1345 lines
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1345 lines
41 KiB
// Pandora FMS - the Flexible Monitoring System
// ============================================
// Copyright (c) 2008 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas, http://www.artica.es
// Please see http://pandora.sourceforge.net for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once ('../include/config.php');
require_once ($config["homedir"].'/include/functions.php');
require_once ($config["homedir"].'/include/functions_db.php');
require_once ('pandora_graph.php');
global $config;
if (!isset ($_SESSION["id_user"])){
$config["id_user"] = $_SESSION["id_usuario"];
// Session check
check_login ();
* Show a brief error message in a PNG graph
function graphic_error () {
Header ('Content-type: image/png');
$img = imagecreatefromPng ('../images/image_problem.png');
imagealphablending ($img, true);
imagesavealpha ($img, true);
imagepng ($img);
* Return a MySQL timestamp date, formatted with actual date MINUS X minutes,
* @param int Date in unix format (timestamp)
* @return string Formatted date string (YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
function dame_fecha ($mh) {
$mh *= 60;
$m_year = date ("Y", time () - $mh);
$m_month = date ("m", time () - $mh);
$m_day = date ("d", time () - $mh);
$m_hour = date ("H", time () - $mh);
$m_min = date ("i", time () - $mh);
$m = $m_year."-".$m_month."-".$m_day." ".$m_hour.":".$m_min.":00";
return $m;
* Return a short timestamp data, D/M h:m
* @param int Date in unix format (timestamp)
* @return string Formatted date string
function dame_fecha_grafico_timestamp ($timestamp) {
return date ('d/m H:i', $timestamp);
* Produces a combined/user defined PNG graph
* @param array List of source modules
* @param array List of weighs for each module
* @param int Period (in seconds)
* @param int Width, in pixels
* @param int Height, in pixels
* @param string Title for graph
* @param string Unit name, for render in legend
* @param int Show events in graph (set to 1)
* @param int Show alerts in graph (set to 1)
* @param int Pure mode (without titles) (set to 1)
* @param int Date to start of getting info.
function graphic_combined_module ($module_list, $weight_list, $periodo, $width, $height,
$title, $unit_name, $show_event = 0, $show_alert = 0, $pure = 0, $stacked = 0, $date = 0) {
global $config;
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; // Number of "slices" we want in graph
if (! $date)
$date = time ();
//$unix_timestamp = strtotime($mysql_timestamp) // Convert MYSQL format tio utime
$fechatope = $date - $periodo; // limit date
$interval = $periodo / $resolution; // Each interval is $interval seconds length
$module_number = count ($module_list);
// interval - This is the number of "rows" we are divided the time to fill data.
// more interval, more resolution, and slower.
// periodo - Gap of time, in seconds. This is now to (now-periodo) secs
// Init tables
for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) {
$real_data[$i] = array();
$mod_data[$i] = 1; // Data multiplier to get the same scale on all modules
if ($show_event == 1)
$real_event[$i] = array();
if (isset($weight_list[$i])){
if ($weight_list[$i] == 0)
$weight_list[$i] = 1;
} else
$weight_list[$i] = 1;
$max_value = 0;
$min_value = 0;
// FOR EACH MODULE IN module_list....
for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) {
$id_agente_modulo = $module_list[$i];
$nombre_agente = dame_nombre_agente_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo);
$id_agente = dame_agente_id ($nombre_agente);
$nombre_modulo = dame_nombre_modulo_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo);
$module_list_name[$i] = substr ($nombre_agente, 0, 9)." / ".substr ($nombre_modulo, 0, 20);
for ($j = 0; $j <= $resolution; $j++) {
$data[$j][0] = 0; // SUM of all values for this interval
$data[$j][1] = 0; // counter
$data[$j][2] = $fechatope + ($interval * $j); // [2] Top limit for this range
$data[$j][3] = $fechatope + ($interval*($j+1)); // [3] Botom limit
$data[$j][4] = 0; // MIN
$data[$j][5] = 0; // MAX
$data[$j][6] = 0; // Event
// Init other general variables
if ($show_event == 1) {
// If we want to show events in graphs
$sql = "SELECT utimestamp FROM tevento WHERE id_agentmodule = $id_agente_modulo AND utimestamp > $fechatope";
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)){
$utimestamp = $row[0];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
if ( ($utimestamp <= $data[$i][3]) && ($utimestamp >= $data[$i][2]) ){
$real_event[$i] = 1;
$alert_high = 0;
$alert_low = 10000000;
if ($show_alert == 1){
// If we want to show alerts limits
$sql = "SELECT * FROM talerta_agente_modulo where id_agente_modulo = ".$id_agente_modulo;
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
if ($row["dis_max"] > $alert_high)
$alert_high = $row["dis_max"];
if ($row["dis_min"] < $alert_low)
$alert_low = $row["dis_min"];
$previous = 0;
// Get the first data outsite (to the left---more old) of the interval given
$sql = "SELECT datos, utimestamp FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = $id_agente AND id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo AND utimestamp < $fechatope AND utimestamp >= $date ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT 1";
$previous = get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = "SELECT datos,utimestamp FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = $id_agente AND id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo AND utimestamp >= $fechatope AND utimestamp < $date";
if ($result = mysql_query ($sql ))
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
$datos = $row[0];
$utimestamp = $row[1];
for ($j = 0; $j <= $resolution; $j++) {
if ($utimestamp <= $data[$j][3] && $utimestamp > $data[$j][2]) {
// Init min value
if ($data[$j][4] == 0)
$data[$j][4] = $datos;
else {
// Check min value
if ($datos < $data[$j][4])
$data[$j][4] = $datos;
// Check max value
if ($datos > $data[$j][5])
$data[$j][5] = $datos;
// Calculate Average value for $data[][0]
for ($j = 0; $j <= $resolution; $j++) {
if ($data[$j][1] > 0){
$real_data[$i][$j] = $weight_list[$i] * ($data[$j][0]/$data[$j][1]);
$data[$j][0] = $data[$j][0]/$data[$j][1];
} else {
$data[$j][0] = $previous;
$real_data[$i][$j] = $previous * $weight_list[$i];
$data[$j][4] = $previous;
$data[$j][5] = $previous;
// Get max value for all graph
if ($data[$j][5] > $max_value ){
$max_value = $data[$j][5];
// This stores in mod_data max values for each module
if ($mod_data[$i] < $data[$j][5]){
$mod_data[$i] = $data[$j][5];
// Take prev. value
// TODO: CHeck if there are more than 24hours between
// data, if there are > 24h, module down.
$previous = $data[$j][0];
for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) {
// Disabled autoadjusment, is not working fine :(
// $weight_list[$i] = ($max_value / $mod_data[$i]) + ($weight_list[$i]-1);
if ($weight_list[$i] != 1)
$module_list_name[$i] .= " (x". format_numeric($weight_list[$i],1).")";
$module_list_name[$i] = $module_list_name[$i]." (MAX: ".format_numeric ($mod_data[$i]).")";
if ($periodo <= 86400)
$title_period = "Last day";
elseif ($periodo <= 604800)
$title_period = "Last week";
elseif ($periodo <= 3600)
$title_period = "Last hour";
elseif ($periodo <= 2419200)
$title_period = "Last month";
$title_period = "Last ".format_numeric (($periodo / (3600 * 24)), 2)." days";
if ($max_value <= 0) {
graphic_error ();
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$real_data;
$engine->legend = &$legend;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->title = ' Pandora FMS Graph - '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".$title_period;
$engine->subtitle = ' '.$title;
$engine->show_title = !$pure;
$engine->stacked = $stacked;
$engine->legend = $module_list_name;
$engine->xaxis_interval = $resolution;
$events = $show_event ? $real_event : false;
$alerts = $show_alert ? array ('low' => $alert_low, 'high' => $alert_high) : false;
$engine->combined_graph ($data, $events, $alerts, $unit_name, $max_value, $stacked);
function grafico_modulo_sparse ($id_agente_modulo, $period, $show_event,
$width, $height , $title, $unit_name,
$show_alert, $avg_only = 0, $pure = false,
$date = 0) {
include ("../include/config.php");
if (! $date)
$date = time ();
$resolution = $config["graph_res"] * 50; // Number of "slices" we want in graph
$fechatope = $date - $period;
$real_event = array ();
$interval = $period / $resolution; // Each interval is $interval seconds length
$nombre_agente = dame_nombre_agente_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo);
$id_agente = dame_agente_id ($nombre_agente);
$nombre_modulo = dame_nombre_modulo_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo);
// Init tables
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
$data[$i][0] = 0; // SUM of all values for this interval
$data[$i][1] = 0; // counter
$data[$i][2] = $fechatope + ($interval * $i); // [2] Top limit for this range
$data[$i][3] = $fechatope + ($interval * ($i + 1)); // [3] Botom limit
$data[$i][4] = 0; // MIN
$data[$i][5] = 0; // MAX
$data[$i][6] = 0; // Event
if ($show_event) {
// If we want to show events in graphs
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT utimestamp FROM tevento
WHERE id_agentmodule = %d AND utimestamp > %d",
$id_agente_modulo, $fechatope);
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$utimestamp = $row[0];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
if ($utimestamp <= $data[$i][3] && $utimestamp >= $data[$i][2]) {
$real_event[$utimestamp] = 1;
if ($show_alert) {
$alert_high = false;
$alert_low = false;
// If we want to show alerts limits
$alert_high = get_db_value ('MAX(dis_max)', 'talerta_agente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', (int) $id_agente_modulo);
$alert_low = get_db_value ('MIN(dis_min)', 'talerta_agente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', (int) $id_agente_modulo);
// if no valid alert defined to render limits, disable it
if (($alert_low === false || $alert_low === NULL) &&
($alert_high === false || $alert_high === NULL)) {
$show_alert = 0;
// Init other general variables
// Init other general variables
$max_value = 0;
$min_value = 0;
// Get the first data outsite (to the left---more old) of the interval given
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT datos, utimestamp FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente = %d AND id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp < %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT 1', $id_agente, $id_agente_modulo, $fechatope);
$previous = (float) get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT datos,utimestamp FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente = %d AND id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d',
$id_agente, $id_agente_modulo, $fechatope);
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 0) {
graphic_error ();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
$datos = $row[0];
$utimestamp = $row[1];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
if ( ($utimestamp <= $data[$i][3]) && ($utimestamp >= $data[$i][2]) ){
// Init min value
if ($data[$i][4] == 0)
$data[$i][4] = $datos;
else {
// Check min value
if ($datos < $data[$i][4])
$data[$i][4] = $datos;
// Check max value
if ($datos > $data[$i][5])
$data[$i][5] = $datos;
// Calculate Average value for $data[][0]
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
if ($data[$i][1] > 0) {
$data[$i][0] = $data[$i][0]/$data[$i][1];
} else {
$data[$i][0] = $previous;
$data[$i][4] = $previous;
$data[$i][5] = $previous;
// Get max value for all graph
if ($data[$i][5] > $max_value) {
$max_value = $data[$i][5];
// Get min value for all graph
if ($data[$i][5] < $min_value) {
$min_value = $data[$i][5];
// Take prev. value
// TODO: CHeck if there are more than 24hours between
// data, if there are > 24h, module down.
$previous = $data[$i][0];
if ($max_value <= $min_value) {
graphic_error ();
if ($period <= 86400)
$title_period = "Last day";
elseif ($period <= 604800)
$title_period = "Last week";
elseif ($period <= 3600)
$title_period = "Last hour";
elseif ($period <= 2419200)
$title_period = "Last month";
$title_period = "Last ".format_numeric (($period / (3600 * 24)), 2)." days";
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$data;
$engine->xaxis_interval = $resolution;
$engine->title = ' Pandora FMS Graph - '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".$title_period;
$engine->subtitle = ' '.$title;
$engine->show_title = !$pure;
$engine->events = $show_event ? $real_event : false;
$engine->alert_top = $show_alert ? $alert_high : false;
$engine->alert_bottom = $show_alert ? $alert_low : false;;
if (! $pure) {
$engine->legend = &$legend;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
set_time_limit (0);
$engine->sparse_graph ($period, $avg_only, $min_value, $max_value, $unit_name);
function graphic_agentmodules ($id_agent, $width, $height) {
global $config;
$data = array ();
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT ttipo_modulo.nombre,COUNT(id_agente_modulo)
FROM tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo WHERE
id_tipo_modulo = id_tipo AND id_agente = %d
GROUP BY id_tipo_modulo', $id_agent);
$modules = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$data[$module['nombre']] = $module[1];
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function graphic_agentaccess ($id_agent, $period, $width, $height) {
global $config;
$interval = 24;
$fechatope = dame_fecha ($period);
$hours = $period / $interval;
// $interval now stores "ideal" interval
// interval is the number of rows that will store data. more rows, more resolution
// Para crear las graficas vamos a crear un array de Ix4 elementos, donde
// I es el numero de posiciones diferentes en la grafica (30 para un mes, 7 para una semana, etc)
// y los 4 valores en el ejeY serian los detallados a continuacion:
// Rellenamos la tabla con un solo select, y los calculos se hacen todos sobre memoria
// esto acelera el tiempo de calculo al maximo, aunque complica el algoritmo :-)
// Creamos la tabla (array) con los valores para el grafico. Inicializacion
for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) {
$time[$i][0] = dame_fecha ($hours * $i); // [2] Rango superior de fecha para ese rango
$time[$i][1] = dame_fecha ($hours * ($i + 1)); // [3] Rango inferior de fecha para ese rango
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT * FROM tagent_access
WHERE id_agent = %d AND timestamp > "%s"',
$id_agent, $fechatope);
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
$data = array_pad (array (), $interval, 0);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) {
if (($row["timestamp"] < $time[$i][0]) && ($row["timestamp"] >= $time[$i][1])) {
// entra en esta filas
generic_single_graph ($width, $height, $data, $interval / 7);
function graphic_string_data ($id_agent_module, $periodo, $width, $height, $pure = 0, $date = "") {
global $config;
// $color = $config["color_graph1"]; //#437722"; // Green pandora 1.1 octopus color
$color = "#437722";
if ($date == "")
$date = time ();
$resolution = $config["graph_res"] * 5; // Number of "slices" we want in graph
$fechatope = $date - $periodo;
$interval = $periodo / $resolution; // Each interval is $interval seconds length
$legend = array ();
// Creamos la tabla (array) con los valores para el grafico. Inicializacion
for ($i = 0; $i < $resolution; $i++) {
$data[$i][0] = 0; // [0] Valor (contador)
$data[$i][1] = dame_fecha_grafico_timestamp ($fechatope + ($interval * $i));
$data[$i][2] = $fechatope + ($interval * $i); // [2] Top limit for this range
$data[$i][3] = $fechatope + ($interval * ($i + 1)); // [3] Botom limit
$legend[$i] = dame_fecha_grafico_timestamp ($fechatope + ($interval * $i));
$sql = "SELECT utimestamp FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo = ".$id_agent_module." and utimestamp > '".$fechatope."'";
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $resolution; $i++){
if (($row[0] < $data[$i][3]) && ($row[0] >= $data[$i][2]) ){
// entra en esta fila
$valor_maximo = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $resolution; $i++) {
$grafica[$data[$i][2]] = $data[$i][0];
if ($data[$i][0] > $valor_maximo)
$valor_maximo = $data[$i][0];
if ($valor_maximo <= 0) {
graphic_error ();
$nombre_agente = dame_nombre_agente_agentemodulo ($id_agent_module);
$id_agente = dame_agente_id ($nombre_agente);
$nombre_modulo = dame_nombre_modulo_agentemodulo ($id_agent_module);
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->show_title = !$pure;
$engine->title = ' Pandora FMS Graph - '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".give_human_time ($periodo);
$engine->subtitle = ' '.__('Data occurrence for module').' '.$nombre_modulo;
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$grafica;
$engine->xaxis_interval = $config["graph_res"];
$engine->xaxis_format = 'date';
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->vertical_bar_graph ();
function grafico_incidente_estados () {
$data = array (0, 0, 0, 0);
// 0 - Abierta / Sin notas
// 2 - Descartada
// 3 - Caducada
// 13 - Cerrada
$data = array ();
$data[__("Open Incident")] = 0;
$data[__("Closed Incident")] = 0;
$data[__("Outdated")] = 0;
$data[__("Invalid")] = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tincidencia WHERE estado IN (0,2,3,13)';
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
if ($row["estado"] == 0)
$data[__("Open Incident")]++;
if ($row["estado"] == 2)
$data[__("Closed Incident")]++;
if ($row["estado"] == 3)
if ($row["estado"] == 13)
generic_pie_graph (370, 180, $data);
function grafico_incidente_prioridad () {
$data_tmp = array (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), prioridad
FROM tincidencia GROUP BY prioridad
$incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
if ($incident['prioridad'] < 5)
$data_tmp[$incident[1]] = $incident[0];
$data_tmp[5] += $incident[0];
$data = array (__('Informative') => $data_tmp[0],
__('Low') => $data_tmp[1],
__('Medium') => $data_tmp[2],
__('Serious') => $data_tmp[3],
__('Very serious') => $data_tmp[4],
__('Maintenance') => $data_tmp[5]);
generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data);
function graphic_incident_group () {
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), nombre
FROM tincidencia,tgrupo
WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tincidencia.id_grupo
GROUP BY tgrupo.id_grupo ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d',
$incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
$name = $incident[1].' ('.$incident[0].')';
$data[$name] = $incident[0];
generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data);
function graphic_incident_user () {
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), id_usuario
FROM tincidencia GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
$incidents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
$name = $incident[1].' ('.$incident[0].')';
$data[$name] = $incident[0];
generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data);
function graphic_user_activity ($width = 350, $height = 230) {
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario), id_usuario
FROM tsesion GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
$logins = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($logins as $login) {
$data[$login[1]] = $login[0];
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function graphic_incident_source ($width = 320, $height = 200) {
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia), origen
FROM tincidencia GROUP BY `origen`
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
$origins = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($origins as $origin) {
$data[$origin[1]] = $origin[0];
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function graph_db_agentes_modulos ($width, $height) {
$data = array ();
$modules = get_db_all_rows_sql ('SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo),id_agente
FROM tagente_modulo group by id_agente
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$agent_name = dame_nombre_agente ($module['id_agente']);
$data[$agent_name] = $module[0];
/* Swap height and width */
generic_horizontal_bar_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height) {
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento),id_usuario
FROM tevento GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
$events = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$data[$event[1]] = $event[0];
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function grafico_eventos_total ($filter = "") {
$filter = str_replace ( "\\" , "", $filter);
$data = array ();
$legend = array ();
$total = 0;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 0 $filter";
$data[__('Maintenance')] = get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 1 $filter";
$data[__('Informational')] = get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 2 $filter";
$data[__('Normal')] = get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 3 $filter";
$data[__('Warning')] = get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE criticity = 4 $filter";
$data[__('Critical')] = get_db_sql ($sql);
asort ($data);
generic_pie_graph (320, 200, $data);
function graph_event_module ($width = 300, $height = 200, $id_agent) {
$data = array ();
$max_items = 6;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento),nombre
FROM tevento, tagente_modulo
WHERE id_agentmodule = id_agente_modulo
AND disabled = 0 AND tevento.id_agente = %d
GROUP BY id_agentmodule LIMIT %d', $id_agent, $max_items);
$events = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($events === false) {
graphic_error ();
foreach ($events as $event) {
$data[$event['nombre'].' ('.$event[0].')'] = $event[0];
/* System events */
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tevento WHERE id_agentmodule = 0 AND id_agente = $id_agent";
$value = get_db_sql ($sql);
if ($value > 0) {
$data[__('System').' ('.$value.')'] = $value;
asort ($data);
// Take only the first $max_items values
if (sizeof ($data) >= $max_items) {
$data = array_slice ($data, 0, $max_items);
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data, 75);
function grafico_eventos_grupo ($width = 300, $height = 200, $url = "") {
global $config;
$url = mysql_escape_string ($url);
$data = array ();
$sql = "SELECT id_agente, id_grupo, nombre FROM tagente";
$agents = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);
foreach ($agents as $agent) {
if (! give_acl ($config['id_user'], $agent['id_grupo'], 'AR'))
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(id_evento)
FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 %s
AND id_agente = %d",
$url, $agent['id_agente']);
$value = get_db_sql ($sql);
if ($value > 0) {
$data[substr ($agent['nombre'], 0, 15)] = $value;
// System events
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento WHERE 1=1 $url AND id_agente = 0";
$value = get_db_sql ($sql);
if ($value > 0) {
$data[__('System')] = $value;
asort ($data);
$max_items = 6;
// Take only the first x items
if (sizeof ($data) >= $max_items) {
$data = array_slice ($data, 0, $max_items);
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function generic_single_graph ($width = 380, $height = 200, &$data, $interval = 1) {
global $config;
if (sizeof ($data) == 0)
graphic_error ();
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$data;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->xaxis_interval = $interval;
$engine->single_graph ();
function generic_vertical_bar_graph ($width = 380, $height = 200, &$data, &$legend) {
global $config;
if (sizeof ($data) == 0)
graphic_error ();
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$data;
$engine->legend = &$legend;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->vertical_bar_graph ();
function generic_horizontal_bar_graph ($width = 380, $height = 200, &$data, $legend = false) {
global $config;
if (sizeof ($data) == 0)
graphic_error ();
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$data;
$engine->legend = &$legend;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->horizontal_bar_graph ();
function generic_pie_graph ($width = 300, $height = 200, &$data, $zoom = 85) {
global $config;
if (sizeof ($data) == 0)
graphic_error ();
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$data;
$engine->zoom = $zoom;
$engine->legend = array_keys ($data);
$engine->show_title = true;
$engine->zoom = 50;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->pie_graph ();
function grafico_db_agentes_paquetes ($width = 380, $height = 300) {
$data = array();
$sql1="SELECT distinct (id_agente) FROM tagente_datos";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){
if (! is_null($row["id_agente"])){
$sql1="SELECT COUNT(id_agente) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = ".$row["id_agente"];
if ($row3=mysql_fetch_array($result3)){
$agent_name = dame_nombre_agente($row[0]);
if ($agent_name != "") {
$data[str_pad ($agent_name, 15)]= $row3[0];
asort ($data);
generic_horizontal_bar_graph ($width, $height, $data);
function grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id_agent, $width, $height) {
if ($id_agent == 0)
$id_agent = -1;
// All data (now)
$purge_all = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
$data = array();
$legend = array();
$d90 = time () - (2592000 * 3);
$d30 = time () - 2592000;
$d7 = time () - 604800;
$d1 = time( ) - 86400;
$fechas = array ($d90, $d30, $d7, $d1);
$fechas_label = array ("30-90 days","7-30 days","This week","Today");
// Calc. total packets
$sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos";
$result2 = mysql_query ($sql1);
$row2 = mysql_fetch_array ($result2);
$total = $row2[0];
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($fechas); $i++){
// 4 x intervals will be enought, increase if your database is very very fast :)
if ($i == 3) {
if ($id_agent == -1)
$sql1="SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp >= ".$fechas[$i];
$sql1="SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = $id_agent AND utimestamp >= ".$fechas[$i];
} else {
if ($id_agent == -1)
$sql1="SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp >= ".$fechas[$i]." AND utimestamp < ".$fechas[$i+1];
$sql1="SELECT COUNT(id_agente_datos) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = $id_agent AND utimestamp >= ".$fechas[$i]." AND utimestamp < ".$fechas[$i+1];
$data[$fechas_label[$i]." ( ".format_for_graph($row[0],0)." )"] = $row[0];
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
// ***************************************************************************
// Draw a dynamic progress bar using GDlib directly
// ***************************************************************************
function progress_bar ($progress, $width, $height, $mode = 1) {
// Copied from the PHP manual:
// http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.imagefilledrectangle.php
// With some adds from sdonie at lgc dot com
// Get from official documentation PHP.net website. Thanks guys :-)
function drawRating($rating, $width, $height, $mode) {
global $config;
$rating = format_numeric($rating,1);
if ($width == 0) {
$width = 150;
if ($height == 0) {
$height = 20;
//$rating = $_GET['rating'];
$ratingbar = (($rating/100)*$width)-2;
$image = imagecreate($width,$height);
$back = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,255,255);
$border = ImageColorAllocate($image,140,140,140);
$textcolor = ImageColorAllocate($image,60,60,60);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,60,75);
if ($mode == 0){
if ($rating > 70)
$fill = ImageColorAllocate($image,176,255,84); // Green
elseif ($rating > 50)
$fill = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,230,84); // Yellow
elseif ($rating > 30)
$fill = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,154,83); // Orange
$fill = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,0,0); // Red
$fill = ImageColorAllocate($image,44,81,150);
$grey = ImageColorAllocate($image,230,230,210);
if ($mode == 1){
} else {
if ($rating > 100)
if ($mode == 1){
if ($mode == 1){
if ($rating > 50)
if ($rating > 100)
ImageTTFText($image, 8, 0, ($width/4), ($height/2)+($height/5), $back, $config["fontpath"], __('Out of limits'));
ImageTTFText($image, 8, 0, ($width/2)-($width/10), ($height/2)+($height/5), $back, $config["fontpath"], $rating."%");
ImageTTFText($image, 8, 0, ($width/2)-($width/10), ($height/2)+($height/5), $textcolor, $config["fontpath"], $rating."%");
Header("Content-type: image/png");
if ($progress > 100 || $progress < 0){
// HACK: This report a static image... will increase render in about 200% :-) useful for
// high number of realtime statusbar images creation (in main all agents view, for example
$imgPng = imageCreateFromPng("../images/outof.png");
imageAlphaBlending($imgPng, true);
imageSaveAlpha($imgPng, true);
} else
function grafico_modulo_boolean ($id_agente_modulo, $periodo, $show_event,
$width, $height , $title, $unit_name, $show_alert, $avg_only = 0, $pure=0 ) {
global $config;
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; // Number of "slices" we want in graph
//$unix_timestamp = strtotime($mysql_timestamp) // Convert MYSQL format tio utime
$fechatope = time () - $periodo; // limit date
$interval = $periodo / $resolution; // Each interval is $interval seconds length
$nombre_agente = dame_nombre_agente_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo);
$id_agente = dame_agente_id ($nombre_agente);
$nombre_modulo = dame_nombre_modulo_agentemodulo ($id_agente_modulo);
if ($show_event == 1)
$real_event = array ();
if ($show_alert == 1) {
$alert_high = false;
$alert_low = false;
// If we want to show alerts limits
$alert_high = get_db_value ('MAX(dis_max)', 'talerta_agente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', (int) $id_agente_modulo);
$alert_low = get_db_value ('MIN(dis_min)', 'talerta_agente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', (int) $id_agente_modulo);
// if no valid alert defined to render limits, disable it
if (($alert_low === false || $alert_low === NULL) &&
($alert_high === false || $alert_high === NULL)) {
$show_alert = 0;
// interval - This is the number of "rows" we are divided the time
// to fill data. more interval, more resolution, and slower.
// periodo - Gap of time, in seconds. This is now to (now-periodo) secs
// Init tables
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
$data[$i][0] = 0; // SUM of all values for this interval
$data[$i][1] = 0; // counter
$data[$i][2] = $fechatope + ($interval * $i); // [2] Top limit for this range
$data[$i][3] = $fechatope + ($interval * ($i + 1)); // [3] Botom limit
$data[$i][4] = -1; // MIN
$data[$i][5] = -1; // MAX
$data[$i][6] = -1; // Event
// Init other general variables
if ($show_event == 1) {
// If we want to show events in graphs
$sql = "SELECT utimestamp FROM tevento WHERE id_agente = $id_agente AND utimestamp > $fechatope";
$result = mysql_query ($sql );
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
$utimestamp = $row[0];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
if ( ($utimestamp <= $data[$i][3]) && ($utimestamp >= $data[$i][2]) ){
// Init other general variables
$max_value = 0;
$min_value = 0;
// DEBUG ONLY (to get number of items for this graph)
// Make "THE" query. Very HUGE.
$sql1="SELECT COUNT(datos) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente = $id_agente AND id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo AND utimestamp > fechatope";
$title=$title." [C] ".$row[0];
$previous = 0;
// Get the first data outsite (to the left---more old) of the interval given
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT datos,utimestamp
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente = %d
AND id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp < %d
ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT 1',
$id_agente, $id_agente_modulo, $fechatope);
$previous = get_db_sql ($sql);
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT datos,utimestamp
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente = %d
AND id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp > %d',
$id_agente, $id_agente_modulo, $fechatope);
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
$datos = $row[0];
$utimestamp = $row[1];
$i = round (($utimestamp - $fechatope) / $interval);
if (isset ($data[$i][0])) {
$data[$i][0] += $datos;
if ($data[$i][6] == -1)
// Init min value
if ($data[$i][4] == -1)
$data[$i][4] = $datos;
else {
// Check min value
if ($datos < $data[$i][4])
$data[$i][4] = $datos;
// Check max value
if ($data[$i][5] == -1)
$data[$i][5] = $datos;
if ($datos > $data[$i][5])
$data[$i][5] = $datos;
$last = $previous;
// Calculate Average value for $data[][0]
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
//echo $data[$i][6] . ", (" . $data[$i][4] . ", " . $data[$i][5] . ") : ";
if ($data[$i][6] == -1)
$data[$i][6] = $last;
$data[$i][6] = $data[$i][4]; // min
$last = $data[$i][5] != -1 ? $data[$i][5] : $data[$i][6]; // max
if ($data[$i][1] > 0)
$data[$i][0] = $data[$i][0]/$data[$i][1];
else {
$data[$i][0] = $previous;
$data[$i][4] = $previous;
$data[$i][5] = $previous;
// Get max value for all graph
if ($data[$i][5] > $max_value)
$max_value = $data[$i][5];
// Take prev. value
// TODO: CHeck if there are more than 24hours between
// data, if there are > 24h, module down.
$previous = $data[$i][0];
//echo $data[$i][6];
//echo "<br>";
if (! $max_value) {
graphic_error ();
$grafica = array ();
foreach ($data as $d) {
$grafica[$d[2]] = $d[6];
if ($periodo <= 86400)
$title_period = "Last day";
elseif ($periodo <= 604800)
$title_period = "Last week";
elseif ($periodo <= 3600)
$title_period = "Last hour";
elseif ($periodo <= 2419200)
$title_period = "Last month";
$title_period = "Last ".format_numeric (($periodo / (3600 * 24)), 2)." days";
$factory = new PandoraGraphFactory ();
$engine = $factory->create_graph_engine ();
$engine->width = $width;
$engine->height = $height;
$engine->data = &$grafica;
$engine->legend = array ($nombre_modulo);
$engine->title = ' Pandora FMS Graph - '.strtoupper ($nombre_agente)." - ".$title_period;
$engine->subtitle = ' '.$title;
$engine->show_title = !$pure;
$engine->events = $show_event ? $real_event : false;
$engine->fontpath = $config['fontpath'];
$engine->alert_top = $show_alert ? $alert_high : false;
$engine->alert_bottom = $show_alert ? $alert_low : false;;
if ($periodo < 10000)
$engine->xaxis_interval = 8;
$engine->xaxis_interval = $resolution / 7;
$engine->yaxis_interval = 1;
$engine->xaxis_format = 'date';
$engine->single_graph ();
// **************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************
// MAIN Code - Parse get parameters
// **************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************
// Generic parameter handling
// **************************
$id_agent = (int) get_parameter ('id_agent');
$tipo = (string) get_parameter ('tipo');
$pure = (bool) get_parameter ('pure');
$period = (int) get_parameter ('period', 86400);
$interval = (int) get_parameter ('interval', 300);
$id = (string) get_parameter ('id');
$weight_l = (string) get_parameter ('weight_l');
$width = (int) get_parameter ('width', 450);
$height = (int) get_parameter ('height', 200);
$label = (string) get_parameter ('label', '');
$color = (string) get_parameter ('color', '#226677');
$percent = (int) get_parameter ('percent', 100);
$zoom = (int) get_parameter ('zoom', 100);
$zoom /= 100;
if ($zoom <= 0 || $zoom > 1)
$zoom = 1;
$unit_name = (string) get_parameter ('unit_name');
$draw_events = (int) get_parameter ('draw_events');
$avg_only = (int) get_parameter ('avg_only');
$draw_alerts = (int) get_parameter ('draw_alerts');
$value1 = get_parameter ('value1');
$value2 = get_parameter ('value2');
$value3 = get_parameter("value3", 0);
$stacked = get_parameter ("stacked", 0);
$date = get_parameter ("date");
$graphic_type = (string) get_parameter ('tipo');
$mode = get_parameter ("mode", 1);
if ($graphic_type) {
switch ($graphic_type) {
case 'string':
graphic_string_data ($id, $period, $width, $height, $date);
case 'sparse':
grafico_modulo_sparse ($id, $period, $draw_events, $width, $height,
$label, $unit_name, $draw_alerts, $avg_only, $pure, $date);
case "boolean":
grafico_modulo_boolean ($id, $period, $draw_events, $width, $height , $label, $unit_name, $draw_alerts, 1, $pure);
case "estado_incidente":
grafico_incidente_estados ();
case "prioridad_incidente":
grafico_incidente_prioridad ();
case "db_agente_modulo":
graph_db_agentes_modulos ($width, $height);
case "db_agente_paquetes":
grafico_db_agentes_paquetes ($width, $height);
case "db_agente_purge":
grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id, $width, $height);
case "event_module":
graph_event_module ($width, $height, $id_agent);
case "group_events":
grafico_eventos_grupo ($width, $height);
case "user_events":
grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height);
case "total_events":
grafico_eventos_total ();
case "group_incident":
graphic_incident_group ();
case "user_incident":
graphic_incident_user ();
case "source_incident":
graphic_incident_source ();
case "user_activity":
graphic_user_activity ($width, $height);
case "agentaccess":
graphic_agentaccess ($_GET["id"], $_GET["periodo"], $width, $height);
case "agentmodules":
graphic_agentmodules ($_GET["id"], $width, $height);
case "progress":
$percent = $_GET["percent"];
progress_bar ($percent,$width,$height, $mode);
case "combined":
// Split id to get all parameters
$module_list = array();
$module_list = split (",", $id);
$weight_list = array();
$weight_list = split (",", $weight_l);
graphic_combined_module ($module_list, $weight_list, $period, $width, $height,
$label, $unit_name, $draw_events, $draw_alerts, $pure, $stacked, $date);
case "alerts_fired_pipe":
$data = array ();
$data[__('Alerts fired')] = (float) get_parameter ('fired');
$data[__('Alerts not fired')] = (float) get_parameter ('not_fired');
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
case 'monitors_health_pipe':
$data = array ();
$data[__('Monitors OK')] = (float) get_parameter ('not_down');
$data[__('Monitors BAD')] = (float) get_parameter ('down');
generic_pie_graph ($width, $height, $data);
graphic_error ();
} else {
graphic_error ();