217 lines
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217 lines
7.5 KiB
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Load global vars
global $config;
require_once ("include/functions_agents.php");
require_once ($config["homedir"] . '/include/functions_graph.php');
require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_groups.php');
check_login ();
$id_agente = get_parameter_get ("id_agente", -1);
$agent = db_get_row ("tagente", "id_agente", $id_agente);
if ($agent === false) {
echo '<h3 class="error">'.__('There was a problem loading agent').'</h3>';
$is_extra = enterprise_hook('policies_is_agent_extra_policy', array($id_agente));
if($is_extra === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
$is_extra = false;
if (! check_acl ($config["id_user"], $agent["id_grupo"], "AR") && !$is_extra) {
db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation",
"Trying to access Agent General Information");
require_once ("general/noaccess.php");
// Blank space below title, DONT remove this, this
// Breaks the layout when Flash charts are enabled :-o
echo '<div style="height: 10px"> </div>';
//Floating div
echo '<div id="agent_access" style="float:right; width:320px; padding-top:11px;">';
if ($config["agentaccess"]){
echo '<b>'.__('Agent access rate (24h)').'</b><br />';
graphic_agentaccess($id_agente, 280, 110, 86400);
echo '<div style="height:25px"> </div>';
echo '<b>'.__('Events generated -by module-').'</b><br />';
echo graph_event_module (290, 120, $id_agente);
echo '<br>';
graph_graphic_agentevents ($id_agente, 290, 15, 86400, '');
echo '</div>';
echo '<div width="450px">';
echo '<table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" border="0" class="databox" style="width:53%">';
//Agent name
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.__('Agent name').'</b></td>';
if ($agent['disabled']) {
$cellName = "<em>" . ui_print_agent_name ($agent["id_agente"], true, 500, "upper", true) . ui_print_help_tip(__('Disabled'), true) . "</em>";
else {
$cellName = ui_print_agent_name ($agent["id_agente"], true, 500, "upper", true);
echo '<td class="datos"><b>'.$cellName.'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos" width="40"><a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agente.'&refr=60">' . html_print_image("images/refresh.png", true, array("border" => '0', "title" => __('Refresh data'), "alt" => "")) . '</a> ';
echo '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&flag_agent=1&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">' . html_print_image("images/target.png", true, array("border" => '0', "title" => __('Flag'), "alt" => "")) . '</a></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('IP Address').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2">';
$ips = array();
$addresses = agents_get_addresses ($id_agente);
$address = agents_get_address($id_agente);
foreach($addresses as $k => $add) {
if($add == $address) {
echo $address;
if (!empty($addresses)) {
ui_print_help_tip(__('Other IP addresses').': <br>'.implode('<br>',$addresses));
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.__('OS').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos" colspan="2">' . ui_print_os_icon ($agent["id_os"], true, true);
// Want to print last 15 characters of OS version, or start from 0 if smaller
$osversion_offset = strlen($agent["os_version"]);
if ($osversion_offset > 15)
$osversion_offset = $osversion_offset - 15;
$osversion_offset = 0;
echo ' <i><span title="'.$agent["os_version"].'">'.substr($agent["os_version"],$osversion_offset,15).' </span></i></td></tr>';
// Parent
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('Parent').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2"><a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent["id_parent"].'">'.agents_get_name ($agent["id_parent"]).'</a></td></tr>';
// Agent Interval
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.__('Interval').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos" colspan="2">'.human_time_description_raw ($agent["intervalo"]).'</td></tr>';
// Comments
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('Description').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2">'.$agent["comentarios"].'</td></tr>';
// Group
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.__('Group').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos" colspan="2">';
echo ui_print_group_icon ($agent["id_grupo"], true);
echo ' (<b>';
echo ui_print_truncate_text(groups_get_name ($agent["id_grupo"]));
echo '</b>)</td></tr>';
// Agent version
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('Agent Version'). '</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2">'.$agent["agent_version"].'</td></tr>';
// Position Information
if ($config['activate_gis']) {
$dataPositionAgent = gis_get_data_last_position_agent($agent['id_agente']);
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('Position (Long, Lat)'). '</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2">';
if ($dataPositionAgent === false) {
echo __('There is no GIS data.');
else {
echo '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&tab=gis&id_agente='.$id_agente.'">';
if ($dataPositionAgent['description'] != "")
echo $dataPositionAgent['description'];
echo $dataPositionAgent['stored_longitude'].', '.$dataPositionAgent['stored_latitude'];
echo "</a>";
echo '</td></tr>';
// If the url description is setted
if ($agent['url_address'] != ''){
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.__('Url address').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2"><a href='.$agent["url_address"].'>' . $agent["url_address"] . '</a></td></tr>';
// Last contact
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('Last contact')." / ".__('Remote').'</b></td><td class="datos2 f9" colspan="2">';
ui_print_timestamp ($agent["ultimo_contacto"]);
echo " / ";
if ($agent["ultimo_contacto_remoto"] == "01-01-1970 00:00:00") {
echo __('Never');
} else {
echo $agent["ultimo_contacto_remoto"];
echo '</td></tr>';
// Timezone Offset
if ($agent['timezone_offset'] != 0) {
echo '<tr><td class="datos2"><b>'.__('Timezone Offset'). '</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos2" colspan="2">'.$agent["timezone_offset"].'</td></tr>';
// Next contact (agent)
$progress = agents_get_next_contact($id_agente);
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.__('Next agent contact').'</b></td>';
echo '<td class="datos f9" colspan="2">' . progress_bar($progress, 200, 20) . '</td></tr>';
// Custom fields
$fields = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagent_custom_fields', array('display_on_front' => 1));
if ($fields === false) {
$fields = array ();
if ($fields)
foreach($fields as $field) {
echo '<tr><td class="datos"><b>'.$field['name'] . ui_print_help_tip (__('Custom field'), true).'</b></td>';
$custom_value = db_get_value_filter('description', 'tagent_custom_data', array('id_field' => $field['id_field'], 'id_agent' => $id_agente));
if($custom_value === false || $custom_value == '') {
$custom_value = '<i>-'.__('empty').'-</i>';
echo '<td class="datos f9" colspan="2">'.$custom_value.'</td></tr>';
//End of table
echo '</table></div>';