
2611 lines
74 KiB

package PandoraFMS::PluginTools;
# Pandora FMS Plugin functions library
# (c) Fco de Borja Sanchez <>
# Requirements:
# Library Centos package
# ------- --------------
# LWP::UserAgent perl-libwww-perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Socket qw(inet_ntoa inet_aton);
use File::Copy;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
eval "use POSIX::strftime::GNU;1" if ($^O =~ /win/i);
use POSIX qw(strftime setsid floor);
use MIME::Base64;
use JSON qw(decode_json encode_json);
use PerlIO::encoding;
use base 'Exporter';
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
# version: Defines actual version of Pandora Server for this module only
my $pandora_version = "7.0NG.765";
my $pandora_build = "221017";
our $VERSION = $pandora_version." ".$pandora_build;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw() ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw(
# ~ compat
my $DevNull = ($^O =~ /win/i)?'/NUL':'/dev/null';
# Returns current library version
sub get_lib_version {
return $VERSION;
# Check version compatibility
sub check_lib_version {
my ($plugin_version) = @_;
$plugin_version = "0NG.0" if empty($plugin_version);
my ($main,$oum) = split /NG./, $plugin_version;
$main = 0 if empty($main) || !looks_like_number($main);
$oum = 0 if empty($oum) || !looks_like_number($oum);
my ($libmain,$liboum) = split /NG./, $pandora_version;
if (($liboum < $oum)
|| ($libmain != $main)) {
return 0;
return 1;
# Returns IP address(v4) in longint format
sub __ip_to_long {
my $ip_str = shift;
return unpack "N", inet_aton($ip_str);
# Returns IP address(v4) in longint format
sub __long_to_ip {
my $ip_long = shift;
return inet_ntoa pack("N", ($ip_long));
# Convert CSV string to hash
sub csv_to_obj {
my ($csv) = @_;
my @ahr;
my @lines = split /\n/, $csv;
return [] unless $#lines >= 0;
# scan headers
my @hr_headers = split /,/, shift @lines;
# Clean \n\r
@hr_headers = map { $_ =~ s/\"//g; trim($_); } @hr_headers;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
next if empty($line);
my $i = 0;
my %hr = map { $_ =~ s/\"//g; $hr_headers[$i++] => trim($_) } split /,/, $line;
push @ahr, \%hr;
return \@ahr;
# Get current time (milis)
sub get_current_utime_milis { return getCurrentUTimeMilis(); }
sub getCurrentUTimeMilis {
#return trim (`date +"%s%3N"`); # returns 1449681679712
return floor(time*1000);
# Mask to decimal
sub mask_to_decimal {
my $mask = shift;
my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = $mask =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
$a = sprintf "%08b", $a;
$b = sprintf "%08b", $b;
$c = sprintf "%08b", $c;
$d = sprintf "%08b", $d;
my $str = $a . $b . $c . $d;
$str =~ s/0.*$//;
return length($str);
# Mix hashses
sub merge_hashes {
my $_h1 = shift;
my $_h2 = shift;
if (ref($_h1) ne "HASH") {
return \%{$_h2} if (ref($_h2) eq "HASH");
if (ref($_h2) ne "HASH") {
return \%{$_h1} if (ref($_h1) eq "HASH");
if ((ref($_h1) ne "HASH") && (ref($_h2) ne "HASH")) {
return {};
my %ret = (%{$_h1}, %{$_h2});
return \%ret;
# Regex based tail command
sub tail {
my $string = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $reverse_flag = shift;
my $nlines = $string =~ tr/\n//;
if (empty ($string)){
return "";
if (defined($reverse_flag)) {
$n = $n-1;
else {
$n = $nlines-$n;
$string =~ s/^(?:.*\n){0,$n}//;
return $string;
# Regex based head command
sub head {
my $string = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $reverse_flag = shift;
my $nlines = $string =~ tr/\n//;
if (empty ($string)){
return "";
if (defined($reverse_flag)) {
$n = $nlines - $n +1;
my $str="";
my @lines = split /\n/, $string;
for (my $x=0; $x < $n; $x++) {
$str .= $lines[$x] . "\n";
return $str;
# Check if a given variable contents a number
sub to_number {
my $n = shift;
if(empty($n)) {
return undef;
if ($n =~ /[\d+,]*\d+\.\d+/) {
# American notation
$n =~ s/,//g;
elsif ($n =~ /[\d+\.]*\d+,\d+/) {
# Spanish notation
$n =~ s/\.//g;
$n =~ s/,/./g;
if(looks_like_number($n)) {
return $n;
return undef;
# Erase blank spaces before and after the string
sub trim {
my $string = shift;
if (empty ($string)){
return "";
$string =~ s/\r//g;
chomp ($string);
$string =~ s/^\s+//g;
$string =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $string;
# Empty
sub empty {
my $str = shift;
if (! (defined ($str)) ){
return 1;
return 0;
if (ref ($str) eq "ARRAY") {
return (($#{$str}<0)?1:0);
if (ref ($str) eq "HASH") {
my @tmp = keys %{$str};
return (($#tmp<0)?1:0);
if ($str =~ /^\ *[\n\r]{0,2}\ *$/) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Assing a value to a string key as subkeys in a hash map
sub extract_key_map;
sub extract_key_map {
my ($hash, $string, $value) = @_;
my ($key, $str) = split /\./, $string, 2;
if (empty($str)) {
$hash->{$key} = $value;
return $hash;
$hash->{$key} = extract_key_map($hash->{$key}, $str, $value);
return $hash;
# Check if a value is in an array
sub in_array {
my ($array, $value) = @_;
if (empty($value)) {
return 0;
my %params = map { $_ => 1 } @{$array};
if (exists($params{$value})) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Get unit
sub get_unit {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/[\d\.\,]//g;
return $str;
# Get unit
sub get_value_translated {
my $str = shift;
if (empty($str)) {
return $str;
$str = trim($str);
my $value = $str;
my $unit = get_unit($str);
if(empty($unit)) {
return $str;
$value =~ s/$unit//g;
if ($unit =~ /kb/i) { return $value * (2**10);}
if ($unit =~ /kib/i) { return $value * (2**10);}
if ($unit =~ /mb/i) { return $value * (2**20);}
if ($unit =~ /mib/i) { return $value * (2**20);}
if ($unit =~ /gb/i) { return $value * (2**30);}
if ($unit =~ /gib/i) { return $value * (2**30);}
if ($unit =~ /tb/i) { return $value * (2**40);}
return $value;
## Decodes a json strin into an hash
sub simple_decode_json;
sub simple_decode_json {
my $json = shift;
my $hash_reference;
if (empty ($json)){
return undef;
if ($json =~ /^\".*\"\:\{.*}$/ ){ # key => tree
my @data = split /:/, $json, 2;
# data[0] it's key, remove "
$data[0] =~ s/^\"//;
$data[0] =~ s/\"$//;
$hash_reference->{$data[0]} = simple_decode_json($data[1]);
return $hash_reference;
if ($json =~ /^\{(.*)\}$/) { # parse tree
$hash_reference = simple_decode_json($1);
return $hash_reference;
if ($json =~ /^(\".*[\"|\}]),(\".*[\"|\}])/) { # multi keys
my @data = split /,/, $json, 2;
if ($data[0] =~ /{/ ){
@data = split /},/, $json, 2;
$data[0] .= "}";
my $left_tree;
my $right_tree;
$left_tree = simple_decode_json($data[0]);
$right_tree = simple_decode_json($data[1]);
# join both sides
foreach (keys %{$left_tree}){
$hash_reference->{$_} = $left_tree->{$_};
foreach (keys %{$right_tree}){
$hash_reference->{$_} = $right_tree->{$_};
return $hash_reference;
if ($json =~ /^\"(.*)\"\:(\".*\")$/ ) { # return key => value
$hash_reference->{$1} = simple_decode_json($2);
return $hash_reference;
if ($json =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
return $1;
return $hash_reference;
# print_agent
sub print_agent {
my ($config, $agent_data, $modules_def, $str_flag) = @_;
my $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n";
# print header
$xml .= "<agent_data ";
my $group_password_specified = 0;
foreach my $kad (keys %{$agent_data}){
no warnings "uninitialized";
$xml .= $kad . "='";
$xml .= $agent_data->{$kad} . "' ";
if ($kad eq 'group_password') {
$group_password_specified = 1;
if ($group_password_specified == 0 && !empty($config->{'group_password'})) {
$xml .= " group_password='".$config->{'group_password'}."' ";
$xml .= ">";
if (ref($modules_def) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $module (@{$modules_def}) {
if (ref($module) eq "HASH" && (defined $module->{'name'})) {
$xml .= print_module($config, $module,1);
} elsif (ref($module) eq "HASH" && (defined $module->{'discovery'})) {
$xml .= print_discovery_module($config, $module,1);
} elsif (ref($modules_def) eq "HASH" && (defined $modules_def->{'name'})) {
$xml .= print_module($config, $modules_def,1);
} elsif (ref($modules_def) eq "HASH" && (defined $modules_def->{'discovery'})) {
$xml .= print_discovery_module($config, $modules_def,1);
# print tail
$xml .= "</agent_data>\n";
if (is_enabled($str_flag)){
print $xml;
return $xml;
# print_module
sub print_discovery_module {
my ($conf, $global_data, $not_print_flag) = @_;
return undef if (ref($global_data) ne "HASH" || !defined($global_data->{'discovery'}));
return "" if empty($global_data);
my $data = $global_data->{'discovery'};
my $xml_module = "<discovery><![CDATA[";
$xml_module .= encode_base64(encode_json($data));
$xml_module .= "]]></discovery>\n";
if (empty ($not_print_flag)) {
print $xml_module;
return $xml_module;
# print_module
sub print_module {
my ($conf, $data, $not_print_flag) = @_;
if ((ref($data) ne "HASH") || (!defined $data->{name})) {
return undef;
my $xml_module = "";
# If not a string type, remove all blank spaces!
if ($data->{type} !~ m/string/){
$data->{value} = trim($data->{value});
$data->{value} = '' if empty($data->{value});
$data->{tags} = ($data->{tags} ?
$data->{tags} : ($conf->{MODULE_TAG_LIST} ?
$conf->{MODULE_TAG_LIST} : ($conf->{module_tag_list} ?
$conf->{module_tag_list} : undef)));
$data->{interval} = ($data->{interval} ?
$data->{interval} : ($conf->{MODULE_INTERVAL} ?
$conf->{MODULE_INTERVAL} : ($conf->{module_interval} ?
$conf->{module_interval} : undef)));
$data->{module_group} = ($data->{module_group} ?
$data->{module_group} : ($conf->{MODULE_GROUP} ?
$conf->{MODULE_GROUP} : ( $conf->{module_group} ?
$conf->{module_group} : undef)));
# Global instructions (if defined)
$data->{unknown_instructions} = $conf->{unknown_instructions} unless (defined($data->{unknown_instructions}) || (!defined($conf->{unknown_instructions})));
$data->{warning_instructions} = $conf->{warning_instructions} unless (defined($data->{warning_instructions}) || (!defined($conf->{warning_instructions})));
$data->{critical_instructions} = $conf->{critical_instructions} unless (defined($data->{critical_instructions}) || (!defined($conf->{critical_instructions})));
# Translation compatibility
$data->{min_warning} = $data->{'wmin'} if empty($data->{min_warning});
$data->{max_warning} = $data->{'wmax'} if empty($data->{max_warning});
$data->{min_critical} = $data->{'cmin'} if empty($data->{min_critical});
$data->{max_critical} = $data->{'cmax'} if empty($data->{max_critical});
$data->{warning_inverse} = $data->{'winv'} if empty($data->{warning_inverse});
$data->{critical_inverse} = $data->{'cinv'} if empty($data->{critical_inverse});
$data->{str_warning} = $data->{'wstr'} if empty($data->{str_warning});
$data->{str_critical} = $data->{'cstr'} if empty($data->{str_critical});
$xml_module .= "<module>\n";
$xml_module .= "\t<name><![CDATA[" . $data->{name} . "]]></name>\n";
$xml_module .= "\t<type>" . $data->{type} . "</type>\n";
if (ref ($data->{value}) eq "ARRAY") {
$xml_module .= "\t<datalist>\n";
foreach (@{$data->{value}}) {
if ((ref($_) eq "HASH") && defined($_->{value})) {
$xml_module .= "\t<data>\n";
$xml_module .= "\t\t<value><![CDATA[" . $_->{value} . "]]></value>\n";
if (defined($_->{timestamp})) {
$xml_module .= "\t\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" . $_->{timestamp} . "]]></timestamp>\n";
$xml_module .= "\t</data>\n";
$xml_module .= "\t</datalist>\n";
else {
$xml_module .= "\t<data><![CDATA[" . $data->{value} . "]]></data>\n";
if ( !(empty($data->{desc}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<description><![CDATA[" . $data->{desc} . "]]></description>\n";
if ( !(empty ($data->{unit})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<unit><![CDATA[" . $data->{unit} . "]]></unit>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{interval})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<module_interval><![CDATA[" . $data->{interval} . "]]></module_interval>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{tags})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<tags>" . $data->{tags} . "</tags>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{module_group})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<module_group>" . $data->{module_group} . "</module_group>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{module_parent})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<module_parent>" . $data->{module_parent} . "</module_parent>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{min_warning})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_warning><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_warning} . "]]></min_warning>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{max_warning})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<max_warning><![CDATA[" . $data->{max_warning} . "]]></max_warning>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min_critical})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_critical><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_critical} . "]]></min_critical>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{max_critical})) ){
$xml_module .= "\t<max_critical><![CDATA[" . $data->{max_critical} . "]]></max_critical>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{str_warning}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<str_warning><![CDATA[" . $data->{str_warning} . "]]></str_warning>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{str_critical}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<str_critical><![CDATA[" . $data->{str_critical} . "]]></str_critical>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{critical_inverse}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<critical_inverse><![CDATA[" . $data->{critical_inverse} . "]]></critical_inverse>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{warning_inverse}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<warning_inverse><![CDATA[" . $data->{warning_inverse} . "]]></warning_inverse>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{min_warning_forced})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_warning_forced><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_warning_forced} . "]]></min_warning_forced>\n";
if (! (empty($data->{max_warning_forced})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<max_warning_forced><![CDATA[" . $data->{max_warning_forced} . "]]></max_warning_forced>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min_critical_forced})) ) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_critical_forced><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_critical_forced} . "]]></min_critical_forced>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{max_critical_forced})) ){
$xml_module .= "\t<max_critical_forced><![CDATA[" . $data->{max_critical_forced} . "]]></max_critical_forced>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{str_warning_forced}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<str_warning_forced><![CDATA[" . $data->{str_warning_forced} . "]]></str_warning_forced>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{str_critical_forced}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<str_critical_forced><![CDATA[" . $data->{str_critical_forced} . "]]></str_critical_forced>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{max}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<max><![CDATA[" . $data->{max} . "]]></max>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min><![CDATA[" . $data->{min} . "]]></min>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{post_process}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<post_process><![CDATA[" . $data->{post_process} . "]]></post_process>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{disabled}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<disabled><![CDATA[" . $data->{disabled} . "]]></disabled>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min_ff_event}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_ff_event><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_ff_event} . "]]></min_ff_event>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{status}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<status><![CDATA[" . $data->{status} . "]]></status>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{timestamp}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<timestamp><![CDATA[" . $data->{timestamp} . "]]></timestamp>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{custom_id}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<custom_id><![CDATA[" . $data->{custom_id} . "]]></custom_id>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{critical_instructions}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<critical_instructions><![CDATA[" . $data->{critical_instructions} . "]]></critical_instructions>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{warning_instructions}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<warning_instructions><![CDATA[" . $data->{warning_instructions} . "]]></warning_instructions>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{unknown_instructions}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<unknown_instructions><![CDATA[" . $data->{unknown_instructions} . "]]></unknown_instructions>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{quiet}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<quiet><![CDATA[" . $data->{quiet} . "]]></quiet>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{module_ff_interval}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<module_ff_interval><![CDATA[" . $data->{module_ff_interval} . "]]></module_ff_interval>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{crontab}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<crontab><![CDATA[" . $data->{crontab} . "]]></crontab>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min_ff_event_normal}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_ff_event_normal><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_ff_event_normal} . "]]></min_ff_event_normal>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min_ff_event_warning}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_ff_event_warning><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_ff_event_warning} . "]]></min_ff_event_warning>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{min_ff_event_critical}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<min_ff_event_critical><![CDATA[" . $data->{min_ff_event_critical} . "]]></min_ff_event_critical>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{ff_type}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<ff_type><![CDATA[" . $data->{ff_type} . "]]></ff_type>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{ff_timeout}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<ff_timeout><![CDATA[" . $data->{ff_timeout} . "]]></ff_timeout>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{each_ff}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<each_ff><![CDATA[" . $data->{each_ff} . "]]></each_ff>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{parent_unlink}))) {
$xml_module .= "\t<module_parent_unlink><![CDATA[" . $data->{parent_unlink} . "]]></module_parent_unlink>\n";
if (! (empty ($data->{alerts}))) {
foreach my $alert (@{$data->{alerts}}){
$xml_module .= "\t<alert_template><![CDATA[" . $alert . "]]></alert_template>\n";
if (defined ($conf->{global_alerts})){
foreach my $alert (@{$conf->{global_alerts}}){
$xml_module .= "\t<alert_template><![CDATA[" . $alert . "]]></alert_template>\n";
$xml_module .= "</module>\n";
if (empty ($not_print_flag)) {
print $xml_module;
return $xml_module;
# transfer_xml
sub transfer_xml {
my ($conf, $xml, $name) = @_;
my $file_name;
my $file_path;
if ($xml =~ /\n/ || ! -f $xml) {
# Not a file, it's content.
if (! (empty ($name))) {
$file_name = $name . "." . sprintf("%d",getCurrentUTimeMilis(). (rand()*10000)) . ".data";
else {
# Inherit file name
($file_name) = $xml =~ /\s+agent_name='(.*?)'\s+.*$/m;
if (empty($file_name)){
($file_name) = $xml =~ /\s+agent_name="(.*?)"\s+.*$/m;
if (empty($file_name)){
$file_name = trim(`hostname`);
# Tentacle server does not allow files with symbols in theirs name.
$file_name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]//g;
$file_name .= "." . sprintf("%d",time()) . ".data";
logger($conf, "transfer_xml", "Failed to generate file name.") if empty($file_name);
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{tmp} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{tmp}));
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{temporal} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{temporal}));
$conf->{temp} = $conf->{__system}->{tmp} if (empty($conf->{temp}) && defined($conf->{__system})) && (ref($conf->{__system}) eq "HASH");
$conf->{temp} = $ENV{'TMP'} if empty($conf->{temp}) && $^O =~ /win/i;
$conf->{temp} = '/tmp' if empty($conf->{temp}) && $^O =~ /lin/i;
$file_path = $conf->{temp} . "/" . $file_name;
#Creating XML file in temp directory
if ( -e $file_path ) {
sleep (1);
$file_name = $name . "." . sprintf("%d",time()) . ".data";
$file_path = $conf->{temp} . "/" . $file_name;
my $r = open (my $FD, ">>", $file_path);
if (empty($r)) {
print_stderror($conf, "Cannot write to [" . $file_path . "]", $conf->{'debug'});
return undef;
my $bin_opts = ':raw:encoding(UTF8)';
if ($^O eq "Windows") {
$bin_opts .= ':crlf';
binmode($FD, $bin_opts);
print $FD $xml;
close ($FD);
} else {
$file_path = $xml;
# Reassign default values if not present
$conf->{tentacle_client} = "tentacle_client" if empty($conf->{tentacle_client});
$conf->{tentacle_port} = "41121" if empty($conf->{tentacle_port});
$conf->{tentacle_opts} = "" if empty($conf->{tentacle_opts});
$conf->{mode} = $conf->{transfer_mode} if empty($conf->{mode});
if (empty ($conf->{mode}) ) {
print_stderror($conf, "[ERROR] Nor \"mode\" nor \"transfer_mode\" defined in configuration.");
return undef;
#Transfering XML file
if ($conf->{mode} eq "tentacle") {
my $msg = "";
my $r = -1;
#Send using tentacle
if ($^O =~ /win/i) {
$msg = `$conf->{tentacle_client} -v -a $conf->{tentacle_ip} -p $conf->{tentacle_port} $conf->{tentacle_opts} "$file_path"`;
$r = $?;
else {
$msg = `$conf->{tentacle_client} -v -a $conf->{tentacle_ip} -p $conf->{tentacle_port} $conf->{tentacle_opts} "$file_path" 2>&1`;
$r = $?;
#If no errors were detected delete file
if ($r == 0) {
unlink ($file_path);
else {
print_stderror($conf, trim($msg) . " File [$file_path]");
return undef;
else {
#Copy file to local folder
my $dest_dir = $conf->{local_folder};
my $rc = copy($file_path, $dest_dir);
#If there was no error, delete file
if ($rc == 0) {
print_stderror($conf, "[ERROR] There was a problem copying local file to $dest_dir: $!");
return undef;
else {
unlink ($file_path);
return 1;
# Plugin mesage as module
sub print_message {
my ($conf, $data) = @_;
if (is_enabled($conf->{'as_server_plugin'})) {
print $data->{value};
else { # as agent plugin
print_module($conf, $data);
# Module warning
# - tag: name
# - value: severity (default 0)
# - msg: description of the message
sub print_warning {
my ($conf, $tag, $msg, $value) = @_;
if (!(is_enabled($conf->{informational_modules}))) {
return 0;
print_module($conf, {
name => "Plugin message" . ( $tag?" " . $tag:""),
type => "generic_data",
value => (defined($value)?$value:0),
desc => $msg,
wmin => 1,
cmin => 3,
# Plugin mesage as module
sub print_execution_result {
my ($conf, $msg, $value) = @_;
if (!(is_enabled($conf->{informational_modules}))) {
return 0;
print_module($conf, {
name => "Plugin execution result " . $0,
type => "generic_proc",
value => (defined($value)?$value:0),
desc => $msg,
## Plugin devolution in case of error
sub print_error {
my ($conf, $msg, $value, $always_show) = @_;
$value = 0 unless defined($value);
if (!(is_enabled($conf->{informational_modules}) || is_enabled($always_show))) {
exit 1;
if (is_enabled($conf->{'as_server_plugin'})) {
print STDERR $msg . "\n";
print $value . "\n";
exit 0;
print_module($conf, {
name => (empty($conf->{'global_plugin_module'})?"Plugin execution result " . $0:$conf->{'global_plugin_module'}),
type => "generic_proc",
value => $value,
desc => $msg,
exit 0;
## Plugin message to SDTDOUT
sub print_stderror {
my ($conf, $msg, $always_show) = @_;
if(is_enabled($conf->{debug}) || (is_enabled($always_show))) {
print STDERR strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . ": " . $msg . "\n";
# Log data
my $log_aux_flag = 0;
sub logger {
my ($conf, $tag, $message) = @_;
my $file = $conf->{'log'};
print_error($conf, "[ERROR] Log file is not defined.", 0, 1) unless defined($file);
# Log rotation
if (defined($file) && -e $file && (stat($file))[7] > 32000000) {
rename ($file, $file.'.old');
if ($log_aux_flag == 0) {
# Log starts
if (! open ($LOGFILE, "> $file")) {
print_error ($conf, "[ERROR] Could not open logfile '$file'", 0, 1);
$log_aux_flag = 1;
else {
if (! open ($LOGFILE, ">> $file")) {
print_error ($conf, "[ERROR] Could not open logfile '$file'", 0, 1);
if (empty($message)) {
$message = $tag;
$message = "" if empty($message);
else {
$message = "[" . $tag . "] " . $message unless empty($tag);
if (!(empty($conf->{'agent_name'}))){
$message = "[" . $conf->{'agent_name'} . "] " . $message;
print $LOGFILE strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . " - " . $message . "\n";
close ($LOGFILE);
# is Enabled
sub is_enabled {
my $value = shift;
if ((defined ($value)) && looks_like_number($value) && ($value > 0)){
# return true
return 1;
#return false
return 0;
# Launch URL call
sub call_url {
my $conf = shift;
my $call = shift;
my @options = @_;
my $_PluginTools_system = get_sys_environment($conf);
if (empty($_PluginTools_system->{ua})) {
return {
error => "Uninitialized, please initialize UserAgent first"
my $response = $_PluginTools_system->{ua}->get($call, @options);
if ($response->is_success){
return $response->decoded_content;
} elsif (!empty($response->{'_msg'})) {
print_stderror($conf, 'Failed: ' . $response->{'_msg'});
return undef;
# Launch URL call (POST)
sub post_url {
my $conf = shift;
my $url = shift;
my @options = @_;
my $_PluginTools_system = $conf->{'__system'};
if (empty($_PluginTools_system->{ua})) {
return {
error => "Uninitialized, please initialize UserAgent first"
my $response = $_PluginTools_system->{ua}->request(POST "$url", @options);
if ($response->is_success){
return $response->decoded_content;
} elsif (!empty($response->{'_msg'})) {
print_stderror($conf, 'Failed: ' . $response->{'_msg'});
return undef;
# initialize plugin (advanced - hashed configuration)
sub init {
my $options = shift;
my $conf;
eval {
$conf = init_system($options);
if (defined($options->{lwp_enable})) {
if (empty($options->{lwp_timeout})) {
$options->{lwp_timeout} = 3;
$conf->{'__system'}->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new((keep_alive => "10"));
# Enable environmental proxy settings
# Enable in-memory cookie management
$conf->{'__system'}->{ua}->cookie_jar( {} );
if ( defined($options->{ssl_verify}) && ( ($options->{ssl_verify} eq "no") || (!is_enabled($options->{ssl_verify})) ) ) {
# Disable verify host certificate (only needed for self-signed cert)
$conf->{'__system'}->{ua}->ssl_opts( 'verify_hostname' => 0 );
$conf->{'__system'}->{ua}->ssl_opts( 'SSL_verify_mode' => 0x00 );
# Disable library extra checks
if($@) {
# Failed
return {
error => $@
return $conf;
# Update internal UA timeout
sub ua_set_timeout {
my ($config, $timeout) = @_;
return unless looks_like_number($timeout) and $timeout > 0;
my $sys = get_sys_environment($config);
return unless defined($sys->{'ua'});
# initialize plugin (basic)
sub init_system {
my ($conf) = @_;
my %system;
if ($^O =~ /win/i ){
$system{devnull} = "NUL";
$system{cat} = "type";
$system{os} = "Windows";
$system{ps} = "tasklist";
$system{grep} = "findstr";
$system{echo} = "echo";
$system{wcl} = "wc -l";
$system{tmp} = ".\\";
$system{cmdsep} = "\&";
else {
$system{devnull} = "/dev/null";
$system{cat} = "cat";
$system{os} = "Linux";
$system{ps} = "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,comm";
$system{grep} = "grep";
$system{echo} = "echo";
$system{wcl} = "wc -l";
$system{tmp} = "/tmp";
$system{cmdsep} = ";";
if ($^O =~ /hpux/i) {
$system{os} = "HPUX";
$system{ps} = "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,comm";
if ($^O =~ /solaris/i ) {
$system{os} = "solaris";
$system{ps} = "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,comm";
$conf->{'__system'} = \%system;
return $conf;
# Return a string with the concatenation of a hash array based on a field
sub join_by_field {
my ($separator, $field, $array_hashref) = @_;
$separator = ',' if empty($separator);
my $str = '';
foreach my $item (@{$array_hashref}) {
$str .= (defined($item->{$field})?$item->{$field}:'') . $separator;
return $str;
# Return system environment
sub get_sys_environment {
my $conf = shift;
if (ref ($conf) eq "HASH") {
return $conf->{'__system'};
return undef;
# Parses any configuration, from file (1st arg to program) or direct arguments
# Custom evals are defined in an array reference of hash references:
# $custom_eval = [
# {
# 'exp' => 'regular expression to match',
# 'target' => \&target_custom_method_to_parse_line
# },
# {
# 'exp' => 'another regular expression to search',
# 'target' => \&target_custom_method_to_parse_line2
# },
# ]
# Target is an user defined function wich will be invoked with following
# arguments:
# $config : The configuration read to the point the regex matches
# $exp : The matching regex which fires this action
# $line : The complete line readed from the file
# $file_pointer : A pointer to the file which is being parsed.
# $current_entity : The current_entity (optional) when regex matches
# E.g.
# sub target_custom_method_to_parse_line {
# my ($config, $exp, $line, $file_pointer, $current_entity) = @_;
# if ($line =~ /$exp/) {
# $config->{'my_key'} = complex_operation_on_data($1,$2,$3);
# }
# return $config;
# }
sub read_configuration {
my ($config, $separator, $custom_eval) = @_;
if ((!empty(@ARGV)) && (-f $ARGV[0])) {
$config = merge_hashes($config, parse_configuration(shift @ARGV, $separator, $custom_eval));
$config = merge_hashes($config, parse_arguments(\@ARGV));
if(is_enabled($config->{'as_agent_plugin'})) {
$config->{'as_server_plugin'} = 0 if (empty($config->{'as_server_plugin'}));
else {
$config->{'as_server_plugin'} = 1 if (empty($config->{'as_server_plugin'}));
if(is_enabled($config->{'as_server_plugin'})) {
$config->{'as_agent_plugin'} = 0 if (empty($config->{'as_agent_plugin'}));
else {
$config->{'as_agent_plugin'} = 1 if (empty($config->{'as_agent_plugin'}));
return $config;
## Reads a file and returns entire content or undef if error.
sub read_file {
my $path = shift;
my $_FILE;
if( !open($_FILE, "<", $path) ) {
# failed to open, return undef
return undef;
# Slurp configuration file content.
my $content = do { local $/; <$_FILE> };
# Close file
return $content;
# General arguments parser
sub parse_arguments {
my $raw = shift;
my @args;
if (defined($raw)){
@args = @{$raw};
else {
return {};
my %data;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $#args; $i+=2) {
my $key = trim($args[$i]);
$key =~ s/^-//;
if ($key =~ /^\s*global_alerts/){
push (@{$data{global_alerts}}, trim($args[$i+1]));
$data{$key} = trim($args[$i+1]);
return \%data;
# General configuration file parser
# Custom evals are defined in an array reference of hash references:
# $custom_eval = [
# {
# 'exp' => 'regular expression to match',
# 'target' => \&target_custom_method_to_parse_line
# },
# {
# 'exp' => 'another regular expression to search',
# 'target' => \&target_custom_method_to_parse_line2
# },
# ]
# Target is an user defined function wich will be invoked with following
# arguments:
# $config : The configuration read to the point the regex matches
# $exp : The matching regex which fires this action
# $line : The complete line readed from the file
# $file_pointer : A pointer to the file which is being parsed.
# $current_entity : The current_entity (optional) when regex matches
sub parse_configuration;
sub parse_configuration {
my ($conf_file, $separator, $custom_eval, $detect_entities, $entities_list) = @_;
my @arguments = @_;
$separator = "=" unless defined($separator);
my $_CFILE;
my $_config;
if (empty($conf_file)) {
return {
error => "Configuration file not specified"
if( !open ($_CFILE,"<", "$conf_file")) {
return {
error => "Cannot open configuration file"
my $current_entity = '';
my $new_entity = '';
my $global_config;
while (my $line = <$_CFILE>){
if (($line =~ /^ *\r*\n*$/)
|| ($line =~ /^#/ )){
# skip blank lines and comments
my ($key,$value) = split /$separator/, $line, 2;
# Clear entity detection is only compatible with specific entities declaration
if (empty($value) && ($line =~ /^(\w+?)\r*\n*$/)
&& is_enabled($detect_entities)
&& in_array($entities_list, trim($key))) {
# possible Entity detected - compatibility vmware-plugin
$new_entity = $key;
if (($line =~ /\[(.*?)\]\r*\n*$/) && is_enabled($detect_entities)) {
# Entity detected
$new_entity = $1
if (!empty($new_entity)) {
if (empty($current_entity)) {
$global_config = merge_hashes($global_config, $_config);
else {
$global_config->{$current_entity} = $_config;
$current_entity = trim($new_entity);
# Initialize reference
$global_config->{$current_entity} = {};
$_config = $global_config->{$current_entity};
if ($line =~ /^\s*global_alerts/){
push (@{$_config->{global_alerts}}, trim($value));
if (ref ($custom_eval) eq "ARRAY") {
my $f = 0;
foreach my $item (@{$custom_eval}) {
if ($line =~ /$item->{'exp'}/) {
$f = 1;
my $aux;
eval {
$aux = $item->{'target'}->($_config, $item->{'exp'}, $line, $_CFILE, $current_entity);
if (empty($_config)) {
$_config = $aux;
elsif (!empty($aux) && (ref ($aux) eq "HASH")) {
$_config = merge_hashes($_config, $aux);
if (is_enabled($f)){
if ($key =~ /^include$/i) {
my $file_included = trim($value);
my $aux;
eval {
$aux = parse_configuration($file_included, @arguments);
if($@) {
Carp::croak ("Failed to parse configuration");
if (empty($_config)) {
$_config = $aux;
elsif (!empty($aux) && (ref ($aux) eq "HASH")) {
$_config = merge_hashes($_config, $aux);
$_config->{trim($key)} = trim($value);
close ($_CFILE);
if(is_enabled($detect_entities)) {
if (empty($current_entity) && (!empty($global_config))) {
$global_config = merge_hashes($global_config, $_config);
else {
$global_config->{$current_entity} = $_config;
return $global_config unless empty($global_config);
return $_config;
# PHP file parser
sub parse_php_configuration {
my $conf_file = shift;
my $separator = shift;
if (!defined($separator)){
$separator = "=";
my %_config;
open (my $_CFILE,"<", "$conf_file") or return undef;
my $comment_block = 0;
my $in_php = 0;
while (my $line = <$_CFILE>){
if ($line =~ /.*\<\?php/ ){
$in_php = 1;
$line =~ s/<\?php//g;
if($line =~ /.*\<\?/ ) {
$in_php = 1;
$line =~ s/<\?//g;
if ($in_php == 1){
if ( ( $comment_block == 1)
&& ( $line =~ /\*\// )) { # search multiline comment end
# remove commented content:
$line =~ s/.*?(\*\/)//g;
$comment_block = 0;
if ($comment_block == 1){ # ignore lines in commented block
$line =~ /\/\*[^(?\*\/)]*/; # remove block comment
if ($line =~ /\/\*/ ) {
# multiline block comment detected!
$comment_block = 1;
if ($line =~ /.*\?\>/ ){
$in_php = 0;
$line =~ s/\?\>.*//g;
$line =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g; # Erase inline comments
$line =~ s/\/\/.*//g; # Erase inline comments
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/){
# skip blank and empty lines
my @parsed = split /$separator/, $line, 2;
$_config{trim($parsed[0])} = trim($parsed[1]);
$_config{trim($parsed[0])} =~ s/[";]//g;
close ($_CFILE);
return %_config;
# Process performance
sub process_performance {
my ($conf, $process, $mod_name, $only_text_flag) = @_;
my $_PluginTools_system = $conf->{'__system'};
if (empty($_PluginTools_system)) {
$_PluginTools_system = init_system();
$_PluginTools_system = get_sys_environment($_PluginTools_system);
my $cpu;
my $mem;
my $instances;
my $runit = "%";
my $cunit = "%";
$mod_name = $process if empty($mod_name);
if (empty($process)) {
$process = "" if empty($process);
$mod_name = "" if empty($mod_name);
$cpu = 0;
$mem = 0;
$instances = 0;
elsif ($^O =~ /win/i) {
my $out = trim(`(FOR /F \"skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,\" %P IN ('typeperf \"\\Proceso($process)\\% de tiempo de procesador\" -sc 1') DO \@echo %P) | find /V /I \"...\" 2> $_PluginTools_system->{devnull}`);
if ( ($out =~ /member/i)
|| ($out =~ /error/i)
|| (! $out =~ /satisfact/i )) {
$out = trim(`(FOR /F \"skip=2 tokens=2 delims=,\" %P IN ('typeperf \"\\Process($process)\\% Processor Time\" -sc 1') DO \@echo %P) | find /V /I \"...\" 2> $_PluginTools_system->{devnull}`);
if ( ($out =~ /member/i)
|| ($out =~ /error/i)
|| (! $out =~ /successfully/i )) {
$cpu = 0;
$out =~ s/\"//g;
if (! looks_like_number($out)){
print STDERR "CPU usage [$out] is not numeric\n";
$out = 0;
$cpu = sprintf '%.2f', $out;
$mem = (split /\s+/, trim(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} \"$process\"`))[-2];
if (! empty($mem)) {
$mem =~ s/,/./;
else {
$mem = 0;
$runit = "K";
$instances = trim (head(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} "$process"| $_PluginTools_system->{wcl}`, 1));
elsif ($^O =~ /linux/i ){
$cpu = trim(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$2} END{print sum}'`);
$mem = trim(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$1} END{print sum}'`);
$instances = trim(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | $_PluginTools_system->{wcl}`);
elsif ($^O =~ /hpux/ ) {
$cpu = trim(`UNIX95= ps -eo pcpu,comm | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$1} END{printf("\%.2f",sum)}'`);
$mem = trim(`UNIX95= ps -eo vsz,comm | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=(\$1*4096/1048576)} END{printf("\%.2f",sum)}'`);
$instances = trim(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | $_PluginTools_system->{wcl}`);
$runit = "MB";
elsif ($^O =~ /solaris/i) {
$cpu = trim(`UNIX95= ps -eo pcpu,comm | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$1} END{printf("\%.2f",sum)}'`);
$mem = trim(`UNIX95= ps -eo pmem,comm | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$1} END{printf("\%.2f",sum)}'`);
$instances = trim(`$_PluginTools_system->{ps} | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -w "$process" | $_PluginTools_system->{grep} -v grep | $_PluginTools_system->{wcl}`);
$runit = "%";
elsif ($^O =~ /aix/i ) {
$cpu = trim(`ps -Ao comm,pcpu |grep $process | grep -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$2} END {print sum}'`);
$mem = trim(`ps au -A | grep $process | grep -v grep | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} {sum+=\$4} END {print sum}'`);
$instances = trim(`ps -ef | grep "$process"|grep -v grep| wc -l`);
$runit = "MB";
# print
if (!looks_like_number($instances)){
$instances = 0;
print_module ($conf, {
name => "$mod_name",
type => "generic_proc",
desc => "Presence of $process ($instances instances)",
value => (($instances>0)?1:0),
}, $only_text_flag);
if ($instances > 0) {
print_module ($conf, {
name => "$mod_name CPU usage",
type => "generic_data",
desc => "CPU usage of $process ($instances instances)",
value => $cpu,
unit => $cunit
}, $only_text_flag);
print_module ($conf, {
name => "$mod_name RAM usage",
type => "generic_data",
desc => "RAM usage of $process ($instances instances)",
value => $mem,
unit => $runit
}, $only_text_flag);
return {
cpu => $cpu,
mem => $mem,
instances => $instances,
runit => $runit,
cunit => $cunit,
# Check api availability
sub api_available {
my ($conf, $apidata) = @_;
my ($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = ('','','','','');
if (ref $apidata eq "ARRAY") {
($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = @{$apidata};
$api_url = $conf->{'api_url'} if empty($api_url);
$api_pass = $conf->{'api_pass'} if empty($api_pass);
$api_user = $conf->{'api_user'} if empty($api_user);
$api_user_pass = $conf->{'api_user_pass'} if empty($api_user_pass);
my $op = "get";
my $op2 = "test";
my $call = $api_url . "?";
$call .= "op=" . $op . "&op2=" . $op2;
$call .= "&apipass=" . $api_pass . "&user=" . $api_user . "&pass=" . $api_user_pass;
my $rs = call_url($conf, $call);
if (ref $rs eq "HASH") {
return {
rs => 1,
error => $rs->{error}
else {
return {
rs => (empty($rs)?1:0),
error => (empty($rs)?"Empty response.":undef),
id => (empty($rs)?undef:trim($rs))
# Pandora API call
# apidata->{other} = [field1,field2,...,fieldi,...,fieldn]
sub api_call {
my ($conf, $apidata, $decode_json) = @_;
my ($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass,
$op, $op2, $id, $id2, $other_mode, $other, $return_type);
my $separator;
if (ref $apidata eq "ARRAY") {
($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass,
$op, $op2, $id, $id2, $return_type, $other_mode, $other) = @{$apidata};
if (ref $apidata eq "HASH") {
$api_url = $apidata->{'api_url'};
$api_pass = $apidata->{'api_pass'};
$api_user = $apidata->{'api_user'};
$api_user_pass = $apidata->{'api_user_pass'};
$op = $apidata->{'op'};
$op2 = $apidata->{'op2'};
$id = $apidata->{'id'};
$id2 = $apidata->{'id2'};
$return_type = $apidata->{'return_type'};
$other_mode = "url_encode_separator_" . $apidata->{'url_encode_separator'} unless empty($apidata->{'url_encode_separator'});
$other_mode = "url_encode_separator_|" if empty($other_mode);
($separator) = $other_mode =~ /url_encode_separator_(.*)/;
$api_url = $conf->{'api_url'} if empty($api_url);
$api_pass = $conf->{'api_pass'} if empty($api_pass);
$api_user = $conf->{'api_user'} if empty($api_user);
$api_user_pass = $conf->{'api_user_pass'} if empty($api_user_pass);
$op = $conf->{'op'} if empty($op);
$op2 = $conf->{'op2'} if empty($op2);
$id = $conf->{'id'} if empty($id);
$id2 = $conf->{'id2'} if empty($id2);
$return_type = $conf->{'return_type'} if empty($return_type);
$return_type = 'json' if empty($return_type);
if (ref ($apidata->{'other'}) eq "ARRAY") {
$other_mode = "url_encode_separator_|" if empty($other_mode);
($separator) = $other_mode =~ /url_encode_separator_(.*)/;
if (empty($separator)) {
$separator = "|";
$other_mode = "url_encode_separator_|";
$other = join $separator, @{$apidata->{'other'}};
else {
$other = $apidata->{'other'};
$other = '' if empty($other);
$id = '' if empty($id);
$id2 = '' if empty($id2);
my $call;
$call = $api_url . '?';
$call .= 'op=' . $op . '&op2=' . $op2 . '&id=' . $id;
$call .= '&other_mode=url_encode_separator_' . $separator;
$call .= '&other=' . $other;
$call .= '&apipass=' . $api_pass . '&user=' . $api_user . '&pass=' . $api_user_pass;
$call .= '&return_type=' . $return_type;
my $rs = call_url($conf, "$call");
if (ref($rs) ne "HASH") {
if (is_enabled($decode_json)) {
eval {
my $tmp = decode_json($rs);
$rs = $tmp;
if ($@) {
print_stderror($conf, "Error: " . $@);
return {
rs => (empty($rs)?1:0),
error => (empty($rs)?"Empty response.":undef),
id => (empty($rs)?undef:trim($rs)),
response => (empty($rs)?undef:$rs),
else {
return {
rs => 1,
error => $rs->{'error'},
# Pandora API create custom field
sub api_create_custom_field {
my ($conf, $apidata, $name, $display, $password) = @_;
my ($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = ('','','','','');
if (ref $apidata eq "ARRAY") {
($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = @{$apidata};
$api_url = $conf->{'api_url'} if empty($api_url);
$api_pass = $conf->{'api_pass'} if empty($api_pass);
$api_user = $conf->{'api_user'} if empty($api_user);
$api_user_pass = $conf->{'api_user_pass'} if empty($api_user_pass);
$display = 0 unless defined ($display);
$password = 0 unless defined ($password);
my $call;
# 1st try to get previous custom field id
my $op = "get";
my $op2 = "custom_field";
$call = $api_url . "?";
$call .= "op=" . $op . "&op2=" . $op2;
# Extra arguments
if (!empty($name)) {
$call .= "&other=" . $name;
if (!empty($display)) {
$call .= "%7C" . $display;
if (!empty($password)) {
$call .= "%7C" . $password;
$call .= "&other_mode=url_encode_separator=%7C&";
$call .= "apipass=" . $api_pass . "&user=" . $api_user . "&pass=" . $api_user_pass;
my $rs = call_url($conf, "$call");
if (ref($rs) ne "HASH") {
$rs = trim($rs);
else {
# Failed to reach API, return with error
return {
rs => 1,
error => 'Failed to reach API'
if (empty($rs) || ($rs !~ /^\d+$/ || $rs eq "0")) {
# Custom field is not defined
# 2nd create only if the custom field does not exist
$op = "set";
$op2 = "create_custom_field";
$call = $api_url . "?";
$call .= "op=" . $op . "&op2=" . $op2;
$call .= "&other=" . $name . "%7C" . $display . "%7C" . $password;
$call .= "&other_mode=url_encode_separator=%7C&";
$call .= "apipass=" . $api_pass . "&user=" . $api_user . "&pass=" . $api_user_pass;
$rs = call_url($conf, "$call");
if (ref($rs) ne "HASH") {
$rs = trim($rs);
else {
# Failed to reach API, return with error
return {
rs => 1,
error => 'Failed to reach API while creating custom field [' . $name . ']'
if (empty($rs) || ($rs !~ /^\d+$/ || $rs eq "0")) {
return {
rs => 1,
error => 'Failed while creating custom field [' . $name . '] => [' . $rs . ']'
# Return the valid id
return {
rs => 0,
id => $rs
# Pandora API create tag
sub api_create_tag {
my ($conf, $apidata, $tag, $desc, $url, $email) = @_;
my ($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = ('','','','','');
if (ref $apidata eq "ARRAY") {
($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = @{$apidata};
$api_url = $conf->{'api_url'} if empty($api_url);
$api_pass = $conf->{'api_pass'} if empty($api_pass);
$api_user = $conf->{'api_user'} if empty($api_user);
$api_user_pass = $conf->{'api_user_pass'} if empty($api_user_pass);
my $op = "set";
my $op2 = "create_tag";
$desc = 'Created by PluginTools' unless defined $desc;
my $call = $api_url . "?";
$call .= "op=" . $op . "&op2=" . $op2;
$call .= "&other=";
if (!empty($tag)) {
$call .= $tag . "%7C";
if (!empty($desc)) {
$call .= $desc . "%7C";
if (!empty($url)) {
$call .= $url . "%7C";
if (!empty($email)) {
$call .= $email;
$call .= "&other_mode=url_encode_separator=%7C&";
$call .= "apipass=" . $api_pass . "&user=" . $api_user . "&pass=" . $api_user_pass;
my $rs = call_url($conf, $call);
if (ref $rs eq "HASH") {
return {
rs => 1,
error => $rs->{error}
else {
return {
rs => (empty($rs)?1:0),
error => (empty($rs)?"Empty response.":undef),
id => (empty($rs)?undef:trim($rs))
# Pandora API create group
sub api_create_group {
my ($conf, $apidata, $group_name, $group_config, $email) = @_;
my ($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass);
if (ref $apidata eq "ARRAY") {
($api_url, $api_pass, $api_user, $api_user_pass) = @{$apidata};
if(empty ($group_config->{icon})) {
return {
rs => 1,
error => "No icon set"
# Group config:
my $other = '';
$other .= $group_config->{icon} . '%7C&';
$other .= (empty($group_config->{parent})?'':$group_config->{parent}.'%7C&');
$other .= (empty($group_config->{desc})?'':$group_config->{desc}.'%7C&');
$other .= (empty($group_config->{propagate})?'':$group_config->{propagate}.'%7C&');
$other .= (empty($group_config->{disabled})?'':$group_config->{disabled}.'%7C&');
$other .= (empty($group_config->{custom_id})?'':$group_config->{custom_id}.'%7C&');
$other .= (empty($group_config->{contact})?'':$group_config->{contact}.'%7C&');
$other .= (empty($group_config->{other})?'':$group_config->{other}.'%7C&');
$api_url = $conf->{'api_url'} unless defined $api_url;
$api_pass = $conf->{'api_pass'} unless defined $api_pass;
$api_user = $conf->{'api_user'} unless defined $api_user;
$api_user_pass = $conf->{'api_user_pass'} unless defined $api_user_pass;
my $op = "set";
my $op2 = "create_group";
my $call = $api_url . "?";
$call .= "op=" . $op . "&op2=" . $op2;
$call .= "&id=" . $group_name;
$call .= "&other=" . $other . "&other_mode=url_encode_separator=%7C&";
$call .= "apipass=" . $api_pass . "&user=" . $api_user . "&pass=" . $api_user_pass;
my $rs = call_url($conf, $call);
if (ref $rs eq "HASH") {
return {
rs => 1,
error => $rs->{error}
else {
return {
rs => (empty($rs)?1:0),
error => (empty($rs)?"Empty response.":undef),
id => (empty($rs)?undef:trim($rs))
# SNMP walk value
# will return the snmpwalk output
# $community (v1,2,2c)
# -> means $context (v3)
# Configuration hash
# $snmp{version}
# $snmp{community}
# $snmp{host}
# $snmp{oid}
# $snmp{port}
# $snmp{securityName}
# $snmp{context
# $snmp{securityLevel}
# $snmp{authProtocol}
# $snmp{authKey}
# $snmp{privProtocol}
# $snmp{privKey}
sub snmp_walk {
my $snmp = shift;
my $cmd;
my $timeout = 2;
if (!empty($snmp->{timeout})) {
$timeout = $snmp->{timeout};
if ($^O =~ /lin/i && "`which snmpwalk`" eq "") {
return {
'error' => 'snmpwalk not found'
$snmp->{extra} = '' unless defined $snmp->{extra};
if ( defined ($snmp->{version} )
&& (($snmp->{version} eq "1")
|| ($snmp->{version} eq "2")
|| ($snmp->{version} eq "2c"))) {
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -c $snmp->{community} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -c $snmp->{community} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
elsif ( defined ($snmp->{version} )
&& ($snmp->{version} eq "3") ) { # SNMP v3
# Authentication required
# $securityLevel = (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv);
# unauthenticated request
# Ex. snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v 3 -n "" -u noAuthUser -l noAuthNoPriv sysUpTime
# authenticated request
# Ex. snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v 3 -n "" -u MD5User -a MD5 -A "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" -l authNoPriv sysUpTime
# authenticated and encrypted request
# Ex. snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v 3 -n "" -u MD5DESUser -a MD5 -A "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" -x DES -X "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" -l authPriv system
if ($snmp->{securityLevel} =~ /^noAuthNoPriv$/i){
# Unauthenticated request
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
elsif ($snmp->{securityLevel} =~ /^authNoPriv$/i){
# Authenticated request
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
elsif ($snmp->{securityLevel} =~ /^authPriv$/i){
# Authenticated and encrypted request
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -x $snmp->{privProtocol} -X $snmp->{privKey} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpwalk -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -x $snmp->{privProtocol} -X $snmp->{privKey} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
return {
error => "Only SNMP 1 2 2c and 3 are supported."
#print STDERR "Launching $cmd\n";
my $result = `$cmd 2>/dev/null`;
if ($? != 0){
return {
error => "No response from " . trim($snmp->{host})
return $result;
# SNMP get value
# will return a hash with the data and datatype
# $community (v1,2,2c)
# -> means $context (v3)
# Configuration hash
# $snmp{version}
# $snmp{community}
# $snmp{host}
# $snmp{oid}
# $snmp{port}
# $snmp{securityName}
# $snmp{context
# $snmp{securityLevel}
# $snmp{authProtocol}
# $snmp{authKey}
# $snmp{privProtocol}
# $snmp{privKey}
sub snmp_get {
my $snmp = shift;
my $cmd;
my $timeout = 2;
my $retries = 1;
if (!empty($snmp->{retries})) {
$retries = $snmp->{retries};
if (!empty($snmp->{timeout})) {
$timeout = $snmp->{timeout};
if ($^O =~ /lin/i && "`which snmpwalk`" eq "") {
return {
'error' => 'snmpwalk not found'
if (!defined $snmp->{version}) {
return {
'error' => "Only SNMP 1 2 2c and 3 are supported."
} elsif (!defined $snmp->{host}) {
return {
'error' => "Destination host must be defined."
} elsif (!defined $snmp->{oid}) {
return {
'error' => "OID must be defined"
} else {
$snmp->{extra} = '' unless defined $snmp->{extra};
$snmp->{context} = '' unless defined $snmp->{context};
$snmp->{community} = 'public' unless defined $snmp->{community};
if (($snmp->{version} eq "1")
|| ($snmp->{version} eq "2")
|| ($snmp->{version} eq "2c")) {
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -c $snmp->{community} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -c $snmp->{community} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
elsif ( defined ($snmp->{version} )
&& ($snmp->{version} eq "3") ) {
$snmp->{securityLevel} = '' unless defined $snmp->{securityLevel};
# SNMP v3
# Authentication required
# $securityLevel = (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv);
# unauthenticated request
# Ex. snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v 3 -n "" -u noAuthUser -l noAuthNoPriv sysUpTime
# authenticated request
# Ex. snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v 3 -n "" -u MD5User -a MD5 -A "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" -l authNoPriv sysUpTime
# authenticated and encrypted request
# Ex. snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v 3 -n "" -u MD5DESUser -a MD5 -A "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" -x DES -X "The Net-SNMP Demo Password" -l authPriv system
if ($snmp->{securityLevel} =~ /^noAuthNoPriv$/i){
# Unauthenticated request
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
elsif ($snmp->{securityLevel} =~ /^authNoPriv$/i){
# Authenticated request
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
elsif ($snmp->{securityLevel} =~ /^authPriv$/i){
# Authenticated and encrypted request
if (defined $snmp->{port}){
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -x $snmp->{privProtocol} -X $snmp->{privKey} $snmp->{host}:$snmp->{port} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
$cmd = "snmpget -r $retries -t $timeout $snmp->{extra} -On -v $snmp->{version} -n \"$snmp->{context}\" -u $snmp->{securityName} -l $snmp->{securityLevel} -a $snmp->{authProtocol} -A $snmp->{authKey} -x $snmp->{privProtocol} -X $snmp->{privKey} $snmp->{host} $snmp->{oid}";
else {
return {
'error' => "Security Level not defined."
#print STDERR "Launched: $cmd\n";
my $result = `$cmd`;
if ($? != 0) {
return {
error => "No response from " . trim($snmp->{host})
return snmp_data_switcher((split /=\ /, $result)[1]);
# returns a hash with [type->datatype][data->value]
sub snmp_data_switcher {
my @st_data = split /\: /, $_[0];
my %data;
my $pure_data = trim($st_data[1]) or undef;
$data{data} = $pure_data;
if ( uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("INTEGER")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Integer32")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("octect string")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("bits")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("object identifier")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("IpAddress")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Counter")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_inc";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Counter32")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_inc";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Gauge")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Unsigned32")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_inc";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("TimeTicks")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Opaque")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("Counter64")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_inc";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("UInteger32")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("BIT STRING")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
elsif (uc($st_data[0]) eq uc("STRING")) {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
else {
$data{type} = "generic_data_string";
if ($data{type} eq "generic_data"){
($data{data} = $pure_data) =~ s/\D*//g;
return \%data;
# returns a encrypted string
# $1 => string to be encrypted
# $2 => salt to use (default default_salt)
sub encrypt {
my ($str,$salt,$iv) = @_;
return undef unless (load_perl_modules('Crypt::CBC', 'Crypt::OpenSSL::AES','Digest::SHA') == 1);
if (empty($salt)) {
$salt = "default_salt";
my $processed_salt = substr(Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_base64($salt,''), 0, 16);
if (empty($iv)) {
$iv = "0000000000000000";
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({
'key' => $processed_salt,
'cipher' => 'Crypt::OpenSSL::AES',
'iv' => $iv,
'literal_key' => 1,
'header' => 'none',
'keysize' => 128 / 8
my $encrypted = encode_base64($cipher->encrypt($str));
return $encrypted;
# returns a decrypted string from an encrypted one
# $1 => string to be decrypted
# $2 => salt to use (default default_salt)
sub decrypt {
my ($encrypted_str,$salt,$iv) = @_;
return undef unless (load_perl_modules('Crypt::CBC', 'Crypt::OpenSSL::AES','Digest::SHA') == 1);
if (empty($salt)) {
$salt = "default_salt";
my $processed_salt = substr(Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_base64($salt,''), 0, 16);
if (empty($iv)) {
$iv = "0000000000000000";
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({
'key' => $processed_salt,
'cipher' => 'Crypt::OpenSSL::AES',
'iv' => $iv,
'literal_key' => 1,
'header' => 'none',
'keysize' => 128 / 8
my $decrypted = $cipher->decrypt(decode_base64($encrypted_str));
return $decrypted;
# Return unix timestamp from a given string
sub get_unix_time {
my ($str_time,$separator_dates,$separator_hours) = @_;
return 0 if empty($str_time);
if (empty($separator_dates)) {
$separator_dates = "\/";
if (empty($separator_hours)) {
$separator_hours = ":";
my $time;
eval {
use Time::Local;
my ($mday,$mon,$year,$hour,$min,$sec) = split(/[\s$separator_dates$separator_hours]+/, $str_time);
$time = strftime("%s", $sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year);
if ($@) {
return 0;
return $time;
# Load required modules.
sub load_perl_modules {
my @missing_modules = ();
foreach( @_ ) {
eval "require $_";
push @missing_modules, $_ if $@;
if( @missing_modules ) {
print "Missing perl modules: @missing_modules\n";
return 0;
return 1;
# Transforms an absolute seconds value into a readable count
sub seconds2readable {
my ($tseconds, $format) = @_;
return '' unless looks_like_number($tseconds);
if (empty($format)) {
return int($tseconds/(24*60*60)) . " d, "
. ($tseconds/(60*60))%24 . "h, "
. ($tseconds/60)%60 . "m, "
. $tseconds%60 . "s";
my $str = $format;
# %d -> days
if($format =~ /\%d/) {
my $days = ($tseconds/(24*60*60)) | 0;
$tseconds -= $days*24*60*60;
$str =~ s/%d/$days/g;
# %h -> hours
if($format =~ /\%h/) {
my $hours = ($tseconds/(60*60)) | 0;
$tseconds -= $hours*60*60;
$str =~ s/%h/$hours/g;
# %m -> minutes
if($format =~ /\%m/) {
my $min = ($tseconds/60) | 0;
$tseconds -= $min*60;
$str =~ s/%m/$min/g;
# %s -> seconds
if($format =~ /\%s/) {
$str =~ s/%s/$tseconds/g;
return $str;
# Extracts a database password from file or environment
sub extract_dbpass {
my ($config) = @_;
return $config->{'dbpass'} unless empty($config->{'dbpass'});
if (!empty ($config->{'dbpass_file'})) {
if (-f $config->{'dbpass_file'}) {
eval {
open(my $pf, "<", $config->{'dbpass_file'}) or die ("Cannot open file " . $config->{'dbpass_file'});
$config->{'dbpass'} = trim(<$pf>);
if($@) {
print_error($config, "Failed to read password file" . $@, 1);
else {
print_error($config, "Failed to read password file", 1);
elsif (!empty ($config->{'dbpass_env_var_name'})) {
if (!empty ($ENV{$config->{'dbpass_env_var_name'}})) {
$config->{'dbpass'} = $ENV{$config->{'dbpass_env_var_name'}};
if (empty($config->{'dbpass'})) {
print_error($config, "Failed to read password from environment", 1);
return $config->{'dbpass'};
# Extracts IP addresses (IPv4) from current system
sub get_addresses {
my ($config) = @_;
my $address = '';
if (is_enabled($config->{'local'})) {
$address = $config->{'dbhost'};
elsif($^O !~ /win/i) {
my @address_list;
if( -x "/bin/ip" || -x "/sbin/ip" || -x "/usr/sbin/ip" ) {
@address_list = `ip addr show 2>$DevNull | sed -e '/127.0.0/d' -e '/[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*/!d' -e 's/^[ \\t]*\\([^ \\t]*\\)[ \\t]*\\([^ \\t]*\\)[ \\t].*/\\2/' -e 's/\\/.*//'`;
else {
@address_list = `ifconfig -a 2>$DevNull | sed -e '/127.0.0/d' -e '/[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*/!d' -e 's/^[ \\t]*\\([^ \\t]*\\)[ \\t]*\\([^ \\t]*\\)[ \\t].*/\\2/' -e 's/.*://'`;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#address_list; $i++) {
if ($i > 0) {
$address .= ',';
$address .= $address_list[$i];
return $address;