521 lines
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// Pandora FMS - the Flexible Monitoring System
// ============================================
// Copyright (c) 2009 Evi Vanoost, vanooste@rcbi.rochester.edu
// Please see http://pandora.sourceforge.net for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// Database configuration (default ones)
if (!isset ($config)) {
die ('You cannot access this file directly!');
//TODO: Make the following 5 valid throughout Pandora FMS
$config["user_can_update_info"] = false;
$config["user_can_update_password"] = false;
$config["admin_can_add_user"] = false;
$config["admin_can_delete_user"] = false;
$config["admin_can_disable_user"] = false;
$config["admin_can_make_admin"] = false;
//Required and optional keys for this function to work
$req_keys = array ("ldap_server", "ldap_base_dn", "ldap_login_attr", "ldap_admin_group_name", "ldap_admin_group_attr", "ldap_admin_group_type", "ldap_user_filter", "ldap_user_attr");
$opt_keys = array ("ldap_port", "ldap_start_tls", "ldap_version", "ldap_admin_dn", "ldap_admin_pwd");
* process_user_login accepts $login and $pass and handles it according to current authentication scheme
* @param string $login
* @param string $pass
* @return mixed False in case of error or invalid credentials, the username in case it's correct.
function process_user_login ($login, $pass) {
if (!ldap_valid_login ($login, $pass)) {
return false;
global $config;
$profile = get_db_value ("id_user", "tusuario_perfil", "id_user", $login);
if ($profile === false && empty ($config["auth"]["create_user_undefined"])) {
$config["auth_error"] = "No profile"; //Error message, don't translate
return false; //User doesn't have a profile so doesn't have access
} elseif ($profile === false && !empty ($config["auth"]["create_user_undefined"])) {
$ret = create_user_profile ($login); //User doesn't have a profile but we are asked to create one
if ($ret === false) {
$config["auth_error"] = "Profile creation failed"; //Error message, don't translate
return false; //We couldn't create the profile for some or another reason
return $login;
* Checks if a user is administrator.
* @param string User id.
* @return bool True is the user is admin
function is_user_admin ($user_id) {
$admins = get_user_admins ();
if (in_array ($user_id, $admins)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if a user exists
* @param string User id.
* @return bool True if the user exists
function is_user ($id_user) {
$user = get_user_info ($id_user);
if (empty ($user))
return false;
return true;
* Gets the users real name
* @param string User id.
* @return string The users full name
function get_user_fullname ($id_user) {
$info = get_user_info ($id_user);
if (empty ($info)) {
//User doesn't exist
return '';
return (string) $info["fullname"];
* Gets the users email
* @param string User id.
* @return string The users email address
function get_user_email ($id_user) {
$info = get_user_info ($id_user);
return (string) $info["email"];
* Gets the users info
* @param string User id.
* @return array User info
function get_user_info ($id_user) {
global $ldap_cache;
if (!empty ($ldap_cache[$id_user])) {
return $ldap_cache[$id_user];
$ldap_cache[$id_user] = ldap_load_user ($id_user);
if ($ldap_cache[$id_user] === false) {
return array ();
return $ldap_cache[$id_user];
* Get all users that are defined in the admin group in LDAP
* @return array Array of users or empty array
function get_user_admins () {
global $ldap_cache, $config;
if (! empty ($ldap_cache["cached_admins"])) {
return $ldap_cache["cached_admins"];
} else {
$ldap_cache["cached_admins"] = array ();
if (ldap_connect_bind ()) {
$search_filter = "(".$config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"]."=*)";
$sr = ldap_search ( $ldap_cache["ds"], $config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_name"], $search_filter, array ($config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"]));
if (!$sr) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Error searching LDAP server (get_user_admins): ' . ldap_error ($ldap_cache["ds"]);
} else {
$admins = ldap_get_entries( $ldap_cache["ds"], $sr);
for( $x = 0; $x < $admins[0][$config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"]]['count']; $x++) {
if ($config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_type"] != 'posixgroup') {
$ldap_cache["cached_admins"][] = stripdn ($admins[0][$config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"]][$x]);
} else {
$ldap_cache["cached_admins"][] = $admins[0][$config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"]][$x];
@ldap_close ($ldap_cache["ds"]);
return $ldap_cache["cached_admins"];
* Sets the last login for a user. LDAP doesn't have this (or it's inherent to the login process)
* @param string User id
function process_user_contact ($id_user) {
//Empty function
* LDAP user functions based on webcalendar's implementation
* File from webcalendar (GPL) project:
* $Id: user-ldap.php,v 2007/08/17 14:39:00 umcesrjones Exp $
* Note: this application assumes that usernames (logins) are unique.
* Function to search the dn for a given user. Error messages in $ldap_cache["error"];
* @param string User login
* @return mixed The DN if the user is found, false in other case
function ldap_search_user ($login) {
global $ldap_cache, $config;
$nick = false;
if (ldap_connect_bind ()) {
$sr = @ldap_search ($ldap_cache["ds"], $config["auth"]["ldap_base_dn"], "(&(".$config["auth"]["ldap_login_attr"]."=".$login.")".$config["auth"]["ldap_user_filter"].")", array_values ($config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]));
if (!$sr) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Error searching LDAP server: ' . ldap_error ($ldap_cache["ds"]);
} else {
$info = @ldap_get_entries ($ldap_cache["ds"], $sr );
if ( $info['count'] != 1 ) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Invalid user';
} else {
$nick = $info[0]['dn'];
@ldap_free_result ($sr);
@ldap_close ($ldap_cache["ds"]);
return $nick;
* Function to validate the user and password for a given login. Error messages in $ldap_cache["error"];
* @param string User login
* @param string User password (plain text)
* @return bool True if the login is correct, false in other case
function ldap_valid_login ($login, $password) {
global $ldap_cache, $config;
if (! function_exists ("ldap_connect")) {
die ("Your installation of PHP does not support LDAP");
$ret = false;
if (!empty ($config["auth"]["ldap_port"])) {
$ds = @ldap_connect ($config["auth"]["ldap_server"], $config["auth"]["ldap_port"]); //Since this is a separate bind, we don't store it global
} else {
$ds = @ldap_connect ($config["auth"]["ldap_server"]); //Since this is a separate bind we don't store it global
if ($ds) {
if ($config["auth"]["ldap_version"] > 0) {
ldap_set_option ($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $config["auth"]["ldap_version"]);
if ($config["auth"]["ldap_start_tls"] && !@ldap_start_tls ($ds)) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Could not start TLS for LDAP connection';
return $ret;
if (ldap_search_user ($login)) {
$r = @ldap_bind ($ds, $config["auth"]["ldap_login_attr"]."=".$login.",".$config["auth"]["ldap_base_dn"], $password);
if (!$r) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Invalid login';
//$ldap_cache["error"] .= ': incorrect password'; // uncomment for debugging
} else {
$ret = true;
} else {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Invalid login';
//$ldap_cache["error"] .= ': no such user';
@ldap_close ($ds);
} else {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Error connecting to LDAP server';
return $ret;
* Function to load user information according to PandoraFMS structure. Error messages in $ldap_cache["error"];
* @param string User login
* @return mixed Array with the information, false in other case
function ldap_load_user ($login) {
global $ldap_cache, $config;
$ret = false;
if (ldap_connect_bind ()) {
$sr = ldap_search ($ldap_cache["ds"], $config["auth"]["ldap_base_dn"], "(&(".$config["auth"]["ldap_login_attr"]."=".$login.")".$config["auth"]["ldap_user_filter"].")", array_values ($config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]));
if (!$sr) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Error searching LDAP server (load_user): ' . ldap_error( $ldap_cache["ds"] );
} else {
$info = @ldap_get_entries ($ldap_cache["ds"], $sr);
if ($info['count'] != 1) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Invalid login';
//$ldap_cache["error"] .= ', could not load user'; //Uncomment for debugging
} else {
$ret = array ();
foreach ($config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"] as $internal_key => $ldap_key) {
$ret["last_connect"] = get_system_time ();
$ret["registered"] = get_system_time ();
$ret["is_admin"] = is_user_admin ($info[0][$config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["id_user"]][0]);
if (isset ($info[0][$ldap_key])) {
$ret[$internal_key] = $info[0][$ldap_key][0];
} else {
$ret[$internal_key] = '';
@ldap_free_result ($sr);
@ldap_close ( $ldap_cache["ds"] );
} else {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Could not connect to LDAP server';
return $ret;
* Function to create a new user. We don't do LDAP admin in Pandora, so not implemented.
* @return bool false
function create_user () {
global $ldap_cache;
$ldap_cache["error"] = 'Not yet supported.';
return false;
* Function to update a user. We don't do LDAP admin in Pandora, so not implemented.
* @return bool false
function process_user () {
global $ldap_cache;
$ldap_cache["error"] = 'Not yet supported.';
return false;
* Function to update a user password. We don't do LDAP admin in Pandora, so not implemented.
* @return bool false
function process_user_password ( $user, $password_old, $password_new ) {
global $ldap_cache;
$ldap_cache["error"] = 'Not yet supported';
return false;
* Delete a user (preferences etc.) from the pandora database (NOT from LDAP)
* @param string $user User to delete
* @return bool True if successfully deleted, false otherwise
function delete_user ($user) {
global $ldap_cache;
$ldap_cache["error"] = 'Not yet supported';
return false;
* Function to get all users (for LDAP this also includes the admin users which you have to get separate)
* @param string Order currently not done for LDAP
* @return array List if successful, empty array otherwise
function get_users ($order = false) {
global $ldap_cache, $config;
if (!empty ($ldap_cache["cached_users"])) {
return $ldap_cache["cached_users"];
$ldap_cache["cached_users"] = array ();
if (ldap_connect_bind ()) {
$sr = @ldap_search ($ldap_cache["ds"], $config["auth"]["ldap_base_dn"], $config["auth"]["ldap_user_filter"], array_values ($config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]));
if (!$sr) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Error searching LDAP server (get_users): ' . ldap_error( $ldap_cache["ds"] );
} else {
ldap_sort ($ldap_cache["ds"], $sr, $config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["fullname"]);
$info = @ldap_get_entries( $ldap_cache["ds"], $sr );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $info['count']; $i++ ) {
foreach ($config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"] as $internal_key => $ldap_key) {
$ret[$info[$i][$config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["id_user"]][0]]["last_connect"] = get_system_time ();
if (isset ($info[$i][$ldap_key])) {
$ret[$info[$i][$config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["id_user"]][0]][$internal_key] = $info[$i][$ldap_key][0];
} else {
$ret[$info[$i][$config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["id_user"]][0]][$internal_key] = '';
$ret[$info[$i][$config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["id_user"]][0]]["is_admin"] = is_user_admin ($info[$i][$config["auth"]["ldap_user_attr"]["id_user"]][0]);
@ldap_close ( $ldap_cache["ds"] );
//Admins are also users and since they can be in separate channels in LDAP, we merge them
$ldap_cache["cached_users"] = $ret;
return $ldap_cache["cached_users"];
// Strip everything but the username (uid) from a dn.
// params:
// $dn - the dn you want to strip the uid from.
// returns: string - userid
// ex: stripdn(uid=jeffh,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com) returns jeffh
function stripdn ($dn) {
list ($uid, $trash) = split (',', $dn, 2);
list ($trash, $user) = split ('=', $uid);
return ($user);
// Connects and binds to the LDAP server
// Tries to connect as $config["auth"]["ldap_admin_dn"] if we set it.
// returns: bind result or false
function ldap_connect_bind () {
global $ldap_cache, $config;
if (! function_exists ('ldap_connect')) {
die ('Your installation of PHP does not support LDAP');
$ret = false;
if (!empty ($config["auth"]["ldap_port"]) && !is_resource ($ldap_cache["ds"])) {
$ldap_cache["ds"] = @ldap_connect ($config["auth"]["ldap_server"], $config["auth"]["ldap_port"]);
} elseif (!is_resource ($ldap_cache["ds"])) {
$ldap_cache["ds"] = @ldap_connect ($config["auth"]["ldap_server"]);
} else {
return true;
if ($ldap_cache["ds"]) {
if (!empty ($config["auth"]["ldap_version"])) {
ldap_set_option($ldap_cache["ds"], LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $config["auth"]["ldap_version"]);
if (!empty ($config["auth"]["ldap_start_tls"])) {
if (!ldap_start_tls ($ldap_cache["ds"])) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Could not start TLS for LDAP connection';
return $ret;
if (!empty ($config["auth"]["ldap_admin_dn"])) {
$r = @ldap_bind ($ldap_cache["ds"], $config["auth"]["ldap_admin_dn"], $config["auth"]["ldap_admin_pwd"]);
} else {
$r = @ldap_bind ($ldap_cache["ds"]);
if (!$r) {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Invalid bind login for LDAP Server or (in case of OpenLDAP 2.x) could not connect';
return $ret;
return true;
} else {
$ldap_cache["error"] .= 'Error connecting to LDAP server';
return $ret;
$ldap_cache = array ();
$ldap_cache["error"] = "";
$ldap_cache["ds"] = "";
//Put each required key in a variable.
foreach ($req_keys as $key) {
if (!isset ($config["auth"][$key])) {
user_error ("Required key ".$key." not set", E_USER_ERROR);
// Convert group name to lower case to prevent problems
$config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"] = strtolower ($config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_attr"]);
$config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_type"] = strtolower ($config["auth"]["ldap_admin_group_type"]);
foreach ($opt_keys as $key) {
if (!isset ($config["auth"][$key])) {
switch ($key) {
case "ldap_start_tls":
$config["auth"][$key] = false;
case "ldap_version":
$config["auth"][$key] = 0;
case "ldap_admin_dn":
case "ldap_admin_pwd":
$config["auth"][$key] = "";
//Key not implemented
//Reference the global use authorization error to last ldap error.
$config["auth_error"] = &$ldap_cache["error"];
unset ($req_keys, $opt_keys);