_repeat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $group['deep']) . $group['nombre'];
$output = print_select ($fields, $name, $selected, $script, $nothing, $nothing_value,
$return, $multiple, false, $class, $disabled, $style, $option_style);
if ($return) {
return $output;
* Prints an array of fields in a popup menu of a form.
* Based on choose_from_menu() from Moodle
* @param array Array with dropdown values. Example: $fields["value"] = "label"
* @param string Select form name
* @param variant Current selected value. Can be a single value or an
* array of selected values (in combination with multiple)
* @param string Javascript onChange code.
* @param string Label when nothing is selected.
* @param variant Value when nothing is selected
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool Set the input to allow multiple selections (optional, single selection by default).
* @param bool Whether to sort the options or not (optional, unsorted by default).
* @param string $style The string of style.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_select ($fields, $name, $selected = '', $script = '', $nothing = '', $nothing_value = 0, $return = false,
$multiple = false, $sort = true, $class = '', $disabled = false, $style = false, $option_style = false) {
$output = "\n";
static $idcounter = array ();
//If duplicate names exist, it will start numbering. Otherwise it won't
if (isset ($idcounter[$name])) {
} else {
$idcounter[$name] = 0;
$id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\:\;\-\_]/i', '', $name.($idcounter[$name] ? $idcounter[$name] : ''));
$attributes = "";
if (!empty ($script)) {
$attributes .= ' onchange="'.$script.'"';
if (!empty ($multiple)) {
$attributes .= ' multiple="multiple" size="10"';
if (!empty ($class)) {
$attributes .= ' class="'.$class.'"';
if (!empty ($disabled)) {
$attributes .= ' disabled="disabled"';
if ($style === false) {
$styleText = '';
else {
$styleText = 'style="' . $style . '"';
$output .= '<select id="'.$id.'" name="'.$name.'"'.$attributes.' ' . $styleText . '>';
if ($nothing != '' || empty ($fields)) {
if ($nothing == '') {
$nothing = __('None');
$output .= '<option value="'.$nothing_value.'"';
if ($nothing_value == $selected) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
$output .= '>'.$nothing.'</option>';
if (!empty ($fields)) {
if ($sort !== false) {
asort ($fields);
foreach ($fields as $value => $label) {
$output .= '<option value="'.$value.'"';
if (is_array ($selected) && in_array ($value, $selected)) {
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
} elseif (is_numeric ($value) && is_numeric ($selected) && $value == $selected) {
//This fixes string ($value) to int ($selected) comparisons
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
} elseif ($value === $selected) {
//Needs type comparison otherwise if $selected = 0 and $value = "string" this would evaluate to true
$output .= ' selected="selected"';
if (is_array ($option_style) && in_array ($value, array_keys($option_style))) {
$output .= ' style="'.$option_style[$value].'"';
if ($label === '') {
$output .= '>'.$value."</option>";
} else {
$output .= '>'.$label."</option>";
$output .= "</select>";
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Prints an array of fields in a popup menu of a form based on a SQL query.
* The first and second columns of the query will be used.
* The element will have an id like: "password-$value". Based on choose_from_menu() from Moodle.
* @param string $sql SQL sentence, the first field will be the identifier of the option.
* The second field will be the shown value in the dropdown.
* @param string $name Select form name
* @param string $selected Current selected value.
* @param string $script Javascript onChange code.
* @param string $nothing Label when nothing is selected.
* @param string $nothing_value Value when nothing is selected
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool $multiple Whether to allow multiple selections or not. Single by default
* @param bool $sort Whether to sort the options or not. Sorted by default.
* @param bool $disabled if it's true, disable the select.
* @param string $style The string of style.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_select_from_sql ($sql, $name, $selected = '', $script = '', $nothing = '', $nothing_value = '0', $return = false,
$multiple = false, $sort = true, $disabled = false, $style = false) {
$fields = array ();
$result = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($result === false)
$result = array ();
foreach ($result as $row) {
$id = array_shift($row);
$value = array_shift($row);
$fields[$id] = $value;
return print_select ($fields, $name, $selected, $script, $nothing, $nothing_value, $return, $multiple, $sort,'',$disabled, $style);
* Render a pair of select for times and text box for set the time more fine.
* @param array Array with dropdown values. Example: $fields["value"] = "label"
* @param string Select form name
* @param variant Current selected value. Can be a single value or an
* array of selected values (in combination with multiple)
* @param string Javascript onChange (select) code.
* @param string Label when nothing is selected.
* @param variant Value when nothing is selected
* @param integer $size Size of the input.
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_extended_select_for_time ($fields, $name, $selected = '', $script = '', $nothing = '',
$nothing_value = '0', $size = false, $return = false) {
if (($selected !== false) && (!isset($fields[$selected]))) {
$fields[$selected] = human_time_description_raw($selected,true);
print_select ($fields, $name . '_select', $selected,"javascript: $('#text-" . $name . "').val($('#" . $name . "_select').val());" . $script,
$nothing, $nothing_value, false, false, false);
print_input_text ($name, $selected, '', $size);
$returnString = ob_get_clean();
if ($return)
return $returnString;
echo $returnString;
* Render an input text element. Extended version, use print_input_text() to simplify.
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param string $value Input value.
* @param string $id Input HTML id.
* @param string $alt Do not use, invalid for text and password. Use print_input_image
* @param int $size Size of the input.
* @param int $maxlength Maximum length allowed.
* @param bool $disabled Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default).
* @param string $script JavaScript to attach to this . (TODO This parameter don't use...and I don't know reason)
* @param mixed $attributes Attributes to add to this tag. Should be an array for correction.
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool $password Whether it is a password input or not. Not password by default.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_input_text_extended ($name, $value, $id, $alt, $size, $maxlength, $disabled, $script, $attributes, $return = false, $password = false) {
static $idcounter = 0;
if ($maxlength == 0)
$maxlength = 255;
if ($size == 0)
$size = 10;
$valid_attrs = array ("accept", "disabled", "maxlength", "name", "readonly", "size", "value",
"accesskey", "class", "dir", "id", "lang", "style", "tabindex", "title", "xml:lang",
"onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange", "onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown",
"onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmousemove", "onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup");
$output = '<input '.($password ? 'type="password" ' : 'type="text" ');
if ($disabled && (!is_array ($attributes) || !array_key_exists ("disabled", $attributes))) {
$output .= 'readonly="readonly" ';
if (is_array ($attributes)) {
foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $attr_value) {
if (! in_array ($attribute,$valid_attrs)) {
$output .= $attribute.'="'.$attr_value.'" ';
} else {
$output .= trim ($attributes)." ";
$attributes = array ();
//Attributes specified by function call
$attrs = array ("name" => "unnamed", "value" => "",
"id" => "text-".sprintf ('%04d', $idcounter),
"size" => "", "maxlength" => "");
foreach ($attrs as $attribute => $default) {
if (array_key_exists ($attribute, $attributes)) {
} //If the attribute was already processed, skip
/* Exact operator because we want to show "0" on the value */
if ($$attribute !== '') {
$output .= $attribute.'="'.$$attribute.'" ';
} elseif ($default != '') {
$output .= $attribute.'="'.$default.'" ';
$output .= '/>';
if (!$return)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Render an input password element.
* The element will have an id like: "password-$name"
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param string $value Input value.
* @param string $alt Alternative HTML string (optional).
* @param int $size Size of the input (optional).
* @param int $maxlength Maximum length allowed (optional).
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool $disabled Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_input_password ($name, $value, $alt = '', $size = 50, $maxlength = 255, $return = false, $disabled = false) {
$output = print_input_text_extended ($name, $value, 'password-'.$name, $alt, $size, $maxlength, $disabled, '', '', true, true);
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render an input text element.
* The element will have an id like: "text-$name"
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param string $value Input value.
* @param string $alt Alternative HTML string (invalid - not used).
* @param int $size Size of the input (optional).
* @param int $maxlength Maximum length allowed (optional).
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool $disabled Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_input_text ($name, $value, $alt = '', $size = 50, $maxlength = 255, $return = false, $disabled = false) {
if ($maxlength == 0)
$maxlength = 255;
if ($size == 0)
$size = 10;
return print_input_text_extended ($name, $value, 'text-'.$name, '', $size, $maxlength, $disabled, '', '', $return);
* Render an input image element.
* The element will have an id like: "image-$name"
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param string $src Image source.
* @param string $value Input value.
* @param string $style HTML style property.
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_input_image ($name, $src, $value, $style = '', $return = false, $options = false) {
static $idcounter = 0;
$output = '<input id="image-'.$name.$idcounter.'" src="'.$src.'" style="'.$style.'" name="'.$name.'" type="image"';
//Valid attributes (invalid attributes get skipped)
$attrs = array ("alt", "accesskey", "lang", "tabindex", "title", "xml:lang",
"onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmousemove",
"onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup");
foreach ($attrs as $attribute) {
if (isset ($options[$attribute])) {
$output .= ' '.$attribute.'="'.safe_input ($options[$attribute]).'"';
$output .= ' value="'.$value.'" />';
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render an input hidden element.
* The element will have an id like: "hidden-$name"
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param string $value Input value.
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param string $class Set the class of input.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_input_hidden ($name, $value, $return = false, $class = false) {
if ($class !== false) {
$classText = 'class="' . $class . '"';
else {
$classText = '';
$output = '<input id="hidden-' . $name . '" name="' . $name . '" type="hidden" ' . $classText . ' value="' . $value . '" />';
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render an submit input button element.
* The element will have an id like: "submit-$name"
* @param string $label Input label.
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param bool $disabled Whether to disable by default or not. Enabled by default.
* @param array $attributes Additional HTML attributes.
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_submit_button ($label = 'OK', $name = '', $disabled = false, $attributes = '', $return = false) {
if (!$name) {
if (is_array ($attributes)) {
$attr_array = $attributes;
$attributes = '';
foreach ($attr_array as $attribute => $value) {
$attributes .= $attribute.'="'.$value.'" ';
$output = '<input type="submit" id="submit-'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'. $label .'" '. $attributes;
if ($disabled)
$output .= ' disabled="disabled"';
$output .= ' />';
if (!$return)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Render an submit input button element.
* The element will have an id like: "button-$name"
* @param string $label Input label.
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param bool $disabled Whether to disable by default or not. Enabled by default.
* @param string $script JavaScript to attach
* @param string $attributes Additional HTML attributes.
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool $imageButton Set the button as a image button without text, by default is false.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_button ($label = 'OK', $name = '', $disabled = false, $script = '', $attributes = '', $return = false, $imageButton = false) {
$output = '';
$alt = $title = '';
if ($imageButton) {
$alt = $title = $label;
$label = '';
$output .= '<input title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $alt . '" type="button" id="button-'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" value="'. $label .'" onClick="'. $script.'" '.$attributes;
if ($disabled)
$output .= ' disabled';
$output .= ' />';
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render an input textarea element.
* The element will have an id like: "textarea_$name"
* @param string $name Input name.
* @param int $rows How many rows (height)
* @param int $columns How many columns (width)
* @param string $value Text in the textarea
* @param string $attributes Additional attributes
* @param bool $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). *
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_textarea ($name, $rows, $columns, $value = '', $attributes = '', $return = false) {
static $idcounter = array ();
//If duplicate names exist, it will start numbering. Otherwise it won't
if (isset ($idcounter[$name])) {
$name = $name.$idcounter;
} else {
$idcounter[$name] = 0;
$output = '<textarea id="textarea_'.$name.'" name="'.$name.'" cols="'.$columns.'" rows="'.$rows.'" '.$attributes.' >';
//$output .= safe_input ($value);
$output .= ($value);
$output .= '</textarea>';
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Print a nicely formatted table. Code taken from moodle.
* @param object Object with several properties:
* $table->head - An array of heading names.
* $table->head_colspan - An array of colspans of each head column.
* $table->align - An array of column alignments
* $table->valign - An array of column alignments
* $table->size - An array of column sizes
* $table->wrap - An array of "nowrap"s or nothing
* $table->style - An array of personalized style for each column.
* $table->rowstyle - An array of personalized style of each row.
* $table->rowclass - An array of personalized classes of each row (odd-evens classes will be ignored).
* $table->colspan - An array of colspans of each column.
* $table->rowspan - An array of rowspans of each column.
* $table->data[] - An array of arrays containing the data.
* $table->width - A percentage of the page
* $table->border - Border of the table.
* $table->tablealign - Align the whole table (float left or right)
* $table->cellpadding - Padding on each cell
* $table->cellspacing - Spacing between cells
* $table->class - CSS table class
* $table->id - Table ID (useful in JavaScript)
* $table->headclass[] - An array of classes for each heading
* $table->title - Title of the table is a single string that will be on top of the table in the head spanning the whole table
* $table->titlestyle - Title style
* $table->titleclass - Title class
* $table->styleTable - Table style
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_table (&$table, $return = false) {
$output = '';
static $table_count = 0;
if (isset ($table->align)) {
foreach ($table->align as $key => $aa) {
if ($aa) {
$align[$key] = ' text-align:'. $aa.';';
} else {
$align[$key] = '';
if (isset ($table->valign)) {
foreach ($table->valign as $key => $aa) {
if ($aa) {
$valign[$key] = ' vertical-align:'. $aa.';';
} else {
$valign[$key] = '';
if (isset ($table->size)) {
foreach ($table->size as $key => $ss) {
if ($ss) {
$size[$key] = ' width:'. $ss .';';
} else {
$size[$key] = '';
if (isset ($table->style)) {
foreach ($table->style as $key => $st) {
if ($st) {
$style[$key] = ' '. $st .';';
} else {
$style[$key] = '';
$styleTable = '';
if (isset ($table->styleTable)) {
$styleTable = $table->styleTable;
if (isset ($table->rowstyle)) {
foreach ($table->rowstyle as $key => $st) {
$rowstyle[$key] = ' '. $st .';';
if (isset ($table->rowclass)) {
foreach ($table->rowclass as $key => $class) {
$rowclass[$key] = $class;
if (isset ($table->colspan)) {
foreach ($table->colspan as $keyrow => $cspan) {
foreach ($cspan as $key => $span) {
$colspan[$keyrow][$key] = ' colspan="'.$span.'"';
if (isset ($table->rowspan)) {
foreach ($table->rowspan as $keyrow => $rspan) {
foreach ($rspan as $key => $span) {
$rowspan[$keyrow][$key] = ' rowspan="'.$span.'"';
if (empty ($table->width)) {
$table->width = '80%';
if (empty ($table->border)) {
$table->border = '0';
if (empty ($table->tablealign) || $table->tablealign != 'left' || $table->tablealign != 'right') {
$table->tablealign = '';
} else {
$table->tablealign = 'style="float:'.$table->tablealign.';"'; //Align is deprecated. Use float instead
if (!isset ($table->cellpadding)) {
$table->cellpadding = '4';
if (!isset ($table->cellspacing)) {
$table->cellspacing = '4';
if (empty ($table->class)) {
$table->class = 'databox';
if (empty ($table->titlestyle)) {
$table->titlestyle = 'text-align:center;';
$tableid = empty ($table->id) ? 'table'.$table_count : $table->id;
$output .= '<table style="' . $styleTable . '" width="'.$table->width.'"'.$table->tablealign;
$output .= ' cellpadding="'.$table->cellpadding.'" cellspacing="'.$table->cellspacing.'"';
$output .= ' border="'.$table->border.'" class="'.$table->class.'" id="'.$tableid.'">';
$countcols = 0;
if (!empty ($table->head)) {
$countcols = count ($table->head);
$output .= '<thead><tr>';
if (isset ($table->title)) {
$output .= '<th colspan="'.$countcols.'"';
if (isset ($table->titlestyle)) {
$output .= ' style="'.$table->titlestyle.'"';
if (isset ($table->titleclass)) {
$output .= ' class="'.$table->titleclass.'"';
$output .= '>'.$table->title.'</th></tr><tr>';
foreach ($table->head as $key => $heading) {
if (!isset ($size[$key])) {
$size[$key] = '';
if (!isset ($align[$key])) {
$align[$key] = '';
if (!isset ($table->headclass[$key])) {
$table->headclass[$key] = 'header c'.$key;
if (isset ($table->head_colspan[$key])) {
$headColspan = 'colspan = "' . $table->head_colspan[$key] . '"';
else $headColspan = '';
$output .= '<th class="'.$table->headclass[$key].'" ' . $headColspan . ' scope="col">'. $heading .'</th>';
$output .= '</tr></thead>'."\n";
$output .= '<tbody>'."\n";
if (!empty ($table->data)) {
$oddeven = 1;
foreach ($table->data as $keyrow => $row) {
if (!isset ($rowstyle[$keyrow])) {
$rowstyle[$keyrow] = '';
$oddeven = $oddeven ? 0 : 1;
$class = 'datos'.($oddeven ? "" : "2");
if (isset ($rowclass[$keyrow])) {
$class = $rowclass[$keyrow];
$output .= '<tr id="'.$tableid."-".$keyrow.'" style="'.$rowstyle[$keyrow].'" class="'.$class.'">'."\n";
/* Special separator rows */
if ($row == 'hr' and $countcols) {
$output .= '<td colspan="'. $countcols .'"><div class="tabledivider"></div></td>';
/* It's a normal row */
foreach ($row as $key => $item) {
if (!isset ($size[$key])) {
$size[$key] = '';
if (!isset ($colspan[$keyrow][$key])) {
$colspan[$keyrow][$key] = '';
if (!isset ($rowspan[$keyrow][$key])) {
$rowspan[$keyrow][$key] = '';
if (!isset ($align[$key])) {
$align[$key] = '';
if (!isset ($valign[$key])) {
$valign[$key] = '';
if (!isset ($wrap[$key])) {
$wrap[$key] = '';
if (!isset ($style[$key])) {
$style[$key] = '';
$output .= '<td id="'.$tableid.'-'.$keyrow.'-'.$key.'" style="'. $style[$key].$valign[$key].$align[$key].$size[$key].$wrap[$key] .'" '.$colspan[$keyrow][$key].' '.$rowspan[$keyrow][$key].' class="'.$class.'">'. $item .'</td>'."\n";
$output .= '</tr>'."\n";
$output .= '</tbody></table>'."\n";
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render a radio button input. Extended version, use print_radio_button() to simplify.
* @param string Input name.
* @param string Input value.
* @param string Set the button to be marked (optional, unmarked by default).
* @param bool Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default).
* @param string Script to execute when onClick event is triggered (optional).
* @param string Optional HTML attributes. It's a free string which will be
inserted into the HTML tag, use it carefully (optional).
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_radio_button_extended ($name, $value, $label, $checkedvalue, $disabled, $script, $attributes, $return = false) {
static $idcounter = 0;
$output = '';
$output = '<input type="radio" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'"';
$htmlid = 'radiobtn'.sprintf ('%04d', ++$idcounter);
$output .= ' id="'.$htmlid.'"';
if ($value == $checkedvalue) {
$output .= ' checked="checked"';
if ($disabled) {
$output .= ' disabled="disabled"';
if ($script != '') {
$output .= ' onClick="'. $script . '"';
$output .= ' ' . $attributes ;
$output .= ' />';
if ($label != '') {
$output .= '<label for="'.$htmlid.'">'. $label .'</label>' . "\n";
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render a radio button input.
* @param string Input name.
* @param string Input value.
* @param string Label to add after the radio button (optional).
* @param string Checked and selected value, the button will be selected if it matches $value (optional).
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_radio_button ($name, $value, $label = '', $checkedvalue = '', $return = false) {
$output = print_radio_button_extended ($name, $value, $label, $checkedvalue, false, '', '', true);
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render a checkbox button input. Extended version, use print_checkbox() to simplify.
* @param string Input name.
* @param string Input value.
* @param string Set the button to be marked (optional, unmarked by default).
* @param bool Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default).
* @param string Script to execute when onClick event is triggered (optional).
* @param string Optional HTML attributes. It's a free string which will be
inserted into the HTML tag, use it carefully (optional).
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_checkbox_extended ($name, $value, $checked, $disabled, $script, $attributes, $return = false) {
static $idcounter = array ();
//If duplicate names exist, it will start numbering. Otherwise it won't
if (isset ($idcounter[$name])) {
} else {
$idcounter[$name] = 0;
$id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\:\;\-\_]/i', '', $name.($idcounter[$name] ? $idcounter[$name] : ''));
$output = '<input name="'.$name.'" type="checkbox" value="'.$value.'" '. ($checked ? 'checked="checked"': '');
$output .= ' id="checkbox-'.$id.'"';
if ($script != '') {
$output .= ' onclick="'. $script . '"';
if ($disabled) {
$output .= ' disabled="disabled"';
$output .= ' />';
$output .= "\n";
if ($return === false)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Render a checkbox button input.
* @param string Input name.
* @param string Input value.
* @param string Set the button to be marked (optional, unmarked by default).
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param bool $disabled Disable the button (optional, button enabled by default).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_checkbox ($name, $value, $checked = false, $return = false, $disabled = false, $script = '') {
$output = print_checkbox_extended ($name, $value, (bool) $checked, $disabled, $script, '', true);
if ($return === false)
echo $output;
return $output;
* Prints an image HTML element.
* @param string $src Image source filename.
* @param bool $return Whether to return or print
* @param array $options Array with optional HTML options to set. At this moment, the
* following options are supported: alt, style, title, width, height, class.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function print_image ($src, $return = false, $options = false) {
$output = '<img src="'.safe_input ($src).'" '; //safe input necessary to strip out html entities correctly
$style = '';
if (!empty ($options)) {
//Deprecated or value-less attributes
if (isset ($options["align"])) {
$style .= 'align:'.$options["align"].';'; //Align is deprecated, use styles.
if (isset ($options["border"])) {
$style .= 'border:'.$options["border"].'px;'; //Border is deprecated, use styles
if (isset ($options["hspace"])) {
$style .= 'margin-left:'.$options["hspace"].'px;'; //hspace is deprecated, use styles
$style .= 'margin-right:'.$options["hspace"].'px;';
if (isset ($options["ismap"])) {
$output .= 'ismap="ismap" '; //Defines the image as a server-side image map
if (isset ($options["vspace"])) {
$style .= 'margin-top:'.$options["vspace"].'px;'; //hspace is deprecated, use styles
$style .= 'margin-bottom:'.$options["vspace"].'px;';
if (isset ($options["style"])) {
$style .= $options["style"];
//Valid attributes (invalid attributes get skipped)
$attrs = array ("height", "longdesc", "usemap","width","id","class","title","lang","xml:lang",
"onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmouseover", "onmousemove",
"onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup");
foreach ($attrs as $attribute) {
if (isset ($options[$attribute])) {
$output .= $attribute.'="'.safe_input ($options[$attribute]).'" ';
} else {
$options = array ();
if (!isset ($options["alt"]) && isset ($options["title"])) {
$options["alt"] = $options["title"]; //Set alt to title if it's not set
} elseif (!isset ($options["alt"])) {
$options["alt"] = "";
if (!empty ($style)) {
$output .= 'style="'.$style.'" ';
$output .= 'alt="'.safe_input ($options['alt']).'" />';
if (!$return) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Render an input text element. Extended version, use print_input_text() to simplify.
* @param string Input name.
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param array An array with optional HTML parameters.
* Key size: HTML size attribute.
* Key disabled: Whether to disable the input or not.
* Key class: HTML class
function print_input_file ($name, $return = false, $options = false) {
$output = '';
$output .= '<input type="file" value="" name="'.$name.'" id="file-'.$name.'" ';
if ($options) {
if (isset ($options['size']))
$output .= 'size="'.$options['size'].'"';
if (isset ($options['disabled']))
$output .= 'disabled="disabled"';
if (isset ($options['class']))
$output .= 'class="'.$options['class'].'"';
$output .= ' />';
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;
* Render a label for a input elemennt.
* @param string Label text.
* @param string Input id to refer.
* @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param array An array with optional HTML parameters.
* Key html: Extra HTML to add after the label.
* Key class: HTML class
function print_label ($text, $id, $return = false, $options = false) {
$output = '';
$output .= '<label id="label-'.$id.'" ';
if ($options) {
if (isset ($options['class']))
$output .= 'class="'.$options['class'].'" ';
$output .= 'for="'.$id.'" >';
$output .= $text;
$output .= '</label>';
if ($options) {
if (isset ($options['html']))
$output .= $options['html'];
if ($return)
return $output;
echo $output;