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Pandora FMS DB Stress
This is a small tool to test your database performance. It also could be used to "pregenerate" random or periodic data (using trigonometry functions) and populate ficticious modules.
You need to create an agent and assign modules for automated data injection with this tool. You need to name that modules according to this notation:
random - To generate "random" data.
curve - To generate a math curve using trigonometrical functions, useful to see interpolation working with different intervals, etc
boolean - Generate "random" boolean data.
So you could use any name that contains words "random, curve or boolean", for example:
random_1 or curve_other
You only could choose "data server" kind of module.
Finetuning DB stress tool
Tool is preconfigured to search in all agents for modules called random, curve or boolean, and to use a interval of 300 and during 30 days.
If want to modify this behaviour you should edit pandora_dbstress script and modify some variables at the top of file:
# Configure here target (AGENT_ID for Stress)
my $target_module = -1; # -1 for all modules of that agent
my $target_agent = -1;
my $target_interval = 300;
my $target_days = 30;
Set there target_module (for a fixed module) or set -1 to process all matching targets
Set there target_agent (for a specific agent).
Set target_interval in seconds for default module interval data periodicity.
Set target_days, number of days in the past from current timestamp.