2579 lines
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2579 lines
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# (c) Ártica ST 2014 <info@artica.es>
# Module for network topology discovery.
package PandoraFMS::Recon::Base;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages
use NetAddr::IP;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use POSIX qw/ceil/;
use Socket qw/inet_aton/;
BEGIN { push @INC, '/usr/lib/perl5'; }
use PandoraFMS::Tools;
use PandoraFMS::Recon::NmapParser;
use PandoraFMS::Recon::Util;
# Constants.
use constant {
STEP_AFT => 2,
WMI_OK => 0,
my $DEVNULL = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? '/Nul' : '/dev/null';
# Some useful OIDs.
our $DOT1DTPFDBPORT = ".";
our $IFDESC = ".";
our $IFINDEX = ".";
our $IFINOCTECTS = ".";
our $IFOPERSTATUS = ".";
our $IFOUTOCTECTS = ".";
our $IFTYPE = ".";
our $IPENTADDR = ".";
our $IFNAME = ".";
our $IPROUTETYPE = ".";
our $SYSDESCR = ".";
our $SYSSERVICES = ".";
our $SYSUPTIME = ".";
our $PEN_OID = ".";
our @ISA = ("Exporter");
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [qw( )] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw(
# Create a new ReconTask object.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
# Known aliases (multiple IP addresses for the same host.
aliases => {},
# Keep our own ARP cache to connect hosts to switches/routers.
arp_cache => {},
# Found children.
children => {},
# Working SNMP community for each device.
community_cache => {},
# Cache of deviced discovered.
dicovered_cache => {},
# Connections between devices.
connections => {},
# Devices by type.
hosts => [],
routers => [],
switches => [],
# Found interfaces.
ifaces => {},
# Found parents.
parents => {},
# Route cache.
routes => [],
default_gw => undef,
# SNMP query cache.
snmp_cache => {},
# Globally enable/disable SNMP scans.
snmp_enabled => 1,
# Globally enable/disable WMI scans.
wmi_enabled => 0,
# Globally enable/disable RCMD scans.
rcmd_enabled => 0,
rcmd_timeout => 4,
rcmd_timeout_bin => '/usr/bin/timeout',
auth_strings_array => [],
wmi_timeout => 3,
timeout_cmd => '',
# Switch to switch connections. Used to properly connect hosts
# that are connected to a switch wich is in turn connected to another switch,
# since the hosts will show up in the latter's switch AFT too.
switch_to_switch => {},
# Visited devices (initially empty).
visited_devices => {},
# Inverse relationship for visited devices (initially empty).
addresses => {},
# Per device VLAN cache.
vlan_cache => {},
vlan_cache_enabled => 1, # User configuration. Globally disables the VLAN cache.
__vlan_cache_enabled__ => 0, # Internal state. Allows us to enable/disable the VLAN cache on a per SNMP query basis.
# Configuration parameters.
all_ifaces => 0,
communities => [],
icmp_checks => 2,
icmp_timeout => 2,
id_os => 0,
id_network_profile => 0,
nmap => '/usr/bin/nmap',
parent_detection => 1,
parent_recursion => 5,
os_detection => 0,
recon_timing_template => 3,
recon_ports => '',
resolve_names => 0,
snmp_auth_user => '',
snmp_auth_pass => '',
snmp_auth_method => '',
snmp_checks => 2,
snmp_privacy_method => '',
snmp_privacy_pass => '',
snmp_security_level => '',
snmp_timeout => 2,
snmp_version => 1,
subnets => [],
autoconfiguration_enabled => 0,
# Store progress summary - Discovery progress view.
step => 0,
c_network_name => '',
c_network_percent => 0.0,
summary => {
SNMP => 0,
WMI => 0,
discovered => 0,
alive => 0,
not_alive => 0
# Perform some sanity checks.
die("No subnet was specified.") unless defined($self->{'subnets'});
$self = bless($self, $class);
# Check SNMP params id SNMP is enabled
if ($self->{'snmp_enabled'}) {
# Check SNMP version
if ( $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '1'
&& $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '2'
&& $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '2c'
&& $self->{'snmp_version'} ne '3') {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "SNMP version " . $self->{'snmp_version'} . " not supported (only 1, 2, 2c and 3).", 5);
# Check the version 3 parameters
if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq '3') {
# Fixed some vars
$self->{'communities'} = [];
# SNMP v3 checks
if ( $self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne 'noAuthNoPriv'
&&$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne 'authNoPriv'
&&$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne 'authPriv') {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "Invalid SNMP security level " . $self->{'snmp_security_level'} . ".", 5);
if ($self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} ne 'DES' && $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} ne 'AES') {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "Invalid SNMP privacy method " . $self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} . ".", 5);
if ($self->{'snmp_auth_method'} ne 'MD5' && $self->{'snmp_auth_method'} ne 'SHA') {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "Invalid SNMP authentication method " . $self->{'snmp_auth_method'} . ".", 5);
} else {
# Fixed some vars
$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} = '';
# Disable SNMP scans if no community was given.
if (ref($self->{'communities'}) ne "ARRAY" || scalar(@{$self->{'communities'}}) == 0) {
$self->{'snmp_enabled'} = 0;
$self->call('message', "There is no SNMP community configured.", 5);
# Prepare auth array.
# WMI could be launched with '-N' - no pass - argument.
if ($self->{'wmi_enabled'} == 1){
if (defined($self->{'auth_strings_str'})) {
@{$self->{'auth_strings_array'}} = split(',', $self->{'auth_strings_str'});
# Timeout available only in linux environments.
if ($^O =~ /lin/i && defined($self->{'plugin_exec'}) && defined($self->{'wmi_timeout'})) {
$self->{'timeout_cmd'} = $self->{'plugin_exec'}.' '.$self->{'wmi_timeout'}.' ';
# Remove all snmp related values if disabled
if (!$self->{'snmp_enabled'}) {
$self->{'communities'} = [];
$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_auth_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'} = '';
$self->{'snmp_security_level'} = '';
return $self;
# Add an address to a device.
sub add_addresses($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $ip_address) = @_;
$self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device}->{'addr'}->{$ip_address} = '';
# Inverse relationship.
$self->{'addresses'}{$ip_address} = $device;
# Update IP references.
if (ref($self->{'agents_found'}{$device}) eq 'HASH') {
my @addresses = $self->get_addresses($device);
$self->{'agents_found'}{$device}{'other_ips'} = \@addresses;
$self->call('message', 'New IP detected for '.$device.': '.$ip_address, 5);
# Get main address from given address (multi addressed devices).
sub get_main_address($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
return $self->{'addresses'}{$addr};
# Add a MAC/IP address to the ARP cache.
sub add_mac($$$) {
my ($self, $mac, $ip_addr) = @_;
$mac = parse_mac($mac);
$self->{'arp_cache'}->{$mac} = $ip_addr;
# Add an interface/MAC to the interface cache.
sub add_iface($$$) {
my ($self, $iface, $mac) = @_;
$iface =~ s/"//g;
$self->{'ifaces'}->{$mac} = $iface;
# Discover connectivity from address forwarding tables.
sub aft_connectivity($$) {
my ($self, $switch) = @_;
my (%mac_temp, @aft_temp);
return unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($switch));
# Get the address forwarding table (AFT) of each switch.
my @aft;
foreach my $mac ($self->snmp_get_value_array($switch, $DOT1DTPFDBADDRESS)) {
push(@aft, parse_mac($mac));
# Search for matching entries.
foreach my $aft_mac (@aft) {
# Do we know who this is?
my $host = $self->get_ip_from_mac($aft_mac);
next unless defined($host) and $host ne '';
# Get the name of the host interface if available.
my $host_if_name = $self->get_iface($aft_mac);
$host_if_name = defined($host_if_name) ? $host_if_name : 'Host Alive';
# Get the interface associated to the port were we found the MAC address.
my $switch_if_name = $self->get_if_from_aft($switch, $aft_mac);
next unless defined($switch_if_name) and ($switch_if_name ne '');
# Do not connect a host to a switch twice using the same interface.
# The switch is probably connected to another switch.
next if ($self->is_switch_connected($host, $host_if_name));
$self->mark_switch_connected($host, $host_if_name);
# The switch and the host are already connected.
next if ($self->are_connected($switch, $switch_if_name, $host, $host_if_name));
# Connect!
$self->mark_connected($switch, $switch_if_name, $host, $host_if_name);
$self->call('message', "Switch $switch (if $switch_if_name) is connected to host $host (if $host_if_name).", 5);
# Return 1 if the given devices are connected to each other, 0 otherwise.
sub are_connected($$$$$) {
my ($self, $dev_1, $if_1, $dev_2, $if_2) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$dev_1 = $self->{'aliases'}->{$dev_1} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$dev_1});
$dev_2 = $self->{'aliases'}->{$dev_2} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$dev_2});
# Use Host Alive modules when interfaces are unknown.
$if_1 = "Host Alive" if $if_1 eq '';
$if_2 = "Host Alive" if $if_2 eq '';
if ( defined($self->{'connections'}->{"${dev_1}\t${if_1}\t${dev_2}\t${if_2}"})
||defined($self->{'connections'}->{"${dev_2}\t${if_2}\t${dev_1}\t${if_1}"})) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Initialize tmp pool for addr.
# Already discovered by scan_subnet. Registration only.
sub icmp_discovery($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
# Create an agent for the device and add it to the list of known hosts.
push(@{$self->{'hosts'}}, $addr);
# Create an agent for the device and add it to the list of known hosts.
'ip_target' => $addr,
'name' => "Host Alive",
'description' => '',
'type' => 'remote_icmp_proc',
'id_modulo' => 2,
# Discover as much information as possible from the given device using SNMP.
sub snmp_discovery($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Have we already visited this device?
return if ($self->is_visited($device));
# Mark the device as visited.
# Are SNMP scans enabled?
if ($self->{'snmp_enabled'} == 1) {
# Try to find the MAC with an ARP request.
# Check if the device responds to SNMP.
if ($self->snmp_responds($device)) {
$self->{'summary'}->{'SNMP'} += 1;
# Fill the VLAN cache.
# Guess the device type.
# Find aliases for the device.
# Find interfaces for the device.
# Check remote ARP caches.
# Get PEN.
# Try to call the given function on the given object.
sub call {
my $self = shift;
my $func = shift;
my @params = @_;
if ($self->can($func)) {
# Disable the VLAN cache.
sub disable_vlan_cache($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
$self->{'__vlan_cache_enabled__'} = 0;
# Enable the VLAN cache.
sub enable_vlan_cache($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
return if ($self->{'vlan_cache_enabled'} == 0);
$self->{'__vlan_cache_enabled__'} = 1;
# Connect the given hosts to its gateway.
sub gateway_connectivity($$) {
my ($self, $host) = @_;
my $gw = $self->get_gateway($host);
return unless defined($gw);
# Check for aliases!
$host = $self->{'aliases'}->{$host} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$host});
$gw = $self->{'aliases'}->{$gw} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$gw});
# Same host, different IP addresses.
return if ($host eq $gw);
$self->call('message', "Host $host is reached via gateway $gw.", 5);
$self->mark_connected($gw, '', $host, '');
# Find IP address aliases for the given device.
sub find_aliases($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Get ARP cache.
my @ip_addresses = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $IPENTADDR);
foreach my $ip_address (@ip_addresses) {
# Skip broadcast and localhost addresses.
next if ($ip_address =~ m/\.255$|\.0$|127\.0\.0\.1$/);
# Sometimes we find the same IP address we had.
next if ($ip_address eq $device);
$self->add_addresses($device, $ip_address);
# Try to find the MAC with an ARP request.
$self->call('message', "Found address $ip_address for host $device.", 5);
# Is this address an alias itself?
$device = $self->{'aliases'}->{$device} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$device});
next if ($ip_address eq $device);
# Link the two addresses.
$self->{'aliases'}->{$ip_address} = $device;
# Find all the interfaces for the given host.
sub find_ifaces($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Does it respond to SNMP?
return unless ($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
my @output = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFINDEX);
foreach my $if_index (@output) {
next unless ($if_index =~ /^[0-9]+$/);
# Ignore virtual interfaces.
next if ($self->get_if_type($device, $if_index) eq '53');
# Get the MAC.
my $mac = $self->get_if_mac($device, $if_index);
next unless (defined($mac) && $mac ne '');
# Save it.
$self->add_mac($mac, $device);
# Get the name of the network interface.
my $if_name = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$PandoraFMS::Recon::Base::IFNAME.$if_index");
next unless defined($if_name);
# Save it.
$self->add_iface($if_name, $mac);
$self->call('message', "Found interface $if_name MAC $mac for host $device.", 5);
# Find the device's VLANs and fill the VLAN cache.
sub find_vlans ($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
my %vlan_hash;
foreach my $vlan ($self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $VTPVLANIFINDEX)) {
next if $vlan eq '0';
$vlan_hash{$vlan} = 1;
my @vlans = keys(%vlan_hash);
$self->{'vlan_cache'}->{$device} = [];
push(@{$self->{'vlan_cache'}->{$device}}, @vlans) if (scalar(@vlans) > 0);
# Return the addresses of the given device as an array.
sub get_addresses($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
if (defined($self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device})) {
return keys(%{$self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device}->{'addr'}});
# By default return the given address.
return ($device);
# Return a device structure from an IP address.
sub get_device($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
if (defined($self->{'visited_devices'}->{$addr})) {
return $self->{'visited_devices'}->{$addr};
return undef;
# Get the SNMP community of the given device. Returns undef if no community was found.
sub get_community($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
return '' if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3");
if (defined($self->{'community_cache'}->{$device})) {
return $self->{'community_cache'}->{$device};
return '';
# Return the connection hash.
sub get_connections($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'connections'};
# Return the PEN associated to target host.
sub get_pen($$) {
my ($self, $host) = @_;
return undef unless ref($self->{'pen'}) eq 'HASH';
return $self->{'pen'}->{$host};
# Return the parent relationship hash.
sub get_parents($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'parents'};
# Get the type of the given device.
sub get_device_type($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
if (defined($self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device})) {
if (defined($self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device}->{'type'})) {
return $self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device}->{'type'};
} else {
$self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device}->{'type'} = 'host';
# Assume 'host' by default.
return 'host';
# Return all known hosts that are not switches or routers.
sub get_hosts($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'hosts'};
# Add an interface/MAC to the interface cache.
sub get_iface($$) {
my ($self, $mac) = @_;
return undef unless defined($self->{'ifaces'}->{$mac});
return $self->{'ifaces'}->{$mac};
# Get an interface name from an AFT entry. Returns undef on error.
sub get_if_from_aft($$$) {
my ($self, $switch, $mac) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the MAC.
my $port = $self->snmp_get_value($switch, "$DOT1DTPFDBPORT." . mac_to_dec($mac));
return '' unless defined($port);
# Get the interface index associated to the port.
my $if_index = $self->snmp_get_value($switch, "$DOT1DBASEPORTIFINDEX.$port");
return '' unless defined($if_index);
# Get the interface name.
my $if_name = $self->snmp_get_value($switch, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return "if$if_index" unless defined($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
# Get an interface name from an IP address.
sub get_if_from_ip($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $ip_addr) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the IP address.
my $if_index = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$IPROUTEIFINDEX.$ip_addr");
return '' unless defined($if_index);
# Get the name of the interface associated to the port.
my $if_name = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return '' unless defined($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
# Get an interface name from a MAC address.
sub get_if_from_mac($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $mac) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the IP address.
my @output = $self->snmp_get($device, $IFPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless $line =~ /^IFPHYSADDRESS.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/;
my ($if_index, $if_mac) = ($1, $2);
# Make sure the MAC addresses match.
next unless (mac_matches($mac, $if_mac) == 1);
# Pupulate the ARP cache.
$self->add_mac($mac, $device);
# Get the name of the interface associated to the port.
my $if_name = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return '' unless defined($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
return '';
# Get an interface name from a port number. Returns '' on error.
sub get_if_from_port($$$) {
my ($self, $switch, $port) = @_;
# Get the interface index associated to the port.
my $if_index = $self->snmp_get_value($switch, "$DOT1DBASEPORTIFINDEX.$port");
return '' unless defined($if_index);
# Get the interface name.
my $if_name = $self->snmp_get_value($switch, "$IFNAME.$if_index");
return "if$if_index" unless defined($if_name);
$if_name =~ s/"//g;
return $if_name;
# Returns the IP address of the given interface (by index).
sub get_if_ip($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $if_index) = @_;
my @output = $self->snmp_get($device, $IPADENTIFINDEX);
foreach my $line (@output) {
return $1 if ($line =~ m/^$IPADENTIFINDEX.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+$if_index$/);
return '';
# Returns the MAC address of the given interface (by index).
sub get_if_mac($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $if_index) = @_;
my $mac = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$IFPHYSADDRESS.$if_index");
return '' unless defined($mac);
# Clean-up the MAC address.
$mac = parse_mac($mac);
return $mac;
# Returns the type of the given interface (by index).
sub get_if_type($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $if_index) = @_;
my $type = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$IFTYPE.$if_index");
return '' unless defined($type);
return $type;
# Get an IP address from the ARP cache given the MAC address.
sub get_ip_from_mac($$) {
my ($self, $mac_addr) = @_;
if (defined($self->{'arp_cache'}->{$mac_addr})) {
return $self->{'arp_cache'}->{$mac_addr};
return undef;
# Attemtps to find
sub get_mac_from_ip($$) {
my ($self, $host) = @_;
my $mac = undef;
eval {
$mac = `arping -c 1 $host 2>$DEVNULL`;
$mac = undef unless ($? == 0);
return unless defined($mac);
($mac) = $mac =~ /\[(.*?)\]/ if defined($mac);
# Clean-up the MAC address.
$mac = parse_mac($mac);
$self->add_mac($mac, $host);
$self->call('message', "Found MAC $mac for host $host in the local ARP cache.", 5);
# Get a port number from an AFT entry. Returns undef on error.
sub get_port_from_aft($$$) {
my ($self, $switch, $mac) = @_;
# Get the port associated to the MAC.
my $port = $self->snmp_get_value($switch, "$DOT1DTPFDBPORT." . mac_to_dec($mac));
return '' unless defined($port);
return $port;
# Fill the route cache.
sub get_routes($) {
my ($self) = @_;
# Empty the current route cache.
$self->{'routes'} = [];
# Parse route's output.
my @output = `route -n 2>$DEVNULL`;
foreach my $line (@output) {
if ($line =~ /^0\.0\.0\.0\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*/) {
$self->{'default_gw'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*/) {
push(@{$self->{'routes'}}, { dest => $1, gw => $2, mask => $3 });
# Replace with the default gateway's IP.
return unless defined($self->{'default_gw'});
foreach my $route (@{$self->{'routes'}}) {
$route->{gw} = $self->{'default_gw'} if ($route->{'gw'} eq '');
# Get the gateway to reach the given host.
sub get_gateway($) {
my ($self, $host) = @_;
# Look for a specific route to the given host.
foreach my $route (@{$self->{'routes'}}) {
if (subnet_matches($host, $route->{'dest'}, $route->{'mask'})) {
return $route->{'gw'};
# Return the default gateway.
return $self->{'default_gw'} if defined($self->{'default_gw'});
# Ops!
return undef;
# Return a pointer to an array containing configured subnets.
sub get_subnets($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'subnets'};
# Get an array of all the visited devices.
# NOTE: This functions returns the whole device structures, not just address
# like get_hosts, get_switches, get_routers and get_all_devices.
sub get_visited_devices($) {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{'visited_devices'};
# Returns an array of found VLAN IDs.
sub get_vlans($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Disabled in verison 3
return () if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3");
# Is the VLAN cache disabled?
return () unless ($self->{'__vlan_cache_enabled__'} == 1);
return () unless defined($self->{'vlan_cache'}->{$device});
return @{$self->{'vlan_cache'}->{$device}};
# Guess the type of the given device.
sub guess_device_type($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Get the value of sysServices.
my $services = $self->snmp_get_value($device, "$SYSSERVICES.0");
return unless defined($services);
# Check the individual bits.
my @service_bits = split('', unpack('b8', pack('C', $services)));
# Check for layer 2 connectivity support.
my $bridge_mib = $self->snmp_get_value($device, $DOT1DBASEBRIDGEADDRESS);
# L2?
my $device_type;
if ($service_bits[1] == 1) {
# L3?
if ($service_bits[2] == 1) {
# Bridge MIB?
if (defined($bridge_mib)) {
$device_type = 'switch';
} else {
# L7?
if ($service_bits[6] == 1) {
$device_type = 'host';
} else {
$device_type = 'router';
}else {
# Bridge MIB?
if (defined($bridge_mib)) {
$device_type = 'switch';
} else {
$device_type = 'host';
}else {
# L3?
if ($service_bits[2] == 1) {
# L4?
if ($service_bits[3] == 1) {
$device_type = 'switch';
} else {
# L7?
if ($service_bits[6] == 1) {
$device_type = 'host';
} else {
$device_type = 'router';
}else {
# Printer MIB?
my $printer_mib = $self->snmp_get_value($device, $PRTMARKERINDEX);
if (defined($printer_mib)) {
$device_type = 'printer';
} else {
$device_type = 'host';
# Set the type of the device.
$self->set_device_type($device, $device_type);
# Return 1 if the given device has children.
sub has_children($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$device = $self->{'aliases'}->{$device} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$device});
return 1 if (defined($self->{'children'}->{$device}));
return 0;
# Return 1 if the given device has a parent.
sub has_parent($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$device = $self->{'aliases'}->{$device} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$device});
return 1 if (defined($self->{'parents'}->{$device}));
return 0;
# Returns 1 if the device belongs to one of the scanned subnets.
sub in_subnet($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
$device = ip_to_long($device);
# No subnets specified.
return 1 if (scalar(@{$self->{'subnets'}}) <= 0);
foreach my $subnet (@{$self->{'subnets'}}) {
if (subnet_matches($device, $subnet)) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Check for switches that are connected to other switches/routers and show
# up in a switch/router's port.
sub is_switch_connected($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $iface) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$device = $self->{'aliases'}->{$device} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$device});
return 1 if defined($self->{'switch_to_switch'}->{"${device}\t${iface}"});
return 0;
# Returns 1 if the given device has already been visited, 0 otherwise.
sub is_visited($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$device = $self->{'aliases'}->{$device} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$device});
if (defined($self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device})) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Returns 1 if the given device has responded successfully to a snmp request
# Returns 0 otherwise.
sub is_snmp_discovered($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Check if device is into discovered cache
return (defined($self->{'discovered_cache'}->{$device})) ? 1 : 0;
# Mark the given devices as connected to each other on the given interfaces.
sub mark_connected($$;$$$) {
my ($self, $parent, $parent_if, $child, $child_if) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$parent = $self->{'aliases'}->{$parent} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$parent});
$child = $self->{'aliases'}->{$child} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$child});
# Use ping modules when interfaces are unknown.
$parent_if = "Host Alive" if $parent_if eq '';
$child_if = "Host Alive" if $child_if eq '';
# Do not connect devices using ping modules. A parent-child relationship is enough.
if ($parent_if ne "Host Alive" || $child_if ne "Host Alive") {
$self->{'connections'}->{"${parent}\t${parent_if}\t${child}\t${child_if}"} = 1;
$self->call('connect_agents', $parent, $parent_if, $child, $child_if);
# Prevent parent-child loops.
if (!defined($self->{'parents'}->{$parent})
||$self->{'parents'}->{$parent} ne $child) {
# A parent-child relationship is always created to help complete the map with
# layer 3 information.
$self->{'parents'}->{$child} = $parent;
$self->{'children'}->{$parent} = $child;
$self->call('set_parent', $child, $parent);
# Mark the given switch as having a connection on the given interface.
sub mark_switch_connected($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $iface) = @_;
# Check for aliases!
$device = $self->{'aliases'}->{$device} if defined($self->{'aliases'}->{$device});
$self->{'switch_to_switch'}->{"${device}\t${iface}"} = 1;
# Mark the given device as visited.
sub mark_visited($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
$self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device} = {
'addr' => { $device => '' },
'type' => 'host'
# Mark the given device as snmp discovered.
sub mark_discovered($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
$self->{'discovered_cache'}->{$device} = 1;
# Validate the configuration for the given device.
# Returns 1 if successfull snmp contact, 0 otherwise.
# Updates the SNMP community cache on v1, v2 and v2c.
sub snmp_responds($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
return 1 if($self->is_snmp_discovered($device));
return ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3")
? $self->snmp_responds_v3($device)
: $self->snmp_responds_v122c($device);
# Looks for a working SNMP community for the given device. Returns 1 if one is
# found, 0 otherwise. Updates the SNMP community cache.
sub snmp_responds_v122c($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
foreach my $community (@{$self->{'communities'}}) {
# Clean blanks.
$community =~ s/\s+//g;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, ".0", $community);
if ($? == 0) {
$self->set_community($device, $community);
return 1;
return 0;
# Validate the SNMP v3 configuration for a device.
# Returns 1 if successfull snmp contact, 0 otherwise.
sub snmp_responds_v3($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, ".0");
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Parse the local ARP cache.
sub local_arp($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my @output = `arp -an 2>$DEVNULL`;
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless ($line =~ m/\((\S+)\) at ([0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+)/);
$self->add_mac(parse_mac($2), $1);
# Parse remote SNMP ARP caches.
sub remote_arp($$) {
my ($self, $device) = @_;
# Try to learn more MAC addresses from the device's ARP cache.
my @output = $self->snmp_get($device, $IPNETTOMEDIAPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless ($line =~ /^$IPNETTOMEDIAPHYSADDRESS\.\d+\.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
my ($ip_addr, $mac_addr) = ($1, $2);
# Skip broadcast, net and local addresses.
next if ($ip_addr =~ m/\.255$|\.0$|127\.0\.0\.1$/);
$mac_addr = parse_mac($mac_addr);
$self->add_mac($mac_addr, $ip_addr);
$self->call('message', "Found MAC $mac_addr for host $ip_addr in the ARP cache of host $device.", 5);
# Look in atPhysAddress for MAC addresses too.
@output = $self->snmp_get($device, $ATPHYSADDRESS);
foreach my $line (@output) {
next unless ($line =~ m/^$ATPHYSADDRESS\.\d+\.\d+\.(\S+)\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
my ($ip_addr, $mac_addr) = ($1, $2);
# Skip broadcast, net and local addresses.
next if ($ip_addr =~ m/\.255$|\.0$|127\.0\.0\.1$/);
$mac_addr = parse_mac($mac_addr);
$self->add_mac($mac_addr, $ip_addr);
$self->call('message', "Found MAC $mac_addr for host $ip_addr in the ARP cache (atPhysAddress) of host $device.", 5);
# Add agent to pool (will be registered at the end of the scan).
sub prepare_agent($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
# Avoid multi-ip agent. No reference, is first encounter.
my $main_address = $self->get_main_address($addr);
return unless is_empty($main_address);
# Resolve hostnames.
my $host_name = (($self->{'resolve_names'} == 1) ? gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($addr), AF_INET) : $addr);
# Fallback to device IP if host name could not be resolved.
$host_name = $addr if (!defined($host_name) || $host_name eq '');
$self->{'agents_found'} = {} if ref($self->{'agents_found'}) ne 'HASH';
# Already initialized.
return if ref($self->{'agents_found'}->{$addr}) eq 'HASH';
my @addresses = $self->get_addresses($addr);
$self->{'agents_found'}->{$addr} = {
'agent' => {
'nombre' => $host_name,
'direccion' => $addr,
'alias' => $host_name,
'other_ips' => \@addresses,
'pen' => $self->{'pen'}{$addr},
'modules' => [],
# Add agent to pool (will be registered at the end of the scan).
sub add_agent($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
# Avoid create empty agents.
return if is_empty($addr);
# Add module to agent (tmp pool) (will be registered at the end of the scan).
sub add_module($$$) {
my ($self, $agent, $data) = @_;
$self->{'agents_found'}->{$agent}->{'modules'} = {}
unless ref($self->{'agents_found'}->{$agent}->{'modules'}) eq 'HASH';
# Test module. Is it well defined?
return unless ref($data) eq 'HASH' && defined($data->{'name'})
&& $data->{'name'} ne '';
# Test module. Is it success? Some components have MIB name instead OID.
$self->{'translate_snmp'} = 1;
my $rs = $self->call('test_module', $agent, $data);
$self->{'translate_snmp'} = 0;
return unless is_enabled($rs);
$self->{'agents_found'}->{$agent}->{'modules'}{$data->{'name'}} = $data;
# Test target address (methods).
sub test_capabilities($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
if (is_enabled($self->{'snmp_enabled'})) {
# SNMP discovery.
# WMI discovery.
if (is_enabled($self->{'wmi_enabled'})) {
# Add wmi scan if enabled.
# RCMD discovery.
if (is_enabled($self->{'rcmd_enabled'})) {
# Add wmi scan if enabled.
# Scan the given subnet.
sub scan_subnet($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $progress = 1;
my @subnets = @{$self->get_subnets()};
foreach my $subnet (@subnets) {
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 0;
$self->{'c_network_name'} = $subnet;
$self->call('update_progress', ceil($progress));
# Clean blanks.
$subnet =~ s/\s+//g;
my $net_addr = new NetAddr::IP($subnet);
if (!defined($net_addr)) {
$self->call('message', "Invalid network: $subnet", 3);
# Save the network and broadcast addresses.
my $network = $net_addr->network();
my $broadcast = $net_addr->broadcast();
my @hosts = map { (split('/', $_))[0] } $net_addr->hostenum;
my $total_hosts = scalar(@hosts);
my %hosts_alive = ();
# By default 200, (20 * 10)
my $host_block_size = $self->{'block_size'};
$host_block_size = 50 unless defined($self->{'block_size'});
# The first 50% of the recon task approx.
my $step = 25.0 / scalar(@subnets) / (($total_hosts / $host_block_size)+1);
my $subnet_step = 50.0 / (($total_hosts / $host_block_size)+1);
for (my $block_index=0;
$block_index < $total_hosts;
$block_index += $host_block_size
) {
# Update the recon task
# Increase self summary.alive hosts.
$self->call('message', "Searching for hosts (".$block_index." / ".$total_hosts.")", 5);
my $to = $host_block_size + $block_index;
$to = $total_hosts if $to >= $total_hosts;
my $c_block_size = $to - $block_index;
my @block = pandora_block_ping(
'fping' => $self->{'fping'},
'networktimeout' => 0.5 # use fping defaults
@hosts[$block_index .. $to - 1]
# check alive hosts in current block
%hosts_alive = (
map {chomp; $_ => 1} @block
$self->{'summary'}->{'not_alive'} += $c_block_size - (scalar @block);
$self->{'summary'}->{'alive'} += scalar @block;
# Update progress.
$progress += $step;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} += $subnet_step;
# Populate.
$self->call('update_progress', ceil($progress));
# Update progress.
$self->call('message', "Searching for hosts (".$total_hosts." / ".$total_hosts.")", 5);
$progress = ceil($progress);
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 50;
# Populate.
$self->call('update_progress', ceil($progress));
$total_hosts = scalar keys %hosts_alive;
if ($total_hosts == 0) {
# Populate.
$self->{'c_network_percent'} += 50;
$self->call('update_progress', ceil($progress)+25);
$step = 25.0 / scalar(@subnets) / $total_hosts;
$subnet_step = 50.0 / $total_hosts;
$self->{'step'} = STEP_CAPABILITIES;
foreach my $addr (keys %hosts_alive) {
# Increase self summary.alive hosts.
$self->call('message', "Scanning host: $addr", 5);
$self->{'c_network_name'} = $addr;
# Update progress.
$progress += $step;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} += $subnet_step;
# Populate.
$self->call('update_progress', ceil($progress));
# Filter by port (if enabled).
if (!is_empty($self->{'recon_ports'})) {
next unless $self->call("tcp_scan", $addr) > 0;
# Enable/ disable capabilities.
# Perform a Cloud scan
sub cloud_scan($) {
my $self = shift;
my ($progress, $step);
my $type = '';
if ( $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_CLOUD_AWS_EC2
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_CLOUD_AWS_RDS) {
$type = 'Aws';
} else {
# Unrecognized task type.
$self->call('message', 'Unrecognized task type', 1);
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
# Initialize cloud object.
my $cloudObj = PandoraFMS::Recon::Util::enterprise_new(
task_data => $self->{'task_data'},
aws_access_key_id => $self->{'aws_access_key_id'},
aws_secret_access_key => $self->{'aws_secret_access_key'},
cloud_util_path => $self->{'cloud_util_path'},
creds_file => $self->{'creds_file'},
parent => $self
if (!$cloudObj) {
# Failed to initialize, check Cloud credentials or anything.
$self->call('message', 'Unable to initialize PandoraFMS::Recon::Cloud::'.$type, 3);
} else {
# Let Cloud object manage scan.
# Update progress.
# Done!
$self->{'step'} = '';
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
# Performs a database scan.
sub database_scan($$$) {
my ($self, $type, $obj, $global_percent, $targets) = @_;
my @data;
my @modules;
my $dbObjCfg = $obj->get_config();
$self->{'summary'}->{'discovered'} += 1;
$self->{'summary'}->{'alive'} += 1;
push @modules,
name => $type . ' connection',
type => 'generic_proc',
data => 1,
description => $type . ' availability'
# Analyze.
$self->{'step'} = STEP_STATISTICS;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 30;
$self->call('update_progress', $global_percent + (30 / (scalar @$targets)));
$self->{'c_network_name'} = $obj->get_host();
# Retrieve connection statistics.
# Retrieve uptime statistics
# Retrieve query stats
# Retrieve connections
# Retrieve innodb
# Retrieve cache
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 50;
$self->call('update_progress', $global_percent + (50 / (scalar @$targets)));
push @modules, $obj->get_statistics();
# Custom queries.
$self->{'step'} = STEP_CUSTOM_QUERIES;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 80;
$self->call('update_progress', $global_percent + (80 / (scalar @$targets)));
push @modules, $obj->execute_custom_queries();
if (defined($dbObjCfg->{'scan_databases'})
&& "$dbObjCfg->{'scan_databases'}" eq "1") {
# Skip database scan in Oracle tasks
next if defined($self->{'type'}) && $self->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_ORACLE;
# Skip database scan in DB2 tasks
next if defined($self->{'type'}) && $self->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_DB2;
my $__data = $obj->scan_databases();
if (ref($__data) eq "ARRAY") {
if (defined($dbObjCfg->{'agent_per_database'})
&& $dbObjCfg->{'agent_per_database'} == 1) {
# Agent per database detected.
push @data, @{$__data};
} else {
# Merge modules into engine agent.
my @_modules = map {
map { $_ }
} @{$__data};
push @modules, @_modules;
return {
'modules' => \@modules,
'data' => \@data
# Perform an Application scan.
sub app_scan($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($progress, $step);
my $type = '';
my $db_scan = 0;
# APP object initialization.
if ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_MYSQL) {
$type = 'MySQL';
} elsif ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_ORACLE) {
$type = 'Oracle';
} elsif ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_DB2) {
$type = 'DB2';
} elsif ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER) {
$type = 'MSSQL';
} elsif ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_SAP) {
$type = 'SAP';
} else {
# Unrecognized task type.
$self->call('message', 'Unrecognized task type', 1);
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
my @targets = split /,/, $self->{'task_data'}->{'subnet'};
my $global_step = 100 / (scalar @targets);
my $global_percent = 0;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $target (@targets) {
if ( !defined($target)
|| $target eq ''
|| $target =~ /^#/) {
# Ignore empty target or commented one.
my @data;
my @modules;
$self->{'step'} = STEP_APP_SCAN;
$self->{'c_network_name'} = $target;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 0;
# Send message
$self->call('message', 'Checking target ' . $target, 10);
# Force target acquirement.
$self->{'task_data'}->{'dbhost'} = $target;
$self->{'task_data'}->{'target_index'} = $i++;
# Update progress
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 10;
$self->call('update_progress', $global_percent + (10 / (scalar @targets)));
# Connect to target.
my $obj = PandoraFMS::Recon::Util::enterprise_new(
'target' => $target,
'pa_config' => $self->{'pa_config'},
'parent' => $self
if (defined($obj)) {
# Verify if object is connected. If cannot connect to current target
# return with module.
if (!$obj->is_connected()) {
$self->call('message', 'Cannot connect to target ' . $target, 3);
$global_percent += $global_step;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 90;
# Update progress
$self->call('update_progress', $global_percent + (90 / (scalar @targets)));
$self->{'summary'}->{'not_alive'} += 1;
push @modules, {
name => $type . ' connection',
type => 'generic_proc',
data => 0,
description => $type . ' availability'
} else {
# $results is always a hash with:
# @modules => 'global' modules.
# @data => {
# 'agent_data' => {}
# 'module_data' => []
# }
my $results;
# Scan connected obj.
if ( $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_MYSQL
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_ORACLE
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_DB2
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER
) {
# Database.
$results = $self->database_scan($type, $obj, $global_percent, \@targets);
} elsif ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_SAP) {
# SAP scan
$results = $obj->scan();
# Add results.
if (ref($results) eq 'HASH') {
if (defined($results->{'modules'})) {
push @modules, @{$results->{'modules'}};
if (defined($results->{'data'})) {
push @data, @{$results->{'data'}};
# Put engine agent at the beginning of the list.
my $version = $obj->get_version();
unshift @data, {
'agent_data' => {
'agent_name' => $obj->get_agent_name(),
'os' => $type,
'os_version' => (defined($version) ? $version : 'Discovery'),
'interval' => $self->{'task_data'}->{'interval_sweep'},
'id_group' => $self->{'task_data'}->{'id_group'},
'address' => $obj->get_host(),
'description' => '',
'module_data' => \@modules,
$self->call('create_agents', \@data);
# Destroy item.
$global_percent += $global_step;
$self->{'c_network_percent'} = 100;
$self->call('update_progress', $global_percent);
# Update progress.
# Done!
$self->{'step'} = '';
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
# Perform a deployment scan.
sub deploy_scan($) {
my $self = shift;
my ($progress, $step);
my $type = '';
# Initialize deployer object.
my $deployer = PandoraFMS::Recon::Util::enterprise_new(
task_data => $self->{'task_data'},
parent => $self
if (!$deployer) {
# Failed to initialize, check Cloud credentials or anything.
$self->call('message', 'Unable to initialize PandoraFMS::Recon::Deployer', 3);
} else {
# Let deployer object manage scan.
# Update progress.
# Done!
$self->{'step'} = '';
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
# Perform a network scan.
sub scan($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($progress, $step) = 1, 0;
# 1%
$self->call('update_progress', 1);
if (defined($self->{'task_data'})) {
if ( $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_MYSQL
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_ORACLE
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_DB2
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER
|| $self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_APP_SAP) {
# Application scan.
$self->call('message', "Scanning application ...", 6);
return $self->app_scan();
if ($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_CLOUD_AWS_RDS) {
# Cloud scan.
return $self->cloud_scan();
if($self->{'task_data'}->{'type'} == DISCOVERY_DEPLOY_AGENTS) {
return $self->deploy_scan();
&& $self->{'task_data'}{'review_mode'} == DISCOVERY_RESULTS
) {
# Use Cached results.
$self->{'step'} = STEP_PROCESSING;
# Done!
$self->{'step'} = '';
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
# Find devices.
$self->call('message', "[1/6] Scanning the network...", 3);
$self->{'c_network_name'} = '';
$self->{'step'} = STEP_SCANNING;
$self->call('update_progress', $progress);
# Read the local ARP cache.
# Get a list of found hosts.
my @hosts = @{$self->get_hosts()};
if (scalar(@hosts) > 0 && $self->{'parent_detection'} == 1) {
# Delete previous connections.
# Connectivity from address forwarding tables.
$self->call('message', "[2/6] Finding address forwarding table connectivity...", 3);
$self->{'c_network_name'} = '';
$self->{'step'} = STEP_AFT;
($progress, $step) = (50, 10.0 / scalar(@hosts)); # From 50% to 60%.
for (my $i = 0; defined($hosts[$i]); $i++) {
$self->call('update_progress', $progress);
$progress += $step;
# Connect hosts that are still unconnected using traceroute.
$self->call('message', "[3/6] Finding traceroute connectivity.", 3);
$self->{'c_network_name'} = '';
$self->{'step'} = STEP_TRACEROUTE;
($progress, $step) = (60, 10.0 / scalar(@hosts)); # From 60% to 70%.
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
$self->call('update_progress', $progress);
$progress += $step;
next if ($self->has_parent($host) || $self->has_children($host));
# Connect hosts that are still unconnected using known gateways.
$self->call('message', "[4/6] Finding host to gateway connectivity.", 3);
$self->{'c_network_name'} = '';
$self->{'step'} = STEP_GATEWAY;
($progress, $step) = (70, 10.0 / scalar(@hosts)); # From 70% to 80%.
$self->get_routes(); # Update the route cache.
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
$self->call('update_progress', $progress);
$progress += $step;
next if ($self->has_parent($host));
# Apply monitoring templates
$self->call('message', "[5/6] Applying monitoring.", 3);
$self->{'step'} = STEP_MONITORING;
$self->call('apply_monitoring', $self);
# Print debug information on found devices.
$self->call('message', "[Summary]", 3);
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
my $device = $self->get_device($host);
next unless defined($device);
# Print device information.
my $dev_info = "Device: " . $device->{'type'} . " (";
foreach my $ip_address ($self->get_addresses($host)) {
$dev_info .= "$ip_address,";
$dev_info .= ')';
$self->call('message', $dev_info, 3);
# Apply monitoring templates
$self->call('message', "[6/6] Processing results.", 3);
$self->{'step'} = STEP_PROCESSING;
# Send agent information to Database (Discovery) or XML (satellite.).
&& $self->{'task_data'}{'review_mode'} == DISCOVERY_STANDARD
) {
# Send agent information to Database (Discovery) or XML (satellite.).
$self->call('report_scanned_agents', 1);
# Done!
$self->{'step'} = '';
$self->call('update_progress', -1);
# Set an SNMP community for the given device.
sub set_community($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $community) = @_;
$self->{'community_cache'}->{$device} = $community;
# Set the type of the given device.
sub set_device_type($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $type) = @_;
$self->{'visited_devices'}->{$device}->{'type'} = $type;
# Calculate
sub snmp_pen($$) {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
$self->{'pen'} = {} if ref($self->{'pen'}) ne 'HASH';
$self->{'pen'}{$addr} = $self->snmp_get_value($addr, $PEN_OID);
if(defined($self->{'pen'}{$addr})) {
($self->{'pen'}{$addr}) = $self->{'pen'}{$addr} =~ /\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(\d+?)\./
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns the response as an array.
sub snmp_get($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $oid) = @_;
my @output;
return () unless defined $self->is_snmp_discovered($device);
my $community = $self->get_community($device);
# Check the SNMP query cache first.
if (defined($self->{'snmp_cache'}->{"${device}_${oid}"})) {
return @{$self->{'snmp_cache'}->{"${device}_${oid}"}};
# Check VLANS.
my @vlans = $self->get_vlans($device);
if (scalar(@vlans) == 0) {
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, $oid, $community);
@output = `$command`;
}else {
# Handle duplicate lines.
my %output_hash;
foreach my $vlan (@vlans) {
my $command = $self->snmp_get_command($device, $oid, $community, $vlan);
foreach my $line (`$command`) {
$output_hash{$line} = 1;
push(@output, keys(%output_hash));
# Update the SNMP query cache.
$self->{'snmp_cache'}->{"${device}_${oid}"} = [@output];
return @output;
# Get the snmpwalk command seing version 1, 2, 2c or 3.
sub snmp_get_command {
my ($self, $device, $oid, $community, $vlan) = @_;
$vlan = defined($vlan) ? "\@" . $vlan : '';
my $command = "snmpwalk -M$DEVNULL -r$self->{'snmp_checks'} -t$self->{'snmp_timeout'} -v$self->{'snmp_version'} -On -Oe ";
if ($self->{'snmp_version'} eq "3") {
if ($self->{'community'}) { # Context
$command .= " -N \'$self->{'community'}\' ";
$command .= " -l$self->{'snmp_security_level'} ";
if ($self->{'snmp_security_level'} ne "noAuthNoPriv") {
$command .= " -u$self->{'snmp_auth_user'} -a $self->{'snmp_auth_method'} -A \'$self->{'snmp_auth_pass'}\' ";
if ($self->{'snmp_security_level'} eq "authPriv") {
$command .= " -x$self->{'snmp_privacy_method'} -X \'$self->{'snmp_privacy_pass'}\' ";
} else {
$command .= " -c\'$community\'$vlan ";
return "$command $device $oid 2>$DEVNULL";
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns the value of the given OID. Returns undef
# on error.
sub snmp_get_value($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $oid) = @_;
my $effective_oid = $oid;
if (is_enabled($self->{'translate_snmp'}) && $oid !~ /^[\.\d]+$/) {
$effective_oid = `snmptranslate $oid -On 2>$DEVNULL`;
$effective_oid =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
my @output = $self->snmp_get($device, $effective_oid);
foreach my $line (@output) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
return $1 if ($line =~ /^\.{0,1}$effective_oid\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)/);
return undef;
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns an array of values.
sub snmp_get_value_array($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $oid) = @_;
my @values;
my @output = $self->snmp_get($device, $oid);
foreach my $line (@output) {
push(@values, $1) if ($line =~ /^\.{0,1}$oid\S*\s+=\s+\S+:\s+(.*)$/);
return @values;
# Performs an SNMP WALK and returns a hash of values.
sub snmp_get_value_hash($$$) {
my ($self, $device, $oid) = @_;
my %values;
my @output = $self->snmp_get_value_array($device, $oid);
foreach my $line (@output) {
$values{$line} = '';
return %values;
# Connect the given host to its parent using traceroute.
sub traceroute_connectivity($$) {
my ($self, $host) = @_;
# Perform a traceroute.
my $nmap_args = '-nsP -PE --traceroute --max-retries '.$self->{'icmp_checks'}.' --host-timeout '.$self->{'icmp_timeout'}.'s -T'.$self->{'recon_timing_template'};
my $np = PandoraFMS::Recon::NmapParser->new();
eval {$np->parsescan($self->{'nmap'}, $nmap_args, ($host));};
return if ($@);
# Get hops to the host.
my ($h) = $np->all_hosts();
return unless defined($h);
my @hops = $h->all_trace_hops();
# Skip the target host.
# Reverse the host order (closest hosts first).
@hops = reverse(@hops);
# Look for parents.
my $device = $host;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{'parent_recursion'}; $i++) {
next if is_empty($hops[$i]);
my $parent = $hops[$i]->ipaddr();
# Create an agent for the parent.
$self->call('message', "Host $device is one hop away from host $parent.", 5);
$self->mark_connected($parent, '', $device, '');
# Move on to the next hop.
$device = $parent;
# Returns the credentials with which the host responds to WMI queries or
# undef if it does not respond to WMI.
sub wmi_credentials {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
return $self->{'wmi_auth'}{$target};
# Returns the credentials KEY with which the host responds to WMI queries or
# undef if it does not respond to WMI.
sub wmi_credentials_key {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
return $self->{'wmi_auth_key'}{$target};
# Calculate WMI credentials for target, 1 if calculated, undef if cannot
# connect to target. Credentials could be empty (-N)
sub wmi_credentials_calculation {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
# Test empty credentials.
my @output = `$self->{'timeout_cmd'}$self->{'wmi_client'} -N //$target "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" 2>$DEVNULL`;
my $rs = $self->wmi_output_check($?, @output);
if ($rs == WMI_OK) {
$self->{'wmi_auth'}{$target} = '';
$self->{'wmi_auth_key'}{$target} = '';
return 1;
if ($rs == WMI_UNREACHABLE) {
# Target does not respond.
$self->{'wmi'}{$target} = 0;
return undef;
# Test all credentials selected.
foreach my $key_index (@{$self->{'auth_strings_array'}}) {
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key_index);
next if ref($cred) ne 'HASH';
my $auth = $cred->{'username'}.'%'.$cred->{'password'};
next if $auth eq '%';
@output = `$self->{'timeout_cmd'}$self->{'wmi_client'} -U $auth //$target "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" 2>$DEVNULL`;
my $rs = $self->wmi_output_check($?, @output);
if ($rs == WMI_OK) {
$self->{'wmi_auth'}{$target} = $auth;
$self->{'wmi_auth_key'}{$target} = $key_index;
$self->{'wmi'}{$target} = 1;
$self->{'summary'}->{'WMI'} += 1;
$self->call('message', "[".$target."] WMI available.", 10);
return 1;
if ($rs == WMI_UNREACHABLE) {
# Target does not respond.
$self->call('message', "[".$target."] WMI unreachable.", 10);
$self->{'wmi'}{$target} = 0;
return undef;
return undef;
# Returns the credentials with which the host responds to WMI queries or
# undef if it does not respond to WMI.
sub rcmd_credentials {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
return $self->{'rcmd_auth'}{$target};
# Returns the credentials KEY with which the host responds to WMI queries or
# undef if it does not respond to WMI.
sub rcmd_credentials_key {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
return $self->{'rcmd_auth_key'}{$target};
# Calculate WMI credentials for target, 1 if calculated, undef if cannot
# connect to target. Credentials could be empty (-N)
sub rcmd_credentials_calculation {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
my $rcmd = PandoraFMS::Recon::Util::enterprise_new(
'psexec' => $self->{'parent'}->{'pa_config'}->{'psexec'},
'winexe' => $self->{'parent'}->{'pa_config'}->{'winexe'},
'plink' => $self->{'parent'}->{'pa_config'}->{'plink'}
if (!$rcmd) {
# Library not available.
$self->call('message', "PandoraFMS::RemoteCmd library not available", 10);
return undef;
my $os = $self->{'os_cache'}{$target};
$os = $self->call('guess_os', $target, 1) if is_empty($os);
$self->{'os_cache'}{$target} = $os;
# Test all credentials selected.
foreach my $key_index (@{$self->{'auth_strings_array'}}) {
my $cred = $self->call('get_credentials', $key_index);
next if ref($cred) ne 'HASH';
my $username;
my $domain;
if($cred->{'username'} =~ /^(.*?)\\(.*)$/) {
$domain = $1;
$username = $2;
} else {
$username = $cred->{'username'};
'user' => $username,
'pass' => $cred->{'password'},
'domain' => $domain
my $result;
eval {
$result = $rcmd->rcmd('echo 1');
my $out = '';
$out = $result if !is_empty($result);
$self->call('message', "Trying [".$key_index."] in [". $target."] [".$os."]: [$out]", 10);
if ($@) {
$self->call('message', "Failed while trying [".$key_index."] in [". $target."] [".$os."]:" . @_, 10);
if (!is_empty($result) && $result == "1") {
$self->{'rcmd_auth'}{$target} = $cred;
$self->{'rcmd_auth_key'}{$target} = $key_index;
$self->{'rcmd'}{$target} = 1;
$self->{'summary'}->{'RCMD'} += 1;
$self->call('message', "RCMD available for $target", 10);
return 1;
} else {
$self->call('message', "Last error ($target|$os|$result) was [".$rcmd->get_last_error()."]", 10);
# Not found.
return 0;
# Tests wmi capability for addr.
sub wmi_discovery {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
# Initialization.
$self->{'wmi'} = {} unless ref($self->{'wmi'}) eq 'HASH';
# Calculate credentials.
# Tests credentials against addr.
sub rcmd_discovery {
my ($self, $addr) = @_;
# Initialization.
$self->{'rcmd'} = {} unless ref($self->{'rcmd'}) eq 'HASH';
# Calculate credentials.
# Extra: WMI imported methods. DO NOT EXPORT TO AVOID DOUBLE DEF.
# Validate wmi output. (err code and messages).
sub wmi_output_check {
my ($self, $rc, @output) = @_;
if ($? != 0) {
# Something went wrong.
if (defined($output[-1]) && $output[-1] =~ /NTSTATUS: (.*)/) {
my $err = $1;
$self->{'last_wmi_error'} = $err;
if ($err =~ /NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT/
) {
# Fail.
if ($err =~ /NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED/) {
# Fail.
# Ok.
return WMI_OK;
# Performs a wmi get requests and returns the response as an array.
sub wmi_get {
my ($self, $target, $query) = @_;
return () unless $self->wmi_responds($target);
return $self->wmi_get_command($target, $self->{'wmi_auth'}{$target}, $query);
# Performs a wmi get requests and returns the response as an array.
sub wmi_get_command {
my ($self, $target, $auth, $query) = @_;
return () if is_empty($target);
my @output;
if (defined($auth) && $auth ne '') {
$auth =~ s/'/\'/g;
@output = `$self->{'timeout_cmd'}"$self->{'wmi_client'}" -U '$auth' //$target "$query" 2>$DEVNULL`;
}else {
@output = `$self->{'timeout_cmd'}"$self->{'wmi_client'}" -N //$target "$query" 2>$DEVNULL`;
my $rs = $self->wmi_output_check($?, @output);
if ($rs == WMI_OK) {
return @output;
my $err = $self->{'last_wmi_error'};
$err = 'Not OK, empty error' if is_empty($err);
"[".$target."] WMI error: ".$err,
return ();
# Checks if target is reachable using wmi.
sub wmi_responds {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
return 1 if is_enabled($self->{'wmi'}{$target});
return 0;
# Checks if target is reachable using rcmd.
sub rcmd_responds {
my ($self, $target) = @_;
return 1 if is_enabled($self->{'rcmd'}{$target});
return 0;
# Performs a WMI request and returns the requested column of the first row.
# Returns undef on error.
sub wmi_get_value {
my ($self, $target, $query, $column) = @_;
my @result;
my @output = $self->wmi_get($target, $query);
return undef unless defined($output[2]);
my $line = $output[2];
my @columns = split(/\|/, $line);
return undef unless defined($columns[$column]);
return $columns[$column];
# Performs a WMI request and returns row values for the requested column
# in an array.
sub wmi_get_value_array {
my ($self, $target, $query, $column) = @_;
my @result;
my @output = $self->wmi_get($target, $query);
foreach (my $i = 2; defined($output[$i]); $i++) {
my $line = $output[$i];
my @columns = split(/\|/, $line);
next unless defined($columns[$column]);
push(@result, $columns[$column]);
return @result;
# END: WMI imported methods.