1894 lines
49 KiB
Executable File
1894 lines
49 KiB
Executable File
# Tentacle Server
# See https://pandorafms.com/docs/ for protocol description.
# Tentacle have IANA assigned port tpc/41121 as official port.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Ramon Novoa <rnovoa@artica.es>
# Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Pandora FMS
# tentacle_server.pl Tentacle Server. See https://pandorafms.com/docs/ for
# protocol description.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package tentacle::server;
=head1 NAME
tentacle_server - Tentacle Server
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.6.1
=head1 USAGE
tentacle_server B<< -s F<storage_directory> >> [I<options>]
B<tentacle_server(1)> is a server for B<tentacle>, a B<client/server> file transfer protocol that aims to be:
=item * Secure by design.
=item * Easy to use.
=item * Versatile and cross-platform.
Tentacle was created to replace more complex tools like SCP and FTP for simple file transfer/retrieval, and switch from authentication mechanisms like .netrc, interactive logins and SSH keys to X.509 certificates. Simple password authentication over a SSL secured connection is supported too.
The client and server (B<TCP port 41121>) are designed to be run from the command line or called from a shell script, and B<no configuration files are needed>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Select;
use IO::Compress::Zip qw(zip $ZipError);
use IO::Uncompress::Unzip qw(unzip $UnzipError);
use threads;
use Thread::Semaphore;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Constants for Win32 services.
use constant WIN32_SERVICE_STOPPED => 0x01;
use constant WIN32_SERVICE_RUNNING => 0x04;
my $t_libwrap_installed = eval { require Authen::Libwrap } ? 1 : 0;
if ($t_libwrap_installed) {
Authen::Libwrap->import( qw( hosts_ctl STRING_UNKNOWN ) );
# Log errors, 1 enabled, 0 disabled
my $t_log = 0;
# Log information, 1 enabled, 0 enabled
my $t_log_hard = 0;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# Only support INET on windows
require IO::Socket::INET;
} else {
eval { require IO::Socket::INET6 } ? 'IO::Socket::INET6'
: eval { require IO::Socket::INET } ? 'IO::Socket::INET'
: die $@;
# Service name for Win32.
my $SERVICE_NAME="Tentacle Server";
# Service parameters.
my $SERVICE_PARAMS=join(' ', @ARGV);
# Program version
our $VERSION = '0.6.2';
# IPv4 address to listen on
my @t_addresses = ('0', '');
# Block size for socket read/write operations in bytes
my $t_block_size = 1024;
# Client socket
my $t_client_socket;
# Run as daemon, 1 true, 0 false
my $t_daemon = 0;
# Storage directory
my $t_directory = '';
# Filters
my @t_filters;
# Enable (1) or disable (0) insecure mode
my $t_insecure = 0;
# String containing quoted invalid file name characters
my $t_invalid_chars = '\?\[\]\/\\\=\+\<\>\:\;\'\,\*\~';
# Maximum number of simultaneous connections
my $t_max_conn = 10;
# Maximum file size allowed by the server in bytes
my $t_max_size = 2000000;
# File overwrite, 1 enabled, 0 disabled
my $t_overwrite = 0;
# Port to listen on
my $t_port = 41121;
# Server password
my $t_pwd = '';
# Do not output error messages, 1 enabled, 0 disabled
my $t_quiet = 0;
# Number of retries for socket read/write operations
my $t_retries = 3;
# Select handler
my $t_select;
# Semaphore
my $t_sem :shared;
# Server socket
my @t_server_sockets;
# Server select handler
my $t_server_select;
# Use SSL, 1 true, 0 false
my $t_ssl = 0;
# SSL ca certificate file
my $t_ssl_ca = '';
# SSL certificate file
my $t_ssl_cert = '';
# SSL private key file
my $t_ssl_key = '';
# SSL private key password
my $t_ssl_pwd = '';
# Timeout for socket read/write operations in seconds
my $t_timeout = 1;
# Address to proxy client requests to
my $t_proxy_ip = undef;
# Port to proxy client requests to
my $t_proxy_port = 41121;
# Proxy socket
my $t_proxy_socket;
# Proxy selected handler
my $t_proxy_select;
# Use libwrap, 1 true, 0 false
my $t_use_libwrap = 0;
# Program name for libwrap
my $t_program_name = $0;
$t_program_name =~ s/.*\///g;
# Log file
my $log_file = undef;
## SUB print_help
## Print help screen.
sub print_help {
$" = ',';
print ("Usage: $0 -s <storage directory> [options]\n\n");
print ("Tentacle server v$VERSION. See https://pandorafms.com/docs/ for protocol description.\n\n");
print ("Options:\n");
print ("\t-a ip_addresses\tIP addresses to listen on (default @t_addresses).\n");
print ("\t \t(Multiple addresses separated by comma can be defined.)\n");
print ("\t-c number\tMaximum number of simultaneous connections (default $t_max_conn).\n");
print ("\t-d\t\tRun as daemon.\n");
print ("\t-e cert\t\tOpenSSL certificate file. Enables SSL.\n");
print ("\t-f ca_cert\tVerify that the peer certificate is signed by a ca.\n");
print ("\t-F config_file\tConfiguration file full path.\n");
print ("\t-h\t\tShow help.\n");
print ("\t-I\t\tEnable insecure operations (file listing and moving).\n");
print ("\t-i\t\tFilters.\n");
print ("\t-k key\t\tOpenSSL private key file.\n");
print ("\t-l log_file\t\tFile to write logs.\n");
print ("\t-m size\t\tMaximum file size in bytes (default ${t_max_size}b).\n");
print ("\t-o\t\tEnable file overwrite.\n");
print ("\t-p port\t\tPort to listen on (default $t_port).\n");
print ("\t-q\t\tQuiet. Do now print error messages.\n");
print ("\t-r number\tNumber of retries for network opertions (default $t_retries).\n");
print ("\t-S (install|uninstall|run) Manage the win32 service.\n");
print ("\t-t time\t\tTime-out for network operations in seconds (default ${t_timeout}s).\n");
print ("\t-v\t\tBe verbose (display errors).\n");
print ("\t-V\t\tBe verbose on hard way (display errors and other info).\n");
print ("\t-w\t\tPrompt for OpenSSL private key password.\n");
print ("\t-x pwd\t\tServer password.\n");
print ("\t-b ip_address\tProxy requests to the given address.\n");
print ("\t-g port\t\tProxy requests to the given port.\n");
print ("\t-T\t\tEnable tcpwrappers support.\n");
print ("\t \t\t(To use this option, 'Authen::Libwrap' should be installed.)\n\n");
## SUB daemonize
## Turn the current process into a daemon.
sub daemonize {
my $pid;
require POSIX;
chdir ('/') || error ("Cannot chdir to /: $!.");
umask 0;
open (STDIN, '/dev/null') || error ("Cannot read /dev/null: $!.");
# Do not be verbose when running as a daemon
open (STDOUT, '>/dev/null') || error ("Cannot write to /dev/null: $!.");
open (STDERR, '>/dev/null') || error ("Cannot write to /dev/null: $!.");
# Fork
$pid = fork ();
if (! defined ($pid)) {
error ("Cannot fork: $!.");
# Parent
if ($pid != 0) {
# Child
POSIX::setsid () || error ("Cannot start a new session: $!.");
## SUB parse_options
## Parse command line options and initialize global variables.
sub parse_options {
my %opts;
my $CONF = {};
my $token_value;
my $tmp;
my @t_addresses_tmp;
# Get options
if (getopts ('a:b:c:de:f:F:g:hIi:k:l:m:op:qr:s:S:t:TvVwx:', \%opts) == 0 || defined ($opts{'h'})) {
print_help ();
exit 1;
# The Win32 service must be installed/uninstalled without checking other parameters.
if (defined ($opts{'S'})) {
my $service_action = $opts{'S'};
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
error ("Windows services are only available on Win32.");
} else {
eval "use Win32::Daemon";
die($@) if ($@);
if ($service_action eq 'install') {
} elsif ($service_action eq 'uninstall') {
# Configuration file
if (defined($opts{'F'})) {
parse_config_file($opts{'F'}, $CONF);
# Address
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'a'}, $CONF->{'addresses'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
@t_addresses = ();
@t_addresses_tmp = split(/,/, $token_value);
foreach my $t_address (@t_addresses_tmp) {
$t_address =~ s/^ *(.*?) *$/$1/;
if (($t_address ne '0') &&
($t_address !~ /^[a-zA-Z\.]+$/ && ($t_address !~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
|| $1 < 0 || $1 > 255 || $2 < 0 || $2 > 255
|| $3 < 0 || $3 > 255 || $4 < 0 || $4 > 255)) &&
($t_address !~ /^[0-9a-f:]+$/o)) {
error ("Address $t_address is not valid.");
push @t_addresses, $t_address;
# Maximum simultaneous connections
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'c'}, $CONF->{'max_connections'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_max_conn = $token_value;
if ($t_max_conn !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_max_conn < 1) {
error ("Invalid number of maximum simultaneous connections.");
# Run as daemon
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'d'}, $CONF->{'daemon'}, 1);
if (defined ($token_value)) {
if ($^ eq 'MSWin32') {
error ("-d flag not available for this OS.");
$t_daemon = 1;
# Enable SSL
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'e'}, $CONF->{'ssl_cert'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
require IO::Socket::SSL;
$t_ssl_cert = $token_value;
if (! -f $t_ssl_cert) {
error ("File $t_ssl_cert does not exist.");
$t_ssl = 1;
# Verify peer certificate
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'f'}, $CONF->{'ssl_ca'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_ssl_ca = $token_value;
if (! -f $t_ssl_ca) {
error ("File $t_ssl_ca does not exist.");
# Insecure mode
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'I'}, $CONF->{'insecure'}, 1);
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_insecure = 1;
# Filters (regexp:dir;regexp:dir...)
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'i'}, $CONF->{'filters'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
my @filters = split (';', $token_value);
foreach my $filter (@filters) {
my ($regexp, $dir) = split (':', $filter);
next unless defined ($regexp) && defined ($dir);
# Remove any trailing /
my $char = chop ($dir);
$dir .= $char if ($char) ne '/';
push(@t_filters, [$regexp, $dir]);
# SSL private key file
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'k'}, $CONF->{'ssl_key'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_ssl_key = $token_value;
if (! -f $t_ssl_key) {
error ("File $t_ssl_key does not exist.");
# Maximum file size
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'m'}, $CONF->{'max_size'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_max_size = $token_value;
if ($t_max_size !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_max_size < 1) {
error ("Invalid maximum file size.");
# File overwrite
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'o'}, $CONF->{'overwrite'}, 1);
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_overwrite = 1;
# Port
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'p'}, $CONF->{'port'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_port = $token_value;
if ($t_port !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_port < 1 || $t_port > 65535) {
error ("Port $t_port is not valid.");
# Quiet mode
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'q'}, $CONF->{'quiet'}, 1);
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_quiet = 1;
# Retries
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'r'}, $CONF->{'retries'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_retries = $token_value;
if ($t_retries !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_retries < 1) {
error ("Invalid number of retries for network operations.");
# Storage directory
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'s'}, $CONF->{'directory'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_directory = $token_value;
# Check that directory exists
if (! -d $t_directory) {
error ("Directory $t_directory does not exist.");
# Check directory permissions
if (! -w $t_directory) {
error ("Cannot write to directory $t_directory.");
# Remove the trailing / if present
$tmp = chop ($t_directory);
if ($tmp ne '/') {
$t_directory .= $tmp;
else {
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'b'}, $CONF->{'proxy_ip'});
if (! defined($token_value)) {
print_help ();
exit 1;
# Timeout
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'t'}, $CONF->{'timeout'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_timeout = $token_value;
if ($t_timeout !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_timeout < 1) {
error ("Invalid timeout for network operations.");
# Read verbose from config file
if (defined($CONF->{'verbose'})) {
if ($CONF->{'verbose'} eq "1") {
$t_log = 1;
} elsif ($CONF->{'verbose'} eq "2") {
$t_log = 1;
$t_log_hard = 1;
# Be verbose
if (defined ($opts{'v'})) {
$t_log = 1;
$t_log_hard = 0;
# Be verbose hard
if (defined ($opts{'V'})) {
$t_log = 1;
$t_log_hard = 1;
# SSL private key password
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'w'}, $CONF->{'ssl_password'}, 1);
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_ssl_pwd = ask_passwd ("Enter private key file password: ", "Enter private key file password again for confirmation: ");
# Server password
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'x'}, $CONF->{'password'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_pwd = $token_value;
#Proxy IP address
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'b'}, $CONF->{'proxy_ip'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_proxy_ip = $token_value;
if ($t_proxy_ip !~ /^[a-zA-Z\.]+$/ && ($t_proxy_ip !~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
|| $1 < 0 || $1 > 255 || $2 < 0 || $2 > 255
|| $3 < 0 || $3 > 255 || $4 < 0 || $4 > 255) &&
$t_proxy_ip !~ /^[0-9a-f:]+$/o) {
error ("Proxy address $t_proxy_ip is not valid.");
# Proxy Port
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'g'}, $CONF->{'proxy_port'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$t_proxy_port = $token_value;
if ($t_proxy_port !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_proxy_port < 1 || $t_proxy_port > 65535) {
error ("Proxy port $t_port is not valid.");
# TCP wrappers support
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'T'}, $CONF->{'use_libwrap'}, 1);
if (defined ($token_value)) {
if ($t_libwrap_installed) {
$t_use_libwrap = 1;
} else {
error ("Authen::Libwrap is not installed.");
# Win32 service management
if (defined ($opts{'S'})) {
my $service_action = $opts{'S'};
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
error ("Windows services are only available on Win32.");
} else {
eval "use Win32::Daemon";
die($@) if ($@);
if ($service_action eq 'run') {
start => \&callback_start,
running => \&callback_running,
stop => \&callback_stop,
exit 0;
} else {
error("Unknown action: $service_action");
# Get the config file
$token_value = get_config_value($opts{'l'}, $CONF->{'log_file'});
if (defined ($token_value)) {
$log_file = $token_value;
# No command lines config values
# Get the block size
if (defined ($CONF->{'block_size'})) {
if ($t_port !~ /^\d+$/ || $t_port < 1) {
error ("Invalid block size: " . $CONF->{'block_size'} . ".");
$t_block_size = $CONF->{'block_size'};
# Configuration file invalid chars
if (defined ($CONF->{'invalid_chars'})) {
$t_invalid_chars = $CONF->{'invalid_chars'};
## SUB parse_config_file
## Get all options from a config file.
sub parse_config_file {
my ($config_file, $CONF) = @_;
# File should be writable
if (! -r $config_file) {
print "Configuration file $config_file is not readable.\n";
# Open the file
my $FH;
if (! open ($FH, "< $config_file")) {
print "Cannot open configuration file $config_file.\n";
# Read the file and only get the well formed lines
while (<$FH>) {
my $buffer_line = $_;
if ($buffer_line =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/){ # begins with letters
if ($buffer_line =~ m/([\w\-\_\.]+)\s+(.*)/){
$CONF->{$1} = $2 unless $2 eq "";
close ($FH);
## SUB parse_config_file
## Search in command line options and config hash from configuration file
## to get a value (command line is a priority)
sub get_config_value {
my ($cmd_value, $conf_value, $bool) = @_;
$bool = 0 unless defined($bool);
return $cmd_value if defined($cmd_value);
# The boolean type value is 1 or undef (0 should be translated like undefP)
if ($bool && defined($conf_value)) {
return undef if ($conf_value ne "1");
return $conf_value;
## SUB start_proxy
## Open the proxy server socket.
sub start_proxy {
# Connect to server
$t_proxy_socket = $SOCKET_MODULE->new (
PeerAddr => $t_proxy_ip,
PeerPort => $t_proxy_port,
if (! defined ($t_proxy_socket)) {
error ("Cannot connect to $t_proxy_ip on port $t_proxy_port: $!.");
# Create proxy selector
$t_proxy_select = IO::Select->new ();
$t_proxy_select->add ($t_proxy_socket);
## SUB start_server
## Open the server socket.
sub start_server {
my $t_server_socket;
foreach my $t_address (@t_addresses) {
$t_server_socket = $SOCKET_MODULE->new (
Listen => $t_max_conn,
LocalAddr => $t_address,
LocalPort => $t_port,
Proto => 'tcp',
ReuseAddr => 1,
if (! defined ($t_server_socket)) {
print_log ("Cannot open socket for address $t_address on port $t_port: $!.");
print_log ("Server listening on $t_address port $t_port (press <ctr-c> to stop)");
# Say message if tentacle proxy is enable
if (defined ($t_proxy_ip)) {
print_log ("Proxy Mode enable, data will be sent to $t_proxy_ip port $t_proxy_port");
push @t_server_sockets, $t_server_socket;
if (!@t_server_sockets) {
error ("Cannot open socket for all addresses on port $t_port: $!.");
$t_server_select = IO::Select->new();
foreach my $t_server_socket (@t_server_sockets){
## SUB send_data_proxy
## Send data to proxy socket.
sub send_data_proxy {
my $data = $_[0];
my $block_size;
my $retries = 0;
my $size;
my $total = 0;
my $written;
$size = length ($data);
while (1) {
# Try to write data to the socket
if ($t_proxy_select->can_write ($t_timeout)) {
$block_size = ($size - $total) > $t_block_size ? $t_block_size : ($size - $total);
$written = syswrite ($t_proxy_socket, $data, $size - $total, $total);
# Write error
if (! defined ($written)) {
error ("Connection error from " . $t_proxy_socket->sockhost () . ": $!.");
if ($written == 0) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_proxy_socket->sockhost () . " unexpectedly closed.");
$total += $written;
# Check if all data was written
if ($total == $size) {
# Retry
else {
if ($retries > $t_retries) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_proxy_socket->sockhost () . " timed out.");
## SUB close_proxy
## Close the proxy socket.
sub close_proxy {
$t_proxy_socket->shutdown (2);
$t_proxy_socket->close ();
## SUB stop_server
## Close the server socket.
sub stop_server {
foreach my $t_server_socket (@t_server_sockets) {
$t_server_socket->shutdown (2);
$t_server_socket->close ();
print_log ("Server going down");
exit 0;
## SUB start_ssl
## Convert the client socket to an IO::Socket::SSL socket.
sub start_ssl {
my $err;
if ($t_ssl_ca eq '') {
IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL (
SSL_cert_file => $t_ssl_cert,
SSL_key_file => $t_ssl_key,
SSL_passwd_cb => sub {return $t_ssl_pwd},
SSL_server => 1,
# Verify peer
SSL_verify_mode => 0x01,
else {
IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL (
SSL_ca_file => $t_ssl_ca,
SSL_cert_file => $t_ssl_cert,
SSL_key_file => $t_ssl_key,
SSL_passwd_cb => sub {return $t_ssl_pwd},
SSL_server => 1,
# Fail verification if no peer certificate exists
SSL_verify_mode => 0x03,
$err = IO::Socket::SSL::errstr ();
if ($err ne '') {
error ($err);
print_log ("SSL started for " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
## SUB accept_connections
## Manage incoming connections.
sub accept_connections {
my $pid;
my $t_server_socket;
# Ignore SIGPIPE
# Start server
start_server ();
# Initialize semaphore
$t_sem = Thread::Semaphore->new ($t_max_conn);
while (1) {
my @ready = $t_server_select->can_read;
foreach $t_server_socket (@ready) {
# Accept connection
$t_client_socket = $t_server_socket->accept ();
if (! defined ($t_client_socket)) {
next if ($! ne ''); # EINTR
error ("accept: $!.");
print_info ("Client connected from " . $t_client_socket->peerhost ());
if ($t_use_libwrap && (! hosts_ctl($t_program_name, $t_client_socket))) {
print_log ("Connection from " . $t_client_socket->peerhost() . " is closed by tcpwrappers.");
$t_client_socket->shutdown (2);
else {
# Create a new thread and serve the client
my $thr = threads->create(\&serve_client);
if (! defined ($thr)) {
error ("Error creating thread: $!.");
$t_client_socket->close ();
usleep (1000);
## SUB serve_client
## Serve a connected client.
sub serve_client() {
eval {
# Add client socket to select queue
$t_select = IO::Select->new ();
$t_select->add ($t_client_socket);
# Start SSL
if ($t_ssl == 1) {
start_ssl ();
# Authenticate client
if ($t_pwd ne '') {
auth_pwd ();
# Check if proxy mode is enable
if (defined ($t_proxy_ip)) {
serve_proxy_connection ();
} else {
serve_connection ();
if($@) {
$t_client_socket->shutdown (2);
$t_client_socket->close ();
## SUB serve_proxy_connection
## Actuate as a proxy between its client and other tentacle server.
sub serve_proxy_connection {
# We are a proxy! Start a connection to the Tentacle Server.
# Forward data between the client and the server.
eval {
my $select = IO::Select->new ();
while (my @ready = $select->can_read()) {
foreach my $socket (@ready) {
if (refaddr($socket) == refaddr($t_client_socket)) {
my ($read, $data) = recv_data($t_block_size);
return unless defined($data);
else {
my ($read, $data) = recv_data_proxy($t_block_size);
return unless defined($data);
# Close the connection to the Tentacle Server.
## SUB serve_connection
## Read and process commands from the client.
sub serve_connection {
my $command;
# Read commands
while ($command = recv_command ($t_block_size)) {
# Client wants to send a file
if ($command =~ /^SEND <(.*)> SIZE (\d+)$/) {
print_info ("Request to send file '$1' size ${2}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
recv_file ($1, $2);
# Client wants to receive a file
elsif ($command =~ /^RECV <(.*)>$/) {
print_info ("Request to receive file '$1' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
send_file ($1);
elsif ($command =~ /^ZSEND <(.*)> SIZE (\d+)$/) {
print_info ("Request to send compressed file '$1' size ${2}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
zrecv_file ($1, $2);
# Client wants to receive a file
elsif ($command =~ /^ZRECV <(.*)>$/) {
print_info ("Request to receive compressed file '$1' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
zsend_file ($1);
# Quit
elsif ($command =~ /^QUIT$/) {
print_info ("Connection closed from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
# File listing.
elsif ($command =~ /^LS <(.*)>$/) {
if ($t_insecure == 0) {
print_info ("Insecure mode disabled. Rejected request to list files matched by filter $1 from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
print_info ("Request to list files matched by filter $1 from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
send_file_list ($1);
# Client wants to move a file
elsif ($command =~ /^MV <(.*)>$/) {
if ($t_insecure == 0) {
print_info ("Insecure mode disabled. Rejected request to move file $1 from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
print_info ("Request to move file '$1' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
move_file ($1);
# Unknown command
else {
print_log ("Unknown command '$command' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
## SUB auth_pwd
## Authenticate client with server password.
sub auth_pwd {
my $client_digest;
my $command;
my $pwd_digest;
require Digest::MD5;
# Wait for password
$command = recv_command ($t_block_size);
if ($command !~ /^PASS (.*)$/) {
error ("Client " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " did not authenticate.");
$client_digest = $1;
$pwd_digest = Digest::MD5::md5 ($t_pwd);
$pwd_digest = Digest::MD5::md5_hex ($pwd_digest);
if ($client_digest ne $pwd_digest) {
error ("Invalid password from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . ".");
print_log ("Client " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " authenticated");
send_data ("PASS OK\n");
## SUB recv_file
## Receive a file of size $_[1] and save it in $t_directory as $_[0].
sub recv_file {
my $base_name = $_[0];
my $data = '';
my $file;
my $size = $_[1];
# Check file name
if ($base_name =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/) {
print_log ("File '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " has an invalid file name");
send_data ("SEND ERR (invalid file name)\n");
# Check file size, empty files are not allowed
if ($size < 1 || $size > $t_max_size) {
print_log ("File '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " is too big");
send_data ("SEND ERR (file is too big)\n");
# Apply filters
$file = "$t_directory/" . apply_filters ($base_name) . $base_name;
# Check if file exists
if (-f $file && $t_overwrite == 0) {
print_log ("File '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " already exists");
send_data ("SEND ERR (file already exists)\n");
send_data ("SEND OK\n");
# Receive file
$data = recv_data_block ($size);
# Write it to disk
open (FILE, "> $file") || error ("Cannot open file '$file' for writing.");
binmode (FILE);
print (FILE $data);
close (FILE);
send_data ("SEND OK\n");
print_info ("Received file '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
## SUB zrecv_file
## Receive a compressed file of size $_[1] and save it in $t_directory as $_[0].
sub zrecv_file {
my $base_name = $_[0];
my $data = '';
my $file;
my $size = $_[1];
my $zdata = '';
# Check file name
if ($base_name =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/) {
print_log ("File '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " has an invalid file name");
send_data ("ZSEND ERR (invalid file name)\n");
# Check file size, empty files are not allowed
if ($size < 1 || $size > $t_max_size) {
print_log ("File '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " is too big");
send_data ("ZSEND ERR (file is too big)\n");
# Apply filters
$file = "$t_directory/" . apply_filters ($base_name) . $base_name;
# Check if file exists
if (-f $file && $t_overwrite == 0) {
print_log ("File '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " already exists");
send_data ("ZSEND ERR (file already exists)\n");
send_data ("ZSEND OK\n");
# Receive file
$zdata = recv_data_block ($size);
if (!unzip(\$zdata => \$data)) {
print_log ("Uncompress error: $UnzipError");
send_data ("ZSEND ERR\n");
# Write it to disk
open (FILE, "> $file") || error ("Cannot open file '$file' for writing.");
binmode (FILE);
print (FILE $data);
close (FILE);
send_data ("ZSEND OK\n");
print_info ("Received compressed file '$base_name' size ${size}b from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
## SUB send_file
## Send a file to the client
sub send_file {
my $base_name = $_[0];
my $data = '';
my $file;
my $response;
my $size;
# Check file name
if ($base_name =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/) {
print_log ("Requested file '$base_name' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " has an invalid file name");
send_data ("RECV ERR (file has an invalid file name)\n");
# Apply filters
$file = "$t_directory/" . apply_filters ($base_name) . $base_name;
# Check if file exists
if (! -f $file) {
print_log ("Requested file '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " does not exist");
send_data ("RECV ERR (file does not exist)\n");
$size = -s $file;
send_data ("RECV SIZE $size\n");
# Wait for client response
$response = recv_command ($t_block_size);
if ($response ne "RECV OK") {
print_log ("Requested file '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " not sent");
# Send the file
open (FILE, $file) || error ("Cannot open file '$file' for reading.");
binmode (FILE);
local $/ = undef;
$data = <FILE>;
send_data ($data);
close (FILE);
print_log ("Requested file '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " sent");
## SUB zsend_file
## Send a file to the client
sub zsend_file {
my $base_name = $_[0];
my $data = '';
my $file;
my $response;
my $size;
# Check file name
if ($base_name =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/) {
print_log ("Requested compressed file '$base_name' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " has an invalid file name");
send_data ("ZRECV ERR (file has an invalid file name)\n");
# Apply filters
$file = "$t_directory/" . apply_filters ($base_name) . $base_name;
# Check if file exists
if (! -f $file) {
print_log ("Requested compressed '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " does not exist");
send_data ("ZRECV ERR (file does not exist)\n");
# Read the file and compress its contents
if (! zip($file => \$data)) {
send_data ("QUIT\n");
error ("Compression error: $ZipError");
$size = length($data);
send_data ("ZRECV SIZE $size\n");
# Wait for client response
$response = recv_command ($t_block_size);
if ($response ne "ZRECV OK") {
print_log ("Requested compressed '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " not sent");
# Send the file
send_data ($data);
print_log ("Requested compressed '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " sent");
# Common functions
## SUB print_log
## Print log messages.
sub print_log($) {
my ($msg) = @_;
return unless ($t_log == 1);
my $fh = *STDOUT;
if (defined($log_file)) {
open($fh, ">>", $log_file) || die("Starting log failed: $!.\n");
print ($fh strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . "[log]$msg.\n");
close ($fh) if (defined($log_file));
## SUB print_log
## Print log messages.
sub print_info($) {
my ($msg) = @_;
return unless ($t_log_hard == 1);
my $fh = *STDOUT;
if (defined($log_file)) {
open($fh, ">>", $log_file) || die("Starting log failed: $!.\n");
print ($fh strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . "[info]$msg.\n");
close ($fh) if (defined($log_file));
## SUB error
## Print an error and exit the program.
sub error {
my ($msg) = @_;
return unless ($t_quiet == 0);
my $fh = *STDERR;
if (defined($log_file)) {
open($fh, ">>", $log_file) || die("$!\n");
print ($fh strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . "[err]$msg\n");
close ($fh) if (defined($log_file));
## SUB move_file
## Send a file to the client and delete it
sub move_file {
my $base_name = $_[0];
my $data = '';
my $file;
my $response;
my $size;
# Check file name
if ($base_name =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/) {
print_log ("Requested file '$base_name' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " has an invalid file name");
send_data ("MV ERR\n");
# Apply filters
$file = "$t_directory/" . apply_filters ($base_name) . $base_name;
# Check if file exists
if (! -f $file) {
print_log ("Requested file '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " does not exist");
send_data ("MV ERR\n");
$size = -s $file;
send_data ("MV SIZE $size\n");
# Wait for client response
$response = recv_command ($t_block_size);
if ($response ne "MV OK") {
print_log ("Requested file '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " not sent");
# Send the file
open (FILE, $file) || error ("Cannot open file '$file' for reading.");
binmode (FILE);
while ($data = <FILE>) {
send_data ($data);
close (FILE);
print_log ("Requested file '$file' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " sent and deleted");
## SUB send_file_list
## Send a list of files to the client after applying the given filter.
sub send_file_list {
my $filter = $_[0];
my $data = '';
my $dir;
my $dh;
my $response;
my $size;
# Check file name
if ($filter =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/) {
print_log ("Invalid file listing filter '$filter' from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost ());
send_data ("LS ERR\n");
# Apply filters
$dir = "$t_directory/" . apply_filters ($filter);
# Open the directory.
if (! opendir ($dh, $dir)) {
print_log ("Error opening directory $dir as requested from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . ": $!");
send_data ("LS ERR\n");
# List files.
while (my $file = readdir ($dh)) {
next if ($file =~ /[$t_invalid_chars]/); # Only list files valid for Tentacle.
$data .= "$file\n";
closedir $dh;
$size = length ($data);
send_data ("LS SIZE $size\n");
# Wait for client response
$response = recv_command ($t_block_size);
if ($response ne "LS OK") {
print_log ("Requested directory listing from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " not sent");
send_data ($data);
print_log ("Requested directory listing from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " sent");
## SUB recv_data_proxy
## Recv data from proxy socket.
sub recv_data_proxy {
my $data;
my $read;
my $retries = 0;
my $size = $_[0];
while (1) {
# Try to read data from the socket
if ($t_proxy_select->can_read ($t_timeout)) {
# Read at most $size bytes
$read = sysread ($t_proxy_socket, $data, $size);
# Read error
if (! defined ($read)) {
error ("Read error from " . $t_proxy_socket->sockhost () . ": $!.");
if ($read == 0) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_proxy_socket->sockhost () . " unexpectedly closed.");
return ($read, $data);
# Retry
# But check for error conditions first
if ($retries > $t_retries) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_proxy_socket->sockhost () . " timed out.");
## SUB recv_data
## Read data from the client socket. Returns the number of bytes read and the
## string of bytes as a two element array.
sub recv_data {
my $data;
my $read;
my $retries = 0;
my $size = $_[0];
while (1) {
# Try to read data from the socket
if ($t_select->can_read ($t_timeout)) {
# Read at most $size bytes
$read = sysread ($t_client_socket, $data, $size);
# Read error
if (! defined ($read)) {
error ("Read error from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . ": $!.");
if ($read == 0) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " unexpectedly closed.");
return ($read, $data);
# Retry
# But check for error conditions first
if ($retries > $t_retries) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " timed out.");
## SUB send_data
## Write data to the client socket.
sub send_data {
my $data = $_[0];
my $block_size;
my $retries = 0;
my $size;
my $total = 0;
my $written;
$size = length ($data);
while (1) {
# Try to write data to the socket
if ($t_select->can_write ($t_timeout)) {
$block_size = ($size - $total) > $t_block_size ? $t_block_size : ($size - $total);
$written = syswrite ($t_client_socket, $data, $block_size, $total);
# Write error
if (! defined ($written)) {
error ("Connection error from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . ": $!.");
if ($written == 0) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " unexpectedly closed.");
$total += $written;
# Check if all data was written
if ($total == $size) {
# Retry
else {
if ($retries > $t_retries) {
error ("Connection from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . " timed out.");
## SUB recv_command
## Read a command from the client, ended by a new line character.
sub recv_command {
my $buffer;
my $char;
my $command = '';
my $read;
my $total = 0;
while (1) {
($read, $buffer) = recv_data ($t_block_size);
$command .= $buffer;
$total += $read;
# Check if the command is complete
$char = chop ($command);
if ($char eq "\n") {
return $command;
$command .= $char;
# Avoid overflow
if ($total > $t_block_size) {
error ("Received too much data from " . $t_client_socket->sockhost () . ".");
## SUB recv_data_block
## Read $_[0] bytes of data from the client.
sub recv_data_block {
my $buffer = '';
my $data = '';
my $read;
my $size = $_[0];
my $total = 0;
while (1) {
($read, $buffer) = recv_data ($size - $total);
$data .= $buffer;
$total += $read;
# Check if all data has been read
if ($total == $size) {
return $data;
## SUB ask_passwd
## Asks the user for a password.
sub ask_passwd {
my $msg1 = $_[0];
my $msg2 = $_[1];
my $pwd1;
my $pwd2;
require Term::ReadKey;
# Disable keyboard echo
# Promt for password
print ($msg1);
$pwd1 = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
print ("\n$msg2");
$pwd2 = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
print ("\n");
# Restore original settings
if ($pwd1 ne $pwd2) {
print ("Error: passwords do not match.\n");
exit 1;
# Remove the trailing new line character
chop $pwd1;
return $pwd1;
## SUB apply_filters
## Applies filters to the given file.
sub apply_filters ($) {
my ($file_name) = @_;
foreach my $filter (@t_filters) {
my ($regexp, $dir) = @{$filter};
if ($file_name =~ /$regexp/) {
print_log ("File '$file_name' matches filter '$regexp' (changing to directory '$dir')");
return $dir . '/';
return '';
## SUB install_service
## Install the Windows service.
sub install_service() {
my $service_path = $0;
my $service_params = $SERVICE_PARAMS;
# Change the service parameter from 'install' to 'run'.
$service_params =~ s/\-S\s+\S+/\-S run/;
my %service_hash = (
machine => '',
name => 'TENTACLESRV',
display => $SERVICE_NAME,
path => $service_path,
user => '',
pwd => '',
description => 'Tentacle Server http://sourceforge.net/projects/tentacled/',
parameters => $service_params
if (Win32::Daemon::CreateService(\%service_hash)) {
print "Successfully added.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "Failed to add service: " . Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::Daemon::GetLastError()) . "\n";
exit 1;
## SUB uninstall_service
## Install the Windows service.
sub uninstall_service() {
if (Win32::Daemon::DeleteService('', 'TENTACLESRV')) {
print "Successfully deleted.\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "Failed to delete service: " . Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::Daemon::GetLastError()) . "\n";
exit 1;
## SUB callback_running
## Windows service callback function for the running event.
sub callback_running {
if (Win32::Daemon::State() == WIN32_SERVICE_RUNNING) {
## SUB callback_start
## Windows service callback function for the start event.
sub callback_start {
# Accept_connections ();
my $thr = threads->create(\&accept_connections);
if (!defined($thr)) {
## SUB callback_stop
## Windows service callback function for the stop event.
sub callback_stop {
foreach my $t_server_socket (@t_server_sockets) {
$t_server_socket->shutdown (2);
$t_server_socket->close ();
## SUB check_ssleay_version
## Print a message if the installed version of Net::SSLeay may leak memory.
sub check_ssleay_version {
eval {
require Net::SSLeay;
return unless defined($Net::SSLeay::VERSION) && $Net::SSLeay::VERSION =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)/ && $1 <= 1 && $2 < 88;
print_log ("Net::SSLeay version $Net::SSLeay::VERSION detected. Versions prior to 1.88 may leak memory. To upgrade it see: https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::SSLeay");
# Main
# Never run as root
if ($> == 0 && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
print ("Error: for safety reasons $0 cannot be run with root privileges.\n");
exit 1;
# Parse command line options
parse_options ();
# Try to open the log file.
if (defined($log_file)) {
open(my $fh, ">>", $log_file) || die("Error opening the log file '$log_file': $!.\n");
# Check command line arguments
if ($#ARGV != -1) {
print_help ();
exit 1;
check_ssleay_version() if $t_ssl == 1;
# Show IPv6 status
if ($SOCKET_MODULE eq 'IO::Socket::INET') {
print_log ("IO::Socket::INET6 is not found. IPv6 is disabled.");
# Run as daemon?
if ($t_daemon == 1 && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
daemonize ();
# Handle ctr-c
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
no warnings;
$SIG{INT2} = \&stop_server;
use warnings;
else {
$SIG{INT} = \&stop_server;
# Accept connections
=item B<< -s F<storage_directory> >> Root directory to store the files received by the server
=head1 OPTIONS
=item I<-a ip_address> Address to B<listen> on (default I<>).
=item I<-c number> B<Maximum> number of simultaneous B<connections> (default I<10>).
=item I<-d> Run as B<daemon>.
=item I<-e cert> B<OpenSSL certificate> file. Enables SSL.
=item I<-f ca_cert> Verify that the peer certificate is signed by a B<CA>.
=item I<-h> Show B<help>.
=item I<-i> B<Filters>.
=item I<-k key> B<OpenSSL private key> file.
=item I<-m size> B<Maximum file size> in bytes (default I<2000000b>).
=item I<-o> Enable file B<overwrite>.
=item I<-p port> B<Port to listen> on (default I<41121>).
=item I<-q> B<Quiet>. Do now print error messages.
=item I<-r number> B<Number of retries> for network opertions (default I<3>).
=item I<-t time> B<Time-out> for network operations in B<seconds> (default I<1s>).
=item I<-v> Be B<verbose>.
=item I<-w> Prompt for B<OpenSSL private key password>.
=item I<-x> pwd B<Server password>.
=item 0 on Success
=item 1 on Error
Tentacle doesn't use any configurationf files, all the configuration is done by the options passed when it's started.
L<Getopt::Std>, L<IO::Select>, L<IO::Socket::INET>, L<Thread::Semaphore>, L<POSIX>
=head1 LICENSE
This is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Getopt::Std>, L<IO::Select>, L<IO::Socket::INET>, L<Thread::Semaphore>, L<POSIX>
Protocol description and more info at: L<< https://pandorafms.com/docs/index.php?title=Pandora:Documentation_en:Tentacle >>
Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Pandora FMS