3269 lines
87 KiB
3269 lines
87 KiB
/* global $ */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pandoraFlotPie(
) {
labels = labels.split(separator);
var data = values.split(separator);
if (colors != "") {
colors = colors.split(separator);
var pieRadius = 0.9;
var color = null;
for (var i = 0; i < nseries; i++) {
if (colors != "") {
color = colors[i];
data[i] = { label: labels[i], data: parseFloat(data[i]), color: color };
var show_legend = true;
if (legend_position == "hidden") {
show_legend = false;
var conf_pie = {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: pieRadius
legend: {
show: show_legend
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
if (hide_labels != false && hide_labels != 0) {
conf_pie.series.pie.label = {
show: true,
radius: 2 / 3,
formatter: labelFormatter,
threshold: 0.1
} else {
conf_pie.series.pie.label = {
show: false
switch (legend_position) {
case "bottom":
conf_pie.legend.position = "se";
case "right":
case "inner":
conf_pie.legend.container = $("#" + graph_id + "_legend");
var plot = $.plot($("#" + graph_id), data, conf_pie);
var legends = $("#" + graph_id + " .legendLabel");
legends.css("font-size", font_size + "pt");
// Events
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plothover", pieHover);
//$("#" + graph_id).bind("plotclick", pieClick);
$("#" + graph_id).bind("mouseout", resetInteractivity);
$("#" + graph_id).css("margin-left", "auto");
$("#" + graph_id).css("margin-right", "auto");
function pieHover(event, pos, obj) {
if (!obj) return;
var index = obj.seriesIndex;
legends.css("color", "#3F3F3D");
legends.eq(index).css("color", "");
function labelFormatter(label, series) {
return (
'<div style="font-size:' +
font_size +
"pt;" +
'text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' +
label +
"<br/>" +
series.percent.toFixed(2) +
// Reset styles
function resetInteractivity() {
legends.css("color", "#3F3F3D");
if (water_mark) {
$("#watermark_image_" + graph_id).attr("src")
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pandoraFlotPieCustom(
) {
font = font
labels = labels.split(separator);
legend = legend.split(separator);
var data = values.split(separator);
var no_data = 0;
if (colors != "") {
colors = colors.split(separator);
var color = null;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (colors != "") {
color = colors[i];
var datos = data[i];
data[i] = { label: labels[i], data: parseFloat(data[i]), color: color };
if (!datos) no_data++;
var label_conf;
var show_legend = true;
if (width <= 450) {
show_legend = false;
label_conf = {
show: true,
radius: 5 / 8,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return (
'<div style="font-size:' +
font_size +
"pt; font-weight:bolder;" +
"text-align:center;padding:2px;color:rgb(63, 63, 61)" +
'">' +
label +
":<br>" +
series.data[0][1] +
background: {
opacity: 0.5
} else {
label_conf = {
show: false
var conf_pie = {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 3 / 4,
innerRadius: 0.4,
label: label_conf
legend: {
show: show_legend
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
if (
/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(
) {
conf_pie.series.pie.label = { show: false };
var plot = $.plot($("#" + graph_id), data, conf_pie);
if (no_data == data.length) {
$("#" + graph_id + " .overlay").remove();
$("#" + graph_id + " .base").remove();
$("#" + graph_id).prepend(
"<img style='width:50%;' src='images/no_data_toshow.png' />"
var legends = $("#" + graph_id + " .legendLabel");
var j = 0;
legends.each(function() {
//$(this).css("width", $(this).width());
$(this).css("font-size", font_size + "pt");
if ($('input[name="custom_graph"]').val()) {
$(".legend>div").css("right", $(".legend>div").height() * -1);
$(".legend>table").css("right", $(".legend>div").height() * -1);
//$('.legend>table').css('border',"1px solid #E2E2E2");
if (background_color == "transparent") {
$(".legend>table").css("background-color", "");
$(".legend>div").css("background-color", "");
$(".legend>table").css("color", "#aaa");
} else if (background_color == "white") {
$(".legend>table").css("background-color", "white");
$(".legend>table").css("color", "black");
} else if (background_color == "black") {
$(".legend>table").css("background-color", "black");
$(".legend>table").css("color", "#aaa");
$(".legend").hover(function() {
return false;
// Events
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plothover", pieHover);
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plotclick", Clickpie);
$("#" + graph_id).bind("mouseout", resetInteractivity);
$("#" + graph_id).css("margin-left", "auto");
$("#" + graph_id).css("margin-right", "auto");
function pieHover(event, pos, obj) {
if (!obj) return;
var index = obj.seriesIndex;
legends.css("color", "#3F3F3D");
legends.eq(index).css("color", "");
function Clickpie(event, pos, obj) {
if (!obj) return;
var percent = parseFloat(obj.series.percent).toFixed(2);
var valor = parseFloat(obj.series.data[0][1]);
var value = "";
if (valor > 1000000) {
value = Math.round((valor / 1000000) * 100) / 100;
value = value + "M";
} else {
if (valor > 1000) {
value = Math.round((valor / 1000) * 100) / 100;
value = value + "K";
} else value = valor;
alert("" + obj.series.label + ": " + value + " (" + percent + "%)");
// Reset styles
function resetInteractivity() {
legends.each(function() {
// fix the widths so they don't jump around
$(this).css("color", "#3F3F3D");
if (water_mark) {
$("#watermark_image_" + graph_id).attr("src")
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pandoraFlotHBars(
) {
var colors_data = [
values = values.split(separator2);
font = font
var datas = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var serie = values[i].split(separator);
var aux = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < serie.length; j++) {
var aux2 = parseFloat(serie[j]);
aux.push([aux2, j]);
data: [[aux2, j]],
color: colors_data[j]
var labels_total = new Array();
labels = labels.split(separator);
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
labels_total.push([i, labels[i]]);
var options = {
series: {
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: 0.75,
align: "center",
lineWidth: 1,
fill: 1,
horizontal: true
grid: {
hoverable: true,
borderWidth: 1,
tickColor: tick_color,
borderColor: "#C1C1C1",
backgroundColor: { colors: [background_color, background_color] }
xaxis: {
color: tick_color,
axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
axisLabelFontSizePixels: font_size,
axisLabelFontFamily: font + "Font",
tickFormatter: xFormatter
yaxis: {
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: "rgb(84, 84, 84)",
family: font + "Font"
ticks: yFormatter
legend: {
show: false
// Fixed to avoid the graphs with all 0 datas
// the X axis show negative part instead to
// show the axis only the positive part.
if (maxvalue == 0) {
options["yaxis"]["min"] = 0;
// Fixed the values with a lot of decimals in the situation
// with all 0 values.
options["yaxis"]["tickDecimals"] = 0;
if (max) {
options["xaxis"]["max"] = max;
if (min) {
options["xaxis"]["min"] = min;
var plot = $.plot($("#" + graph_id), datas, options);
$("#" + graph_id).HUseTooltip();
$("#" + graph_id).css("margin-left", "auto");
$("#" + graph_id).css("margin-right", "auto");
// v, axis;
function yFormatter() {
var format = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < labels_total.length; i++) {
var label = labels_total[i][1];
// var shortLabel = reduceText(label, 25);
var title = label;
if (label.length > 30) {
label = reduceText(label, 30);
var div_attributes =
'style="font-size:' +
font_size +
"pt !important;" +
" margin: 0; max-width: 150px;" +
+"margin-left: -1.5em";
+"text-align: right";
if (label.indexOf("<br>") != -1) {
div_attributes += "min-height: 2.5em;";
div_attributes += '" title="' + title + '" style="overflow: hidden;"';
format.push([i, "<div " + div_attributes + ">" + label + "</div>"]);
return format;
// v, axis;
function xFormatter(v) {
var label = parseFloat(v);
var text = label.toLocaleString();
if (label >= 1000000) text = text.substring(0, 4) + "M";
else if (label >= 100000) text = text.substring(0, 3) + "K";
else if (label >= 1000) text = text.substring(0, 2) + "K";
return (
'<div style="font-size:' +
font_size +
'pt !important;">' +
text +
if (water_mark) {
$("#watermark_image_" + graph_id).attr("src")
var previousPoint = null,
previousLabel = null;
$.fn.HUseTooltip = function() {
$(this).bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (
previousLabel != item.series.label ||
previousPoint != item.seriesIndex
) {
previousPoint = item.seriesIndex;
previousLabel = item.series.label;
var x = item.datapoint[0];
// var y = item.datapoint[1];
var color = item.series.color;
showTooltip(pos.pageX, pos.pageY, color, "<strong>" + x + "</strong>");
} else {
previousPoint = null;
$.fn.VUseTooltip = function() {
$(this).bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (
previousLabel != item.series.label ||
previousPoint != item.dataIndex
) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
previousLabel = item.series.label;
var x = item.datapoint[0];
var y = item.datapoint[1];
if (typeof y != "string") {
y = number_format(y, false, "", 2, 1000);
var color = item.series.color;
"<strong>" +
item.series.label +
"</strong><br>" +
item.series.xaxis.ticks[x].label +
" : <strong>" +
y +
"<strong>" + item.series.label + " : " + y + "</strong>"
} else {
previousPoint = null;
function showTooltip(x, y, color, contents) {
$('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + "</div>")
position: "absolute",
display: "none",
top: y,
left: x,
border: "2px solid " + color,
padding: "3px",
"font-size": "9px",
"border-radius": "5px",
"background-color": "#fff",
"font-family": "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif",
opacity: 0.9
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pandoraFlotVBars(settings) {
settings = JSON.parse(atob(settings));
var unit = settings.generals.unit;
var divisor = settings.generals.divisor;
var datas = [];
var ticks = [];
var labels = [];
settings.data.forEach(function(element, index) {
var color = element.color;
if (settings.generals.arrayColors) {
if (settings.generals.arrayColors[index] != undefined) {
color = settings.generals.arrayColors[index].color;
label: element.tick,
color: color,
data: [[index, element.data]]
if (settings.generals.forceTicks === true) {
ticks.push([index, element.tick]);
} else {
labels.push([index, element.tick]);
var formatterTicks = "";
if (settings.generals.forceTicks === true) {
formatterTicks = "";
} else {
var ticksformatter = ticks;
ticks = null;
formatterTicks = function(v) {
return ticksformatter[Math.round(v)];
var options = {
series: {
bars: {
show: settings.seriesBars.show,
lineWidth: settings.seriesBars.lineWidth,
fill: settings.seriesBars.fill,
fillColor: settings.seriesBars.fillColor
bars: {
align: settings.bars.align,
barWidth: settings.bars.barWidth,
horizontal: settings.bars.horizontal
xaxis: {
axisLabel: settings.x.title.title,
axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
axisLabelFontSizePixels: settings.x.title.fontSize,
axisLabelFontFamily: settings.x.title.fontFamily,
axisLabelPadding: settings.x.title.padding,
font: {
size: settings.x.font.size,
lineHeight: settings.x.font.lineHeight,
style: settings.x.font.style,
weight: settings.x.font.weight,
family: settings.x.font.family,
variant: settings.x.font.variant,
color: settings.x.font.color
show: settings.x.show,
position: settings.x.position,
color: settings.x.color,
ticks: ticks,
tickFormatter: formatterTicks,
labelWidth: settings.x.labelWidth,
labelHeight: settings.x.labelHeight
yaxis: {
axisLabel: settings.y.title.title,
axisLabelUseCanvas: true,
axisLabelFontSizePixels: settings.y.title.fontSize,
axisLabelFontFamily: settings.y.title.fontFamily,
axisLabelPadding: settings.y.title.padding,
font: {
size: settings.y.font.size,
lineHeight: settings.y.font.lineHeight,
style: settings.y.font.style,
weight: settings.y.font.weight,
family: settings.y.font.family,
variant: settings.y.font.variant,
color: settings.y.font.color
show: settings.y.show,
position: settings.y.position,
color: settings.y.color,
tickFormatter: function(v) {
var formatted = v;
if (typeof formatted != "string") {
formatted = number_format(v, false, unit, 2, divisor);
return formatted;
labelWidth: settings.y.labelWidth,
labelHeight: settings.y.labelHeight,
reserveSpace: true
legend: {
// TODO: settings.
show: false
grid: {
show: settings.grid.show,
aboveData: settings.grid.aboveData,
color: settings.grid.color,
backgroundColor: settings.grid.backgroundColor,
margin: settings.grid.margin,
labelMargin: settings.grid.labelMargin,
axisMargin: settings.grid.axisMargin,
markings: settings.grid.markings,
borderWidth: settings.grid.borderWidth,
borderColor: settings.grid.borderColor,
minBorderMargin: settings.grid.minBorderMargin,
clickable: settings.grid.clickable,
hoverable: settings.grid.hoverable,
autoHighlight: settings.grid.autoHighlight,
mouseActiveRadius: settings.grid.mouseActiveRadius
$.plot($("#" + settings.graphId), datas, options);
// Hover in bars graph.
$("#" + settings.graphId).VUseTooltip();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pandoraFlotSlicebar(
) {
values = values.split(separator2);
legend = legend.split(separator);
datacolor = datacolor.split(separator);
if (full_legend != false) {
full_legend = full_legend.split(separator);
font_size = parseInt(font_size);
if (font != undefined)
font = font
// Check possible adapt_keys on classes
var datas = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
var serie = values[i].split(separator);
var aux = new Array();
aux.push([parseInt(serie[0]), 0]);
data: aux,
bars: {
show: true,
fill: 1,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 1 }] },
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
steps: false,
barWidth: 24 * 60 * 60 * 600
color: datacolor[i]
var regex = /visual_console/;
var match = regex.exec(window.location.href);
var options = {
series: {
stack: true,
bars: {
align: "center"
grid: {
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: "#C1C1C1",
tickColor: "#fff"
xaxes: [
show: true,
tickFormatter: xFormatter,
color: "",
tickSize: intervaltick,
tickLength: 0,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
family: font + "Font"
yaxes: [
show: false,
tickLength: 0
legend: {
show: false
if (match == null && not_interactive == 0) {
options.grid["hoverable"] = true;
options.grid["clickable"] = true;
} else {
options.grid["hoverable"] = false;
options.grid["clickable"] = false;
$.plot($("#" + graph_id), datas, options);
if (match == null && not_interactive == 0) {
// Events
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
var from = legend[item.seriesIndex];
var to = legend[item.seriesIndex + 1];
if (to == undefined) {
to = ">";
$("#extra_" + graph_id).text(from + "-" + to);
var extra_width = parseInt(
$("#extra_" + graph_id)
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css(
parseInt(pos.pageX - extra_width - 200) + "px"
$("#extra_" + graph_id).show();
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plotclick", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
//from time
var from = legend[item.seriesIndex];
//to time
var to = legend[item.seriesIndex + 1];
//current date
var dateObj = new Date();
var newdate = "";
var newdate2 = "";
if (full_legend != "") {
newdate = full_legend[item.seriesIndex];
newdate2 = full_legend[item.seriesIndex + 1];
} else {
var month = dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; //months from 1-12
var day = dateObj.getUTCDate();
var year = dateObj.getUTCFullYear();
newdate = year + "/" + month + "/" + day;
if (!to) {
to = "23:59";
var url_filters = {
id_agent: id_agent,
date_from: newdate,
time_from: from + ":00",
status: "-1",
group_rep: "1",
from_event_graph: 1,
id_server_meta: server_id
if (full_legend != "") {
if (newdate2 != undefined) {
url_filters.date_to = newdate2;
url_filters.time_to = to + ":00";
} else {
url_filters.date_to = newdate;
url_filters.time_to = to + ":00";
var url_filters_fb64 = btoa(JSON.stringify(url_filters));
window.location =
"index.php?sec=eventos&sec2=operation/events/events&fb64=" +
$("#" + graph_id).bind("mouseout", resetInteractivity);
// Reset interactivity styles
function resetInteractivity() {
$("#extra_" + graph_id).hide();
// Format functions
function xFormatter(v) {
var ct = new Date();
var currentTime = ct.getTime();
var diffDates = (currentTime - 1000 * datelimit) / 1000;
var d = new Date(1000 * (v + datelimit));
var monthNames = [
var date_format = "";
if (diffDates > 86500) {
date_format =
(d.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
d.getDate() +
" " +
monthNames[d.getMonth()] +
"<br>" +
(d.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
d.getHours() +
":" +
(d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
} else {
date_format =
(d.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
d.getHours() +
":" +
(d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
return date_format;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function pandoraFlotArea(
) {
//diferents vars
var unit = params.unit ? params.unit : "";
var homeurl = params.homeurl;
var font_size = parseInt(params.font_size);
var font = params.font
var width = params.width;
var vconsole = params.vconsole;
var dashboard = params.dashboard;
var menu = params.menu;
var min_x = date_array["start_date"] * 1000;
var max_x = date_array["final_date"] * 1000;
var type = parseInt(params.stacked);
var show_legend = params.show_legend;
var image_treshold = params.image_treshold;
var short_data = params.short_data != "" ? params.short_data : 3;
var grid_color = params.grid_color;
var background_color = params.backgroundColor;
var legend_color = params.legend_color;
var update_legend = {};
var force_integer = 0;
var divisor = params.divisor;
if (typeof divisor === "undefined") {
divisor = 1000;
if (typeof type === "undefined" || type == "") {
type = params.type_graph;
//for threshold
var threshold = true;
var thresholded = false;
var yellow_threshold = parseFloat(data_module_graph.w_min);
var red_threshold = parseFloat(data_module_graph.c_min);
var yellow_up = parseFloat(data_module_graph.w_max);
var red_up = parseFloat(data_module_graph.c_max);
var yellow_inverse = parseInt(data_module_graph.w_inv);
var red_inverse = parseInt(data_module_graph.c_inv);
var markins_graph = true;
// If threshold and up are the same, that critical or warning is disabled
if (yellow_threshold == yellow_up) {
yellow_inverse = false;
if (red_threshold == red_up) {
red_inverse = false;
//Array with points to be painted
var threshold_data = new Array();
//Array with some interesting points
var extremes = new Array();
var yellow_only_min = yellow_up == 0 && yellow_threshold != 0;
var red_only_min = red_up == 0 && red_threshold != 0;
var warning = "yellow";
var critical = "red";
if (threshold) {
// Warning interval. Change extremes depends on critical interval
if (yellow_inverse && red_inverse) {
if (red_only_min && yellow_only_min) {
// C: |-------- |
// W: |········==== |
if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: {
colors: [
opacity: 0.1
opacity: 0.1
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = yellow_threshold;
} else if (!red_only_min && yellow_only_min) {
// C: |-------- ------|
// W: |········===· |
if (yellow_threshold > red_up) {
yellow_threshold = red_up;
if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = yellow_threshold;
} else if (red_only_min && !yellow_only_min) {
// C: |------- |
// W: |·······==== ===|
if (red_threshold < yellow_threshold) {
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = yellow_threshold;
if (yellow_up < red_threshold) {
yellow_up = red_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_up",
data: [[max_x, yellow_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_up"] = yellow_up;
} else {
if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
// C: |-------- ------|
// W: |········===· ···|
if (yellow_threshold > red_up) {
yellow_threshold = red_up;
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = yellow_threshold;
if (yellow_up < red_up) {
// C: |-------- ---|
// W: |····· ·======···|
if (yellow_up < red_threshold) {
yellow_up = red_up;
id: "warning_normal_fup",
data: [[max_x, yellow_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_up - yellow_up,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fup_1"] = red_up;
extremes["warning_normal_fup_2"] = yellow_up;
// If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow
// C: |-------- -----|
// W: |···· ···|
} else if (yellow_inverse && !red_inverse) {
if (red_only_min && yellow_only_min) {
// C: | -----|
// W: |============··· |
if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = yellow_threshold;
} else if (!red_only_min && yellow_only_min) {
// C: | ---- |
// W: |======····=== |
if (yellow_threshold > red_up) {
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, red_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_up,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = red_up;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = yellow_threshold;
if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = yellow_threshold;
} else if (red_only_min && !yellow_only_min) {
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
// C: | -----|
// W: |======= ===·····|
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = yellow_threshold;
if (red_threshold > yellow_up) {
id: "warning_normal_fup",
data: [[max_x, yellow_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_up,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fup_1"] = yellow_up;
extremes["warning_normal_fup_2"] = red_threshold;
} else {
// C: | ------------|
// W: |=====·· ········|
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = red_threshold;
} else {
if (yellow_threshold > red_up) {
// C: | ----- |
// W: |====·····=== ===|
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = red_threshold;
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, red_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_up,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = red_up;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = yellow_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_up",
data: [[max_x, yellow_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_up"] = yellow_up;
} else if (red_threshold > yellow_up) {
// C: | ----- |
// W: |=== ===·····==|
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = yellow_threshold;
id: "warning_normal_fup",
data: [[max_x, yellow_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_up,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fup_1"] = yellow_up;
extremes["warning_normal_fup_2"] = red_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_up",
data: [[max_x, red_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_up"] = red_up;
} else {
// C: | -------- |
// W: |==· ···=======|
if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
if (yellow_up < red_up) {
yellow_up = red_up;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_down",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_down"] = yellow_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_up",
data: [[max_x, yellow_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_up"] = yellow_up;
} else if (!yellow_inverse && red_inverse) {
if (yellow_only_min && red_only_min) {
// C: |----- |
// W: | ··============|
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_up",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_up"] = yellow_threshold;
} else if (!yellow_only_min && red_only_min) {
// C: |----- |
// W: | ··======== |
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
if (yellow_up > red_threshold) {
id: "warning_normal",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_up - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_2"] = yellow_up;
} else if (yellow_only_min && !red_only_min) {
// C: |----- ------|
// W: | ··======······|
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
if (yellow_threshold < red_up) {
id: "warning_normal",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_up - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_2"] = red_up;
// If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow
// C: |-------- -----|
// W: | ···|
} else {
if (red_up > yellow_threshold && red_threshold < yellow_up) {
// C: |----- ------|
// W: | ··======· |
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_threshold;
if (yellow_up > red_up) {
yellow_up = red_up;
id: "warning_normal",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_up - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_2"] = yellow_up;
// If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow
// C: |-------- -----| or // C: |-------- -----|
// W: | ···· | // W: | ·· |
else {
if (red_only_min && yellow_only_min) {
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
// C: | ---------|
// W: | =====·········|
id: "warning_normal",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_2"] = red_threshold;
} else if (red_only_min && !yellow_only_min) {
// C: | ---------|
// W: | =====··· |
if (yellow_up > red_threshold) {
yellow_up = red_threshold;
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
id: "warning_normal",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_up - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_2"] = yellow_up;
} else if (!red_only_min && yellow_only_min) {
// C: | ------- |
// W: | ==·······=====|
if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) {
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = red_threshold;
if (yellow_threshold < red_up) {
yellow_threshold = red_up;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "warning_up",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_up"] = yellow_threshold;
} else {
if (red_threshold > yellow_threshold && red_up < yellow_up) {
// C: | ------ |
// W: | ==······==== |
id: "warning_normal_fdown",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_fdown_2"] = red_threshold;
id: "warning_normal_fup",
data: [[max_x, red_up]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_up - red_up,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_fup_1"] = red_up;
extremes["warning_normal_fup_2"] = yellow_up;
} else if (red_threshold < yellow_threshold && red_up > yellow_up) {
// If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow
// C: | -------- |
// W: | ···· |
} else {
// C: | -------- | or // C: | ------ |
// W: | ==·· | // W: | ···==== |
if (yellow_up > red_threshold && yellow_up < red_up) {
yellow_up = red_threshold;
if (yellow_threshold < red_up && yellow_threshold > red_threshold) {
yellow_threshold = red_up;
id: "warning_normal",
data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]],
label: null,
color: warning,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: yellow_up - yellow_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 255, 198, 0)"
extremes["warning_normal_1"] = yellow_threshold;
extremes["warning_normal_2"] = yellow_up;
// Critical interval
if (red_inverse) {
if (!red_only_min) {
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "critical_up",
data: [[max_x, red_up]],
label: null,
color: critical,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 236, 234, 0)"
extremes["critical_normal_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["critical_normal_2"] = red_up;
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "critical_down",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: critical,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 236, 234, 0)"
extremes["critical_normal_3"] = red_threshold;
extremes["critical_normal_4"] = red_threshold;
} else {
if (red_up == 0 && red_threshold != 0) {
// barWidth will be correct on draw time
id: "critical_up",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: critical,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 236, 234, 0)"
extremes["critical_normal_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["critical_normal_2"] = red_up;
} else {
id: "critical_normal",
data: [[max_x, red_threshold]],
label: null,
color: critical,
bars: {
show: true,
align: "left",
barWidth: red_up - red_threshold,
lineWidth: 0,
horizontal: true,
fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0.1 }, { opacity: 0.1 }] }
highlightColor: "rgba(254, 236, 234, 0)"
extremes["critical_normal_1"] = red_threshold;
extremes["critical_normal_2"] = red_up;
var stacked = null;
var filled_s = 0.3;
switch (type) {
case "line":
case 2:
stacked = null;
filled_s = false;
case 3:
stacked = "stack";
filled_s = false;
case "area":
case 0:
stacked = null;
filled_s = 0.3;
case 1:
stacked = "stack";
filled_s = 0.3;
var datas = new Array();
var data_base = new Array();
var lineWidth = $("#hidden-line_width_graph").val() || 1;
var i = 0;
var fill_color = "green";
var line_show = true;
var points_show = false;
var filled = false;
var steps_chart = false;
var radius = false;
var fill_points = fill_color;
$.each(values, function(index, value) {
if (typeof value.data !== "undefined") {
if (index.search("alert") >= 0) {
fill_color = "#ff7f00";
} else if (index.search("event") >= 0) {
fill_color = "#ff0000";
} else {
fill_color = "green";
switch (series_type[index]) {
case "area":
line_show = true;
points_show = false;
filled = filled_s;
steps_chart = false;
radius = false;
fill_points = fill_color;
case "percentil":
case "line":
line_show = true;
points_show = false;
filled = false;
steps_chart = false;
radius = false;
fill_points = fill_color;
case "points":
line_show = false;
points_show = true;
filled = false;
steps_chart = false;
radius = 3;
fill_points = fill_color;
case "unknown":
case "boolean":
line_show = true;
points_show = false;
filled = filled_s;
steps_chart = true;
radius = false;
fill_points = fill_color;
if (series_type[index] != "boolean") {
if (value.slice_data) {
update_legend[index] = value.slice_data;
//in graph stacked unset percentil
if (
!(type == 1 && /percentil/.test(index) == true) &&
!(type == 3 && /percentil/.test(index) == true)
) {
id: "serie_" + i,
data: value.data,
label: index,
color: color[index]["color"],
lines: {
show: line_show,
fill: filled,
lineWidth: lineWidth,
steps: steps_chart
points: {
show: points_show,
radius: radius,
fillColor: fill_points
legend: legend.index
// The first execution, the graph data is the base data
datas = data_base;
var number_ticks = 8;
if (vconsole) {
number_ticks = 5;
// masticks this variable is commented because the library defines the tick number by itself
// var maxticks = date_array["period"] / 3600 / number_ticks;
var options = {
series: {
stack: stacked,
shadowSize: 0.1
crosshair: {
mode: "xy",
color: "grey"
selection: {
mode: "xy",
color: "#777"
export: {
export_data: true,
labels_long: legend,
homeurl: homeurl
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: "#C1C1C1",
backgroundColor: background_color,
color: grid_color,
autoHighlight: true
xaxis: {
min: min_x,
max: max_x,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
xaxes: [
mode: "time",
timezone: "browser",
localTimezone: true
//tickSize: [maxticks, 'hour']
yaxis: {
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font",
variant: "small-caps"
yaxes: [
tickFormatter: yFormatter,
position: "left"
legend: {
position: "se",
container: $("#legend_" + graph_id),
labelFormatter: lFormatter
if (vconsole) {
options.grid["hoverable"] = false;
options.grid["clickable"] = false;
options.crosshair = false;
options.selection = false;
var plot = $.plot($("#" + graph_id), datas, options);
// Adjust the overview plot to the width and position of the main plot
adjust_left_width_canvas(graph_id, "overview_" + graph_id);
// Adjust overview when main chart is resized
$("#" + graph_id).resize(function() {
// Adjust linked graph to the width and position of the main plot
// Miniplot
if (!vconsole) {
var overview = $.plot($("#overview_" + graph_id), datas, {
series: {
stack: stacked,
shadowSize: 0.1
crosshair: {
mode: "xy"
selection: {
mode: "xy",
color: "#777"
export: {
export_data: true,
labels_long: legend,
homeurl: homeurl
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: "#C1C1C1",
tickColor: background_color,
color: grid_color,
autoHighlight: true
xaxis: {
min: date_array.start_date * 1000,
max: date_array.final_date * 1000,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
xaxes: [
mode: "time",
timezone: "browser",
localTimezone: true
//tickSize: [maxticks, 'hour']
yaxis: {
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
yaxes: [
tickFormatter: yFormatter,
position: "left"
legend: {
position: "se",
container: $("#legend_" + graph_id),
labelFormatter: lFormatter
// Adjust overview when main chart is resized
$("#overview_" + graph_id).resize(function() {
var max_draw = [];
max_draw["max"] = plot.getAxes().yaxis.max;
max_draw["min"] = plot.getAxes().yaxis.min;
// Connection between plot and miniplot
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plotselected", function(event, ranges) {
// do the zooming if exist menu to undo it
if (menu == 0) {
var dataInSelection = ranges.xaxis.to - ranges.xaxis.from;
var maxticks_zoom = dataInSelection / 3600000 / number_ticks;
if (maxticks_zoom < 0.001) {
maxticks_zoom = dataInSelection / 60000 / number_ticks;
if (maxticks_zoom < 0.001) {
maxticks_zoom = 0;
var y_recal = "";
if (thresholded) {
y_recal = axis_thresholded(
} else {
y_recal = ranges.yaxis;
if (thresholded) {
var data_base_treshold = add_threshold(
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
grid: {
borderWidth: 1,
hoverable: true,
autoHighlight: true
xaxis: {
min: ranges.xaxis.from,
max: ranges.xaxis.to,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
xaxes: [
mode: "time",
timezone: "browser",
localTimezone: true,
tickSize: [maxticks_zoom, "hour"]
yaxis: {
min: ranges.yaxis.from,
max: y_recal.max,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
yaxes: [
tickFormatter: yFormatter,
position: "left"
legend: {
show: true
} else {
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
grid: {
borderWidth: 1,
hoverable: true,
autoHighlight: true
xaxis: {
min: ranges.xaxis.from,
max: ranges.xaxis.to,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
xaxes: [
mode: "time",
timezone: "browser",
localTimezone: true,
tickSize: [maxticks_zoom, "hour"]
yaxis: {
min: ranges.yaxis.from,
max: ranges.yaxis.to,
font: {
size: font_size + 2,
color: legend_color,
family: font + "Font"
yaxes: [
tickFormatter: yFormatter,
position: "left"
legend: {
show: true
$("#menu_cancelzoom_" + graph_id).attr(
homeurl + "images/zoom_cross_grey.png"
max_draw["max"] = ranges.yaxis.to;
max_draw["min"] = ranges.yaxis.from;
// don't fire event on the overview to prevent eternal loop
overview.setSelection(ranges, true);
$("#overview_" + graph_id).bind("plotselected", function(event, ranges) {
var updateLegendTimeout = null;
var latestPosition = null;
var currentPlot = null;
// Update legend with the data of the plot in the mouse position
function updateLegend() {
updateLegendTimeout = null;
var pos = latestPosition;
var axes = currentPlot.getAxes();
if (
pos.x < axes.xaxis.min ||
pos.x > axes.xaxis.max ||
pos.y < axes.yaxis.min ||
pos.y > axes.yaxis.max
) {
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).show();
var d = new Date(pos.x);
var monthNames = [
var date_format =
(d.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
d.getDate() +
" " +
monthNames[d.getMonth()] +
" " +
d.getFullYear() +
"\n" +
(d.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
d.getHours() +
":" +
(d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
d.getMinutes() +
":" +
(d.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" : "") +
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).text(date_format);
var timesize = $("#timestamp_" + graph_id).width();
var dataset = currentPlot.getData();
var timenewpos =
dataset[0].xaxis.p2c(pos.x) +
var canvaslimit = $("#" + graph_id).width();
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).css(
currentPlot.getPlotOffset().top -
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).height() +
$("#legend_" + graph_id).height()
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).css("color", legend_color);
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).css("font-size", font_size + 2 + "px");
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).css("font-family", font + "Font");
if (timesize + timenewpos > canvaslimit) {
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).css("left", timenewpos - timesize);
} else {
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).css("left", timenewpos);
var i = 0;
for (var k = 0; k < dataset.length; k++) {
// k is the real series counter
// i is the series counter without thresholds
var series = dataset[k];
if (series.label == null) {
// find the nearest points, x-wise
for (var j = 0; j < series.data.length; ++j) {
if (series.data[j][0] > pos.x) {
if (series.data[j]) {
var y = series.data[j][1];
var x = Math.round(series.data[j][0]) - 1;
var data_legend = [];
// The graphs of points type and unknown graphs will dont be updated
if (
series_type[dataset[k]["label"]] != "points" &&
series_type[dataset[k]["label"]] != "unknown" &&
series_type[dataset[k]["label"]] != "percentil"
) {
var label_aux = "";
if (Object.keys(update_legend).length == 0) {
label_aux = legend[series.label];
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel")
label_aux +
" value = " +
number_format(y, 0, "", short_data, divisor) +
" " +
} else {
var min_y_array;
var min_y = 0;
var min_bigger = "";
var max_y_array;
var max_y = 0;
var max_bigger = "";
var avg_y_array;
var avg_y = 0;
var avg_bigger = "";
$.each(update_legend, function(index, value) {
if (!value[x]) {
x = x + 1;
if (value[x].min) {
min_y_array = format_unit_yaxes(value[x].min);
min_y = min_y_array["y"];
min_bigger = min_y_array["unit"];
} else {
min_y = 0;
min_bigger = "";
if (value[x].max) {
max_y_array = format_unit_yaxes(value[x].max);
max_y = max_y_array["y"];
max_bigger = max_y_array["unit"];
} else {
max_y = 0;
max_bigger = "";
if (value[x].avg) {
avg_y_array = format_unit_yaxes(value[x].avg);
avg_y = avg_y_array["y"];
avg_bigger = avg_y_array["unit"];
} else {
avg_y = 0;
avg_bigger = "";
data_legend[index] =
" Min: " +
number_format(value[x].min, 0, unit, short_data, divisor) +
" Max: " +
number_format(value[x].max, 0, unit, short_data, divisor) +
" Avg: " +
number_format(value[x].avg, 0, unit, short_data, divisor);
label_aux =
legend[series.label].split(":")[0] + data_legend[series.label];
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel")
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel")
.css("color", legend_color);
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel")
.css("font-size", font_size + 2 + "px");
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel")
.css("font-family", font + "Font");
// Events
$("#overview_" + graph_id).bind("plothover", function(event, pos) {
plot.setCrosshair({ x: pos.x, y: pos.y });
currentPlot = plot;
latestPosition = pos;
if (!updateLegendTimeout) {
updateLegendTimeout = setTimeout(updateLegend, 50);
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plothover", function(event, pos) {
overview.setCrosshair({ x: pos.x, y: pos.y });
currentPlot = plot;
latestPosition = pos;
if (!updateLegendTimeout) {
updateLegendTimeout = setTimeout(updateLegend, 50);
$("#" + graph_id).bind("plotclick", function(event, pos, item) {
if (
item &&
item.series.label != "" &&
item.series.label != null &&
(item.series.label.search("alert") >= 0 ||
item.series.label.search("event") >= 0)
) {
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("width", "170px");
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("height", "60px");
var extra_info = "<i>No info to show</i>";
var extra_show = false;
var extra_height = $("#extra_" + graph_id).height();
var extra_width = parseInt(
$("#extra_" + graph_id)
var events_data = new Array();
var offset_graph = plot.getPlotOffset();
var offset_relative = plot.offset();
var width_graph = plot.width();
var height_legend = $("#legend_" + graph_id).height();
var coord_x = pos.pageX - offset_relative.left + offset_graph.left;
var coord_y = offset_graph.top + height_legend + extra_height;
if (coord_x + extra_width > width_graph) {
coord_x = coord_x - extra_width;
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("left", coord_x);
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("top", coord_y);
if (
item.series.label.search("alert") >= 0 ||
item.series.label.search("event") >= 0
) {
$.each(events_array, function(i, v) {
$.each(v, function(index, value) {
if (
value.utimestamp == item.datapoint[0] / 1000 ||
value.utimestamp == item.datapoint[0] / 1000 - 1
) {
events_data = value;
var extra_color = "#ffffff";
if (events_data.event_type.search("alert") >= 0) {
extra_color = "#FFA631";
} else if (events_data.event_type.search("critical") >= 0) {
extra_color = "#e63c52";
} else if (events_data.event_type.search("warning") >= 0) {
extra_color = "#f3b200";
} else if (events_data.event_type.search("unknown") >= 0) {
extra_color = "#4a83f3";
} else if (events_data.event_type.search("normal") >= 0) {
extra_color = "#82b92e";
} else {
extra_color = "#ffffff";
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("background-color", extra_color);
extra_info = "<b>" + events_data.evento + ":";
extra_info +=
'<br><br><span style="font-weight: normal;">Time: ' +
extra_show = true;
if (extra_show) {
$("#extra_" + graph_id).html(extra_info);
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("display", "");
plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint);
} else {
$("#extra_" + graph_id).html("");
$("#extra_" + graph_id).css("display", "none");
if (!vconsole) {
$("#" + graph_id).bind("mouseout", resetInteractivity);
$("#overview_" + graph_id).bind("mouseout", resetInteractivity);
if (image_treshold) {
var y_recal = plot.getAxes().yaxis.max;
if (!thresholded) {
// Recalculate the y axis
y_recal = axis_thresholded(
var datas_treshold = add_threshold(
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
yaxis: {
max: y_recal.max
xaxis: {
min: plot.getAxes().xaxis.min,
max: plot.getAxes().xaxis.max
thresholded = true;
// Reset interactivity styles
function resetInteractivity() {
$("#timestamp_" + graph_id).hide();
var dataset = plot.getData();
for (i = 0; i < dataset.length; ++i) {
var series = dataset[i];
var label_aux = legend[series.label];
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel")
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel").css("color", legend_color);
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel").css(
font_size + 2 + "px"
$("#legend_" + graph_id + " .legendLabel").css(
font + "Font"
function yFormatter(v) {
var formatted = v;
if (short_data) {
formatted = number_format(v, force_integer, unit, short_data, divisor);
} else {
// It is an integer.
if (v - Math.floor(v) == 0) {
formatted = number_format(v, force_integer, unit, 2, divisor);
// Get only two decimals.
if (typeof formatted != "string") {
formatted = Math.round(formatted * 100) / 100;
return formatted;
function lFormatter(v) {
return '<span style="color:' + legend_color + '">' + legend[v] + "</span>";
$("#overview_" + graph_id).css("display", "none");
if (menu) {
var parent_height;
$("#menu_overview_" + graph_id).click(function() {
$("#overview_" + graph_id).toggle();
$("#menu_export_csv_" + graph_id).click(function(e) {
var es_firefox =
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1;
if (es_firefox) {
.css("visibility", "visible")
delete data_base[0].threshold;
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
legend: { show: true }
$("#menu_threshold_" + graph_id).click(function() {
datas = new Array();
if (thresholded) {
$.each(data_base, function() {
delete data_base[0].threshold;
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
yaxis: {
min: max_draw["min"],
max: max_draw["max"]
xaxis: {
min: plot.getAxes().xaxis.min,
max: plot.getAxes().xaxis.max
thresholded = false;
} else {
var y_recal = plot.getAxes().yaxis.max;
if (!thresholded) {
// Recalculate the y axis
y_recal = axis_thresholded(
datas_treshold = add_threshold(
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
yaxis: {
min: max_draw["min"],
max: y_recal.max
xaxis: {
min: plot.getAxes().xaxis.min,
max: plot.getAxes().xaxis.max
thresholded = true;
$("#menu_cancelzoom_" + graph_id).click(function() {
// cancel the zooming
delete data_base[0].threshold;
plot = $.plot(
$("#" + graph_id),
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
legend: { show: true }
$("#menu_cancelzoom_" + graph_id).attr(
homeurl + "images/zoom_cross.disabled.png"
thresholded = false;
max_draw = [];
// Adjust the menu image on top of the plot
// If there is no legend we increase top-padding to make space to the menu
if (legend.length == 0) {
$("#menu_" + graph_id)
.css("padding-top", $("#menu_" + graph_id).css("height"));
// Add bottom margin in the legend
// Estimated height of 24 (works fine with this data in all browsers)
$("#legend_" + graph_id).css("margin-bottom", "10px");
parent_height = parseInt(
$("#menu_" + graph_id)
adjust_menu(graph_id, plot, parent_height, width, show_legend);
if (!dashboard) {
if (water_mark) {
$("#watermark_image_" + graph_id).attr("src")
//adjust_menu(graph_id, plot, parent_height, width, show_legend);
function format_unit_yaxes(y) {
var how_bigger = [];
if (y > 1000000) {
how_bigger["unit"] = "M";
how_bigger["y"] = y / 1000000;
} else if (y > 1000) {
how_bigger["unit"] = "K";
how_bigger["y"] = y / 1000;
} else if (y < -1000000) {
how_bigger["unit"] = "M";
how_bigger["y"] = y / 1000000;
} else if (y < -1000) {
how_bigger["unit"] = "K";
how_bigger["y"] = y / 1000;
} else {
how_bigger["unit"] = "";
how_bigger["y"] = y;
return how_bigger;
function adjust_menu(graph_id, plot, parent_height, width, show_legend) {
var left_ticks_width = 0;
if (
$("#" + graph_id + " .xAxis .tickLabel")
.css("width") != undefined
) {
left_ticks_width = $("#" + graph_id + " .xAxis .tickLabel")
var legend_height = 0;
if (show_legend) {
legend_height =
$("#legend_" + graph_id)
) +
$("#legend_" + graph_id)
var menu_height = "25";
if (
$("#menu_" + graph_id).height() != undefined &&
$("#menu_" + graph_id).height() > 20
) {
menu_height = $("#menu_" + graph_id).height();
var offset = $("#" + graph_id)[0].offsetTop;
$("#menu_" + graph_id).css("top", offset + "px");
$("#menu_" + graph_id).show();
function set_watermark(graph_id, plot, watermark_src) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = watermark_src;
var context = plot.getCanvas().getContext("2d");
// Once it's loaded draw the image on the canvas.
function() {
// Now resize the image: x, y, w, h.
var down_ticks_height = 0;
if (
$("#" + graph_id + " .yAxis .tickLabel")
.css("height") != undefined
) {
down_ticks_height = $("#" + graph_id + " .yAxis .tickLabel")
var left_pos =
parseInt(context.canvas.width) -
$("#watermark_image_" + graph_id)[0].width -
var top_pos = 7;
//var top_pos = parseInt(context.canvas.height - down_ticks_height - 10) - $('#watermark_image_'+graph_id)[0].height;
//var left_pos = 380;
context.drawImage(this, left_pos, top_pos);
function get_event_details(event_ids) {
table = "";
if (typeof event_ids != "undefined") {
var inputs = [];
var table;
inputs.push("event_ids=" + event_ids);
// Autologin
if ($("#hidden-loginhash").val() != undefined) {
inputs.push("loginhash=" + $("#hidden-loginhash").val());
inputs.push("loginhash_data=" + $("#hidden-loginhash_data").val());
inputs.push("loginhash_user=" + $("#hidden-loginhash_user").val());
data: inputs.join("&"),
type: "GET",
url: (action = "../../ajax.php"),
timeout: 10000,
dataType: "html",
async: false,
success: function(data) {
table = data;
return table;
//Ajusta la grafica pequenña con el desplazamiento del eje y
function adjust_left_width_canvas(adapter_id, adapted_id) {
var adapter_left_margin = $("#" + adapter_id + " .yAxis .tickLabel").width();
var adapted_pix = $("#" + adapted_id).width();
var new_adapted_width = adapted_pix - adapter_left_margin;
$("#" + adapted_id).width(new_adapted_width);
$("#" + adapted_id).css("margin-left", adapter_left_margin);
//Ajusta el ancho de la grafica pequeña con respecto a la grande
function update_left_width_canvas(graph_id) {
$("#overview_" + graph_id).width($("#" + graph_id).width());
$("#overview_" + graph_id).css(
$("#" + graph_id + " .yAxis .tickLabel").width()
function check_adaptions(graph_id) {
var classes = $("#" + graph_id)
.split(" ");
$.each(classes, function(i, v) {
// If has a class starting with adapted, we adapt it
if (v.split("_")[0] == "adapted") {
var adapter_id = $(".adapter_" + v.split("_")[1]).attr("id");
adjust_left_width_canvas(adapter_id, graph_id);
function number_format(number, force_integer, unit, short_data, divisor) {
divisor = typeof divisor !== "undefined" ? divisor : 1000;
var decimals = 2;
if (unit == "KB") {
return number + unit;
// Set maximum decimal precision to 99 in case short_data is not set.
if (!short_data) {
short_data = 99;
if (force_integer) {
if (Math.round(number) != number) {
return "";
} else {
decimals = pad(1, short_data, 0);
number = Math.round(number * decimals) / decimals;
var shorts = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"];
var pos = 0;
while (number >= divisor) {
// As long as the number can be divided by 1000 or 1024.
number = number / divisor;
if (divisor) {
number = Math.round(number * decimals) / decimals;
return number + " " + shorts[pos] + unit;
function pad(input, length, padding) {
var str = input + "";
return length <= str.length ? str : pad(str + padding, length, padding);
// Recalculate the threshold data depends on warning and critical
function axis_thresholded(
) {
var y = {
min: 0,
max: 0
// Default values
var yaxis_resize = {
up: null,
normal_up: 0,
normal_down: 0,
down: null
// Resize the y axis to display all intervals
$.each(threshold_data, function() {
if (/_up/.test(this.id)) {
yaxis_resize["up"] = this.data[0][1];
if (/_down/.test(this.id)) {
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
yaxis_resize["down"] = red_threshold;
} else {
yaxis_resize["down"] = extremes[this.id];
if (/_normal/.test(this.id)) {
var end;
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
end = red_up;
} else {
end = extremes[this.id + "_2"];
if (yaxis_resize["normal_up"] < end) yaxis_resize["normal_up"] = end;
if (yaxis_resize["normal_down"] > this.data[0][1])
yaxis_resize["normal_down"] = this.data[0][1];
// If you need to display a up or a down bar, display 10% of data height
var margin_up_or_down = (y_max - y_min) * 0.1;
// Calculate the new axis
y["max"] =
yaxis_resize["normal_up"] > y_max ? yaxis_resize["normal_up"] : y_max;
y["min"] =
yaxis_resize["normal_down"] > y_min ? yaxis_resize["normal_down"] : y_min;
if (yaxis_resize["up"] !== null) {
y["max"] =
yaxis_resize["up"] + margin_up_or_down < y_max
? y_max
: yaxis_resize["up"] + margin_up_or_down;
if (yaxis_resize["down"] !== null) {
y["min"] =
yaxis_resize["down"] - margin_up_or_down < y_min
? yaxis_resize["up"] + margin_up_or_down
: y_min;
return y;
//add treshold
function add_threshold(
) {
var datas = new Array();
$.each(data_base, function() {
var threshold_array = [];
// Resize the threshold data
$.each(threshold_data, function(index, value) {
threshold_array[index] = [];
if (/_up/.test(this.id)) {
this.bars.barWidth = y_max - this.data[0][1];
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = y_max;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "red";
} else {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = y_max;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "yellow";
if (y_min > this.data[0][1]) {
this.bars.barWidth = this.bars.barWidth - (y_min - this.data[0][1]);
this.data[0][1] = y_min;
if (/_down/.test(this.id)) {
var end;
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
end = red_threshold;
} else {
end = extremes[this.id];
this.bars.barWidth = end - y_min;
this.data[0][1] = y_min;
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = this.bars.barWidth;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "red";
} else {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = this.bars.barWidth;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "yellow";
if (/_normal/.test(this.id)) {
var end;
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
end = red_up;
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = end;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "red";
} else {
var first = extremes[this.id + "_1"];
var second = extremes[this.id + "_2"];
if (first > second) {
end = first;
} else {
end = second;
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = end;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "yellow";
if (this.data[0][1] < y_min) {
this.bars.barWidth = end - y_min;
this.data[0][1] = y_min;
end = this.bars.barWidth + this.data[0][1];
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = this.data[0][1] + this.bars.barWidth;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "red";
} else {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = this.data[0][1] + this.bars.barWidth;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "yellow";
if (end > y_max) {
this.bars.barWidth = y_max - this.data[0][1];
if (/critical/.test(this.id)) {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = this.data[0][1] + this.bars.barWidth;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "red";
} else {
threshold_array[index]["min"] = this.data[0][1];
threshold_array[index]["max"] = this.data[0][1] + this.bars.barWidth;
threshold_array[index]["color"] = "yellow";
if (markins_graph && this.bars.barWidth > 0) {
var extreme_treshold_array = [];
var i = 0;
var flag = true;
$.each(threshold_array, function(index, value) {
flag = true;
extreme_treshold_array[i] = {
below: value["max"],
color: value["color"]
$.each(threshold_array, function(i, v) {
if (value["min"] == v["max"]) {
return (flag = false);
if (flag) {
extreme_treshold_array[i] = {
below: value["min"],
color: datas[0].color
datas[0].threshold = extreme_treshold_array;
return datas;
function reduceText(text, maxLength) {
if (!text) return text;
if (text.length <= maxLength) return text;
var firstSlideEnd = parseInt((maxLength - 3) / 1.6);
var str_cut = text.substr(0, firstSlideEnd);
return str_cut + "...<br>" + text.substr(-firstSlideEnd - 3);