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316 lines
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/* Defines a parent class for a Pandora module.
Copyright (C) 2006 Artica ST.
Written by Esteban Sanchez.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __PANDORA_MODULE_H__
#define __PANDORA_MODULE_H__
#include "../pandora.h"
#include "pandora_data.h"
#include "boost/regex.h"
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
using namespace Pandora;
* Definition of Pandora modules.
namespace Pandora_Modules {
* Defines the type of the module.
* The type of a module is the value type the module can have.
typedef enum {
TYPE_0, /**< Invalid value */
TYPE_GENERIC_DATA, /**< The value is an integer */
TYPE_GENERIC_DATA_INC, /**< The value is an integer with
* incremental diferences */
TYPE_GENERIC_PROC, /**< The value is a 0 or a 1 */
TYPE_GENERIC_DATA_STRING, /**< The value is a string */
TYPE_ASYNC_DATA, /**< Asynchronous generic_data */
TYPE_ASYNC_PROC, /**< Asynchronous generic_proc */
TYPE_ASYNC_STRING, /**< Asynchronous generic_data_string */
TYPE_LOG, /**< Log data */
TYPE_GENERIC_DATA_INC_ABS /**< The value is an integer with
* incremental diferences (timestamps are ignored) */
} Module_Type;
const string module_generic_data_str = "generic_data";
const string module_generic_data_inc_str = "generic_data_inc";
const string module_generic_proc_str = "generic_proc";
const string module_generic_data_string_str = "generic_data_string";
const string module_async_data_str = "async_data";
const string module_async_proc_str = "async_proc";
const string module_async_string_str = "async_string";
const string module_log_str = "log";
const string module_generic_data_inc_abs_str = "generic_data_inc_abs";
* Defines the kind of the module.
* The kind of a module is the work the module does.
typedef enum {
MODULE_0, /**< Invalid kind */
MODULE_EXEC, /**< The module run a custom command */
MODULE_PROC, /**< The module checks for a running
* process */
MODULE_SERVICE, /**< The module checks for a running
* service */
MODULE_FREEDISK, /**< The module checks the free */
MODULE_FREEDISK_PERCENT, /**< The module checks the free */
MODULE_CPUUSAGE, /**< The module checks the CPU usage */
MODULE_INVENTORY, /**< The module gets the inventory of the machine */
MODULE_FREEMEMORY, /**< The module checks the percentage of
* freememory in the system */
MODULE_FREEMEMORY_PERCENT, /**< The module checks the amount of
* freememory in the system */
MODULE_LOGEVENT, /**< The module checks for log events */
MODULE_LOGCHANNEL, /**< The module checks for log events on channel using XML functions*/
MODULE_WMIQUERY, /**< The module runs WQL queries */
MODULE_PERFCOUNTER, /**< The module reads performance counters */
MODULE_TCPCHECK, /**< The module checks whether a tcp port is open */
MODULE_REGEXP, /**< The module searches a file for matches of a regular expression */
MODULE_PLUGIN, /**< Plugin */
MODULE_PING, /**< Ping module */
MODULE_SNMPGET /**< SNMP get module */
} Module_Kind;
* Defines the structure that holds module conditions.
typedef struct {
double value_1;
double value_2;
string string_value;
string operation;
string command;
regex_t regexp;
} Condition;
* Defines the structure that holds the module cron.
typedef struct {
time_t utimestamp;
int interval;
int params[5][2];
} Cron;
const string module_exec_str = "module_exec";
const string module_proc_str = "module_proc";
const string module_service_str = "module_service";
const string module_freedisk_str = "module_freedisk";
const string module_freedisk_percent_str = "module_freedisk_percent";
const string module_freememory_str = "module_freememory";
const string module_freememory_percent_str = "module_freememory_percent";
const string module_cpuusage_str = "module_cpuusage";
const string module_inventory_str = "module_inventory";
const string module_logevent_str = "module_logevent";
const string module_logchannel_str = "module_logchannel";
const string module_wmiquery_str = "module_wmiquery";
const string module_perfcounter_str = "module_perfcounter";
const string module_tcpcheck_str = "module_tcpcheck";
const string module_regexp_str = "module_regexp";
const string module_plugin_str = "module_plugin";
const string module_ping_str = "module_ping";
const string module_snmpget_str = "module_snmpget";
* Pandora module super-class exception.
class Module_Exception : public Pandora::Pandora_Exception { };
* An error happened with the module output.
class Output_Error : public Pandora_Modules::Module_Exception { };
* The module value is not correct, usually beacause of the limits.
class Value_Error : public Pandora_Modules::Module_Exception { };
* The module does not satisfy its interval.
class Interval_Not_Fulfilled : public Pandora_Modules::Module_Exception { };
* Pandora module super-class.
* Every defined module must inherit of this class.
class Pandora_Module {
int module_interval;
int module_timeout;
int executions;
int max, min;
string min_critical, max_critical, min_warning, max_warning;
string post_process, disabled, min_ff_event;
bool has_limits, has_min, has_max;
Module_Type module_type;
string module_kind_str;
Module_Kind module_kind;
string save;
list<Condition *> *condition_list;
list<Condition *> *precondition_list;
Cron *cron;
list<Condition *> *intensive_condition_list;
time_t timestamp;
unsigned char intensive_match;
int intensive_interval;
string unit, custom_id, str_warning, str_critical;
string module_group, warning_inverse, critical_inverse, quiet;
string module_ff_interval, module_alert_template, module_crontab;
string critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, tags;
list<Pandora_Data *> *data_list;
* Indicates if the module generated output in
* his last execution.
bool has_output;
* The name of the module.
string module_name;
* The description of the module.
string module_description;
* Flag to set a module as asynchronous
bool async;
* List of items of the inventory
list<Pandora_Data *> *inventory_list;
* Data passed to the latest setOutput
string latest_output;
* String containing the module type
string module_type_str;
string getDataOutput (Pandora_Data *data);
void cleanDataList ();
Pandora_Module (string name);
virtual ~Pandora_Module ();
static Module_Type
parseModuleTypeFromString (string type);
static Module_Kind
parseModuleKindFromString (string kind);
void setInterval (int interval);
void setIntensiveInterval (int intensive_interval);
int getInterval ();
int getIntensiveInterval ();
void setTimeout (int timeout);
int getTimeout ();
string getSave ();
bool getAsync ();
virtual string getXml ();
virtual void run ();
virtual void setOutput (string output);
virtual void setOutput (string output,
SYSTEMTIME *system_time);
virtual void setNoOutput ();
string getName () const;
string getDescription () const;
string getTypeString () const;
string getLatestOutput () const;
Module_Type getTypeInt () const;
Module_Type getModuleType () const;
Module_Kind getModuleKind () const;
void setType (string type);
void setKind (string kind);
void setDescription (string description);
void setMax (int value);
void setMin (int value);
void setPostProcess (string value);
void setMinCritical (string value);
void setMaxCritical (string value);
void setMinWarning (string value);
void setMaxWarning (string value);
void setDisabled (string value);
void setMinFFEvent (string value);
void setUnit (string value);
void setModuleGroup (string value);
void setCustomId (string value);
void setStrWarning (string value);
void setStrCritical (string value);
void setCriticalInstructions (string value);
void setWarningInstructions (string value);
void setUnknownInstructions (string value);
void setTags (string value);
void setCriticalInverse (string value);
void setWarningInverse (string value);
void setQuiet (string value);
void setModuleFFInterval (string value);
void setModuleAlertTemplate (string value);
void setModuleCrontab (string value);
void setAsync (bool async);
void setSave (string save);
void exportDataOutput ();
void addGenericCondition (string condition, list<Condition *> **condition_list);
void addCondition (string precondition);
void addPreCondition (string precondition);
void addIntensiveCondition (string intensivecondition);
int evaluatePreconditions ();
void evaluateConditions ();
int checkCron (int module_interval, int agent_interval);
void setCron (string cron_string);
void setCronInterval (int interval);
int evaluateCondition (string string_value, double double_value, Condition *condition);
int evaluateIntensiveConditions ();
int hasOutput ();
void setTimestamp (time_t timestamp);
time_t getTimestamp ();
void setIntensiveMatch (unsigned char intensive_match);
unsigned char getIntensiveMatch ();